MTL - Unscrupulous Enchantress: The Young Miss Has Arrived!-Chapter 758

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Suzaku glared at him and dared to speak out.

"Little fool, now you should pay attention to me." White said softly on the platform of the mind, the voice is very light, but still can smell a belly black taste that is difficult to conceal.

In other words, I am so hard to show something, this little fool actually dared to remove his eyes!

It seems that his performance is not strong enough!

Lu Yuqian’s mouth is awkward, white, but now, when the final battle is over, you...have a short break!

Mi Xiu solemnly stared at the white, he was able to feel the constant energy from the white body, very powerful!

This feeling made him feel annoyed, he evolved like this, is it still no match for white? He does not believe it!

Like the twins, each body pulls a full bow, like a meteor as an arrow, and it is impossible to imagine how powerful it will be!

Mi Xiu's face can be described as perfect, solemn, and solemn, but the countless eyes that are gathered under his waist are resentful and resentful. When the two arrows are shot, they are bound with a lot of killing tricks!

Wherever the arrow passes, there is no line left in the air, and all of them have a short gap. It is not a silence, but it disappears completely, with space!

White walked away, one kilometer, actually straightened to meet the arrow, the million dragon body collided with the arrow, set off a silent silence.

In a few moments, Bailian came to Mi Xiuya irresistibly, and found out the palm of his hand. He did not see how he acted, but there seemed to be countless attacks on Mi Xiuya.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!" Mi Xiuya widened his eyes incredulously, and the whole body was severely painful. The irresistible force pushed him out thousands of miles away, and along with repeated attacks, this distance was constantly increased. With. The perfect body he is proud of, under the white attack, there is no such resistance.

And he still clearly sees that White does not have the power to activate vertices!

This... how to make him reconciled!

The huge body broke into a skull, wandering in the universe, staring at everyone with resentful eyes.

He is not reconciled!

The body seems to be ignited, he roars in the sky, and countless scattered dust is again assembled. The chaos in space is pulled by the huge unmatched power, pulling to that point, the stars and the sun seem to be pulled by the unmatched power, and they are integrated into it. point.

This scene, let everyone see it!

He...what do you want to do?

"I tried to summarize the reasons for all failures and find the direction of progress. Do you guess what I found? The body and mind are the same, the body is the universe, I don't know the fear, I don't fear the hurt, I am the most powerful existence!" said Michaux. Gradually, he turned into a multi-voice, and after the last word, there seemed to be countless sounds around the ear.

Nebula, Xinghe, and Stardust dust, so many innumerable chaos who are not in a hurry to escape, have been involved in the center, crushed, entangled, and one after another, the evil forces that are astounding, constantly revealing from it.

As far as the eye is concerned, the huge body that traversed the entire space gradually formed.

The huge sight of the people!

And the bigger one is the power it radiates!

The remnants of a few hundred chaos sieves generally trembled and couldn't help but bow down. They were both afraid and frightened, and they were already unable to resist. They knew that they would become the feed and plaything of Mi Xiuya and would not dare to resist.

Today's chaos, even if they all add up, it's just a thousand. It used to be a universe, and every corner has their footprints. It even fell in an instant, and no longer looked down on any waves.

Have to say that this is a tragedy!

As for Mi Xiuya, he is no longer a chaos, nor a chaotic perpetrator, nor a reincarnation. Who knows what he is? Maybe he has already turned himself into a monster, just like this at this moment. !

He became a tree!

Saying that the tree may not be accurate, but only to describe it like this, can tell!

There is no beauty and ugliness. It is a shock that cannot be ignored. If it really surpasses the apex, it will surpass it. It will transcend the beauty and ugliness described in the world, and only be amazed!

The huge branches of the universe, the leaves are not seen, the roots are not seen, and the branches are the ones that are rotating around the tree. Under the trunk, there are countless roots scattered around the universe, on the trunk, numerous and dense. The eyes open, like a star.

Yes, there is no star in this universe, and that eye is starlight!

With the nutrients of the entire universe, it created itself and created the image of a tree.

"He eventually abandoned himself." In the white eyes, the light shone: "But it's more interesting."

So, what did Mi Xiuya become?

"I feel, I am the universe, the universe is me, hahahaha, I want the fire of creation, I am the master of creation. Look, I can create the world!" The sound of the rumble was uploaded from the big tree. As the branches shook, the stars fell.

But what is the real planet? !

Falling planets, swallowing each other, but will the planet itself have that layer of teeth? Above the planet, it is a long thing, but will it be a plant like a mold?

Just like Michaux himself, he created it as a monster.

And it is completely foreseeable that such a monster will flow into other worlds of the universe, and what kind of waves will be picked up. It will be like a never-beating greed, and will devour other beings.

If other worlds are also filled with such a virus-like star, the result will be fierce, and this beautiful and colorful world will become a place of fear!

Terrible, it’s terrible!

At least this world has been destroyed.

All the creatures of this world are almost destroyed.

Lu Yiqian has a face-lifting color, and the incomparable anger almost drowned her. There are tens of billions of lives in her Eudemons space, but those who have no contract, but those who are more innocent, she has already regarded Daewoo as her second home. But she was destroyed. She has already regarded this universe as her own child. She is prepared to take good care of her, but it is also ruined. She hates her powerlessness!