MTL - Urban Carefree Immortal Emperor-Chapter 13 Royal Spirit Hotel

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Zeng Caixuan slammed the door shut and ignored the situation. She called Mu Xiaoqiao, listened to the KTV room number, and hurried in.

Yan Huangmian turned blankly and was about to go home when the phone rang. Yan Huang frowned when she saw her mobile phone number. It was her mother Shui Xiaolian.

"Hello." Yan Huang received.

"Huang Er, did you catch Cai Xuan?" Shui Xiaolian said worriedly over there.

"Catch it."

"That's good. How dangerous it is for a girl to be outside in the middle of the night! Come back with her!"

"She's singing with her friends and can't persuade it." Yan Huang leaned on the car and glanced at the magnificent Royal Grand Hotel next to her, speaking softly.

He is the father of Terran, but not the Terran Dad!

He was willing to give Zeng Caixuan an opportunity, and it was already her ancestor's grave!

"Yan Huang, Yan Huang!" Wu Jiamin's voice came over the phone. "Yan Huang, please help me look at her first. She will sing if she wants to sing. Wait until you come back with her."

There was another mother's voice over the phone. "Yes, son, then you can play with Xuaner for a while, and remember to bring her back later, forbid you to come back alone!"

Before waiting for Yan Huang to agree, there was a beeping sound on the phone ...

Yan Huang: "..."


In a luxurious KTV, as soon as the door was opened, several women immediately surrounded Zeng Caixuan, and their mouths were filled with dissatisfaction.

"Cai Xuan, you are too much, you are late for my birthday !!!" A woman dressed in a famous brand and full of gold and precious stones shook her hand dissatisfied when she saw Zeng Caixuan. This man is Mu Xiaoqiao, one of Zeng Caixuan's four girlfriends, and the protagonist of his birthday tonight.

"Yeah!" Another woman with short shoulder-length hair and a lively personality also said to Zeng Caixuan, "Late, penalize three cups!" This person is Zeng Caixuan's other girlfriend, Ruonan.

"Well, let's sit down when you come." A tall woman with long legs and a somewhat proud and cold face also said. She is Zeng Caixuan's last girlfriend, the school flower of Jiangnan No.1 Middle School, Anya.

"Yes, let's talk about three cups first." Mu Xiaoqiao pulled Cai Xuan and walked in. At this moment, she suddenly noticed that there was a man behind Cai Xuan.

"Well, who are you?" Mu Xiaoqiao frowned Yan Huang up and down his eyes, and frowned as he watched less than a hundred yuan on his body. The cheapest Chanel socks on her are worth hundreds of pieces.

"You ..." Zeng Caixuan turned around and saw Yan Huang suddenly appearing behind him, and she was startled. "You ... why this man has been a ghost!"

Yan Huang glanced at the group of ants in front of him, and he was very bright, with no one in his eyes. He walked straight in, and picked the middle-largest position of KTV and sat down.

The expression was high, as if it was an honor for these people to come here.

"Well, who is this poor woman?" At first glance, Yan Huang ignored him, and he occupied his birthday throne, KTV's most central position. Mu Xiaoqiao immediately became displeased, and his title to Yan Huang was also From you to naked nakedness!

"A friend of mine." Zeng Caixuan looked at Yan Huang with a headache.

"What's the matter?" The short-haired Ruo Nan came to Zeng Caixuan, looked at Yan Huang's thin figure with a pair of eyes in contempt, and banged with his two fingers, "Would you like me to help?"

If the man is the most daring and violent of the four women of Zeng Caixuan, he has been practicing Taekwondo since he was a child. I heard that he has now practiced the blue belt and his martial arts are amazing. He has helped her girlfriends defeat several dead-faced pursuits. By!

On the side, Anya, who was proud, looked at Yan Huang as if she were a white swan, then turned aside. She had seen so many toads eating white swans and ignored them.

"What do you want?" Zeng Caixuan walked to Yan Huang's side, and the expression on his face became even more disgusted.

"Just sit down, you sing yours."

"Okay!" Zeng Caixuan looked at Yan Huang's hatred itching!

Sure enough, in the next situation, Yan Huangpan sat on the sofa and meditated quietly, ignoring the surroundings. And the entire KTV gathered more than 20 people, and men and women also took care of themselves.

On the way, Yan Huang also received a call, it was Mo Lao.

"Hey, is it Master Yan?" Mo Lao said respectfully.

"Say." Yan Huang said lightly.

"Master, I'm sorry to bother you. I called you tonight because you have a herbal medicine in it, it's 'cold one'. I looked through all the medicine books and asked a respected alchemist. Master, but I just did n’t find this herb, Master. Look ... ”

In fact, Mo Lao also understands this kind of thing. There are ancient herbal families and mysterious ancestors. Some herbal medicines have different names from the current society. For example, the same fruit, some people call pineapple, some people call pineapple . This is normal for those who have just "born".


When Yan Huang heard this, he immediately hesitated. He made a mistake.

For his long "five thousand years", the 18-year life history of the original "Yanhuang" is really short like a wave of waves. When he wrote this Danfang, he naturally had no time to look at the memory of the original Yanhuang. Instead, I wrote down this Danfang directly based on past experience.

Although it is said to be the simplest and low-level version of the "Quined Body Dan simplified version", this is a barren earth with aura, and there may not be a spirit grass in the previous generation.

At this moment, when he turned over his memory, he found that there was no "cold" herbal medicine on the earth. He had to find a herbal medicine with the same medicinal properties to replace it.

When hesitating over the phone, Mo Lao immediately said over the phone: "Master, I have collected all the other herbs here, and then I collected a few flavors that are similar to the name" Han Yi " Herbs, master, look at it, or you can help me identify it. "

"Yes." Yan Huang was a little bit, this Mo Lao would indeed do things, even the problems that Yan Huang might encounter have been considered. "You come here, you are so attentive, I'll make it for you by the way."

"Okay!" A voice from Mo Lao could not help but overwhelmed himself over the phone. "Master, where are you now, I'll rush over now."

"I'm in Jiangning City Royal Spirit Hotel, Room 2 of the Imperial Hall."

"Master, you are still in Jiangning City, okay, I'll go right now!"



A well-known Mu Xiaoqiao lay in the arms of a well-dressed, tall and handsome man. This man was Anya's boyfriend, Yang Wenrui. Yang Wenrui's family opened several large bars with tens of millions of assets. His father was very mixed in black and white.

The romantic Yang Wenrui held Mu Xiaoqiao in one hand, raised the wine glass in one hand, and a smirk smile appeared on his mouth. He used a chin to lighten the yellowish yellow, and carelessly smiled at Zeng Caixuan and said, "The suitor? Use me for help You drive away? "

"Yeah," Mu Xiaoqiao had already looked at Yan Huang's poor poor silk baton, and when he heard that his own boyfriend was willing to take a shot, he immediately agreed: "Cai Xuan, you can rest assured, Wen Rui will make sure to help you get it ! "

Zeng Caixuan also received the text message just now, her mother said that she had ordered Yan Huang and told him to go back with her tonight. Zeng Caixuan shook his head and said that Yan Huang had no other unusual actions after he came in to the KTV. "No, just an ordinary friend."

"Okay, say something if you need it." Yang Wenrui drank the wine in the wine glass, and moved his eyes away from Yanhuang at a slight glance. He didn't care. To him, Yan Huang, a poorly repelled silk, is just like an ant. He crushes as much as he wants.

Today is Yang Wenrui's girlfriend Mu Xiaoqiao's birthday. His meals are naturally rich men of various families, and the family are successful and pioneers in various industries.

At this time, a wealthy son sitting next to Yang Wenrui looked at a beautiful girl around him, watching the decoration in the KTV room. He praised: "I heard that the boss behind this newly opened Royal Grand Hotel is Hong Ye, you see him. As soon as it opened, all the rooms were full, and all the white and gangsters of Jiangning City came to patronize! "

"Yeah!" As soon as he talked about Grandpa Hong, Yang Wenrui, who knew some of the underworld, immediately launched a great interest. "Listening to my dad, Honggang has developed extremely fast in the past few years. It's a legend that we are now the leader of Jiangning City! "

"Yeah, I heard that he has only risen for a few years, and now dare to beat his wrist with the Dragon Tiger Hall in the main city of Jiangnan!"

"His!" The surrounding men and women rang out the sound of air-conditioning, Longhutang is the leader of the main city of Jiangnan, the king of underground forces!

Speaking of this time, Yang Wenrui secretly lowered his voice, "I heard that Hongye can develop so fast, because behind it there is a cultivator supporting him!"

"Wow!" The men and women around couldn't help clamoring again. Until the rejuvenation started ten years ago, the cultivator has gradually approached the public's vision. There were also 18-year-old, hot-blooded young people present, and it was normal to be keen on supernatural powers. Everyone had his own heroic dream in his heart.

When Zeng Caixuan heard this, he couldn't help silently clenching the wine glass in his hand.

She is a woman who wants to be proud and proud. In the past few years, she has desperately studied so as to be admitted to Jiangnan University, so that she can come into contact with the Xiuxian in transmission!

Thinking of this, Zeng Caixuan could not help but glance at Yan Huang silently.

"Yeah, only I have the power of a fairy. Even if Yan Huang's family really helped his father forge a magic weapon, they can no longer force me to like such a useless man!"

The more Zeng Xuan Xuan thought about this, the firmer her heart was, she was determined to work hard after returning tonight! Her current score is not too close to the key university score line. For the remaining 100 days, she only has to hang her head on the beam and taper stocks.

"Wenrui, you're good!" Said here, the men and women next to each other looked at Yang Wenrui enviously, their grades were average, and it was a joke to get to Jiangnan University.

Yang Wenrui's performance is also average, but his family has money! It is said that there are already some magical elixirs at some top-level auctions. The practice of Xiu Xian Gong has spread. Yang Wenrui's family has a great career. It should not be difficult to buy two or two elixirs to help Wen Rui become an immortal!

Listening to the congratulations from the grandma around him, the smile on Yang Wenrui's face was even brighter. He lifted up the wine glass full in his hand and did everything with everyone!

Yang Wenrui said drunkly: "Relax, when I become a cultivator, I will benefit everyone and let everyone be cultivators!"

"Wen Rui, you are really a dear!"


There was a flattery of flattery around him, lying on his arms, a brand-name Mu Xiaoqiao hugged him even more tightly, his eyes sparkled, and then he would be the respected lady of the fairy!

Midway through the song, drunk Yang Wenrui ran to the toilet. When passing the women's restroom, Wenrui's eyes flickered because he saw a woman wearing a black miniskirt, with her back and thighs completely exposed, and extremely hot!