MTL - Urban Cultivation Medical Saint-v3 Chapter 4675 War breaks out! Eight Great Ancestors!

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   Chapter 4675 The war broke out! Eight Great Ancestors!

   "Then I will fulfill you!"

   Heavenly Dream Goddess said coldly.

   Immediately, his figure flashed, and he was directly killing Lin Mianmian.

   "Humph!" Lin Mianmian also snorted coldly, then flashed, stepped into the void, and walked towards the outer world that day, and at the same time,

   The area between them also seems to have erupted from a terrifying tornado storm. The endless terrifying coercion is overwhelming, causing the void to be completely cracked, the black holes are endless, and the madness trembles!

   "It's all coming, why hide it?"

   "Since you want to move your muscles and bones, why not just show up."

  In the void, there was another voice suddenly, the next moment, the space flickered, and the figure of Yao Qingzhu appeared in the void outside the first emperor city. Besides, there were Ji Fengyuan, Mu emperor, etc.!

   "Hehe, it looks like they're all here..."

   Ye Kuangxue sneered, and then he looked into the main ship behind him again, with a smile that was not a smile. "Everyone, the people who help us move our muscles and muscles are here. Is it you who will come, or will I go first?"

   "I'll come first!"

  In the void, an indifferent voice came, and then I saw a man with a mustache wearing a scarf walking out of the main ship. He glanced at Ji Fengyuan, and he was directly invited to fight, said.

   "Ji Fengyuan, come on!"

   "He Songlin..." Ji Fengyuan squinted, but he knew each other, and he was still an old friend! Because of the war before this, his opponents were all opponents in all likelihood!

   Songlin Daozu He Songlin, one of the six major academies of Supreme Academy, one of the strongest of the He Family of He Daoyuan, and also a top Daoist strongman who is almost not inferior to Ye Crazy Blood! And most importantly, this guy's ability is also very difficult to deal with! It is an extremely rare power of destiny! This just happened to restrain him a little.

   But even so,

   Of course he can't concede defeat!

   After all, he is now,

   is also a dignified and powerful ancient **** who slashes thousands of ways! And with his current potential and talent, even if he is only in the realm of slaying the ancient gods of ten thousand Taos, his true strength is enough to match the top Taoist powerhouses like the opponent!

   So if I really want to say it,

   They are pretty evenly matched now, right?

"bring it on!"

Ji Fengyuan glanced at the pine forest Daozu, and then his figure flashed, and he rushed towards the world outside the sky. When he saw this scene, the pine forest Daozu He Songlin also flashed in place and disappeared directly. !

  The battlefield of the two began to transfer to the outer world that day,

   At the same time, I saw that Yao Qingzhu also looked in the direction of the main ship again, and at the same time his eyes narrowed slightly, and his tone was very cold. "anything else?"

"and also?"

   "Hehe, I hope you don't get scared..."

   Ye Kuangxue sneered,

   Then he also looked directly in the direction of the main ship, looked again, and said with a half-smile. "Everyone, it seems that this Yao Qingzhu really wants to see you, or else, everyone, come out!"





The voice of    just fell,

  I saw the direction inside the main ship, and five extremely terrifying Supreme Qi machines suddenly erupted! Although no one appeared immediately, but! This scene, but it still made everyone's pupils shrink, and their faces turned pale.

   Dao Zuwei covers the heaven and earth,

  This, this is where there are five great Dao ancestors! ?

   Thinking of this, even Yao Qingzhu and Mu Emperor, the two of them couldn't help but sank at this moment! Their eyes flickered, and then their faces became a little ugly.

   The ancestors of the five great Taoists,

   If you add that Ye Kuangxue, it's a full six!

   If you add the previous Heavenly Dream Goddess, and the pine forest Taoist He Songlin... that's a total of eight!

  The Eight Great Dao Patriarchs are here,

   You say that they are all out, and it is not an exaggeration!

   After all, in the original battle,

   Their losses are not small!

   Therefore, the number of Dao Ancestor powerhouses they can produce now, of course, cannot be as many as before. But having said that, no matter what, the presence of the Eight Great Great Ancestors is still really scary! Especially among these people, at least half of them are still the top figures among the ancestral powerhouses.

   This is even more scary!

   "It seems that this is really a big move!"

   Yao Qingzhu and Mu Emperor looked at each other,

   Such thoughts popped up in my heart!


   At this moment, the supreme qi burst out,

  The overwhelming pressure of Daozu poured out directly from the main ship,

   Then, one after another figure slowly walked out. Although they looked different, some were tall and short, some were strong and some were thin, some were old and some were young... but their auras were all terrifying! Each one is incomparably majestic, and the terrifying power overwhelms the sky and the earth, overwhelming the sky and the earth, as if it is going to penetrate the entire land of the frontier.




   As soon as these scenes came out, many people's faces turned pale, and there were figures breathing cold air everywhere.


   And he is also a strong ancestor of the Five Daoists! They appear here together, and even just standing there without moving, can make people feel a sense of doomsday suffocation blowing towards the face. You can imagine how terrifying it was.

   There are five great Dao ancestors, if you add that Ye Kuangxue, there are six! A powerhouse of this level would actually appear in such a way, it makes people tremble just thinking about it.

   "Yao Qingzhu, since you want to see us, then we'll do it for you! They've all come out, but... just the two of you, doesn't seem to be enough for us to fight at all?"

   At this moment, a slightly sarcastic sneer came suddenly, and everyone's eyes immediately turned towards an old man in a cyan robe who was one of the Five Great Dao Ancestors.

  I saw that it was an old man with white hair and silver threads. He also looked very squat and thin, but he had an extremely arrogant and domineering aura that permeated him, making people dare not look at him at all!

   His eyes were filled with a domineering and arrogant aura, his gestures exuded a terrifying power of oppression, and he was again a super-powerful at the top Daozu level!

   This person is called the tyrannical patriarch. He is one of the top powerhouses of the mad clan of the Supreme Academy, and is also one of the strongest right-hand men under the command of Luo Zuluo Canyang. Has a very powerful strength!


  Yao Qingzhu glanced at Naba's mad ancestor, frowning, eyes twinkling, and his face was very cold! But he didn't speak... Because the current situation is really too much pressure for them!

   Ye mad blood,

  The tyrannical ancestor,

   These are the two top Taoist ancestors! And these two top Dao Ancestors alone, whether it is herself or Mu Emperor, are not their opponents! Not to mention that there are four other Taoist ancestors behind them!

   is equivalent to coming out completely empty of the four great ancestors,

   This is for them now,

   It’s really a dilemma!

   (end of this chapter)