MTL - Urban Evil Doctor-Chapter 5434 Don't be ashamed at all?

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Although the Red Eyed Golden Crow was no match for the cooperation of the few people in front of him, it actively sought death, but the few people in front of him couldn't stop it at all.

This can be seen from the shock and anger on the faces of these people, who shouted to stop the Red Eyed Golden Crow, but not only did not dare to approach, but took a few steps back.

The aura on Chimu Jinwu continued to rise, like a volcano about to erupt.

At the moment when it was about to explode, it seemed to sense something and looked towards the sky in disbelief.

In its sight, a petite figure soon appeared, and in an instant, it landed in front of it.

"You, who are you?"

The red-eyed Jinwu felt an aura that made it unbelievable on Lin Huohuo, but the "human" in front of him was so unfamiliar, making it a little confusing.

Not to mention the great master, even the Crimson-eyed Golden Crow clan didn't even bother to take on the appearance of a human being.

But the breath of this human child, the sense of surrender that comes from the depths of the soul, is so familiar.

Seeing that the movements of the Red Eyed Golden Crow stopped, several people were secretly relieved, and then their eyes fell on Lin Huohuo.

The headed old man said solemnly, "Who are you and want to take care of our Longyu Pavilion's business?"

Although Lin Huohuo has a human appearance, any cultivator with a little experience in the Hongmeng world will not be confused by the appearance of the other party.

The appearance of a human race does not mean that it is a human race.

The appearance of a child does not mean that he is a child! Strictly speaking, Lin Huohuo is also the first time to walk in this land of Hongmeng Realm, but she has inherited many memories of the previous Primordial Huo in her mind, and she can always keep the same as the one in "A Thousand Yan Demon Yan Tu". Those members of the Yan Mo family


She didn't need the other party to say more, she knew the origin of Longyu Pavilion!

"Longyu Pavilion, that small force that is not even a third-rate when looking at the Hongmeng world?"

Lin Huohuo's tone was indifferent and aloof, with undisguised disdain in his eyes. "Once the Yan Mo family was so brilliant, as a vassal, even the seven major sects dared not make up their minds! The mere Longyu Pavilion, but dared to go here to be arrogant, could it be that you have been mixed up to the level of the seven major sects over the years?

? "

Several people looked at each other in dismay.

None of the seven sects dared to make up their minds, which is obviously a bit of bragging, but there is no doubt about the strength of the Yanmo family once.

The leader of the old man said lightly: "Longyu Pavilion naturally cannot be compared with the seven major sects, but today is different from the past, the Yan Mo family has been destroyed for a long time, and without the sheltered red-eyed Jinwu, why don't we dare to make up our minds?

Although I don't know if your Excellency has anything to do with the former Yan Mo family, we don't want to embarrass you. But if you insist on meddling—"

Before he finished speaking, he was like a ghost in the daytime, with round eyes, stunned in place.

I saw Lin Huohuo reach out and press on the giant cauldron formed by the energy, and immediately the giant cauldron melted like ice and snow, turning into pure energy, pouring into her palm and disappearing.

It looked as if she was "eaten" by her.

"you you you……"

Seeing this scene, the old man of the human race stuttered, "you" for a long time, but he didn't say a whole sentence.

The other people were equally stunned, with expressions of horror on their faces.

Although Lin Huohuo doesn't take these people seriously, but if they are placed in the Yin Yang Ruins, they are all first-class powerhouses.

There are a total of 6 people, and three of them are god-king-level existences.

Among the three god-kings, two are first-order god-kings and one is second-order god-kings.

And the means they used together is the third-order **** king. It takes a lot of effort to break it. As for so easily, directly swallowing the energy is the fourth-order **** king, I am afraid it is difficult to do.

Although Lin Huohuo was only Xiaolu's hand, it was enough for them to understand that the "little girl" in front of her was not something that they could provoke at all.

The old man's complexion was blue and white, and then it was as if his face changed, and he laughed:

"Misunderstanding! All of this is just a misunderstanding. If we knew that this Red Sun Golden Crow had something to do with you, senior, we would never take action against it no matter what."

"That's right! It's just a misunderstanding!"

"A few of us have eyes and don't know Mount Tai, so please don't blame the seniors. If you can, why don't you go to Longyu Pavilion with us, and we will hold a banquet to apologize to the seniors!"


For the rest of the people, you and I followed suit.

Lin Chen caught up at this time and fell beside Lin Huohuo.

The scene just now was in his eyes, and he secretly said in his heart that these powerhouses in the Hongmeng Realm are really shameless.

However, this kind of shameless guy is often the most insidious, and it is far more difficult to deal with than that kind of stubborn guy.

"Humph! Do you think I'm a fool, hold a banquet to apologize to me? Do you want to dispatch everyone to deal with me together?"

Lin Huohuo pouted, turned his head to look at Lin Chen and said, "Among these six people, there are three **** kings, two of which are first-order and one is second-order!"

Lin Chen nodded, secretly thinking in his heart, this girl has a very good attitude towards herself now, and she even took the initiative to explain the strength of these people to herself. Seeing this, it seems that she really treats herself as a family member.

However, the next moment, he heard Lin Huohuo continue:

"With this little strength, it's not worthy of me to take action! It's up to you to clean them up!"


Lin Chen was dumbfounded, almost suspecting that he heard it wrong.

Good guy, as soon as he came to Hongmeng Realm, he directly found six Hongmeng Realm powerhouses as opponents, including three God Kings?

If it was the God King on the Yinyang Ruins, that would be fine.

The problem is that the powerful **** kings on the side of Hongmeng Realm are likely to have far more powerful means and treasures than the **** kings of the same rank in Yinyang Ruins, so it is impossible to generalize!

"Yes! You! Take them as your first tempering after you came to the Hongmeng Realm! Isn't there such a sentence in your old Chinese sayings, Bao Jianfeng comes from tempering!"

Speaking, Lin Huohuo also showed off a sentence she learned from Lin Chen's memory.

Lin Chen shook his head without thinking: "No! If there is a first-order **** king, I don't mind playing with them. But three **** kings, I'm not interested in looking for abuse!"

Lin Huohuo frowned and said aggressively: "What do you mean, do you think you can't beat a few of them? Can I understand that?"

Lin Chen nodded very simply: "I can't beat it! Think what you like."

"..." Lin Huohuo was a little speechless, is this guy shameless at all?

The red-eyed Jinwu on the side was looking at Lin Chen with a bit of curiosity. Hearing Lin Chen's answer, he secretly thought in his heart, why did the master come together with such a coward of the human race?

This kind of guy who is greedy for life and fears death is simply not worthy of appearing next to his master!

The next moment, I heard Lin Huohuo indifferently say:

"That's fine. I sensed that there was a low-grade Primordial Supreme Treasure on the second-tier God King. I originally thought that if you could defeat a few of them, the treasure would be yours, since you said you couldn't beat it— "

Lin Chen's eyes widened, and he said loudly, "Who said I couldn't beat them? The moment I saw them, I felt very unpleasant. You see, I'll clean them all up now! If they have to beat them, their mothers will recognize them. Don't come out!" Suddenly, the red-eyed Jinwu was stunned!