MTL - Vanguard of the Eternal Night-Chapter 76

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At the end of the game, many people including the commentary were shocked.

Although I know that Geng Chen has made serious mistakes and his mentality is not right, it will be ended so quickly and so on. It still makes many people unbelievable.

National players, ranked 35th in the entire league, among the Masters, they can also enter the top fifteen at least, and they are finally eliminated in the provincial team!

This gap is too big, and the fans of Gengchen are about to cry.

There are also many people who look at Gengchen’s opponents –

Odin was originally a player who had just emerged from this year. Before he left the Earth, he did not have a big name in the entire second province. After all, the province is very large, and the earth area is very small. According to the population, the earth area is twice as small as the bear area in the second smallest place. Therefore, the players in the earth area are often less affected in the provincial competition. Pay attention to it.

But this year it was a little scary, and the Earth Zone eliminated Gengchen in the group!

It is not too much to say that it is a fame.

Too much more, Geng Chen himself also cried.

Her heart is bigger than all the fans, and the blow is from the opponents on the field, but also from the upcoming resurgence of prestige... So, she is mad at the scene when her mental condition is really bad. Cried.

The host quickly stepped forward to help her slightly cover up, and did not go up to ask her comments.

It was Tai Lun who stood next to Geng Chen. He watched the girl shake his eyes before he shook hands with him. He wowed out with a wow.

Tyrone: "..."

The Assassin Master actually has something that is not good at it.

Because he has never really, nor can he meet the opponent who can cry after losing his hand! He is willing to pity the jade, but he just killed the girl himself, and now he is going to appease... It seems a bit wrong?

No one told him: What should be done in this situation? Ok? ? ?

After a while, Tyrone stepped back two steps, a little farther away from Gengchen.

At this time, someone under the stage handed a handkerchief directly, but it was too far to reach Gengchen.

Then Tyrone took the handkerchief and reached for Gengchen.

Geng Chen took the handkerchief and barely stopped his tears. He ran off the stage and hugged with her personal trainer. He leaned on his shoulder and twitched back to the background.

After a while, the atmosphere on the field was warm.

On the public screen, a waterfall-like comment was made, and there was such a thing: "Ah, ah, I am so sad that I am orange! I was directly bullied and cried!"

"The last time the orange cried was not able to enter the national race n years ago! At that time, she cried every time she lost, and every time she cried, it was better to play more games later, but I heard that every time I lost. After that, I will still go home and sneak my tears."

"It’s so cute to cry, it’s just like a little girl who is so slick and slick...”

"I am distressed! The orange does not cry, stand up and continue to swear! We help you bully the bad guys!"

There is also this: "Ha ha ha ha ha you have seen it! Is there?"

"I saw it! I laughed at me!"

"God of War was shocked! Two steps back! Half a meter!"

"It’s awful, I seem to get a way to scare God of War!"

"No, I am crying, I am..."

"Laughing, my tears are coming out..."

At this time, Victor’s heart is actually thinking: he is not afraid of tears quq...

After the game was over, it caused two consequences.

On the one hand, it was the Gengchen side, which fell directly into the loser group. Although in her strength, it is not difficult to qualify for resurrection, but it has a little impact on reputation.

On the one hand, it is Odin, the first round of the group match, the second game against the national players won so beautiful, many people directly broke the glasses! Many coaches directly put his threat level on two steps, which made many provincial players start their homework in advance.

Also, Odin took a new nickname "The Big Devil." The fans of Geng Chen liked to call Geng Chen "small public", so he spontaneously called him "The Big Devil". Some people especially talked about it: The Big Devil cried the little public to cry...

Don't have a bad humor.

By the way, it also gave birth to the classic cult cp of "Devil King x Princess".

This made Victor unhappy.

Netizens are too happy to be old!

When he was still walking in front of the stage, the hottest thing in the circle of God of War was the "four-father x agent" pair of cp, which is called the official match of the unification world!

Now that he has retired from the scenes, the official pairing has gone from the "Four Flowers" cult, all the way to the "Devil King x Princess" cult! There is still no Wang Fa!

Is there a new cp for each game played by Siye in the future? Can it be done in a box to do cp? You guys don’t understand the basic law of yy...

Victor was not happy, and he forgot the "hot springs" at night.

This is the turn of God of War is not happy.

He has already prepared everything on the edge of the hot springs, from lubricants to **** objects, from petals to small snacks, everything is ready, only one small white one is missing.

But little can't come!

The **** of war opened the door coldly and saw that Victor was reading in bed.

Victor: "???"

Tyrone said: "I don't feel very comfortable."

“!!!” Victor was taken aback and quickly got up from the bed and asked nervously, “Where is it uncomfortable? Is it a fever?”

Tyron shook his head in a blank expression, sitting in a chair indifferently, and said calmly, "You, give me a cup of hot."

Victor quickly picked up a cup of hot water.

Tyrone said: "It's too bitter."

Victor was even more nervous, thinking that he was really uncomfortable, suffering in his mouth and sometimes having symptoms when he had a fever. He quickly said, "I am going to call a doctor!"

Tyrone’s face was colder, grabbed Victor’s wrist and ordered: “Do not shout others, go for a cup of chocolate.”

Victor thinks that hot chocolate is very high in calories, maybe it's really effective - Tyron himself knows food well, maybe he is asking for heat?

He turned into the kitchen like a wind, found a packet of cocoa powder, and later asked awkwardly: "Where do you see sugar?"

He was shocked when he turned back, only to see Tyrone standing silently behind him, an expressionless face staring at him.

Tyron held his hand in the waist of Victor, and bowed his head comfortably. He put his head on his shoulder, but his face was still cold and said: "I don't know."

Victor was surrounded by his arms, wrapped in his body temperature, comfortably sighing and understanding that he "feels not feeling well", so he can fully understand his indifference and feel that he is dead. Up...

The iceberg of a big event, but with airy air, asked him to eat.

Victor reluctantly pulled himself back from his heart and said carefully: "Where is it uncomfortable? We better go to the hospital first..."

He grabbed Tyrone's hand and motioned him to let go.

Tyron was stubbornly holding his waist and motionless, saying: "The chest is stuffy."

Victor struggled quickly: "Hey, it sounds very serious, let's go to the hospital quickly?!"

What is Tyran’s strength? If you think about standing still, it is not that Victor can break free.

Tarren: "To hot chocolate."

Victor tried a few times and failed to save his little waist. Instead, he was so tired that he gasped and his face was rosy. He finally turned his head and continued to soak the cocoa powder.

When the hot water is brewed, the fragrance will spread.

Tyron split a hand to pick up the cup, first tasted it, then disgusted and said: "Too bitter."

"No, it is reasonable to say that the bubble is sweet..."

Tyrone put the cup in front of him and motioned for a taste.

Victor touched the edge of the cup and carefully tasted it. He hadn't tasted anything yet.

Tyrone took the cup back and drank a big mouth, saying blankly: "Sweet."

Then he did not care about Victor, carrying the cup, and walked out of the kitchen, and lived like a moving iceberg, finally satisfied with the glory, and followed the glacier calmly.

Only one blushing heartbeat left in place: "..."

After a while, Victor found the iceberg **** of war holding a hot chocolate in the sofa of the living room.

“Is there anything else uncomfortable?” Victor asked carefully, “Chest tightness?”

The God of War was so glamorously trapped in the sofa, stacking long, straight legs, holding half a cup of chocolate in both hands and saying, "Yes."

Victor asked: "Yes... is it too active outside today? Have you eaten allergies? Or hurt?"

A pair of dark golden eyes stared at him. After a long while, the God of War said: "The promise made by someone six days ago is forgotten today."

Victor: "???"

Taryn: "Being cold, can lead to chest tightness, shortness of breath, irritability, insomnia, sudden iceberg syndrome."

Victor suddenly understood!

Suddenly, I made up my mind: "I am, I am wrong! I didn't mean it!"

God of War cold eyes stared at him.

Victor suddenly blessed the soul, and went together to make a hard kiss, saying: "Is there an rescue of the iceberg syndrome? How to save? Use..."

Victor blushes a little: "With hot meat - body?"

Tyrone: "..."

Until now, the old antiques did not understand why: how can modern children be so dirty? And it’s so filthy, beautiful, and refined, it’s so unstoppable...

Victor put the cup of hot chocolate on the table, then squatted on him and bit his ear and said, "Is it chocolate, or eat me?"

The iceberg continued to stretch his face and did not speak.

Victor thought about it, and suddenly his face was red, and he leaned in his ear and panted twice.

Tyrone's hazelnuts slowly contracted.

Victor adjusted for a moment and made a whimper with a nasal sound.

Then Tyrone slammed Victor over and hugged it to the hot springs!

Victor: Quq you really deliberately cried me [哔-]! Listening so excited! I still have a calm face every time! Old bad guys! ! !