MTL - Venerated Venomous Consort-Chapter 3015 This son will not be fake, right? !

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Gu Shiyu coveted, the voice is even lighter: "I and he are already old wives and wives, and they are familiar with each other like left and right hands, naturally... naturally, the requirements for this aspect are weak. What's more, he is repairing the gods, and there is not much in itself. Desire..."

There is a trace of suspiciousness in the white woman's pretty face. She just went to Gu Xizhen's body halfway, but Gu Xiyu is a god, after all, whether it is the body or the soul, there is a natural defense, so she reads the memory of Gu Xiyu is not much. Just some fur. I don’t know the truth about Gu Xi’s words...

She just looked at Gu Xiyu with a suspicious look and sighed: "That still because you are poorly charmed, and he gets along with him, let him see the shortcomings in you, know that you are not worthy of his love, so I will be less and less interested in you... I am different from you, I am bigger than you, more than you will, temperament is better than you! After being with him, I will never let him get bored and will let him every day. Have a novelty, always love me so much..."

Gu Xi sighs and sighs, this sorcerer seems to have eaten a lot of small three, this one is simply a small three-language classic version!

This demons looks like she cares, but this mind -

Is it a collection of small three?

The white woman’s sight did not leave the tower at the moment. From time to time, she commented on two sentences. The tone was full of superiority. It seemed that the Emperor’s clothes could not find the entrance to the illusion, and it was sooner or later when she was intimate.

Gu Xiyu’s gaze has left the Shashi Tower and looked at the emperor next to him.

The emperor stood there, always very embarrassed, without saying anything, seems to be trying to reduce the sense of existence.

When he saw Gu Xiyu look at him, he said: "Mother."

Slightly a little hoarse, but it is still his voice.

Gu Xi's eyebrows, the emperor is not quite right, in this case he is still so embarrassed, it should be controlled by this demons, unable to move freely.

She looked at Brahman again, and Van Gogh took a look back and looked up at the sky with arrogance. He didn't know what he was thinking, and he was quiet from beginning to end.

Has he been restrained?

Gu Xizhen glanced at his son again, and his heart suddenly moved!

This son will not be fake, right? !

It is reasonable to say that this demons has been attacking his mother-in-law all the time. According to his temper, even if he is unable to go forward and yell at the woman, it should be refuted, but his image does not exist. of!

This is not like the temper of the emperor!

"昊儿..." Gu Xizheng wants to ask the emperor a few words to verify the true and false, then the white woman's figure is slightly flashing, but it is in front of her, standing between Gu Xiyu and the emperor, obscuring They look at each other.

Gu Xiyu looked at her and said: "What are you doing?"

The woman in white squinted her eyes: "Do you really worry about his intimacy with the deity?"

Gu Xiwei: "..."

She really is not worried.

The white woman suddenly smiled: "Do you think he can break this enchantment? Haha, the deity may tell you that the key point of this enchantment is in the deity! He can't find it!"

Her words had just landed, and her body suddenly trembled. It seemed to have sensed something and suddenly looked back into the tower.


Inside the fine house in the tower.

Emperor Yuyi turned two rounds in the Jingshe, and the woman followed him for two laps. The emperor’s body suddenly stopped, and the woman might as well, hitting him on the back and making a nap.