MTL - Venerated Venomous Consort-Chapter 3021 Raccoon cat for Prince 4

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Those few tricks are naturally the tricks of the former creation gods. They are extremely subtle. The Emperor’s eyebrows move and touch the palm: “Good tricks! I’m sorry, I didn’t expect you to have this.”

‘顾惜玖’ is proud of it: “Yes, I didn’t think of it. In fact, after coming to this desert, I feel that I have no teacher to teach a lot of things, not only have Kung Fu, but also cooking, embroidery...”

She licked her fingers and gave him the skills he was now proficient in. He finally said, "I will give you a performance when I am free."

Emperor 拂 瞧 她 her bright eyes, sighed: "I did not expect this desert to achieve you. It seems that it is still a good place, so that is not as good as we are here for a few days, maybe you can still Realized other skills."

‘顾惜玖’ squinted and said: “No! Ben... I hate it!”

The emperor’s clothes looked around and said: “Although there is a bit of desolateness here, there is nothing wrong with it. You can practice fine techniques here, why should you hate it?”

‘顾惜玖’ stunned and said: “I don’t like the desolate place, and then I’m hurting here. I have a shadow here.” This lie is still round and round.

Emperor Yuyi did not doubt her. After she confirmed her innocence, she let go of her hand and said, "If that is the case, then you should rest well. We will have a nephew in this desert. Going out, I’m afraid I have to work hard."

‘Gu Fu玖’ nodded: “Good!”

She paused: "I have been trapped here for many days, but I have found a little door to go out, I will take you with you later!"

Emperor Yiyi smiled slightly: "Then you should rest well first."

He raised his hand and pulled out a furry soft blanket and placed her on it.

‘顾惜玖’ reached out and tried to hold him: “You and I are here to rest.”

Emperor 拍 拍 拍 拍 拍 拍 拍 拍 拍 拍 拍 拍 拍 拍 拍 拍 拍 拍 拍 拍 拍 拍 拍 拍 拍 拍 拍 拍 拍 拍 拍 拍 拍 拍 拍 拍 拍 拍 拍 拍 拍 拍 拍 拍 拍 拍 拍This broken place is not suitable for recuperation."

‘Gu Xi’’ naturally promised. Emperor 拂 clothes got up and went.

‘顾惜玖’ looked at his back, and there was a flash of fire in the middle of the scorpion. This man is finally her!

She squinted at her little hand and looked at her body seriously. She smiled and looked at the big stone where Gu Xizhen was, and listened to it in a leisurely voice: "You have a good body, you use it very well. You can rest assured."

Her fingers stroked her arms, chest... It seems to be intoxicated: "This is really good personally! It feels extraordinary and sensitive, just like your own body... and the body that the deity uses to smother the flesh and blood." In the same day, the deity would like to thank you for sending this body, rest assured that the deity will use this body well, and will replace you and his kindness and love..."

Her use of transliteration is not an ordinary transliteration, but a technique that can only be used in this desert.

She was trapped here for hundreds of thousands of years, and finally let the desert and her become one, the tens of thousands of grievances in the desert can be commanded as she wants, she uses a special method to drive them to her voice, she does not have to When you talk, you only need to think about your mind and you will automatically pass the sound.

Emperor's clothes will not be heard. Except for the pity in the water prison, no one can hear it. It is very safe.