MTL - Venerated Venomous Consort-Chapter 3042 Finale 7

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"Hey!" He was slightly lost, and he was shot out by the heart of the demons!

Coincidentally, his body was hitting the ‘stone’ of the weak water prison, and he was shot and flew out. His eyes were black and almost vomited.

He swallowed the **** suffocation of his throat, gnawed his teeth, and then stepped back...

The demons are approaching step by step, and the black color of the palm is swallowed: "Vatican is a thousand people, and you are the embarrassment of the deity!"

Vatican gradually retreated to the side of the 'weak water pegs' and the back was tied to the water dung...

The demons may not have seen it, but the cherished inside is still seeing the truth. The martial arts of the victorious martial arts, the **** fingers took a strange law, and they were photographed in the enchantment before the dungeon!

What is he?

The black water in the weak water prison that has already boiled instantly picked up the huge waves, almost overturning the enchantment set by the emperor's clothes floating in it.

The two of them shook a few times inside, and Gu Xizhen even felt that there was an inexplicable force to pull himself.

Spare Nine: "!!!"

This bastard, is this the meaning of pulling a mat back? !

She glared at Van Gogh, and of course only saw him a back.

"I am sorry, don't bother, continue!" The voice of the Emperor's clothes passed into the ears of Gu Xiyu, so she ignored the Van Gogh and continued to cooperate with the Emperor's clothes to break the water.

The face of Van Gogh’s face has become paler. The law that he just made is to catch the puppet out of the dungeon. He wants to drag the puppet out before the dungeon is completely firm, but he did not expect this successful method. Hey again failed!

He did not give up, regardless of the threat of approaching the demons, the fingertips urging blood, and the law was smashed again, but still in vain.

"Do you want to release her?" The voice of the demon is sullen, with a sigh of anger, but it is faintly smug: "The technique is out of order?! Haha, Van Gogh, the deity knows you put No more!"

"You added material to this weak water prison!" Van Gogh's tone is sure.

"Yes, don't forget, the deity has also been a master of enchantment. Study it well. If you change the procedure slightly, you can make it more useful."

Probably the winner has already won the game, and the demons are not in a hurry to start again with Van Gogh. It is like a cat that catches a mouse. He just wants to tease: "Do you want to know what it is?"

Van Gogh’s lips are not spoken, and the devil himself follows: “Let the woman’s soul go in and then it’s no longer useful, but men can still...”

Brahman: "..."

The demons finally took a look at the emperor’s clothes in the dungeons. Unfortunately, there were too many hoes in the dungeons around the emperor’s enchantment. They were so dense that they blocked the line of sight. She could not see exactly where the two were. What to do.

However, she has confidence in the dungeon and is not worried that the two people inside can run out.

She smiled and looked at the shocked Vatican: "When you will deal with you, the deity will try to bring up the robes. The lord only likes him from beginning to end. Naturally, he can't bear to keep him here for a long time. The deity is And he is flying with him."

She speaks the temperature and the cruelty: "However, the world, you can rest assured that the deity will release him, and will not let him kill you. Will leave you a life, leave you as our servant, see us love each other... ”

Brahman: "!!!"

His blood surged in his chest and gritted his teeth: "I underestimated you!"