MTL - Very Pure and Ambiguous: The Prequel-Chapter 729 Seven hundred and twenty-nine. Puzzle

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729 puzzle

Wang Shu is not stupid. If you think about it, you will understand that it is definitely that I am annoying with more powerful means to force those people! My identity, Wang Shu, already knows, the chairman of Shuguang Investment, the person of this identity, what he wants to do is not hand-to-hand!

"You are really bad!" said Wang Shu.

"I am bad? Is there a mistake? They are going bankrupt in your house. I will help you revenge. You said that I am bad?" I am a little dumbfounded.

"They are also bad!" Wang Shu thought about it.

"..." I really have nothing to say.

However, my relationship with Wang Shu, I suddenly got a lot closer, as if I had returned to the beach a few months ago, when I was grilling on the beach, I laughed easily and chatted easily.

In the evening, just as my and Wang Shu were getting lingering, my phone rang. I picked up the phone, went to the corner, and pressed the answer button.

"The boss, has done what you told me. The other person, also appeared, they really tied the boss!" said the person on the phone.

"I know." After that, I hung up.

I sighed, Weier, why do you want to use your own bait? Although I have added special energy to your body, no one can hurt you, but my heart is still worried about you!

However, if Chen Weier is really taken away, can it be said that this matter really has a relationship with Chen Yong? But Chen Yong and that person can't relate to it. How can they work together? Is there anyone else involved?

I thought about the people around me one by one, and I couldn’t help but think about it.

The thing is this:

"Chen Weier!"

Chen Weier’s mother’s restaurant just came out and passed by the market stall near her home. Suddenly, she missed it. I remembered the first time I met the man...

That rainy night, and the clothes he sent himself, still cherished in Chen Wei's own wardrobe, don't look down on how much money, but Chen Weier is not willing to wear.

It is a kind of commemoration, commemorating your own love, your own happiness.

It turned out that the little girl who sold Mala Tang became a wide-haired wife who went out with a bodyguard. Chen Weier’s emotions for a while. This guy has no shortcomings except for his heart, but he can accept his heart!

Maybe because you are a latecomer? Chen Weier is very grateful to Zhao Yanxi for accepting herself. Therefore, for my heart, as long as Zhao Yanzhen has no doubts, she will face it calmly.

Today, Chen Weier deliberately opened the bodyguard behind her and went to her mother's restaurant. The purpose is to ask about the trend of his brother Chen Yong!

Almost half a month without news of my brother, Chen Weier is also very worried! She is afraid that her brother is the one who hides behind the scenes and is destructive. She is afraid that she will not be able to face it when she arrives!

As a result, the mother's answer made Chen Weier very disappointed. She has not seen Chen Yong for a long time!

In disappointment, Chen Weier came out of the hotel and stood at the mouth of the market.

Suddenly someone shouted his name, Chen Weier quickly turned around.

"Light rain, it's you! How are you here?" Chen Weier was surprised to find that the person was actually a little rain that used to sell popsicles in his own home.

"Oh, I sell popsicles!" Xiaoyu pointed to the popsicle box on his back: "The original position was occupied, and I had to become a flow!"

"The original location?" Chen Weier stunned, her family has not been going to stall for a long time, naturally it is not clear how the original position.

"Yeah, it didn't take long after you left. It was occupied by a bunch of kebabs from other places. I can't take a girl from me. Besides, I don't want to be there. Stay!" said Xiao Yu.

"It turned out to be like this! How have you been? How many people are bullying you?" Chen Weier suddenly remembered that she and Xiao Yu were the most beautiful girls in this market. Xiaoyu did not look so good, but it was Young and young. The two of them are often ridiculed by the rogues nearby.

"Nothing..." The look of Xiaoyu was somewhat unnatural, but then resumed normal: "Wei, how come you are here?"

"Oh, I have occasionally passed by here, some miss." Chen Weier sighed and said.

"Oh, yes, Weier, I have a popsicle, come one!" said, Xiaoyu checked out one from the popsicle box and handed it to Chen Weier.

"Ah? No, I don't want to eat..." Chen Weier quickly refused.

"How, I heard that Weier, you have found a very rich boyfriend, look down on my former friend?" Xiaoyu said with an angry look: "Is it not a popsicle that is not rare?" ”

"I... Of course not!" Chen Weier shook her head: "Well, I can't eat it yet!"

"This is right!" Xiao Yu handed the popsicle to Chen Weier.

Chen Weier took the popsicle, tore the wrapping paper and took a bite.

"Hey, sell popsicles, how much?" A passerby who bought vegetables passed through here and saw the ice lolly box, asked.

"Sell it!" Light rain directly replied.

"Nothing? Light rain is not in your box..." Chen Weier just saw a lot of ice cream in the popsicle box. How suddenly said that it was sold? But before I finished the words of Chen Weier, I fell to the side.

Xiao Yu quickly helped Chen Weier, and saw that he hadn't left yet. He watched the lively passerby here. Xiao Yu shouted: "Look at what, my friend fainted, I have to send her to the hospital!"

The passer-by didn't want to take care of her own affairs. When she saw Chen Weier, she left in a hurry.

Light rain turned his head and made a gesture to a van parked not far away. The two vans slowly came over here and stopped at the rain.

The door opened, and two people came down from One left and one right dragged Chen Weier to the car, and the rain also got on the bus. The car slowly left.

"Brother, how are you!" After Chen Weier woke up, she saw her brother Chen Yong standing by her side!

"You still go to sleep!" A handkerchief was placed on Chen Weier's face, and Chen Weier fell asleep.

"Light rain, doing a good job, my brother did not hurt you!" The man smiled.

"Oh, everyone is yours, what should not be done!" Xiao Yu said with a grunt: "Again, let your brother do things for you, not for our future?"

"Ha ha ha ha!" The man laughed: "Yes, my brother will soon become the owner of Yan Huangxing! At that time, we will unify the planet together!"

When Chen Weier woke up again, Chen Yong had disappeared, and she was alone in an empty room.

Is this really what my brother is doing? Chen Weier can't believe the facts she just saw. She would rather dream of herself!

But just now, she is very certain that the person in front of me is her brother!