MTL - Villain Rescue System-Chapter 50 third world 6

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"The first and most important requirement of the human peace agreement for the blood race is that the blood race is forbidden to attack humans at will and drink human blood at will."

Wu Li frowned just after listening to the first item.

"Hey, arrogant human."

Wen Long just smiled, "But correspondingly, human beings provide artificial blood for the vampires every day. These artificial blood can almost reach the delicious level of intermediate blood."

"If you can get legal rewards by participating in human activities in the human world, you can also use these rewards to buy higher-level blood. According to the feedback from the blood clans who have tasted it, it tastes comparable to higher-level blood. "


Wen Long maintained a polite smile, and didn't let herself say anything to refute.

Just at this time, the waiter brought her breakfast.

Wen Long got up to take her own breakfast and thanked her.

She didn't like to talk while eating, and she didn't speak again after that.

Wu Li was used to putting her fangs away when she was eating.

He stared at the way she was eating, seriously.

Compared with the peace agreements Wen Long talked about, or the story of human development, he still cares more about when he can have a mouthful of warm fresh blood.

It's obviously just a "food", but it's better than him, with food and drink.

Wu Li's face was sullen, his eyes fell on her neck and turned around, but he still couldn't find a place to put his mouth.

It's only been a few days, and those bruises have hardly faded away.

He scanned her impatiently from top to bottom, but he couldn't find a convenient place to speak.

The arms are too thin, and there is not much blood on the fingers... The legs can be chewed, but the dignity of the second-generation vampire will never bend down to bite a human leg.

Wu Li made up the picture in his head, and frowned uncomfortably.

He turned to look at other parts of Wen Long, and found that the only thing left of her that could be fleshy was that pretty face.

Although due to starvation for a long time, there is not much meat around her chin. But the cheeks were still puffed out.

Or... just bite her face and forget it.

Wu Li thought seriously.

He began to think about where to place his mouth on her cheeks, and after scanning around, his eyes stayed on her plump red lips...

Red, the color of blood.

It is easy to arouse the appetite of the blood race.

The only pity is that there is not much blood on human lips.

How much blood can ooze out if you really take a bite? Two drops... three drops?

Wu Li's fangs stick out a little unconsciously.

Just one drop is fine, as long as it can satisfy your hunger.

He was staring at her face, just as he was thinking this, he was caught off guard and met Wen Long's raised eyes.

She looked at him silently.

To be precise, look at his teeth.


It's just showing a little bit.

Unhappily, Wu Li took back his fangs.

Only then did Wen Long show an approving smile, and then buried herself in her meal.

The days of waiting for Wu Chonglan's coronation are a bit boring.

Although Wen Long has reading and playing the piano as a pastime, but after a long time, it will inevitably feel boring.

She counted the days when Kong Xiaoyun came to the basement in the plot.

8 more days...

Wu Li also noticed that his "food" has been sleeping longer and longer recently.

For example, now, not long after lunch, she has already curled up under the blanket and yawned.

"Your wound seems to be getting better." He looked at Wen Long's neck that had subsided from swelling, and said.

Wen Long nestled on the bed, half-closed her eyes and felt sleepy.

"Yes. Soon, you will be able to taste the freshest blood."

Wu Li stared at her for a long time, then he suddenly said: "...Why are you not afraid?"

Wen Long raised her eyelids, "What are you afraid of?"

"Those humans will be afraid before being sucked by blood."

Although he had only seen that scene when he was very young, he remembered it very clearly.

"There are humans who are not afraid, maybe you haven't seen it."

For example, the heroine, she should not reveal any emotions similar to fear in front of the blood race.

Wu Li muttered twice: "Is that so..."

He temporarily put aside this topic, and re-examined the "food" that had become lazy.

Within a week, her face seemed to be a little rounder than before, and her body had a little more flesh.

The color of the lips is also more vibrant.

He got up, came to her bed and looked down at her.

"Huh?" Wen Long looked at him suspiciously.

Wu Li ordered: "Let me take a bite."

Wen Long was a little surprised.

Doesn't he dislike those bruises?

But Wu Li had already proposed it, and she had no reason to refuse.

"Should I sit up?"

"…Need not."

Wen Long then lay down peacefully.

She watched as Wu Li leaned down, propped one hand on her side, and put the other on her shoulder.

He adjusted his posture several times, as if he was thinking about how to speak.

"Aren't you alright?"

She got a little impatient waiting.

"…All right."

In the next second, his fangs easily pierced through the thin flesh.

Wen Long only felt a pain in her lips, and by the time she realized something was wrong, Wu Li's face was already close at hand.

He didn't bite her neck.

Beads of blood emerged from her lips, and the sweet breath overflowed from the blood, which was an irresistible taste for any vampire.

Something wet covered her lips, licking off the dripping blood.

Wen Long's scalp tightened.

she endured...

She heard Wu Li swallowing, it was very noisy.

Obviously there were only a few drops of blood in total, but he seemed to be gulping it down, obviously because he was hungry before.

It took a while before the wet and hot touch left her lips.

Wen Long breathed a sigh of relief.

Wu Li got up slowly, still feeling unfinished.

"You are delicious. When your injury heals, I can think about it. I won't drink your blood all at once."

"I allow you to live for decades."

Anyway, it's not interesting for him to be here alone. After this "food" came here, he seemed happier than before.

If so, he will let her spend more time with him.

Wu Li thought mercifully.

Wen Long responded indifferently.

She kindly suggested: "According to the blood race outside, human blood becomes bitter when old. In a few decades, you can have a good meal."

Wu Li knew what she meant.

He could kill her before her blood turned bitter, and enjoy a feast without restraint.

But he didn't feel very well.

He couldn't say exactly why he was uncomfortable.

"Are you ready?" Wen Long asked.

The feeling of being pressed by the body of an adult vampire is uncomfortable, and she hopes that the villain can get up from her body quickly.

Wu Li has stopped eating, but he still hasn't let go of his hand on her shoulder.

There was some blood oozing from the corner of her lips again, he glanced at it, then lowered his head and licked it naturally.

Wen Long lay on her back on the bed, the bright red blood that just dripped from her lips slipped into her mouth.

Wu Li tilted his head, sticking out the tip of his tongue with the intention of not letting go of any delicious food, and opened the seam of her lips, and then pried open her teeth.

He met Wen Long's slightly astonished eyes...

She is always calm on weekdays, and it was the first time that Wu Li could see something like "surprise" on her face.

He stopped suddenly, but only in a daze for two seconds. Because the tip of his tongue tasted the sweet orangutan blood in her mouth.

Wu Li only felt that the person tightly held by him was very stiff, especially when he touched the tip of her wet tongue.

Maybe it was because she cared too much, Wu Li seemed to have realized something else from this simple act of eating.

Ten seconds later, he could no longer taste any blood.

But inexplicably, he didn't pull away and leave.

He entangled her lips and tongue seriously, licking her carefully.

Wu Li felt that his behavior was meaningless, but he just couldn't stop.

Until Wen Long finally couldn't bear it and pushed him away.

The force was a bit strong, and Wu Li kissed her very focused, so she pushed a little distance away.

"stand up."

Wu Li could hear a bit of sullenness in her voice.

She seemed angry. This is the first time.


He couldn't understand the expression on her face, but he could tell the color of her lips was so gorgeous, with messy water stains.

Wu Li's Adam's apple rolled up and down unconsciously.

For some reason, the back of his neck was numb.

"Get up." Wen Long repeated.


After Wu Li got up, he realized that it wasn't just the back of his neck...his whole body was numb, he was light and even a little unsteady.

His neck was a little red, as were his ears. Especially on such a pale face, the red cloud has nowhere to hide.

But there's no mirror here, and he can't see.

"Next time, please don't do other actions casually, I don't like it."

This tone was not what "food" should be at all, but Wu Li couldn't get angry, instead he felt a little guilty.


Wen Long ignored him.

She got off the bed and went to the bathroom to rinse her mouth.

After a while, when she came out of the bathroom, Wu Li seemed to have recovered.

He regained the posture of the second-generation blood, and said with a cold face: "As food, you have no right to refuse."

His tone was rather cold, but his eyes never dared to look at her.

But Wen Long ignored him at all, covered his head with the quilt, and turned his back directly to him.

Wu Li: "..."

He decided not to argue with this presumptuous human being.