MTL - Virtual Evolution-Chapter 1532 Hope at the end of despair, hope at the end of despair

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Although the memory cleansing of the world is not reasonable, the world really wants to avoid this memory cleansing, and it is not only Esdes who can think of methods. [Fengyun Novel Reading Network]

Whether it's humans or strange animals, as long as their strength and status reach a certain level, it is not difficult to mobilize the resources in their hands to achieve memory preservation.

When there are millions of people left on the human side, in fact, the human side is unlikely to want to make another comeback. Among the remaining people, except the soldiers, civilians are almost dead and wounded, and they want to reproduce and restore the prosperity of the past. It is already a luxury.

"King of the Beast, do you really want to kill everything ?! You know, you were once a human, and now the world is no longer, don't you want to leave the beast and return to the origin!"

One of the three gods who are still alive, Yi Shuige, who is holding the law of weak water, stood out, and struck ten high-beasts with the power of weak water against them, knocking them back one by one. Opened the way to the King of the Beasts.

"Human? You deserve to talk to me!"

Faced with the humans who repulsed their followers after this outbreak, there was still a lack of interest outside the Beast. If Yishuige had already rushed towards him, I'm afraid he would still be in a state of wandering. The people or things that can interest him in this world are no longer there. Yishuige in the realm of heaven may be human. One of the most powerful people in the world, coupled with the weak water rule can attack and defend, ordinary people can not touch at all, making Yi Shuige have a strong repressive force even in the face of higher alien beasts.

But now Yi Shuige obviously picks the wrong object. The King of the Beast is not the other opponent he has encountered. The strength of the two sides is very different. Even if Yi Shuige cultivates the law of weak water to grow as a body At the point of turning into a weak water, wanting to single out is already the top of the **** king | peak, the king of the beast that can be broken only by chance will seem whimsical.

Light, bust!

The dazzling white light was supposed to bring hope to human beings, but in the eyes of people who are now visible, this dazzling white light has brought absolute destruction.

The weak water giant transformed by the weak water | The dragon did not even have the time to react. Under the impact of pure and pure light, the weak water evaporated like ordinary water when it met the sun and completely disappeared.

The speed is beyond imagination. Even if Yi Shuige, who masters the law of weak water, fully urges the divine power to reach the limit, it cannot resist this pure light.


The blood of God, which was originally worth nothing, was scattered all over the world at this moment. Even people who were originally enthusiastic about God's blood were not half happy at this moment. As the strongest human memory, Yi Shuige, lost!

The failure of Yishuige not only means that the strongest human beings have no room to fight back before the King of the Beasts, but also means that there is no room for maneuvering to extinction.

The body was perforated, the godhead was almost destroyed by pure light, and the **** soul belonging to Yishuige was almost destroyed at the moment when the godhead was destroyed.

Now Yishuige is already a dead person. Although he didn't die immediately, let alone his current state of salvation. Even the Daluo Shenxian and the Supreme King of God cannot survive.

"Cough world, are you going to ruin it? I tried my best!"

At the moment of death, Yi Shuige's state became more amazing. The destruction of the godhead, coupled with the fact that the Sea of ​​Dirac has now been absorbed, is equivalent to the destruction of samsara. The laws of the entire world have deviated. The imprint of the soul at the moment of death did not flow into the center of the super-earth, the Sea of ​​Dirac. Instead, ordinary people immediately turned into flowing souls, while the powerful gods were almost transformed into the Tao and melted themselves. In this incomplete world, the world's reincarnation cycle is once again completed.

Maybe it's because of approaching Taoism. The world in Yi Shuige's eyes is exceptionally clear. Like the King of the Beasts, he can see the world is dying. This kind of look at the world as it approaches destruction, but feels helpless, even though it is already 100% The death of Yi Shuige also raised a hint of helplessness.

As a person, Yi Shuige has exhausted everything, and he has no power to dedicate. Even if it came to the end of life, this **** who has been fighting for human beings still thinks about how to save more people. As Yi Shuige closed his eyes, his vitality completely disappeared.

God is easy to sing, fall!

The human side that was in danger at first, after the defeat of Yishuige, could be called the top two fighting powers of the other two gods, but they were not even worse than Yishuige, but in the face of a god-like monster The King of Beasts, I'm afraid it's hard to escape.

Continue to fate with Yi Shuige? Or

The two people in Tianshen Reality looked at each other, and it seemed that they had made plans through the soul-soul communication, and then almost at the same time, the two men gave a full blow to the remaining human power.


After one move, there were fewer than a hundred people left in the virtual gods and star gods, and all others were killed.

"King of the Beast, I'm still satisfied with the fame? We are willing to give up the human body and become a Beast and join you!"

The two remaining powerful gods in the realm of the gods have really used the word "shameless" to the limit. Compared with Yi Shuige, who just gave up his battle, the character of the two is totally not worth the strength of the realm .

And the rest of the people were all angry at this temporary **** of heaven, but what's the use of it? The two most powerful people have turned their backs ~ ~ The already desperate situation has no room to turn around, and humanity is destroyed?

And the two gods who have been waiting for the King of the Beast to reply are also watching the reaction of the King of the Beast. The actions of the two of them just now can be considered a life-and-death struggle. When people die together, the strength of the King of the Beasts is too powerful, so powerful that they can't even see the slightest chance of victory.

But if it turns against the water, then there is still a 1% chance that it will be recognized by the King of the Beast and live as a Beast. For those who are almost desperate, don't look at only a 1% chance, even a 1 in 10,000 chance will work.

"You guys are doing it thoroughly!"

The King of the Beasts spoke, but in this discourse, he could not hear whether he was satisfied or dissatisfied, praised or degraded, everything seemed to be looking at meaningless things.

"I wonder if you are satisfied with the King of the Beast? Would you like to kill the remaining rebels for you?"

The two gods look like dog legs, and they are so full of human beings that the rest of the human race can't wait to peel them and bone their bones, and to drink their flesh and drink their blood.

"Is it a surrender? This is indeed a good sign, but ah we don't need a surrender this time, all humans will die!"

This sentence of the King of the Beasts is equivalent to the death sentence of the two gods of the gods. The smile of the gods of the gods who had a smile on their faces immediately became stiff, and I do n’t know what to do.

"Dead? Traitors should indeed die. It is even harder to abandon their race. One hundred deaths can hardly bear the guilt! So, now I grant you death without end!"

An unfamiliar voice appeared in everyone's ears, and at the same time, there was an extra figure between the beast and the human being-Le Yuan.