MTL - Virtual Evolution-Chapter 6 Thank you! Is this starting?

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The unceasing guests of Xichuan enter the restaurant, which is the premier restaurant in Sichuan Province, and Yuci “Ju downstairs”.

In this Yuci restaurant, the head chefs of all generations are all the most famous chefs in Sichuan Province at that time!

In addition, there is an unwritten rule ...

When the chef's sticks are to be handed over, both the old and new chefs must start a "cooking contest"!

Twenty-six years ago, the chef Ju Juxia died unfortunately, and was represented by the chef's wife. He defeated the new chef in the competition and held the restaurant ...

And this new chef is the elegant name of "Sichuan cuisine fairy"! It can be said that it is the leader of the famous chefs of all ages ... the variety of dishes carefully created by her has even rewritten the history of this restaurant several times ...!

Night fell, and after more than a day of uninterrupted trek, finally came to the town where Sichuan's famous state-owned restaurant Juxia downstairs is located. Although I have eaten wild fruit, how can the fruit fill my stomach? Along the way, the dusty servants are afraid that they will encounter someone in the dark cooking industry. The penniless Le Yuan can only endure hunger and rush away when he comes to Juxia The doorway of the building was already tired and hungry, and Venus was jealous. He just slammed the rest of his physical energy and knocked on the storefront, and a burst of nausea came, his eyes fell, and he fainted at the door of Juxia downstairs.

The darkness was wrapped around Le Yuan, and a sense of loneliness and helplessness continued to flow. The screams of Yuebailou and his parents lingered in his ears. Although he realized that this was not his true memory, he had accepted Yueyuan. He was still affected by the memory, and he shouted, "Daddy, mother, don't hurt my father and mother ..."

The torrent of memory continued to be re-transmitted to his brain. Just as Le Yuan was about to be defeated by the memory that came at this instant, a warm current flowed through his body, soothing Le Yuan who was about to run out, and taking him out of the darkness. wake.

"Are you awake?" As soon as Le Yuan opened his eyes, a female voice came to his ear. As he stood up to see who it was, a seductive smell came to his nose, "Come, Drink this. "

I turned my head and saw a young woman in a plain blue cloth walk to the bed with a bowl of soup and then sat on the bed.

"While you are cold, hungry and tired, a soup that is both digestible and warming is the best." Smiling with a spoon, holding a small spoon of soup, leaning forward and handing the soup to Leyuan.

I also had some confused Le Yuan drinking and pulling down naturally. As soon as Tang Cai entered, he was all excited. After being awake, Le Yuan, who has initially merged with the identity of the plot, quickly took the soup from the other party, hurriedly took a few sips, and squinted for a while and said, "This taste, I did n’t expect the deliciousness of the soup. It spread to my whole body, and I also felt that my strength was slowly recovering. "

Looking at the soup with an incredible crystal light, Le Yuan couldn't help expressing his emotions: "I drank such a delicious and warm soup for the first time, did this soup add any herbs in it, and I was in the soup for the first time? Feeling this smell is unique but it makes my body comfortable. "

It seems that what was said in the mouth said: "This bowl of soup has **** and spring onions, put the soup in clear water, and adds a bit of salt after cooking. I also put radish juice during this time, and this sweetness, It ’s honey ... and the most important thing is that herbs. The herbs that have been specially cooked are ... "

After taking a deep sip, closing my eyes and recollecting the special taste, comparing all the tastes in memory, I finally blurted out: "It is typhoid, the source of that trace of taste is typhoid, but how do you do it? ? "

"Your tongue is so sensitive, you can taste even the specially treated typhoid grass."

With the woman's affirmation, Le Yuan's ears heard the system's prompt sound, and he quickly called out the system panel, and found that a talent was added under the super-tact.

Talent: Unknown

Partial Awakening-Super Tactile (Remark: No. 6510 is aware of the extreme pain of all parts of the body by feeling the smashing of bones when entering the water, and realizes the extreme pain of all parts of the body. It combines the extraordinary sensitive sensations of natural talents combined with life and death.)

——Super Taste (To be opened, note: No. 6510 Because the ingredients are tasted one by one after tasting the special cuisine, the sensitivity of the taste is recognized by the legendary chef, the taste talent is triggered, and the opening conditions are unknown. The effect is unknown. )

喝 While drinking the soup, she was secretly looking at the woman in front of her. Although she was simple, she revealed the maternal brilliance even the person who was already three years old in her heart felt kind. Coupled with the fact that she lost consciousness in front of Juxia's downstairs door, and the system prompts just now, there is no doubt that the woman in front of her can only be the mother of the target protagonist of this trip-Master Abbe.

"You look much better for him, it's so good, so I can rest assured." With a holy smile, the woman in front of me passed the empty bowl, "If it is convenient, can you tell me why you would Passed out at the door of Juxia's downstairs? Where is your home? "

"You must be Master Abe, who can make such a delicious soup." Without answering her question, Le Yuan said with a speculative and affirmative tone, and quickly lifted the quilt covering herself. One turned over and got out of bed, "plopped" and fell to her knees in front of her, "Master Abbe, please take me as a disciple."

He seems to be surprised by Le Yuan's behavior. The blue woman stayed for a while, and after reaching out, she quickly reached out and wanted to help him.

"Yes, I am the chef of Ju downstairs. Can you tell me why you want to worship me as a teacher, and can you tell me about your experience?"

Tong Leyuan lowered his head and looked slightly sad on his face. In fact, he was organizing language in his heart, and planned to explain it in the future.

Seeing Le Yuan's silence for a while, Master Abbe was trying to help him first, and then he heard Le Yuan's slightly tender voice.

"Master Abbe, my name is Le Yuan. I am the son of Yuebailou Chef Lelang. The reason why I will come to Juxialou is because Yuebailou has been destroyed by people in the dark cooking industry, my father and mother It's already whine ... "

He said that Le Yuan himself was also infected by this memory. The fake drama was really done, and the tears couldn't stop flowing. Master Abbe was also infected by this cry,

He stroked Le Yuan's head with his hand, with sympathy in his tone.

孩子 "Son, don't cry, be strong. From then on, Ju Ju downstairs will be your home. Would you like to use this as your second home?"

Master Abbe's motherly words stopped Le Yuan's cry. Le Yuan, who had stopped sobbing, wiped her tears with her hands and nodded hard.

"Well, can I be your disciple?" Le Yuan, whose eyes were red and swollen, looked at Master Abe with anticipation.

"Of course, then I will call you A Yuan." It seems to be moved by Le Yuan's expectant eyes, Master Abe responded with a smile, "but the training of the chef is very hard, A Yuan can Hold on? "

"I can!" Le Yuan answered immediately, with a hint of stubbornness in his tone. "It is my dream to be your disciple and make dishes that make people feel warm and happy." Although I said so in my mouth, I thought But it is: It is my dream to be able to make flash dishes.

Jingle Leyuan and Master Abbe talked to each other for lengthening. When they wanted more information, the door opened, and a twelve or three year old girl walked in with a boy's hand.

"Mother, you should rest early, and open the store tomorrow." The girl's crisp voice like a yellow magpie came into my ear, "Let me watch it here."

"Aling, Grandma, you are here. This is Ah Yuan. From today on, I am my disciple." Master Abbe turned around and introduced to the people, and then pulled up Le Yuan again, pointing with one finger. People said, "This is my daughter A Ling. You can call her sister. Here is my son Liu Xingxing. He is 8 years old. You can just call him A Yi. You should be able to be friends and talk well. Let's talk. And A Yuan, pay attention to rest, but the body is very important for a chef. "

After speaking, Master Abbe left the room, leaving Leyuan and their three children alone.

"Is this the future protagonist, 8 years old, that is to say 5 years before the beginning of the plot? I don't know if the departure time is before or after the beginning of the plot."

While Le Yuan was silently observing Xiaodang (Liu Yingxing), the curious future protagonist could not wait to ask: "Are you called A Yuan? How did you come to Ju downstairs? Why did you faint? "After I said it, I looked forward to it, hoping to hear something like this from Leyuan.

Thinking of having a good relationship with the protagonist, Le Yuan processed his experience and spoke affectionately and eloquently. When it came to the dark cuisine world's destruction of Yuebailou, A Ling and Xiaodang were angry. When they said how to avoid hunting in the wild, the two were nervous again. When he heard that he chose to jump over the waterfall so as not to fall into the hands of the dark culinary world, the worry on both faces was self-evident.

讲 After the whole story is finished, the two leading siblings have completely considered Le Yuan as their own. UU reads www.uukanshu. Com looked at him with a look of admiration, as if to take a closer look at what a hero who can jump off the cliff looks like.

And after listening, Aling said blamefully, "You, why are you so adventurous as he is, and you don't care about your body at all?"

I heard the one mentioned by A Ling: he ", Le Yuan asked curiously:" Sister A Ling, who is that ‘he’? "

"He, like you, escaped from the dark cooking world. His name was A Fei. It was 5 years ago. I remember very well that it was one year after his mother took over Ju Ju downstairs. After Ju went downstairs to study for a while, she went out to learn more about cooking. "A Ling said with a look of memories.

"Ama, Ayuan needs to take a good rest, and you should take a rest sooner." Aling didn't seem to want to say anything, sent Ama to go to bed, turned her head and said to Leyuan, "You can rest well, and you can raise your body Learn good cooking, I'm next to you, just call me if something happens. "After that, he left the house with a lamp.

Li Yueyuan lay silently on the bed, sorting out the information received: there is the presence of A Ling, the Chinese version of the Chinese version of the pit father ’s TV can be removed, and to be unblocked

Luo Jialou Luo Dao (unknown kitchen knife) can also prove this, as for the comic version or the animated version, it will take time to prove.

I thought that I would be able to make people's flirtatious dishes soon, Le Yuan fell asleep with excitement.

PS Leyuan also has a small discovery-in this world there will be hungry and thirsty, if you do n’t eat, you will lose your physical strength and life value, but there will be no excrement when you eat.

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