MTL - Virtual World: Close Combat Mage-Chapter 20 Wulong Cave Secret Road

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Sword ghosts, the four of them concentrated in front of the blame, no effort to pay attention to behind. Moreover, they are not as paranoid as Han Jiagong, and they will think that if they have nothing to do, they should concentrate on watching how others do things.

The team went forward in the depths of Wulong Cave. Han Jiagongzi always wanted to find a chance to go back and teach Gu Fei. Unfortunately, he has already done this task once. He knows that there is no chance at this moment. The depth of the hole goes deeper, the level of the monster goes higher, and it is more and more dense. I want to continue to do so without disturbing any extra blame, and I can't go wrong in one step.

It must be done all the way to the deepest place, there is a stone gate, but the small BOSS of the caretaker is also quite powerful. Packed up, opened the stone door, and behind it was the one-room of the thief’s head.

Han Jiagong’s calculation of the process of all the way, calculating the time, but I do not know that there was an accident behind them.

It is difficult to get to the middle of the mountain road, and the foot is high and low.

The employer was careless, stepping on the air, and squatting, stumbling and stepping on the side.

"Be careful!" Gu Fei saw that he just lost his balance and would not fall, so he only verbally reminded him.

The employer stood firm and thanked him. But at this time, Gu Fei suddenly felt that there was something wrong with the darkness behind the employer.

"Quickly open!" Gu Fei shouted, and had already flew over.

The employer had not counterattacked, and he saw Gu Feifeng rushing from his side and falling behind him.

"Hey..." a sound of a crisp sword. Gu Fei’s long knife has already smashed the scabbard, and the shadow of the darkness has caught up.

"Come on, don't help me!" Gu Fei said back.

"Rely!" After returning to the end, Gu Fei shouted heartily. The guy has already ran away, and he did not move to help Gu Fei’s mind. In his view, since Gu Fei and others are hired to help him, of course, he has the responsibility and obligation to maintain his safety, so Gu Fei’s rescue is a must. As for him, in turn, help? by! I want to be able to deal with these strange things, but also to buy you? The employer thinks this way.

"Okay, let's go!" Gu Fei was on the sidelines while talking to the kid.

The employer walked away awkwardly and had some doubts in his heart. Is that person not a mage? How do you see him as if he is stabbing a knife with a monster? Oh! He is close to the hatred of pulling strange, let the blame quickly turn his attention from him, it really is a master.

The employer rushed to catch up with the big troops. Leave Gu Fei alone to fight.

In the dark, it is not easy to fight, Gu Fei and the war and retreat, and gradually returned to the center of the road, where there is no light from where, Gu Fei finally saw the opponent. It is also a mountain thief, but it is a mountain thief in blue costume.

What does blue clothing mean? Just like the previous ordinary online game blue name. Holographic online games, NPC heads no longer bear the name, of course, can not distinguish BOSS from what blue name, gold name. It is obviously not appropriate to engrave the words "big BOSS", "small BOSS", "blue monster" and the like on the face. Finally, the game company decided to use the shape to reflect.

The little thief in front of me is a little blue monster.

I want to fly to the monster to upgrade so far, this is the first time the character is out of a blue monster, it is a little excited.

Unfortunately, the blue monster can't bring him a lot of fresh excitement.

Blue Monster said that it is not considered BOSS, just the ordinary mobs plus blood plus attack plus anti-upgrade version, the real BOSS. They are all dressed in gold vestments, and the colorful clouds are coming to you, so that you can look at them with a glance. That is, there are four NPCs with strong skills, good equipment, high grades and high AI. Compared to BOSS, the blue monster is just a small one.

Gu Fei and Xiao Yan three rounds, continue to play his extreme damage output limit operation, the solution is only a matter of time. Unfortunately, Gu Fei has no power, and the equipment is also a whiteboard. It is quite quick to deal with ordinary blame. It is a bit tired to play the upgraded version. This toss took a full few minutes, and the blue monster finally fell to the ground.

Before lying down, Gu Feiqing clearly heard the little blue monster muttering: "The key to the secret road, I will never give it to anyone."

"What key?" Gu Fei asked the sentence subconsciously.

But the blame is dead. Even if you don't die, it's not a well-designed conversation, and you won't answer it.

Gu Fei quickly rushed from the little blue monster. In addition to more coins than the ordinary mobs, there is actually a heavy subway key. A fixed eye: the key to the secret of Wulong Cave.

Where is the secret? Gu Fei looked around and walked toward the darkness of the group that the little blue monster jumped out.

It’s too dark to see anything. But this is hard to beat, because he has a torch.

At the beginning, there was no killing of the tramp who played the bonfire at the lake. In addition to getting a bundle of meat knives, Gu Fei, the props of the guys who made the fire, also seized a lot. Gu Fei is just a mage with limited weight. The pocket of his robot cat is not infinite. Of course, the extra meat cutters will not be brought back, but the torches will be used when they are used. Isn’t this just the case?

Gu Fei was fortunate to be forward-looking, and he took a torch from his pocket and lit it.

The darkness is lit up. Gu Fei immediately found a large iron plate on the ground, and the lock on one end was firmly fastened together by a huge giant lock. Insert the key that has just been seized, turn it, and the giant lock will sound. After taking it off, Gu Fei opened the iron plate and a hole in the square of one person appeared in front of him. Stretched into the torch and took photos, and there was a passage high by one person.

Gu Fei quickly sent a message to the sword ghost, and the result received a system notification of the "information reception closed".

There is intense and intense fighting, and of course I don’t want to be harassed by the news. Sword ghosts, several of their information reception are closed. Anyway, everyone is together with each other, and everything is shouted with a mouth.

Still waiting for the task to finish! Gu Fei closed the iron plate and returned to the road. The result was stopped again.

In front of the hole, the mobs that were cleared when they passed by the sword ghosts have already been brushed out again.

However, it is a level 35 blame, and there is no difficulty for Gu Fei. The key point is that Gu Fei is not like a sword ghost. He knows every strange location distribution, hate range and so on. He wants Gu Fei to move on now. I am afraid that the mobs in the whole cave will be cleared again. In short, it is: trouble.

"God is heaven!" Gu Fei sighed and turned back and opened the iron plate.

"Maybe I will go from here, I will go around them and scare them!" Gu Fei took a little prank and got the secret.

Although the secret road is narrow, it is much better than the road in the cave. Gu Fei will take the torch in front to explore the road, and his heart will always be against it, in case there is an ambush in it!

The result was safe and sound, Gu Fei has been at the end of the secret road, a huge stone gate. Stretching his hand and pushing it, the stone door slowly opened. But at any time there is a trend of rebounding back, Gu Fei pushes the side and squeezes, finally drilled the past, and let go, Shimen closed again. In turn, push it twice, and the stone door does not move. Pull open? It’s impossible to push the sweat of a nose just now. Gu Fei is somewhat dissatisfied with his strength. It seems that he can consider adding some strength.

Leaving Shimen, I looked at my eyes and was empty.

I can't think of a flat and wide place in the cave. Gu Fei immediately noticed a lonely cabin on the flat square.

“Sutuo is in a cabin built in the depths of Wulong Cave... Although the outside is flat and spacious...” Gu Fei remembered what Han Jiagong said when he introduced the task.

I have already arrived at my destination. It turns out that this secret road is a shortcut to this mission! Gu Fei is happy. Since no one has come yet, then... Gu Fei took the knife in the handshake and walked toward the cabin of Soto.

He admire the design of Han Jiagong's design; and they have a close cooperation with them, Gu Fei also looks at it. If you really follow the plan of Han Jiagong, I am afraid that in the end, there will be no danger.

However, admire does not mean like it! What Gu Fei likes is a direct face-to-face fighting.

What blame, card blame, pull hate... These words Gu Fei often hear often see, but also know about it. These are the places that reflect the technical content of an online game master, but Gu Fei is different. He really wants to be a master in this game, but he is not relying on online games technology, but his efforts, this is his purpose of "parallel world."

Xiaoguai cut and cut for so long, Gu Fei has been looking forward to having a BOSS to challenge himself. There is finally this opportunity now.

You know, this kind of task BOSS is not so easy to see. The system randomly publishes tasks every day, and the task of finding chickens to send water to open the water is too much to do, and this challenging high-level task is rare. Even if there is a brush out, it is also a big luck. Therefore, after receiving this task, the employer will not hesitate to pay someone to help him.

Think of it this way, it is not bad to join this mercenary team, often take some difficult tasks, there are more opportunities for challenges.

Gu Fei thought, he has already arrived outside the wooden house.

Inside is the NPC. It is the guy who wants to cut his head to complete the task. Gu Fei is of course not bored. He also knocks on the door and says hello. When he flies up, he opens the door and shouts: "Sotu!"

It seems that this way can also lead to monster hatred. I saw a guy lying on the bed, and turned up. He took a big knife on the foot of the bed and chopped it at Gu Fei.

Gu Fei slashed his knife! collision!

"The power is great!" Gu Fei block is blocked, but can not hold this power, people will be shaken out by Soto.

Soto screamed and rushed out of the house.

Gu Fei's face is green. Because he still remembers that Han Jiagong said: "When Soto is out of the house, he must whistle the little brother."