MTL - Warhead Pet Hamster-Chapter 74 Mole hair

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The Tate had acquired a lot of information on the third planet, so they broke the translation of the translation and only had one letter and one symbol of the third planet's response, and did not use much time.

The Tate Fleet Marshal Tatu Muge looked at the words transcribed into their language, and his face was distorted.

The gloomy turn turned to the three-dimensional simulation of the blue planet in the main control room.

The resources on this planet are inevitable. The reason why it takes time to negotiate with these wild people is to avoid giving the Cosmic Council a handle.

Unfortunately, people on this blue planet don't eat soft or hard.

Although the Tats did not do anything to eliminate other low-level civilizations, the weapons used were limited to weapons within the limits of the Cosmic Parliament.

Afterwards, I cleaned up the battlefield and never let the sheriff of the Cosmic Council find it.

But for now, if you want to break this blue planet, you may use a restricted weapon.

In that case, it is almost impossible to be perceived by the sheriff.

Tatu Muge is completely afraid of the Sheriff. In his eyes, those sheriffs can be bought to some extent.

The trouble is that the sheriffs are all formed by elites of various ethnic groups. Compared with such a scarce energy stone, other interests may not enter the eyes of the sheriff.

The news of the energy stone is easy to leak out, I am afraid that all races in the universe will come up with a cup.

Tatu Muge licked his teeth and said, "Can you determine the coordinates of the blue star uploading the response?"

Immediately next to the Tate response, "Report Marshal, has been confirmed."

Tatu Muge blinked and the location of the response was inevitably the location of the planet's governing party.

According to his past experience, any low-level race will have a fear of high-level weapons.

What's more, this race still has no aircraft that breaks the orbit of the planet. It is only a coincidence that the defense net can be built. When the resources were used to cut the mechanical beasts, the planet could be destroyed by most of them. Tatu Muge did not believe that the current ruling party would see more powerful weapons attacks and would not be afraid.

Soon, Tatu Muge dispatched two sets of Pioneer Fleet, locking a coordinate set on the Blue Star to attack.

At this time, he responded to Professor Wei of the Tate and looked at the information displayed on the Honeycomb Energy Network.

The three mother ships of the Tate have already moved in the direction of their planet.

Professor Wei pushed the glasses and said, "Little hamsters, you succeeded in angering them."

The words are serious, but the face is difficult to cover the excitement. Before the energy stone was insufficient, they could only rely on the Tat's reconnaissance attack, and now they can finally launch the energy network counterattack program.

A mouse ball climbed out of Chen Chengzhen's collar and ran down Chen Cheng's arm and reached the terminal of the honeycomb energy.

Professor Wei adjusted the procedure of the honeycomb energy network and added energy stones to the honeycomb energy network through the terminal.

Then, with a glance at one person and one mouse focused on the terminal of the honeycomb energy network, Professor Wei’s eyes flashed a light.

This little hamster is very close to him.

Um... the opportunity is rare, and the loss is no longer coming.

Professor Wei quickly extended his claws toward the little hamster squatting near the terminal.

His request is not high, he wants to study a hamster hair.

Only Professor Wei’s hand has not yet fallen, and Chen Chengyu pinched it and threw it away.

At the same time, the mouse ball that was next to the terminal was also picked up by Chen Chengyu.

Shu Xiaohui took a look at Chen Chengyi inexplicably.

Seeing Chen Chengyi still looking at the data on the terminal, he turned his head and took Chen Cheng's finger and continued to stare at the terminal.

Although I have confidence in the Honeycomb Energy Network, I am afraid that the accident is not.

At this time, the first wave of attacks by the Tate people, the brilliant fireworks exploded on the honeycomb energy network, and the beautiful light waves on the honeycomb energy network were not shaken.

The data also appeared very quickly on the terminals of the energy network.

Chen Chengyi looked at the data and touched the lower corner of his mouth. He said, "Professor Wei, let everyone stop training and come out to see the white meteor."

Professor Wei raised his eyebrows. "Do you want to use the display function of the ability network to broadcast the situation of the energy network against the battleship?"

This is a good way to improve morale.

When a rat ball heard this, suddenly stood up and turned his head and looked at Chen Chengyi.

There is only data on this terminal, and there is no case where the energy network attacks the battleship.

Chen Chengyi nodded.

Professor Wei looked at the little hamster standing in his hand.

Shu Xiaohui felt inexplicably cold, and quickly turned to look at Professor Wei.

... He almost saw a light flashed on Professor Wei's glasses.

This Frankenstein is sure to make another idea!

Chen Cheng blinked.

Holding the mouse ball and retracting his hand.

Professor Wei pushed the glasses and solemnly said, "I want a hamster."

This made the mouse sigh of relief. He stepped on Chen Cheng's thumb and said, "Isn't he given him a hair? He won't think about dissecting me every day?"

"Probably." Chen Chengyi responded.

That's easy - ah!

He has a lot of hair.

Shu Xiaohui lowered his head and stretched his small claws, so he was looking for a place to lick his hair.

Just on the front waist.

Looking at this situation, his family Xiaohui is going to perform in front of him... the rat hair!

Chen Chengyan’s temple jumped and his fingers were not light and heavy, and he poked on Shu Xiaohui’s waist. “You try one!”

Shu Xiaohui was poked a cockroach, turned his head, and the black eyes glared at Chen Chengzhen, angrily said, "You have been threatened by a scalpel to try!"

Moreover, he was once fixed on the anatomical disk! Psychological shadows are all!

Although it is known that Professor Wei is joking... but it is undeniable that a mouse is indeed timid.

And from another angle, he is also willing to let Professor Wei do research, after all, Professor Wei is not for hunting.

Chen Cheng’s mouth was moving. He was the first group of experimenters under the test of Professor Wei, and they were cut by the scalpel several times.

However, he was reluctant to let the mouse ball lick directly.

He rubbed his thumb on the head of the mouse ball, and stepped up to the backpack thrown aside, and turned the conch shell that Shu Xiaohui lived from inside.

Then he pulled out of the conch shell and was named by Shu Xiaohui as a small bed that did not leave the absorbent cotton.

Then, Shu Xiaohui saw Chen Chengyi picking out a white rat hair mixed in the cotton wool.

Shu Xiaohui was shocked by the amount of the mane, and he looked down at his mouse.

Although I did not see which position was bald.

But a mouse ball is still very scared.

This is a hair loss!

Is it a hair change or a hair removal?

Will it be like the Canadian hairless cat?

Professor Wei took over the rat hair that Chen Chengzhen handed him and carefully collected it.

Then I looked at Shu Xiaohui, quite solemnly said, "Thank you, little hamster."

This hair is very important to him.

Maybe he can bring his family back.

Then Professor Wei began to adjust the code of the honeycomb energy network. Previously, the hive terminal did not have this program, so it took a little time.

During this period, Professor Wei did not let the hive ability network counterattack, only a simple defense.

The reason is very simple. If the warships are directly destroyed, they will only be able to see the data provided by the Honeycomb Energy Network. It is not a pity to see the specific scene.

At the same time, the base of the Moon Tower was built.

Tate Marshal Tatu Muge, seeing the defensive net on the blue planet resisted the attack of three motherships and thousands of warships.

He had to hold some hope for breaking through this defense net. At this time, he had to admit that the low-level race on this blue planet was really difficult to win.

Tatu Muge smashed the front seat and ordered, "Increase the attack!"

However, just let the honeycomb energy network splash more beautiful lines.

Still no trace of silk.

Ten minutes later, Professor Wei released his hand and stepped back slightly, saying, "Okay."

Then, Professor Wei gave Chen Chengyi's order through the energy network.

All the people stopped training and working and looked at the sky.

Then on the global energy network, the dense warships of the Tate are displayed outside the Earth's orbit.

For a time, everyone who saw this situation was solemn.

It was the cruel Tate who almost destroyed their main star and killed the aliens of their nine or more people. At this time, they were trying to break through their defense nets.

Fortunately, those warships that look quite high-tech are easily blocked by the Hive Defense Network.

People who saw this scene were trembling and excited.

Chen Chengyi put his family Shu Xiaohui into the pocket of his clothes, and went out of the engine production room and plunged to the highest point of the building.

Shu Xiaohui was still worried about the problem of hair removal.

This suddenly saw the sky full of light, and the beautiful colors of the fireworks were still stunned.

The attack of the Tate battleship continued to fall on the power network, just like the splash of water, which was easily swallowed by the power network and spread a beautiful glow.

After a short while, let everyone fully watch the fireworks, Professor Wei launched the counterattack program of the Honeycomb Energy Network.

I saw the blue attack wave of the hive energy net, and the circle was like a wave, and it was rolled up to the Tate warships that attacked the network.

At this moment, the power of the honeycomb energy network made Shu Xiaohui stunned and squeezed the front paws.

A few laps of blue light waves went out, and the Tate's warships were broken down into pieces, flashing orange-red light, and continually across the sky and blown into the distance.

This situation lasted for twenty minutes, and almost all of the large and small Tat warships were shattered.

The remaining distance is too far away, and it has not been affected. Cangjie has left the attack range and flew back in the direction of the moon.

At this point, Tat Muge could not believe what he saw.

It was the Pioneer Fleet that he had cleaned dozens of planets of hostile civilization, and it was so easily defeated by this low-ranking race.