MTL - Warrior’s Promise-Chapter 2871 Xuan Ming World

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Chapter 2871, The Great World

On the way to the world of Xuan Ming, Su Mo and the six elders were silent. The two were not afraid of chaos and gods. They were both on the road and enlightened.

Although the law of the law is merged, the power of the two of them is skyrocketing. However, it is still necessary to realize a lot of understanding and thorough integration, in order to thoroughly digest the income.

In particular, Sumo, the force of the law is climbing too fast, he needs a lot of insights, only to make the best use of it.

A few months later, the two men came to the world of Xuan Ming.

The world of Xuan Ming seems to be no different from the world of clouds, but the space is more stable, and there is a strong chilly atmosphere in the stars.

"Six elders, where is Ji Jinbai challenging Jingchu?" Standing outside the exit of the chaotic channel, Sumo looked at the innocent starry sky and asked the six elders around him.

"Jingchu was the person of the Xuan Ming Temple in Xuan Ming. We will wait near the Temple of Xuan Ming and come with me." The six elders said, they took Sumo quickly.

"Sumo, is the refining of the laws of the ten sacrifices?"

During the flight, the six elders asked Sumo. Before that, Sumo had already informed him that there were still ten sacrifices, and the crystal of the law was not refining.

"Refining and refining, when I arrive at the destination, I will help you integrate, so that you can reach the situation as soon as possible." Su Modao, for the six elders, he can spare no effort.

No way, he needs a strong helper and can only rely on the six elders.

"it is good!"

The six elders smiled and said: "Sumo, this elder knows, the purpose of your help, rest assured, the elders must do their best, we cooperate sincerely, and each needs."

"So best." Sumo nodded.

There was nothing to say, the six elders took Sumo, crossed the vast starry sky, and finally came to a huge star.

This star, named Xuan Mingxing, is the main star of the Xuan Ming Great World and the place where the Xuan Ming Temple is located.

The world of Xuan Ming is a big and unified world. The Xuan Ming Temple is the hegemon, and it leads the countless forces of the whole world.

"It seems that the big world of Xuan Ming is mostly the system of cultivation of chills and colds." Looking at the mysterious star in front, Sumo said with a deep voice, most of the stars along the way have a strong chilly atmosphere, even This mysterious star is no exception.

"Well, this is the main course of the world of Xuan Ming, but there are also many people who cultivate other kinds of Taoism, and it can be regarded as a hundred flowers." Six elders.

"We settled down and upgraded our strength while waiting for Ji Baibai." Su Modao.

Immediately, the six elders and Sumo landed in a star near the mysterious star and landed in a mountain range.

When I came into contact with the earth, Sumo really felt that the power of this sinister world was strong and powerful, and that the other great world warriors could not survive if they were too low.

"Six elders, this time I came here to find Ji Baibai. The consequences are unpredictable. It is very likely that there will be a huge conflict. Therefore, I hope that you can break through as soon as possible. Now it is the date of the battle between Ji Yubai and Jingchu. It’s been less than two years, so you’d better break through before Ji’s arrival.”

In the valley, Sumo and the six elders sat cross-legged, and he said solemnly.

"This elder can't guarantee a breakthrough, but he will definitely try his best." The six elders nodded, and he naturally knew that Sumo's search for Ji Baibai was definitely not old.

Even if Sumo came here, it is very likely that it will never be recovered.

This is not what he wants to see, so he will try his best to break through, as long as he breaks through the road, then he has the strength to protect Sumo.

It is impossible for Ji Yunbai to bring too many strong people to come here. At most, the old woman, if he breaks through the road, although it is unlikely to defeat the wife, but the strength to protect Sumo is still there.

"Give you, you can directly integrate it." Sumo reached out to the palm of his hand, and the palm of his hand was the crystal of ten rules. This is the crystal of the ten laws that make the great and powerful, extremely powerful.

One of Sumo did not stay, and all of them were given to the six elders, because these are no longer useful to him.

Because of his law of light, there is too much improvement at one time, and now it is useless to reintegrate.

"Thank you!" The six elders clenched their fists and took over the crystals of ten rules, and they began to merge.

Sumo also closed his eyes, and he will continue to enlighten the law of light, and then rely on the powerful law of light to impact the realm of creation.

Although, now he is very successful in his accomplishment, he also has the confidence to fight with Ji Yinbai. However, it has been a long time since he has stayed for a long time.

The stronger the cultivation, the more secure it is.

Now, the only thing he expects is that the three people of Jin Wushang are still alive, and hope that Ji Yunbai did not kill the three.

Into the cultivation, Sumo's heart quickly calmed down.

Constantly enlightening the law of light, he does not need to enlighten himself, but only needs to integrate the laws of integration, which is more than a hundred times simpler than the law of self-enlightenment.

Time, the slow passage in cultivation.

The date of the battle between Ji Yunbai and Jingchu is close to one day.

The mysterious star is full of excitement, and the warriors of other big worlds are coming in an endless stream, and they have settled in the mysterious star.

The Xuan Ming Temple, as the hegemon of the Xuan Ming Big World, also took the host's etiquette. All the people who came to see the Xuan Ming Star were all entertained by the Xuan Ming Temple and arranged a good residence.

As the distance is closer, the more people come to the world of Xuan Ming, the others are alone, and some are in groups of three or five.

This battle can be described as the most influential battle in hundreds of thousands of higher worlds for tens of thousands of years.

Both sides of the battle are the supreme heroes of the Dengluhuatianshu, and it is obvious that Ji Yunbai is to deny the authority of Luohua Tianshu by himself.

Some people came to the Yuan Dynasty, and more than one or two people came to see the influence of this war.

Time passes by, and it is only eight days away from the date of the war.

On this day, the six elders who had been in the state of being settled suddenly opened their eyes.

"Sumo, I almost broke through." The six elders said with a sigh of relief.

"What are you waiting for, and quickly break through." Sumo immediately woke up and said quietly.

"You are waiting here, I will come back." The six elders nodded, then left and went, breaking through to the situation is not small, he needs to stay away from the mysterious star.

Sumo saw this, a slight glimpse, but the mind turned and understood why the six elders left, but it is not better to enter the space treasure?

Slightly sighed, Sumo thought of a move, he entered the space treasure, the six elders have to break through, he has to break through.

At this moment, Ji Yunbai has already arrived in the world of Xuan Ming, and settled on a small star.

He did not bring many people, only Tian Po, Ji Hailan, and Tai Ying Zun.

Because, in these years, Ji Yunbai did not repent of the heavens and the human world, and he did not need to bring many people here.

On the top of the mountain, Ji Yunbai and Ji Hailan stood side by side, and Tai Yingzun stood in the back ten feet.

"Sea blue, don't you have no fighting heart?" Ji Yunbai looked at the rolling hills of the mountains under the alliance, faintly asked.

Ji Hailan's talent is very high, also ranked in Luohua Tianshu, and even ranked higher.

For this cousin, Ji Yunbai is not awkward, because he does not know how strong Ji Hailan is, because the other party does not like to fight with others.

Ji Yunbai has not studied with Ji Hailan for many years, and the other party is not willing to learn.

“Why do you have a fighting heart?” Ji Hailan asked with a blank expression.

"Your talent is better than me. Do you want to prove yourself and defeat the two people who are ahead of you." Ji Yunbai asked, Ji Hailan was among the newcomers of the last Luohua Tianshu. It was ranked third by Luohua’s son, and there were two people in front. Of course, no one knows who the first person is.

"What can you do if you beat it?" Ji Hailan asked again.

"I really don't know what you are thinking?" Ji Yubai shook his head helplessly.

"During the date of the war, there are still eight days. How much do you have?" Ji Hailan asked again, Ji Yunbai has challenged Jingchu twice and failed, so this time the other party has not allowed himself to lose again. .

Of course, in fact, the strength of Ji Yubai is comparable to that of Jingchu. The so-called failures are also the fall of the long battle.

"60%." Ji Xinbai sighed. In recent years, his unprecedented efforts, although not improved, but the strength has increased.

"This is the last time. If it is not successful, return to the heavenly world immediately." Ji Hailandao, if the other party defeats this time, then it can no longer continue to challenge, otherwise, it is really detrimental to the face of the king of the North.

"Yeah." Ji Yun nodded.

"I heard that Luohua's son came, and the **** of the **** world has come. This battle is very eye-catching, I hope you can succeed." Ji Hailan said a faintly, then floated down the mountain.

"Oh, come on!"

Ji Xiaobai chuckled and whispered to himself: "Luohua son, I will definitely make you look at you."

Everyone believes that Ji Yunbai's constant challenge is to challenge the authority of Luohua Tianshu, but in fact it is not, he just wants to get the attention of Luohua.

Luo Huagongzi, the most mysterious woman in Yuanshi mainland, a woman in the world where no one can get close.

(End of this chapter)