MTL - Warrior’s Promise-Chapter 2947 End of this testimonial and follow-up

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End this testimonial and follow-up

Today, on November 1st, when "The Deity of God" knocked down the words "The End of the Book", the lobster was relaxed all over the body, and there was a faint loss in the heart.

The book was uploaded on April 12, 16 and lasted for three and a half years, with more than 1,000 days and nights, 6.53 million words.

Three and a half years ago, the lobster was a reader. With a moment of impulse, he wanted to write a novel, so he had this book, "The Master of God."

At the beginning, the lobster was an ignorant beginner, and it was extremely difficult to write. Thanks to the encouragement of the readers, the lobster had the power to write it down.

With the improvement of writing level, the achievements of "The Master of God" are getting better and better, and more and more readers are supported, which is beyond the expectations of lobsters.

At that time, the lobster was under great pressure. As the first book, as the first book, I never thought that there would be so many readers who supported it. I could have such a good result and I was worried that I could not write it. I am very worried that the subsequent writing is not good.

Don't want to live up to the support of many readers, lobsters are trying their best to write better content every day.

In 17 and 18 years, the book was very smooth and the results were all the same.

However, there are some regrets that "The Deity of God" began in the 19th year, that is, the plot of the big cloud world began, the lobster found that the plot has collapsed, and the income can not be accepted.

Therefore, after the big world of Yunxiao, it was extremely difficult to write, and I could not find the feeling at all. In a short period of six months, my hair was white one-fifth.

Therefore, this year, I often break even more, not lazy but really can't write it out. Sometimes, after writing it, I can only remove the rewrite if I look at the same soar.

Fortunately, today is finally finished, although not perfect, but it is already the biggest ability of lobster.

After the book was finished, now it is like a world, why didn't you think that the book was impulsive at the beginning, and it could write more than six million words.

Now people are also relaxed, but there is a loss in the heart, sorry that the book is not perfect in the later stage!

After more than three years of writing, I have learned a lot and I have met many lovely book friends.

Here, the lobster is seriously thankful. Thanks to those readers who have been genuinely subscribed, thank you for your love of "The Great God of God". It is you who have made this book grow stronger. You have given the lobster unlimited power. You have been accompanying the lobster for more than a thousand days and nights.

In the readership, I saw many readers say that chasing "The Deity of God" has been chased from high school to high school, from high school to college, or from college to a family.

The lobster is very touched, and the gratitude in my heart cannot be said.

thank you!



Let's talk about the next step.

Beginning next week, the lobster will write a chapter of the free chapter outside the "God of the Lord" every few days, sent to the micro \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ On the \\, all readers can read for free, micro ||| letter search 'Bali lobster' will find the address.

As for the content outside the Fan, it can be Su Mo's follow-up plot, or it can be a plot of a supporting role. As for what you want to see, you can go to my public \\\\\\\\\\\\\\


Next, let's talk about the new book.

The new book is ready to be uploaded at the end of the month. It is still the first QQ reading, the new story, the new background, the new system, everything is brand new.

This new book has been conceived for more than a year and is well prepared.

It is still a fantasy theme, but it belongs to the future world of the earth, and it is called the future fantasy.

Before the release of the new book, please allow the lobster to save the manuscript first, but it cannot be updated as in the later period of "The Great God", and it must guarantee a stable update.

At the end of the month, I hope to see those familiar book friends, and hope to get the support of the book friends.


Lobster once again thanks the support of many book friends!

Thank you!

(End of this chapter)