MTL - Wasteland Commander-Chapter 140 Triton

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Chapter 140 Seamount

A few dozen kilometers further north from Huacheng City is the headquarters of Wangbei Army Steel Group.

A few dozen kilometers further north from the Iron and Steel Group, you will reach the banks of the Shenlong River.

There is a pier by the river called Jiangxuedu.

 There are 365 days in a year, and there are at least 200 days with snow here, hence the name.

Jiang Xuedu is now heavily guarded. A company of Wangbei Army is stationed here to ensure smooth communication with the northern Rakshasa.

 Some off-road jeeps are coming through the snow.

Although the snow is quite heavy, it is the first snow in winter. Because the temperature is not yet that low and the snow has not been solidified by the north wind, it cannot cause too much damage to these superior performance jeeps. hinder.


 The car horn sounded.

 The soldiers guarding the Northern Army took one look at it, immediately stood at attention and saluted, and then raised the crossbar entering the ferry.

Cars filed in one after another, moving along the ice and snow road until they arrived at the bank of the Shenlong River.

 The car door opened and everyone in the car got out.

 The person in the first car was none other than Zhang Zhijian, the second leader of the Wangbei Army.

 Zhang Zhiguo is recuperating from illness and has not been involved in worldly affairs. He is actually leading the Wangbei Army, and he also brokered the deal with the Rakshasa people.

The people who got off the car behind were all the leaders of various forces in the Survivor Alliance.

For example, Pang Yong and Wang Dashan of the Burning Legion, such as Wang Juan of the Detachment of Women and others.

 A group of people came to the river and looked at a little thin ice on the water's edge

“The temperature this year is much different from previous years. It will freeze before November.”

“Yes, the water in the Shenlong River is so strong that it used to take December to freeze, but this is two months ahead of schedule.”

“It’s so **** cold, Second Chief, where is your boat?”

"Where is it? It didn't move last night. It was frozen. It will be fine soon."

On the shore, a group of soldiers from the Northern Army were breaking open the ice around a ferry, trying to free it.

Zhang Zhijian rubbed his hands: "This ferry won't last long. Once the river freezes over, the boat will become useless."

Everyone nodded, but no one took it seriously for a moment.

Zhang Zhijian was a little unhappy: "Don't look disapproving. If there were no ferries on the river, do you think you would be where you are today?"

"The weapons and ammunition you use are all brought back by ships from the Seamount Acropolis across the river. Without these weapons, we people would either be eaten by zombies, or we would be like ordinary survivors, living under the shelter of others. Now we are facing the Dawn Army. , I’m afraid I don’t even dare to breathe.”

Pang Yong of the Burning Army always followed Zhang Zhijian's lead and immediately said: "The second leader is right. Although we are all evolutionaries and have such great abilities, facing the endless zombies, your ability alone is not enough." It’s useless at all, at most I can survive starvation, but if I get a claw one day, I’ll still have to die.”

"The person who brought all this to us is the second leader. Thanks to the second leader contacting the Rakshasa people, we have the good life today, so everyone must not forget our roots."

The other forces also echoed and praised Zhang Zhijian's great achievements.

Zhang Zhijian's face looked a little brighter: "This time everyone is going to Haishanwei with me to negotiate a deal with the Rakshasa people. We can't have our Wangbei Army provide steel in every transaction. You have to spend whatever wealth you have. Otherwise the Rakshasa people will not provide us with weapons.”

“I believe you all know the strength of the Shuguang Army. Not only do they have solid city defenses, but they also have armored vehicles and tanks. Didn’t Wang Dashan narrowly escape death under the cannons of tanks?”

Wang Dashan nodded immediately. He had been feeling sad about the last incident for the past few days.

“Without advanced weapons, we cannot fight against the Dawn Army, so we ask for help from the Rakshasa people.”

"When we arrive at Haishanwei this time, please clamp your tail tighter. The production lines of the Rakshasa military factory have been repaired, and Haishanwei has been completely recovered. Our strength is not comparable to ours. When the time comes, they will need food, Don’t be stingy about medicines or anything else, and even your women must be given obediently with both hands!”

Pang Yong of the Burning Legion asked tentatively: "What if they want land?"

Zhang Zhijian sneered: "Why do they need so much land now? Rakshasa is originally a vast land with sparsely populated areas. The area is much larger than ours in Qin and Han Dynasties, but the people are only one-tenth of ours. The population of Haishan City is even smaller than ours." There are more than one county, otherwise they wouldn’t have recovered Haishanwei so quickly, they have no shortage of land.”

"Even if there is a shortage one day...then we have to give it obediently. Now is the end of the world. The land is originally ownerless, so it will naturally belong to whoever has the biggest fist."

A few people nodded as they listened. Although it was a little harsh, it was true.

The reason why they dared to challenge the Dawn Army after understanding its strength was because they were counting on the assistance of the Rakshasa people.

 It’s just that this assistance is not free, it comes at a heavy price.

 But in order to defeat the Dawn Army, they agreed to pay the price.

Zhang Zhijian continued: "Have you heard that the survivor forces in Coal City have been unified. Now they are using Daqingshan Prison as their base to expand their territory. Unlike us, we are still a loose alliance."

Wang Juan of the Detachment of Women asked: "Second leader, even if Coal City is unified, it will only be about the same power as our alliance."

“It’s similar to them, but I heard that there is a large group of survivors in Bingcheng. The leader of that group is incredibly powerful, with more than 300,000 people under his command. Maybe it will be a matter of time to unify Bingcheng.”

Zhang Zhijian showed a hint of worry: "Others are growing rapidly, but we still have the stumbling block of the Dawn Army here. If we don't get rid of the Dawn Army early and grow stronger, we will either be killed by zombies or annexed by others."

"So, in order to get rid of the Dawn Army, I will pay any price..."

 During the conversation, the boats on the riverside were finally brought out.

The ship was launched, and the people watching the Northern Army said to Zhang Zhijian: "Second leader, you can set off."

“Okay, everyone, follow me and go meet Mr. Rykov.”

 The big bosses of the Survivor Alliance all got on the boat, and the boat began to sail towards the river.

 The captain also introduced everyone during the voyage.

"Our Shenlong River is the largest river in the north, with a width of 3,500 meters and an average water depth of 26 meters. The river is rich in aquatic resources and the giant salmon is delicious. But everyone should pay attention when crossing the river. Some aquatic species have mutated and may threaten humans."

Just as he finished speaking, a four-meter-long big fish suddenly jumped out of the water in front of him, which looked very shocking in the sunlight.

“Be careful! That’s a mutated catfish, and it can eat people.”

Everyone is on high alert. Although they are evolved, their abilities are greatly reduced in the river.

As the ship gradually moved away, Wang Juan said with sadness: "What a big fish. I think if these mutated beasts attack humans one day, they might be more terrifying than zombies."

"Yes, there are many more animals in the world than humans. Even if there are one tenth of the mutations, it is enough for us to drink a pot."

“I hope zombies and mutated beasts won’t know how to unite.”

This sentence made everyone's heart suddenly change. If zombies and mutated beasts have such wisdom, is there any way for people to survive?

 Hope that such a day will not come.

 The ship pushed away the waves and gradually approached the border of Rakshasa.

There was a watchtower on the shore, and the Rakshasa soldiers on it immediately shouted questions in their own language.

 The captain here began to wave flags and semaphores to indicate his identity.

Zhang Zhijian snorted from inside his nostrils: "Taking off your pants and farting is unnecessary. Now except for the boats of our North Korean Army, no one comes here at all. They do this every time."

The ship approached the river bank, and there was already a group of Rakshasa soldiers waiting at the dock.

There are even people from the Qin and Han Dynasties who originally worked on the Rakshasa side, but survived the end of the world and became one of the survivors of the Seamount Guards.

 Because of the deal with Wangbei Army, this Qin and Han man became a translator.

 “Haha! You two leaders are here.”

 “Here we come, the big guys from our alliance are here.”

"Welcome, welcome. On behalf of Mr. Rykov of Haishanwei, I welcome everyone. We are compatriots. My name is Meng Jie, and you can call me Xiaojie."

After everyone greeted them, Meng Jie said: "Everyone, I'm sorry, you have to leave your weapons behind before you can follow me into Seamount Guard. This is the rule."

  The big bosses of the Survivor Alliance handed over their weapons and then followed Meng Jie into the car.

Four armored assault vehicles have been parked on the shore, and they look brand new.

 Everyone looked at each other and felt that this time was not in vain.

Sure enough, the Rakshasa people recovered Haishanwei and achieved great results in building an arsenal, and armored vehicles were able to be mass-produced.

 The vehicle left the dock along the road, then ran all the way into Seamount Guard.

The population of Haishan City is less than two million, and there are only more than one million zombies. It took the Rakshasa people a month to completely eliminate the zombies in Haishan City. This is the first one they know that has been completely returned to human hands. city ​​of.

 The white snow covers up the blood. It seems that this place is not much different from before the end of the world.

 It's just that the streets are very empty. Now the main population of the city is concentrated in the area near the city hall.

 The armored vehicle continued to walk inside. After walking for a while, fortifications appeared in front.

 Four-meter-high walls, thick iron gates, and heavily armed soldiers guarding the area.

 After seeing the armored vehicle, the iron gate opened and they passed the city wall.

 Once inside, it is the living area for people.

There are even businesses on the streets, buying and selling various goods and supplies, but they all use barter transactions.

But it feels very new to them. After all, the Survivor League has not yet reached this point. In addition to working, the survivors there only know how to queue up to receive porridge every day.

The motorcade arrived at the City Hall and stopped in the City Hall Square.

“Everyone, we’re here, get off the bus.”

Zhang Zhijian and his group got out of the car. After getting off the car, their eyes suddenly lit up.

I saw two brand-new tanks parked in the City Hall Square!

 Although it is also a light tank, it is obviously produced recently.

 Even the paint on it hasn't dried very well.

 The purpose of placing it here is obvious, that is, to shock the Survivor Alliance.

 But there is no doubt that the effect was unexpectedly good, and it immediately raised hopes for the Survivor Alliance.

 If you can produce, you can produce at scale. These ambitious alliance bosses have raised their hopes.

 No matter how much it costs, they will still purchase it!

 (End of this chapter)