MTL - Wasteland Commander-Chapter 139 airborne troops

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Chapter 139 Airborne Forces

Ye Fan turned on the radio in the official residence, waited for a while, and sure enough he heard the Burning Legion's broadcast.

“Fellow Huacheng compatriots, today we are extremely indignant and want to inform you of a piece of news.”

“Just now, our Burning Army planned to repair winter houses for survivors and went to Linhai County to collect building materials, but we encountered shameless robbery.”

"The Shuguang gang under Ye Fan bullied the weak and forcibly took away the building materials that originally belonged to us. They also shot and killed our personnel, destroyed one of our armored vehicles and an off-road vehicle, and more than a dozen of our brave soldiers. Die on the spot!"

“Here, we, the Burning Legion, solemnly declare that we will completely break with the Dawn Army. The two sides will automatically enter a state of war from now on. Our personnel can launch attacks on the Dawn Army at any time and anywhere.”

“We also call on the entire alliance to unite, and the entire Huacheng area to unite, to jointly resist the atrocities of the Dawn bandit army, completely drive out this cancer entrenched in Huacheng, and give us a clear sky..."

 The repeated broadcast was broadcast a dozen times, and then people began to respond.

Led by the Wangbei Army, other members of the entire Survivor Alliance have successively declared war on the Dawn Army.

In the radio broadcast, the Dawn Army was described as a group of brutal bandits.

Ye Fan was also slandered by them, saying that Ye Fan was just a coward with a weak character and was not worthy of being a leader at all.

Zhang Zhijian of Wangbei Army even made wild remarks on the radio.

“Ye Fan, you, a foreigner from the Flower City, get out of here as soon as possible! You are not welcome in our Flower City. On behalf of the Survivor Alliance, I officially inform you that you have 72 hours to go into exile and disappear here with your men, otherwise you will be responsible for all the consequences!”

  The Survivor Alliance has already directly broken up with each other.

Of course, the Shuguang Army is not idle here, and there still needs to be a necessary public opinion counterattack.

Ye Luo's counterattack was not sharp enough, so Ye Fan decided to let the clever Platoon Commander Shen stationed at the radio station to be responsible for quarreling with the opponent 24 hours a day.

Of course, there is no point in arguing. What we really have to rely on is his system, his red alert soldiers.

 After building the transport plane, Ye Fan still had more than 70,000 gold in his hand.

Ye Fan didn't keep any of the money, so he started building a third military camp.

 The Dawn Army needs to expand in size and the population needs to increase.


 One night passed, and Ye Fan woke up the next day and found that it was snowing outside.

 It is now late October. In the past, there was a lot of snowfall in October in the north, and this snowfall was quite heavy, with a thick layer on the ground.

The surrounding mountains are covered with snow, and Dawn City is also covered with a layer of silver.

I came to the viewing balcony on the third floor of the villa and took a breath of air. It felt cold in my stomach, and I could even see white air when I exhaled.

 “It’s so cold, the temperature dropped by more than ten degrees all of a sudden.”

There were footsteps behind him. Shen Ruihui was not here now, but Zhuge Yunxue and several other girls should have arrived.

Ye Fan shook the cloak on his body, put his hands behind his back, and looked down at the vast land.

"What beautiful and magnificent mountains and's a pity that there are animals running rampant. When can I break this haze and bring peace to the world?"

“The future is full of hardships, and the rise and fall of the world rests on my shoulders. Sometimes I feel really tired..."

 The sound of footsteps was approaching, and several girls were already behind him.

Ye Fan held his hand on the railing and faced the wind and snow with a desolate expression, which was very heartbreaking.


 The loudspeaker in the radio station was turned on somehow.

 Shen Ruihui's voice came out from inside.

“The Wangbei Army’s slander against our Dawn Army is simply untenable. Our Dawn Army pursues humanitarianism, and the people live and work in peace and contentment, with a five-star happiness index.”

  It turned out that I was still arguing with the Survivor Alliance, but I accidentally turned on the loudspeaker.

 Ye Fan was slightly moved. Although this boy often made trouble, he was still dedicated.

"As for the slander against our leader Ye Fan, it is even more groundless. Leader Ye is the most mentally strong person I have ever seen. He will not be weak if anyone is weak. If he shows weakness, it must be disguised because of the situation. ....."

The footsteps that had already reached behind him suddenly stopped.

Ye Fan heard the clicking sound of his teeth.

“Nana! End Shen Ruihui’s current job and let him...let him go to the basement to guard Wang Huining!"

 “Okay, sir, I’ll inform him immediately.”

Ye Fan breathed a sigh of relief, and felt that there was still a clicking sound coming from the pond.

 Looking over there, Xiaoba was breaking the ice on the edge of the pond.

This guy is a marine creature. There is no ice in the ocean. It seems a little uncomfortable staying here.

But it also has its own methods. It waves its huge tentacles and easily smashes the thin ice, so that the pond cannot be frozen.

 Ye Fan ordered the Shuguang Army to start heating.

 Fortunately, the city's infrastructure construction has been completed, and the newly built houses have heating.

 With thermal power plants, heating is not a problem. This is Shuguang Army’s advantage.

And Ye Fan had people add a circle of heating pipes around the pond to ensure that the pond would not be too cold.

 Otherwise, if the pond is completely frozen in thirty-nine days, it will be worthless to turn Xiaoba's seafood into frozen goods.

 The engineering troops came over and started work quickly.

 At this time, the construction of the military camp was also completed.

Ye Fan didn't want to lament the wind and snow here. He turned around and left the official residence and went to the military camp area to place it. The third military camp of the Dawn Army appeared.

The Dawn Army's core area can only build four military camps. If he wants to continue to increase the number, Ye Fan can only expand the city wall in the core area further east.

 After the third military camp was placed, Ye Fan did not produce soldiers immediately. Instead, he went to the airport and waited for the transport plane to appear.

 About two hours later, the transport aircraft costing as much as 100,000 yuan was finally completed!

 The transport plane emerged from the hangar.

 When this big guy appeared in front of him, Ye Fan was deeply shocked.

Watching the transport plane on TV, I didn’t feel much, but when this big guy actually appeared in front of me, Ye Fan realized how huge it was.

 Looks like a civil aviation passenger plane, but in terms of practicality it exceeds that of civil aviation. At least this aircraft is more solid.

The cockpit looks much larger, with two propellers on the left and right sides of the wing.

 There is a cargo hold inside the aircraft with a length of 16.2 meters and a maximum load of 25 tons.

  If troops are deployed, 98 soldiers can be deployed at one time.

 If it is wartime, this number can be increased.

 The maximum take-off weight has reached 77 tons, and the maximum range has reached 7,800 kilometers!

 The flight altitude is 8,000 meters and the flight speed can reach 570 kilometers per hour.

And there is anti-electronic interference equipment inside the aircraft, but it is difficult to use it now.

 The aircraft is equipped with a radar that can scan an airspace of hundreds of kilometers in diameter.

 The aircraft has a crew of four, including one pilot and one co-pilot, and two people in the cabin.

 Maintenance of the aircraft, etc. do not require crew operations. There are air force ground crews at the airport to do these things.

 “That’s good, it’s good, but it’s another greasy tiger.”

Ye Fan watched the plane slowly taxiing out, feeling complacent in his heart.

 With this aircraft, you can produce airborne troops yourself.

The Survivor Alliance is becoming increasingly rampant. They dare to fight even when they see that their own side has tanks. Ye Fan has reason to believe that they will definitely have firepower that is not inferior to his own side.

 So now the top priority is to increase strength, and airborne troops will be an important part of future wars.

With more than 20,000 gold left in his hand, Ye Fan first produced a hundred airborne troops.

 Twenty thousand gold was spent at once.

Hundred airborne troops can also be squeezed into one aircraft, with a platoon of 24 people, and a platoon leader, exactly four platoons.

 Production began, troops began to be sent out from the military camp, and an airborne soldier came out within a minute.

 The soldiers appeared and ran to Ye Fan to report.

“Airborne soldier Mo Yue reports to the commander!”

  “Tell me about your situation.”

"Yes! Sir, our general situation is similar to that of the scouts. We are equipped with a lot of special equipment. We are good at swimming, surprise attacks, and destruction. We also have an extra parachute bag that can quickly launch strikes from behind enemy lines. If sir, we continue to unlock the authority, we It can even use space combat vehicles and tanks to quickly form a powerful combat capability."

Ye Fan's eyes lit up. He had heard of this, airborne with heavy equipment.

 Being able to airdrop something as big as a tank would be a nightmare for any enemy.

The battle is raging in front, and if you are suddenly attacked from the rear, you are afraid that you will collapse immediately.

Of course, airborne landings with heavy equipment are not yet possible, which requires larger transport aircraft and more advanced technology.

 After the introduction, Ye Fan immediately asked Mo Yue to go to the officer training center to study.

 The first soldier, Ye Fan planned to train him to be the leader of the airborne troops, so he was assigned to study as a company commander.

He temporarily leads four platoons, and he also serves as the commander of the first platoon.

 After the second, third, and fourth time, Ye Fan sent them all to study and become platoon leaders.

 Then from the fifth to the sixteenth, Ye Fan directly appointed him as the squad leader.

 Four platoon leaders, twelve squad leaders, and the airborne troops who came out were all soldiers.

 At nine o'clock, all the airborne troops had been produced and had finished their studies.

However, Ye Fan did not let them start training immediately. The transport plane matter needs to be kept secret for the time being. Now the survivors outside do not know about it.

 If there is steel, it must be used on the blade. These airborne troops are born with basic military qualities and do not need to deliberately undergo parachute training.

But he did not leave the airborne troops idle.

Leaving the guard platoon and the black pot platoon to continue to guard the base, Ye Fan ordered all airborne troops, together with the soldiers of the second battalion, to stop the construction work at hand and follow him to Qinghe to continue to eliminate zombies.

 Don't look at the fuss in the Survivor Alliance, Ye Fan knows in his heart that they want to launch an offensive against the Dawn Army, but they will not be able to achieve it for a while.

Waging a war is not an easy task, not to mention that everyone’s financial resources are not strong.

With the strength of Shuguang City's city defense, if they dare to come, Ye Fan will dare to bury them.

Defensive operations have advantages, and Ye Fan now wants to see what confidence the other party has to dare to make such a challenge.

Before the war starts, Ye Fan wants to save more funds and upgrade all his units to three stars.

 It would be better if you can get out of the hero camp before the battle.

 If you don’t fight, that’s enough. If you fight, you will completely defeat the opponent.

Ye Fan has been in a bad mood these days and is a little angry. He feels like he is longing for war.

 (End of this chapter)