MTL - Water Recovery System-Chapter 26

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The next day, the earthy yellow sun was high in the eastern sky, and the air was filled with a salty smell.

As soon as Shen Jiayan woke up, she met a pair of deep dark eyes. Before he could react, he spoke: "Why are you in my bed?"

This really sounds like a questioning.

A hint of sarcasm flashed in Luo Shaoxuan's eyes, and he motioned to Shen Jiayan to see his posture holding his arm firmly. Sure enough, in the next second he saw Mu Che throw away his arm like a hot potato.

Luo Shaoxuan snorted, did not speak any more, and moved his arms that had been numb all night.

From the beginning, Luo Shaoxuan didn't think much about Mu Che. Even if he had a bright and beautiful face, in Luo Shaoxuan's eyes, he was no different from other people. Even if he could, he would rather choose an ordinary one, at least not so much.

The reason why he was willing to agree to marry Muche was entirely because he owed Muche his father's life, so he planned to take his own life to pay it back.

Luo Shaoxuan originally planned this way: Even if it wasn't out of love, the "ice" mode of getting along with each other is fine.

But Mucher thought otherwise. After hearing the news of Mu's father's death, Mu Che only thought that the group of them killed his father, saying that they were the murderers.

When Mu's father died, I didn't know how many people in the base made Muche's idea.

In the last days, there are no supernatural powers and no one to protect. In the early morning, he was found dead on the street covered with traces.

Luo Shaoxuan received the news that several people in the base had been unable to restrain themselves, ready to attack Mu Che. Therefore, he had no choice but to take Mu Che back into captivity overnight and forcibly married him.

On the night of the wedding, Mu Che cried and made trouble, and refused to let Luo Shaoxuan take a step closer to him. Luo Shaoxuan was not interested in him at first, so the two of them were divided into rooms and never slept together.

If it hadn't been for Mu Che's severe fever last night, Luo Shaoxuan would never come out to be nosy.

But Luo Shaoxuan did not expect that he would feel softened by Mu Che's occasional fragile posture last night. Even when he woke up this morning, he was still thinking that if Mu Che really didn't make a fuss, it would be nice for the two to live together like this in the future.

It turns out that he was thinking too much.

Luo Shaoxuan's lips curled up with a sneer, and he concentrated on moving his right hand, waving his sharp dagger so that only the afterimage could be seen.

The atmosphere in the room suddenly dropped to freezing point.

"Boss, is he awake yet?" Luo Qi was holding a bun in his mouth, eating oily mouth, and walked in from outside the door swaggeringly, not even noticing the weird atmosphere.

Luo Shaoxuan glanced at Luo Qi, did not speak, and looked very cold.

No matter how slow Luo Qi was, he realized that the atmosphere between them was not right. At the moment, he squeezed all the buns into his mouth three times, then winked at Luo Shaoxuan, and asked in a low voice: "What's the matter? Boss, does he have no abilities?"

"No." Luo Shaoxuan jumped out two words.

"I'll take it. Then he really has a power!" Luo Qi opened his mouth wide enough to put an egg in, "Then what kind of power is he, is it really better than your boss's power? "

Luo Shaoxuan concentrated on wiping the dagger in his hand, his lips pressed tightly: "I don't know."

Luo Qi: "..."

And Luo Qi is obviously not the only one interested in this issue. Yang Yuxing, Lu Yuan, and Chi Xi all came over after breakfast. When Yang Yuxing came, he also brought the instrument he made by himself.

While Luo Qi and Luo Shaoxuan were still talking, Yang Yuxing had already walked up to Shen Jiayan: "Do you think there is any change in your body?"

Shen Jiayan shook his head with a dazed expression.

Yang Yuxing pondered for a while, then changed another way to ask: "Then do you think which part of your body has more energy that does not belong to your body?"

Shen Jiayan closed his eyes and felt for a while, then stretched out his hand, a white light slowly rose from his palm.

The white light was very soft, like an incandescent lamp illuminating a room at night. It was obviously not glaring at all, but everyone present could not open their eyes and look directly at the light.

"I'm going, this power, it looks really awesome!" Luo Qi's eyes were pierced with tears, but he still sighed.

Five minutes passed before the white light finally dimmed a little.

Everyone opened their eyes, and there was a small blue flower in the palm of Shen Jiayan's hand swaying gently in the wind. That flower has no special fragrance and no means of attack. It is just like the most ubiquitous trumpet flower before the end of the world.

Lu Yuan curiously reached out to touch the flower: "This is a plant department?"

"No." Yang Yuxing denied, "Plant systems can generally produce seeds, or drive existing plants to be owned by themselves, but they can't create a flower out of thin air. His powers should be higher than those of plant systems. ."

Luo Qi smiled hard: "It's more advanced than the plant department, does it mean the skill of flowering? This ability is raised to the highest level, doesn't it mean it can bloom a lot of flowers?"

Yang Yuxing glanced at Luo Qi, ignored him, turned around and asked Shen Jiayan: "Can I take a drop of blood from your hand?"

Shen Jiayan was silent for a while and said "Yes."

Yang Yuxing carefully pierced Shen Jiayan's index finger with a needle, squeezed a drop of blood into the test tube, and sealed the mouth of the tube with gauze: "I can't tell if your power is useful for the time being. If you can research it out, I'll tell you again."

"Thank you."

This thank you made everyone unnatural. This Muche has always taken what he deserves, no matter what others pay him, when he will say "thank you"?

Luo Qi felt that he was getting goosebumps, and he hurriedly changed the topic: "Boss, this morning an investigation team said that there is still a lot of supplies in a supermarket in H city to the south. Would you like to check it out?"

"Okay." Luo Shaoxuan put the dagger back into his boots, "Go back and prepare, and set off in five minutes."

"Wait, can I go with you?" Shen Jiayan suddenly asked.

Luo Qi rolled his eyes toward the sky: "Much, what are you going to make? In this way, you just say what you want to eat, is it ice cream or chocolate, or cake and apples. We will get you back whatever you want. , Don't add chaos, can you make it?"

"I want to kill the zombie. Can you bring it back for me?" Shen Jiayan looked straight at Luo Qi and said seriously.

"Ha, stop teasing. You are going to kill the zombies! How to kill?" Luo Qi began to ridicule brightly, "Do you think the zombies will see how you conjure a flower in front of them?"

Luo Qi's words reminded Yang Yuxing. Become a flower in front of the zombies! They can't look directly at Bai Guang, what about the zombies? Can it also cause temporary blindness in zombies?

Yang Yuxing told everyone his guess.

Luo Shaoxuan was originally determined not to let Mu Che go out with them, but when Yang Yuxing said this, he actually wanted to refuse and couldn't find an excuse.

In case this white light has the same effect on the zombies, then for them, the places they can go to have increased invisibly, and they are much safer.

"Follow me when the time comes." Luo Shaoxuan said this last sentence, obviously tacitly acquiescing that Shen Jiayan went with them.

It can only be said that Luo Qi's assist was too good!

Shen Jiayan grabbed Luo Shaoxuan's sleeve, a pair of cats with bright and thorough pupils: "I see."

Luo Shaoxuan nodded, but the next second he felt that Mucher had stuffed something into his hand. I opened my palm and saw a small blue flower lying on it.

Shen Jiayan blinked: "I give it to you."

Luo Shaoxuan was still expressionless, but the ice under his eyes had melted slightly. He gently closed his palms, but held them vacantly. After all, he still didn't hurt the little flower in his hand.