MTL - Way of the Devil-Chapter 21 On the road three

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"So urgent?"

Lu Sheng took over the baggage and whispered.

"If you don't want to go early, go ahead. It may be a mess in the city for a while, but don't worry, I have already done everything."

Lu Quan’an Road wins a smile that makes him feel relieved.

Lu Sheng nodded, no nonsense, with a small piece together, packed up a few pieces of clothes, and then quietly took the carriage from the side door and left.

Sitting in the carriage, Lu Sheng looked through the gap and looked away from Lufu.

The heart is always inexplicably heavy.

"Da Gongzi, you really want to go along the mountain city? So far. When will we come back?"

Small and worried.

Lu Sheng smiled and didn't answer.

The black carriage is about the same as the carriages on the rest of the street. It looks worn out for some years.

There is no sign on the body of the road.

Along the way, I left the center of the city and headed for the main entrance. The carriage was stopped by the patrolling guards several times.

Lu Sheng opened a curtain of a curtain and saw that the city guards of a team outside were divided into many small teams, with a number of temporarily organized peasant squads, patrolling the streets.

He glanced at a pointed building passing by the window.


Suddenly Lu Sheng reached out and took a hand.

The carriage suddenly turned left and entered a relatively narrow street.

The speed of the car has also dropped a lot, and it quickly stopped.

Lu Sheng pulled the small curtain and drove down.

"Win brother, I have been waiting for you for a long time."

The chubby face of Zheng Xiangui appeared in front of the two.


Small and surprised.

"Let's go. This is not the place to talk. I am ready for the place you want."

Zheng Xiangui whispered.

The carriage slowly pulled out of the street again.

Lu Sheng and Xiao Qiao changed a carriage in this small street and slowly drove outside the city.

Out of the city, there is a rocky mountain a few miles away from the Black Wind Ridge.

There is a small green forest with a stream of water.

The carriage stopped in front of this grove.

Zheng Xiangui first got off the bus and looked around.

"Just here, a secret stronghold that I used to spend money when I was young, I will give it to you for the time being."

Lu Sheng took the small car off.

"Thank you, fat man."

"You, my brother, what are you doing?"

Zheng Xiangui said seriously.

"There are no places in the vicinity of this place. Nobody smokes. The nearest place is a Zhuangzi of my Zheng family. I have arranged it. I will send some food to the woods every day, and I will put it outside the yard of the hut. Take it yourself."

Lu Sheng nodded.

Zheng Xiangui said again.

"You are careful. It is not far from the Black Wind Ridge. Although the troops are guarded by the army, there will be no major problems, but occasionally there will be wild wolves and cats."

"Do not worry, the news in the city, you remember to inform me at any time, or send it with food."

Lu Sheng slammed.

"it is good."

The three people walked into the grove all the way, and after tens of meters deep, they saw a silver-like stream that flowed down the rocky mountain wall.

The creek forms a beautiful stream of crystal clear water in the grass between the trees.

In the woods, there are many kinds of birds, and there are almost no traces of human activities on the trees and grass.

Lu Sheng crossed the creek and saw a deep, close proximity to the mountain wall. There was a fine cabin.

The white wood is rooted up, like a building block, and it is a simple white wooden house.

There is a small garden on the edge of the cottage.

"I will send you here."

Zheng Xiangui whispered.

He also wore two close-fitting guards, all of whom were cultivated from an early age and absolutely loyal. Don't worry that they will say it.

"This time you have worked hard, you go back and continue to work."

Lu Sheng nodded.

Zheng Xiangui also hurriedly left with a group of people.

Lu Sheng began to greet the small cabin.

There are dried meats in the wooden house, and some fresh fruits and vegetables are also placed. Obviously it was brought.

"Don't you, have we been living here forever? Don't you go along the mountain city?"

It’s still a little puzzled until now.

"Go still have to go, but that is the future, now stay here for the time being."

Lu Sheng answered a few words.

The two cleaned up the house and packed up in the afternoon, and the sky was getting dark.

Small oil lamp.

The yellow light is solitary and dim in the dark wooden house.

Lu Sheng stood in the yard and looked up at the sky.

The sky is dark and dark, the moon and the stars are covered, and there is no light.

The oil lamp light in the room radiated a glimmer of yellow light and shone in the yard.

This yard became the brightest place in the entire forest.

Lu Sheng stood in the courtyard and looked out through the fence.

The woods were dark and there were unknown sounds moving from time to time.

Lu Sheng backhand held the knife hanging from the waist.

Zheng Xiangui wanted to arrange a guard for him, and he refused.

The thing he lives here, the less people know, the better.

Looking at the trees outside the yard and not seeing the fingers, Lu Sheng closed the courtyard door and turned to the window of the wooden house.

The window has two floors, inside which is paper-paper paper, and there is a thick solid wood window on the outside as a barrier.

Lu Sheng closed the wooden window outside, and the light inside could only be seen from a slight gap.

He pushed the door into the house.

Small is making a bed.

There is only one bed in the room, and there are a lot of wood chips and dry grasses on the top, and then the mats are laid on the top, and then cotton pads and the like.

"The son....."

The small eyes are watery and the cheeks are red.

"If you want to rest, let the small ones give you warmth."

"..." Lu Sheng is speechless. "There is a small bed behind, you can go to sleep yourself."

It looks like a young girl of twelve or three years old, which really makes him feel guilty.

"Okay...." It’s too shy to be small.

In this wilderness, only she and her son are together, or in such a small wooden house.

Whether it is changing clothes or taking a bath, you can't avoid each other.

It is normal to have something to happen.

It is a pity that the son does not seem to have this thought.

After washing each other, Xiao Xiao, under the urging of Lu Sheng, slept in advance.

The so-called cot is actually placed inside the wooden house, separated by a layer of wood. There is only one layer of palm wood wall separated by a large bed, and a small door covered by a curtain in the middle is connected.

What is going to happen, that is, just one thought.

Lu Sheng’s current mind is not in this respect.

He slept early, concentrated and practiced for a while.

Early the next morning, Xiao Xiao went out and took the food box that was sent to the entrance of the hospital.

After having breakfast, Lu Sheng hit a broken heart and continued to practice black gongs.

In addition to the occasional small time to go out in the yard, the rest of the morning was quiet, and Lu Sheng was completely used to practice black gongs.

After eating at noon, it is a black tiger knife.

Before dark at night, Lu Sheng looked at the paper strips in the food box and determined that there was no special news. He slept very early and practiced more than two hours of black gongs before going to bed.

This cycle repeats.

In this way, Lu Sheng and Xiao Xiao in the woods, live for half a month.

Black Sang Gong still has no movement.

It stands to reason that according to the records on the classics, and the actual martial arts common sense, there is no sense of anger for half a month, normal people will give up.

After all, if the internal strength is suitable for you, it will take only a few days to produce a sense of anger.

However, Lu Sheng knows that it is very likely that Hei Gonggong did not lose the internal skills of the master plan. At the beginning, Duanmu also mentioned this point.

So he only insisted for so long. I did not expect it still did not move.

Just when Lu Sheng is about to give up.

A strange sense of anger finally appeared in a practice of black gongs.


The sky is overcast.

At noon, there was a hint of cold in the air.

The woods are bleak, and the birds in the weekdays have no strength. Only occasionally they can hear one or two calls.

Lu Sheng took a long knife and slowly practiced the swallow chasing knife in the yard.

His speed is not fast, just the precision of practicing.

On the surface, he seems to be practicing knives. In fact, Lu Sheng has always been the main focus, still on the black gong.


After three consecutive slashes were cut out, Lu Sheng took the knife and was preparing to clean up and enter the house as usual.

Unexpectedly, the last knife just shot.

A hot, hot air flow, like a silk thread, flickers in the back kidneys.

The road wins the action and slams it, and carefully feels it again.

He slowly took the opportunity to look at the black gongs.

Suddenly the burning sensation once again flashed, the position is still in his kidneys.

"This is .... Sense!!"

Lu Sheng’s heart is overjoyed.

After so many days of hard work, he was skeptical that he was really guilty of the black martial arts he had received.

Unexpectedly, I was forced to come, and this internal gas spurt finally made him feel a big stone on the ground.

"Sighing with anger, hurry up!"

Lu Sheng did not say anything, hot iron.

"Dark blue."

His mind is silent,

The blue modifier's box quickly popped up in front of him.

Click the Modify button and the box will flash.

This time the box is really different from before. This time at the bottom of the martial arts, there is a black gong.

‘Black 煞 Gong: Not getting started. ’

Although it is only a very simple word, but in the eyes of Lu Sheng, the heart's happiness is about to be suppressed.

Now that he can hardly find a better way to improve, Blackbird is almost his only hope.

Otherwise, he really does not know how to face the unknown and threats from the outside world.

"Modify the black gong, improve the first layer!"

Lu Sheng’s idea has just come out.

In the state of black martial arts, if you didn't get started, you jumped into a state of entry.

boom! ! !

Almost at the same time, Lu Sheng saw the moment when the state changed, and his internal organs slammed into a heat.

A huge heat flow appeared in his body out of thin air, and he began to follow a dozen meridians.

The heat is hot and burning, like a flame flowing through the body of the road.

He stood in the same place, his face quickly rising red, his skin followed by red, like a cooked shrimp shell.

A large amount of sweat oozes through the pores of the body, then turns into white gas and slowly transpires.