MTL - We Are Still Farming, Have You Become a God In the Whole Country?-Chapter 547

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Countless bugs emerged from the demons in an instant.

In the blink of an eye, it condensed into a pale insect shield!

boom! ! !

Almost at the moment when the pale insect shield condensed, the terrifying flame edge has come with a bang!


The moment the pale insect shield and the flame edge came into contact, a foul-smelling blue smoke rose directly.

The complexion of the insect demons also changed drastically at this moment!

"To die!!"

Feeling the terrifying power coming from the insect shield, the insect demons were alarmed!

Unparalleled death crisis, completely enveloped it!

"Master Maine save me!!"

The unparalleled fear made it roar without hesitation!

However, the next moment, the flame edge skyrocketed again!

The worm shield in front of the worm demon clan could no longer support it, and was instantly cut off by the flames!

The terrifying flame edge, at the moment of severing the shield, did not stagnate at all, and instantly crossed the body of the insect demon!

Then it flew hundreds of meters towards the back of the worms and demons, and after tearing the earth apart with a ferocious crack, it finally disappeared...

At this moment, the body of the worm and demon clan froze instantly!

"M... Mine... big..."

Intermittent voices came from the mouth of the insect demon.

But after that, there is no way to continue.

When the last word fell, the body of the insect demon gradually turned into two halves, and then fell down!

The incomparably hot flames slammed into the insects and demons.

A disgusting smell of rancidity quietly permeates the farm...


Looking at the figure completely covered in flames, Cairns, who had just climbed out of the ruins, couldn't help swallowing.

Others don't know this worm demon, but he is very clear!

This time, the people who came from the Demon Race, the worst is the existence of the ninth rank of heaven!

And this worm demon is still the best among them!

Keynes boasted that if he played against the opponent, his winning rate might be less than 20%!

However, now, this powerful Heaven-ranked Demon Race was just a face-to-face effort, and was given a second by Cheng Yaojin!

"What the **** is going on with this guy's strength? This is definitely not a power that Tianjie can master!"

For a time, Keynes was startled, even terrified!

"Could it be that this guy, like the Demon Lord, has already stepped into that field?"

An idea that made Keynes tremble suddenly appeared in Keynes's mind...

Chapter 688 The shock of Keynes! The real heritage of the Tang Empire

Looking at his subordinates who were split in half by an axe, and finally even the body was completely burned by the flames, the face of the demon leader was extremely gloomy at this moment!

He didn't expect that under his suppression, he was just a dazzling kung fu, but Cheng Yaojin would seize the opportunity and chop off one of his subordinates with an axe!

Although such subordinates, there are dozens of them around him.

For him, it doesn't hurt to lose one!

However, such a loss is a complete shame for him!

If it is passed back to let others know, what will he save face?

He is a dignified existence of a royal rank, and even a mere celestial rank beheaded his subordinates in front of him!

"You are courting death!"

At this moment, the leader of the Demon Race was completely angry.

boom! ! !

Suddenly, the monstrous devil energy rose from the leader of the devil race!

In an instant, the situation changed!

Most of the sky is shrouded in endless black clouds!

Without waiting for Cheng Yaojin to say more, the next moment, dozens of black tentacles like blades shot out directly at Cheng Yaojin!

"Hahaha! Good time!"

Looking at the black tentacles that burst out, Cheng Yaojin laughed out loud.

The flames on his body skyrocketed again, and a battle axe completely condensed by flames appeared in his hands again.

Then, without hesitation, he greeted the black tentacles!

boom! !

The moment the tentacles and the battle axe came into contact, a terrifying sound of collision suddenly sounded!

Immediately afterwards, with Cheng Yaojin as the center, the surrounding space began to tremble violently!

Indistinctly, you can even see a trace of cracks that are as fine as spider webs!

"Your strength?"

In mid-air, looking at Cheng Yaojin who had forcibly blocked his tentacles, the Demon Race leader narrowed his eyes.

This time, he didn't hold back.

In anger, he almost used most of his power!

Under normal circumstances, a mere sky rank, even a half-step king rank, would not be able to withstand his blow!

But now, Cheng Yaojin has endured it head-on!

"What special means was used to temporarily promote it?"

Soon, the leader of the Demon Race discovered the problem.

Although Cheng Yaojin's current breath is terrifying, it has even completely surpassed the heavenly rank, and has truly entered the realm of the king's rank.

But Cheng Yaojin's breath was very unstable!

It doesn't look like a normal king at all, who can use his own power freely.

For a while, the leader of the Demon Race understood why his subordinate was killed in front of Cheng Yaojin before he could even react!

No matter what means Cheng Yaojin is using now to improve.

The current Cheng Yaojin can be regarded as a powerful existence in the king realm!

Even if this King Stage is just a counterfeit, it is not comparable to the mere Heavenly Rank!

There has always been a saying in the Demon Abyss - if you don't enter the king's realm, you are all ants!

Only after stepping into the King Realm and mastering the power of the law can you be qualified to survive in the Demon Abyss!

Otherwise, even a half-step king stage would be nothing more than cannon fodder!

However, after figuring out Cheng Yaojin's current state, the demon leader sneered again,

"Struggle to the death!"

With a sneer, the Demon Race leader thought, and the next moment, countless black tentacles burst out from behind him again!

In the blink of an eye, he arrived in front of Cheng Yaojin!

Only this time, these tentacles are no longer a head-on collision with Cheng Yaojin.

The moment Cheng Yaojin's battle axe and the black tentacles came into contact, these tentacles softened instantly!

Immediately, like a maggot of the tarsus, it was wrapped around the battle axe!

And it continued to spread along the battle axe towards Cheng Yaojin's body!

In the blink of an eye, the black tentacles covered most of Cheng Yaojin's hands!

An incomparably evil erosive force continuously emanated from the black tentacles.

Cheng Yaojin's face changed slightly.

He can keenly feel that this evil erosive force is constantly corroding his body!

If he continues to be eroded by these evil forces, it won't be long before his body will be completely assimilated by these forces. Even if he doesn't die, he will be completely reduced to a puppet of this evil force!

"Go away!!'

With a roar, a terrifying flame with special power suddenly rose from Cheng Yaojin's body! !

Countless pitch-black tentacle slime that had just spread up was instantly evaporated by this terrifying flame!

But without waiting for Cheng Yaojin to do more, it is even more terrifying than before, and the tentacles that cover the sky are surging again!

In an instant, Cheng Yaojin's position was completely covered by tentacles!

Countless tentacles even formed a pitch-black eggshell-like shape around Cheng Yaojin!


boom! !

In the black "egg shell", one after another terrifying shocks came out one after another.

The dark "egg shell" also seems to be unable to withstand the terrifying power inside, and it continues to expand, and it seems that it may shatter at any time!

But after each shock and expansion, more black tentacles poured out from the Demon Race leader and merged into the eggshell again.

I don't know how long it took, the movement in the eggshell became smaller and smaller.

Until a certain moment, the eggshell completely returned to calm.


On the ground, Cairns clenched his fists tightly and stared at the "egg shell" in the deep pit with a diameter of more than ten meters.

When his eyes touched the huge deep pit around him and the dense, cobweb-like cracks in the deep pit, Cairns couldn't help swallowing.

Throat is a little dry!

He could see that in the battle just now, Cheng Yaojin was completely crushed.

However, even so, the battle between the two sides still created a huge pit with a diameter of several hundred meters on this floating island!

Of course, what frightened Keynes the most was not the pit, but the dense, cobweb-like cracks in the pit!

Keynes knew exactly what these cracks were.

Each of these cracks is a space crack that oscillated from the aftermath of the battle between the two sides!

Just the aftermath of the battle has already shattered the surrounding space!

Although there may be some reasons for the strength of Qin Hui's farm.

But even so, it still frightened Keynes.

Although Qin Hui's strength is not very good, this farm is also a farm of heaven!

At this level of farm, even if he made a full effort, or even broke out of super state, it was impossible to tear apart the space of the farm.

And now, just the aftermath, the space of this farm has been torn apart!

It is conceivable that if it is on the front, the destructive power of both sides will reach to what extent!

At this moment, Keynes was extremely fortunate. Fortunately, no one came rashly this time.