MTL - Wei and Jin Cooks-Chapter 776 ask

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   Seeing Zhao Hanzhang talking about Zhao Hu endlessly, Zhao Zhongyu couldn't help feeling complicated.

  Zhao Hu and Zhao Hanzhang didn't get along well at first, but now Zhao Hanzhang relies heavily on Zhao Hu. Obviously, regardless of whether their temperaments are congenial, as long as they have skills, they can win respect from Zhao Hanzhang.

  What ability does Zhao Ji have to win the respect of Zhao Hanzhang?

  Zhao Zhongyu slowly put away his smile, "Sanniang, after the ceremony of offering sacrifices to heaven, you can take your uncle back to Yuzhou together."

  Zhao Hanzhang's eyes narrowed slightly, and he paused before asking: "Can the court release people?"

"Your uncle is mediocre, and now he is injured again. You can take this opportunity to resign." Zhao Zhongyu paused and said, "Even if the court doesn't allow it, you can ask for a long vacation, as long as you take him out of the office." Yanzhou, even if the imperial court wants to pursue it, it will not come back."

  Zhao Hanzhang: "But then my uncle will be passive in Yuncheng."

  Zhao Zhongyu smiled at her and shook his head, "As long as you don't fall, Your Majesty will not make things difficult for me."

  But the emperor will definitely not trust him like he does now.

  Zhao Hanzhang lowered his eyes and thought for a moment, then nodded in response, "Okay."

  Zhao Zhongyu quietly breathed a sigh of relief.

  The grandparents and grandchildren returned home together.

  As soon as he entered the mansion, he heard a faint noise coming from the backyard. Zhao Hanzhang stopped, and Zhao Zhongyu asked unexpectedly: "What happened to the backyard?"

The servant was sweating profusely and said: "The master asked someone to invite a doctor to see the injury, and he also sent a post to invite friends and colleagues to the mansion as guests. The doctor invited him, but the post to invite other people was blocked by the housekeeper. Punish the housekeeper."

  Zhao Zhongyu's face was darkened, and he subconsciously went to see Zhao Hanzhang.

Zhao Hanzhang's complexion didn't change, and he smiled at him and said: "Uncle, go and see Uncle, it's because of me that he was injured, I probably don't want to see me right now, I'll go see him again when his anger subsides. "

  Zhao Zhongyu's face softened a little, nodded to her, and hurried to the backyard with his servants.

Zhao Dian was kneeling in the middle of the courtyard. Zhao Ji was lying on the wooden couch. Someone carried the wooden couch to the porch and scolded Zhao Dian, "Do you know who is your master? Who allowed you to cut off mine?" post, I order you to send someone to send it to me immediately!"

"What do you want to invite guests to do at this time?" Zhao Zhongyu strode in angrily, seeing his half-dead son on the wooden couch, he couldn't hold back, ran forward and slapped his face face.

  Zhao Ji stared wide-eyed, covered his face and looked at his father in disbelief.

  Slapping people doesn't slap people in the face, but his father actually slapped him in the face for such a trivial matter?

Zhao Zhongyu only felt that his face was flushed red. Just now he had the cheek to ask Zhao Hanzhang to take him back to Yuzhou, but when he turned around, he made a fuss about him, "What do you want to do? It is said that you were severely injured by your niece, Does it make people scold San Niang for being disrespectful to elders?"

"What good does it do you, what good does it do for our second wife, what good does it do for Mrs. Zhao?" Zhao Zhongyu couldn't control his anger, and sprayed his saliva directly on his face, "Let people know that you and Sanniang are at odds. You are nothing to her, from now on, who in the court, inside and outside the court, will treat us favorably because of her concerns?"

"Do you know what our value is here?" Zhao Zhongyu wanted to open his brain to see what was inside, "It's a hostage! If people outside know that we are not that important to Sanniang, we Is there any need to live?"

  Zhao Ji's face turned pale instantly.

Zhao Zhongyu hated that iron could not be made into steel, "Now all the princes, kings and governors of the Jin Dynasty combined are not as good as Sanniang, because she loves the people, respects the virtuous and corporal, and is only talented. She is even famous for her benevolence and righteousness. All over the world, you are making a fuss about Zhao Hanzhang beating his uncle and disobeying his filial piety, do you want to put Zhao's reputation on the ground?"

  After Zhao Zhongyu yelled, he covered his dull chest, and Zhao Dian immediately stepped forward to support him.

  Zhao Zhongyu waved his hand at him, and comforted him in a gentle voice: "You did the right thing, and you will do the same in the future. As long as he messes around, you will detain him in this yard and not allow him to go out."

   said again: "Let someone carry him back, I think he is in good spirits, so just don't leave the room."

  Yesterday he just couldn't leave the yard, but now he can't leave the room.

  Zhao Zhongyu stopped talking to him, and staggered away while supporting the servant's hand.

  The news that Zhao Zhongyu was so angry with Zhao Ji that he went to see a doctor soon spread to the Guest House.

  Ming Yu knew that Zhao Ji was useless, but he didn't expect him to be so miserable, so he couldn't help looking at Zhao Hanzhang.

  Zhao Hanzhang was a little disappointed, "Poor parents in the world, he is so angry with my uncle, and my uncle still entrusts me to protect his life."

  Ming Yu worried, "Take Zhao Ji away at this time, Zhao Shangshu will be in a very difficult situation here."

  Zhao Hanzhang: "As long as the uncle is willing in his heart, money can't buy him happiness."

  Ming Yu couldn't help but look at her, "Is your gentleman not worried at all?"

Zhao Hanzhang said: "Uncle is an adult now, he knows what he is doing, we just respect his choice; as for Zhao Ji, two years ago, I naturally didn't want him to go back to Yuzhou to stir things up, but now , can he stir things up in Yuzhou?"

   So taking Zhao Ji back to Yuzhou was nothing more than an extra piece of moving luggage for her. The real embarrassment was Zhao Zhongyu.

  The crisis is that after she takes Zhao Ji away, the emperor's trust in Zhao Zhongyu and her will plummet, but she can bear this crisis.

   Zhao Zhongyu is obviously ready to risk his life. Since this is his last wish, even if she thinks it is not worth it, she will fulfill it for him.

  Ming Yu also noticed that he had no son, but he could understand Zhao Zhongyu, so he stopped talking.

   Zhao Hanzhang went to the court meeting this day, and stopped going to the palace to join in the fun from the next day. Instead, he took a gift to visit Gou Xi after a stroll in Yuncheng.

  There were many carriages, ox carts and donkey carts in front of Gou Xi’s gate. Zhao Hanzhang came on horseback, followed by an ox cart with a big box on it.

  The concierge of the General's Mansion was not surprised, so he stood on the steps and waited for someone to come forward.

  Listen to He Na's post to deliver it.

  The concierge accepted the post and said: "Leave the things, people go back."

  Hearing He's words, he stared, "Our girl is here to visit the general."

"Look inside. These people are all here to visit the general. There are enough people today. If you stay here, you won't see the general. Why don't you go back and wait," said the concierge, "wait for the general to see." If you want to see your master through the post, they will naturally send someone to notify you according to the address on the post."

Ting He looked inside, and saw that there were already two rows of more than a dozen people sitting inside. The dozen of people were huddled in a small room, and there was only a tea bowl in front of them, which was filled with clear white water. Looking at Ting He, Some of them frowned and turned their heads away, while others blushed slightly and lowered their heads to avoid her gaze.

   Ting He: …

  She took a deep breath, and said to the concierge, "Please pass in the post, saying that Zhao Hanzhang from Yuzhou is visiting."

"It doesn't matter what state you come from... Zhao, Governor Zhao?" The gatekeeper came to his senses and hurriedly looked at the people under the steps. Seeing Zhao Hanzhang with a slight smile on his face, he quickly lowered his head, picked up the post on the table with both hands and said: "Young one, go and report."

  The people in the room couldn't sit still anymore, they got up and walked out one after another.