MTL - Wei and Jin Cooks-Chapter 789 transfer order

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  Because of an emergency military situation, the local governor who had already arrived in Yuncheng entered the palace with the generals to participate in politics.

   After a night of carnival, governors and officials from all over the country who fell asleep before dawn were woken up, and entered the palace with Gou Xi in a sleepy state.

  Except for Gou Xi who took an emergency shower and dressed himself up, the rest of the people were still wearing the clothes of last night, and their bodies reeked of alcohol, which tainted the originally small hall with the stench of alcohol.

   Zhao Zhongyu frowned in displeasure, because Zhao Hanzhang was here, so he asked Gou Xi bluntly, "General, the Huns went south and went to five cities in a row. Haven't you heard any news about this?"

  Because of the hangover, Gou Xi's temples twitched. He pursed his lips and said, "They are very strict, and they sent troops suddenly. I have never received any news. But..."

  He raised his head and looked straight at Zhao Hanzhang, "The Huns must pass through Jizhou when they go south, and now the southern part of Jizhou is under the control of Zu Ti. Isn't Zhao Shishi and Zu Ti on good terms? Why don't you know?"

Zhao Hanzhang said expressionlessly: "General, Zu Ti only occupies ten counties including Quzhou. Jizhou is so vast that it is easy to bypass his sphere of influence. Moreover, this is Yanzhou. If my post soldiers can Yanzhou is unimpeded, the general should be worried, right?"

  Zhao Zhongyu: "Sir, the general changed the subject. You didn't know that the Xiongnu went south, so your generals rebelled and took refuge with Liu Cong. Didn't you know that?"

   His face was flushed with anger, and he said angrily: "The reason why they approached Yuncheng quietly is because your generals opened the door to meet the enemy, and took down five cities without a single soldier!"

   Soon, worse news came that the Xiongnu had conquered eight cities in a row, and they were only less than a hundred miles away from Yuncheng.

  Gou Xi's face was ugly, and the hall was full of buzzing voices, most of them were questioning Gou Xi, and a small number of people were asking what to do.

  Zhao Hanzhang finally said: "Your Majesty, this is not the time to pursue responsibility, and we should make a decision as soon as possible."

  The emperor immediately nodded and said: "Yes, the most important thing is to fight against the enemy, and the other things will be discussed after defeating the enemy."

  Zhao Hanzhang looked at Gou Xi, "How many troops can the general call out now?"

  Gou Xi said with a pale face, "150,000!"

   "But the Huns have 200,000 troops!"

   "Shi Le also divided his troops to Yuzhou and Sizhou. I don't know how many troops there are?"

   "The Huns are attacking the south with the power of the whole country. Is it to prevent His Majesty from offering sacrifices to heaven during the summer solstice?"

   Otherwise, the timing is too coincidental, right?

  So some officials suggested, "Your Majesty should continue to sacrifice to heaven, and with the help of heaven, we can destroy the Xiongnu in one fell swoop!"

   "No, Your Majesty, at this time the Xiongnu is going south, it can be seen that the sacrifice to heaven is against the law of heaven, it should be canceled immediately, and it is a sin against oneself."

   "Fart, we spent half a year preparing for the sacrifice to the heavens, and it took a lot of money. Just because the Huns attacked? Your Majesty, we left government affairs and came all the way to the capital to worship geniuses. You can't just keep your word!"

  The emperor once said that after the sacrifice to heaven, the meritorious officials would be awarded, and the official positions and titles would be re-canonized. Otherwise, how could officials from all over the country come to Yuncheng from thousands of miles at the risk of bandits?

   "At this time, we should first discuss the arrangement of resisting the Huns, and we can discuss the matter of offering sacrifices to the heavens later."

   There was a buzzing noise in the hall, and there was a lot of talk, and it was even more chaotic than the vegetable market in the morning. Zhao Hanzhang's head got dizzy.

  She went to see Gou Xi, and saw that Gou Xi was thinking about something with his eyes downcast, and he didn't say a word.

Zhao Hanzhang endured it, but in the end he couldn't hold it back, and slapped the table heavily, and the low table in front of her was cracked by her, and the teacups on the table fell to the ground, and the officials slowly became quiet down.

  Zhao Hanzhang glanced around sharply, and pursed his lips: "With the speed of the Xiongnu attacking the city now, it is possible to hit the capital tomorrow. At this time, worship the sky and welcome the Huns to come in?"

  She didn't ask them what to do, and looked directly at Gou Xi who was sitting opposite her, "General, how do you want to fight this battle?"

Gou Xi already had some calculations in his mind, and said: "Let Gou Chun send 20,000 troops from Yuncheng to Dunqiu to stop the Xiongnu. I will check if there are rebels in the army, and I will take them down; I will send troops from all over Yanzhou. 100,000 people can be transferred within the city, and they can reach Yuncheng in three days."

   Zhao Hanzhang said: "I have 80,000 soldiers and horses on the border. As long as the general orders to get out of the way, they can reach Yuncheng for support in three days."

  Gou Xi pursed her lips, looked up at Zhao Hanzhang, "Who is leading the army?"

  Zhao Hanzhang: "Zhao Ju!"

  Gou Xi didn't hesitate much, nodded immediately and said: "Okay, I will get out of the way, but when the person arrives, I have to listen to my orders."

  Zhao Hanzhang: "Naturally, the general is the generalissimo, and the transfer orders are naturally obeyed by you."

  The emperor breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that the two of them were willing to make concessions to each other, and all the officials looked back and forth between the two of them, and the agreement was reached after seeing them coming and going.

   Don't give them a chance to interject at all.

  The matter did not end here, Zhao Hanzhang mentioned, "Where is the food and grass?"

  Gou Xi: "In three days, I can produce grain and grass for 100,000 people for one ten days, and within half a month, I can produce grain and grass for two days, and there will be no more."

   This is intended to be collected directly from the people.

  Zhao Hanzhang pursed his lips, and did not object to his decision, but said: "I can guarantee the food and grass for my 80,000 soldiers and horses for half a month."

   "It's not enough," Gou Xi said, "Jingzhou, Yangzhou, Xuzhou and Shu have to produce grain and grass."

  All the ministers looked at the governors or officials from these states together.

  Zhao Hanzhang frowned and said: "Jingzhou can't do it. Jingzhou has just ended the rebellion. At this time, the forced requisition of grain and grass will definitely change again."

   "Our Shu land is not peaceful, and there are many exiles, so they cannot be forced to recruit."

   "Yangzhou is even worse, besides, there is already a lot of food for Yuncheng this year."

   "Xuzhou is even more difficult."

  Gou Xi didn't discuss with them, he said directly: "Set the amount of food and grass for them, and each state must complete it."

   Zhao Hanzhang also said to them: "Everyone, we are all prosperous now, and we are all damaged. If Yanzhou is destroyed, no place in Xuzhou and Yangzhou below it will be spared."

  Officials in Huainan and Jiangnan didn't take it seriously. There is a Yangtze River between them. As long as the pass is guarded, they can still be alone.

  Zhao Hanzhang seemed to know what they were thinking, and said with a sneer: "If the Northland is lost, the General and I will **** His Majesty southward. At that time, we will have to make room for you."

  Officials from the two places shuddered when they heard the words, glanced at the serious Gou Xi, looked at each other, and bowed their heads in response.

   Didn’t it mean that Zhao Hanzhang and Gou Xi are going to fight to the death? Why are they so close?

  In addition to food and grass, Gou Xi wanted them to send troops to support, Wang Dun, the governor of Guangzhou, agreed, and other governors and officials hesitated to agree.

  Gou Xi looked at Zhao Hanzhang, "Inspector Zhao, Sizhou and Yuzhou..."

   "I will defend," Zhao Hanzhang said with a serious face, "Don't worry, Your Majesty and General, I will do my best to defend Sizhou and Yuzhou, and never let Yanzhou suffer from the enemy."

  Gou Xi said "Yes", believing in her promise.

The emperor was even more moved, and he walked down from the dragon chair, took her hand, pulled her up, and took Gou Xi's hand again, and said with tears in his eyes: "There are two lovers working together to fight against the enemy, what else can I do?" fear?"