MTL - Weird Deep-sea Game, I Can Fish Without Limit-Chapter 19 new identity

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  Chapter 19 New Identity

   Merchant ships coming? So fast!

  Li Feng put the dragon blood dagger into his backpack, and then hurried towards the beach.

  He is about to meet ordinary people in this world, and the knowledge of interpersonal communication and integration into society will be put to use again.

  On the beach, Li Feng looked at the big boat that was too small due to the distance.

   Asked Shia who was flying by her side:

   "Are you sure it's a merchant ship?"

   "Well, look at the pattern on its sails, it's a ship from the Dothan Shipping Company, specializing in wine."

   "To Storm Island?"

   "Yes, Dothan Shipping Company is on Storm Isle, and almost all of its business is there."

  Xia explained to Li Feng.

  Li Feng glanced at Xi Ya imperceptibly.

  This drake is all too familiar with the Isle of Storms.

  Since the dragon clan has disappeared, how did Shia get mixed up in human society?

  Li Feng couldn't help but have some doubts.

  But the eternal contract has been signed, he is not afraid of Shea's tricks.

   "Do you want to use this image to deal with the crew? I heard that the dragon clan has long been hidden."

  Looking at the approaching merchant ship, Li Feng asked Xi Ya.

  Xia obviously rolled her eyes.

   Then, Li Feng only felt a slight sound of air tearing from his side, and looking at Xi Ya, she had turned into a black cat.

  Looking at the black cat on the ground, Li Feng frowned.

  He squatted down with a smile, and touched the cat's head with his hand:

   "To be honest, I still prefer cats to baby dragons."

  Xia let out a "meow". After being touched on the head, she quickly jumped away in protest.

   Li Feng didn't care, he stood up with a smile.

   Sure enough, fishing living intelligent creatures won't get anything.

  Actually, Li Feng really likes cats. Whenever he sees a cat, he can't help but hug it and stroke it.

   But facing Shia, he didn't forget to activate the rodless fishing just now, but he didn't receive any goods in the end, but this is also reasonable.

  Intelligent creatures have their own independent will, and they are creatures that have the ability to determine their own present and future. In other words, creatures that can become believers and are blessed by gods, it is reasonable not to be able to fish.

  The sun is warm and the sea breeze is gentle.

   It didn't take long for the merchant ship of the Dothan Shipping Company to gradually approach the coast.

   Li Feng could see clearly that it was not a small steamboat.

  On the sturdy-looking bow, a huge and colorful jellyfish is painted, which may be the name of the ship.

   Li Feng saw the steamer clearly, and the sailors on the steamer also saw Li Feng clearly.

   At the same time, Li Feng once again sorted out his identity as a "scholar who suffered a shipwreck", and acted out the excitement of finally seeing a living person after the shipwreck.

   "Dahai is a bad-tempered girl. Before long, you made her angry. It doesn't matter, young man. I have seen many people who were shipwrecked. You are the luckiest one."

   The speaker was John Rupert, the captain of the Jellyfish.

  He is a middle-aged uncle in his fifties. Life at sea makes his skin rough, but also makes his body very strong.

   "Haha, the captain is right, girls prefer handsome young men."

  At this time the first officer interrupted.

  Perhaps because of living at sea all year round, the crew members have a kind of empathy for those who are in shipwreck beyond ordinary people.

  After hearing Li Feng's half-true experience, they all sympathized.

  Captain John invited him to the boat, brought him some food, and finally agreed to take Li Feng to Storm Island.

   Li Feng also breathed a sigh of relief, at least the crew of the Jellyfish are very kind.

  After that, out of gratitude, Li Feng took the initiative to help the crew replenish fresh water and do what he could.

   "Don't you remember what your name is?"

   Taking advantage of the gap when no one was around, Shia, who had turned into a cat, asked Li Feng.

  Last night, Xi Ya asked Li Feng what his name was.

   Li Feng really didn't think about this problem.

  On his personal information panel, it shows that his name is also Li Feng in this world.

   But Li Feng considered that there are other players in this world after all, so it seems unsafe to use the same name as before he crossed over.

   After all, his current appearance is almost the same as his appearance before time travel.

   At most, there are only slight differences caused by factors such as climate conditions and living habits.

  Then, if you put on this face and use your original name, in a world where other players exist, it is really not a wise behavior.

  After all, it is hard to say that among other players, there is no one who knows himself or knows himself.

   At that time, if someone sees through his identity, no matter whether the other party is good or malicious, he will lose the initiative.

  But Xi Ya asked her name very suddenly at that time. Li Feng didn't think of an excuse, and didn't understand the naming style in this world, so he simply said that he was injured in a shipwreck, and he only remembered his surname Li.

  But just now.

  When Captain John asked Li Feng's name, Li Feng had already considered it carefully. He said that his name seemed to be Rhine, but he couldn't remember what his last name was because of his injury.

   But as soon as the words came out, Xi Ya, who had been staying by Li Feng's side, couldn't help curling her lips, her golden vertical pupils were full of suspicion.

  Then she found a gap, and came to question Li Feng in a half-joking, half-ridiculous manner.

  It seems that doing so can improve her inner imbalance as a servant.

   "I just remembered it."

   Li Feng replied in a neutral tone.

   But Xia could tell that he was lying at all, and it was a lie that he didn't even bother to cover up.

  Xia still didn't give up, and continued to ask with a teasing smile:

   "But you still said your surname was Li yesterday, why did you forget it today?"

   "Rhine Lee, but I'm not sure about anything."

   Li Fenghun generously dropped this sentence, and turned around to do other things.

  Xia stayed where she was, puffing up her cheeks:

   "Huh, really!"

   At noon.

  Following Li Feng, who had been busy all morning, he officially boarded the jellyfish under the pseudonym Rhine, and headed to the largest island in this sea—Storm Island.

  Because Li Feng knows how to behave in the world, the crew of the Jellyfish love him very much.

  Captain John told Li Feng that it only takes two days for them to disembark and board the pier of Storm Island.

   "Two days, will it be too long?"

  Li Feng has been busy today, so he hasn't had time to check the chat channel.

  Now he is very worried about the progress of the mission, and it happens that he has nothing to do on the ship, so Li Feng returns to the cabin arranged for him by the captain John, and looks at the chat channel.

  First open the system announcement to check the task progress.

  【Player Mission Progress Announcement:】

  【Number of players who completed three tasks: 0】

  【Number of players who completed two missions: 1】

  【Number of players who completed a mission: 106】

  【Remaining task time: less than 13 days】

   Li Feng was the only player who completed two tasks.

  But the number of players who completed a task has changed from 18 the day before to 106 now.

   It seems that more and more players have adapted to this world.

   But it’s okay, his mission progress is still ahead.

   Except for Li Feng, there are no players who have completed the two tasks.

   But I have to step up.

   After confirming the progress of the task, Li Feng switched back to the chat channel, and unexpectedly, the screen swiped immediately.

   Li Feng looked carefully, and it turned out that a player encountered pirates at sea.

   And according to what he said, among the group of pirates, there were actually two Abyss Blessed Ones appearing at the same time!

   Let’s talk about the update time. There are two updates every morning, so you can read it all at once, so please follow up (ω`), thank you everyone!



  (end of this chapter)