MTL - Weird Deep-sea Game, I Can Fish Without Limit-Chapter 6 Moonlight Island

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  Chapter 6 Moonlight Island

  A seagull circled in the golden sky, making a sound from time to time.

   It may be attracted by the magic light herring caught by Li Feng, and its black bean-like eyes have been staring at the raft.

   Seeing this, Li Feng felt relieved.

   When you meet a seagull, it means that you are not far from the island.

   Li Feng is in a good mood.

  Looking at the greedy seagull, he picked up a magic light herring and threw it into the air.

next moment.

  The flying seagull screamed, spread its wings and swooped down, grabbing the magic light herring.

   After that, the seagull that got the fish spread its wings and flew towards the west.

  Li Feng knew that it was the direction of the seagull's nest and the direction of the island.

  The golden sunset turned crimson, casting layers of afterglow on the sea.

   Without any hesitation, Li Feng picked up the oars on the raft and rowed towards the direction where the seagulls were flying.

  Wood paddles wrinkle the sea surface, stirring up little waves.


   After passing through a faint fog, Li Feng saw more and more seagulls.

  In the direction of the coastline not far away, the outline of the island finally appeared.

  Put down the wooden oar in his hand, Li Feng is going to use the ability of prying eyes to check the island.

  Slightly drooping eyes, recalling the pattern on the Enchanting Scroll: Peeping Eye.

  Li Feng found that as long as he saw the patterns on the scroll of the spying eye once, those patterns would be clearly imprinted in his mind.

   If you want to use the ability of the prying eye again, just recall the pattern on the scroll, and the prying eye will open again.

   Nothing more.

  As time goes by, the light of those patterns in your mind will dim.

  Li Feng guessed that if the usage time of the scroll was exhausted, the patterns in his mind would disappear.

  Following a feeling of coolness rushing straight to the top of his head, Li Feng obtained information about the island in front of him.

  【Moonlight Island

  The necessary route to Storm Island

  The island is oval in shape, surrounded by sand embankments

  The highest point is 9 meters above sea level

  There is a thick layer of ordinary phosphorus lime soil on the island

  The vegetation is dense, mainly Pittosporum and coconut trees

  Guano resources are abundant and of good quality

  The island has a freshwater river

   No Beast Raptor

  No extraordinary resources

   Not inhabited by intelligent beings


   "There are no beasts, no extraordinary resources, and no people. It seems that the danger on the island is very small."

  After learning about Moonlight Island, Li Feng put his mind at ease, rowed the raft, and prepared to land on the island.

  【You found an island and successfully landed on it. 】

  【Task 3 (personal task) has been completed. 】

  Looking at the task reminder in front of him, Li Feng, who had been floating for an afternoon, lay on the beach, and finally heaved a sigh of relief.

  There is only a faint afterglow left in the setting sun, and the sky turns from bright red to dark blue, showing a charming purple with dots of stars in its mouth.

  The first day after crossing is coming to an end.

   Li Feng looked at the sky, and suddenly a system notification sounded in his ears.

  【Player Mission Progress Announcement:】

  【Number of players who completed three tasks: 0】

  【Number of players who completed two tasks: 0】

  【Number of players who completed a mission: 1】

  【Remaining task time: 14 days】

  Looking at the system announcement, Li Feng couldn't help raising his eyebrows.


  The player who completed a task, isn’t it me?

  *: "What! Someone completed the mission?"

  *: "No way, someone already completed a mission while I was still struggling?"

  *: "This announcement makes me doubt life!"

  *: "My God! I'm dying of envy!"

  *: "What a boss!"

  *: "Sure enough! People's sorrows and joys are never connected."

  *: "Wait, who is the boss who completed a task? Come out and talk about your experience!"

  *: "Yeah, come out and talk about it!"

  After the quest progress was announced, the players were shocked to see that someone had completed a quest, and the chat channel swiped the screen instantly.

  Many people called Li Feng to come out and talk about their experiences.

   But Li Feng just silently quit the chat channel.

  He knew in his heart that he didn't have any experience to talk about, it was just luck.


  In the not-too-distant future, every surviving player needs to choose a faction.

   Among the nearly 1,000 players, it is impossible for no one to choose the abyss.

   That is to say, the future Abyss Blessed One is in the chat channel, how could Li Feng expose himself.

  Simply yes.

  The system announcement only said the number of players who completed the mission, and did not mention the number or name, so there is no need to worry too much.

   Just thinking about it, the game system announcement suddenly appeared again.

  【Announcement of player death on the first day】

  【Number of dead players today: 103】


  【0952 hunted for the abyss camp】

  【0028 hunted for the abyss camp】

  【0392 is...】


  【Number of surviving players today: 897】

  As soon as this announcement came out, the players suddenly collapsed.

  *: "No! 103 people died on the first day? What kind of world is this?!"

  *: "My God? More than one in 10 died on the first day."

  *: "Do you remember the original game advice, 'You only live once', so they really died?"

  *: "I think so, but honestly, I can't take it."

  *: "I just fell in love with the mermaid in the promotional video that day, so I clicked to apply for the internal test, but how could it be like this? I can't hold it anymore!"

  *: "Upstairs, I advise you to hold on, the Blessed One is by our side, hold on if you don't want to die."

  *: "Everyone, I just counted the announcements. The abyss camp killed 30 of us today, accounting for only one-third of the total death toll, so what happened to the other 73 people?"

   Li Feng also noticed this.

  He originally thought that the abyss camp that existed in the first few batches of players would be their worst enemy.

   After all, they are just quasi-transcendents who have awakened their talents.

   Has no self-protection ability, but is different from ordinary people because of her natural ability.

  It is too easy to become the target of the abyss favored.

   But never expected.

  In reality, more than two-thirds of the players died due to other reasons.

   As for the cause of their death, the game system did not explain.

  Li Feng speculates that each player who travels through will inherit the identity of the original owner and get a different start.

  This means that their situations are also different, and their social status is also high and low.

   What's more, they may have to pay for the mistakes made by the original owner.

  For example, if a player crosses over to a death row prisoner, going to the guillotine seems to be his inevitable end.

   But this can't explain why there are as many as 73 people.

   It is impossible for these 73 people to pay for the fault of the original owner.

  Since the beginning of the journey, Li Feng has been floating on the sea. He has no understanding of this world, and now everything can only be speculated.

  Thinking about it.

  Finally, Li Feng thinks that maybe this world is more dangerous and strange than all the players imagined.

  Bad natural conditions, backward medical technology, and chaotic social security may all cause the death of players who are frightened by time travel.

   But what worries Li Feng the most is the evil **** mentioned in the game system.

   Are they, or their evil forces, also lurking among the people.

   After all, this is a world of extraordinary existence, and it can no longer be measured by the original world view.

   What Li Feng has to do now is to be extremely vigilant everywhere, and use the fastest speed to improve his strength.

  There are a few stars in the sky, and the brilliance of the crescent moon sprinkles on the beach, reflecting a little bit of broken light.

  Looking at the Moonlight Island under his feet, Li Feng sighed that he was undoubtedly lucky.

   At the beginning of the most chaotic time travel, he did not travel to crowded places, nor did he need to integrate into society, nor did he have complicated social relationships to deal with.

   And now, he should continue to use this advantage.

   Accumulate strength on this uninhabited island first, and then consider leaving this uninhabited island after you have the ability to protect yourself.

  (end of this chapter)