MTL - Welcome to the Nightmare Game-Chapter 77 Castle Cry (4)

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It is already safe.

Qi Le people breathed a sigh of relief, resting on the wall for a while, this time did not provoke the killing species, it is a good news, he is now very afraid of the killing of the species frequently out of control, so that even if he has a holy water that can suppress the power of the devil It can't last too long.

I don't know where Dr. Lu went. After the rest, the Qile people did not see Dr. Lu in the vicinity. On the first floor, there was only the corridor where they suddenly "fired" when they first came in. The Qile people felt that Dr. Lu’s caution was not As for going to the dangerous place, I suspect that he went to the second floor, so he also went up. When he passed the oil painting hanging on the wall, he stopped and looked at it again. The lady on the painting smiled sweetly, and could not see the shadow of madness. Qi Le people sighed in his heart and turned and continued to go up. go.

The moment he turned around, the lingering light in his eyes seemed to see that the portrait was full of red paint, and the dignified and beautiful face was covered with a shadow, and even the happy smile on her mouth was twisted. . Qi Le people jerked back and stared straight at the portrait. The light from the chandelier in the hall illumined the painting. The lady on the painting still looked happy, as if he had seen it at that moment. The picture is just his illusion.

Qi Qile people will not naively think that this is really just the illusion of light. In this place where danger is everywhere, any abnormality is a sign that implies a possible danger. It seems that the mistress of the castle is indeed not a simple character.

Going up to the second floor, the corridor was dark, and the Qile people turned on the flashlight and found a switch. After turning it on, it was brightly lit.

The place where he is now should be the so-called "inside the world", which is very similar to the real world, but not the real world. It is more like the castle before the fire, and everything is still not burned, but This seemingly normal appearance hides deadly dangers, such as the moving armor and more undetected anomalies.

Quietly around, Qi Le people tried to open the door of the second floor, but each door was locked. He tried to challenge the strength of the door panel and the door lock, but did not dare to make too much. The sound was so loud that I finally gave up. The use of a wire to fix all the door locks really happened in the game. Qi Leren thought with emotion that now the only room he can enter is the big room at the end of the corridor. There is a room in the middle of the room. Grand piano. Qi Le people looked around and made sure that it was not like a place to hide.

Where did Dr. Lu go? If you are not on the second floor, does he go to the third floor? But when Dr. Lu ran out of the room, he would catch up soon, wouldn't he be so far away? Qi Le people frowned and thought about it, turned back to the first floor.

Perhaps Dr. Lu was in a hurry, forgot the fire, and ran into the corridor on the other side.

When the stairs went down, Qi Le people took another look at the oil painting. This time the oil painting did not show any abnormality. It was just quietly suspended there, and accepted the eyes he had examined.

"When - when -" two bells came, Qi Le people just stood in front of the big clock, watching the time went to two in the morning.

The light was dispelled by the darkness in the bell, and the light dimmed. When the bell stopped, the Qile people had returned to the darkness, and there was an old atmosphere in the nose. He turned on the flashlight and the light was on the big clock, exactly two o'clock.

It seems that every hour he switches between the world and the world, it is now the world.

The light from the flashlight moved up, the portrait had been burned, and only the copper frame was seen hanging alone on the wall.

So is it going to the second floor or the first floor? Qi Le people hesitated, but returned to the second floor, he suspected that the door that could not be opened after returning to the world of the table might open.

On the crackling wooden board, Qi Le people are a bit worried, for fear of accidentally breaking the board. If there is no cement compartment below, he will fall directly to the first floor. Fortunately, the floor is still given to the face, although the sound makes The creeps are creepy, but the level of firmness is not satisfactory. Standing in front of the wooden door, Qile people twisted the door handle and the door was still locked. He kicked his foot unwillingly, and the wooden door slammed—not moving.

Qi Le people do not know whether it is the desperation of their own strength or the desperation of the game.

Going forward, I went back to the semi-open room with the piano. Unlike the world, everything was covered with dust, old and decaying. There was no moonlight outside the window of the world, but it was underground. Rain, from time to time a burst of lightning, then the dull thunder is far and near, full of gloomy and horrible atmosphere, Rao is a conscious psychological quality, Qi Le people feel a flustered.

The light of the flashlight shines on the piano cover, and there seems to be something in it.

Qi Le people went forward and took a closer look. It was a metal collar made of metal. He held a dagger in his right hand and had to put down his left hand flashlight to pick up the collar and take a closer look. There were floral reliefs and a bunch of flowers. The text of the body, the system automatically translated: give my favorite Redmond.

"Redmond?" Qi Le whispered the name, and the big dog that the lady was holding on the oil painting appeared. He forgot that there was a collar on the dog's neck, but it was very It may be that dog.

[Raining clothes] The current number of remaining sensors is 1/3.

Qi Le immediately stepped back and turned to stare at the gate. The light from the flashlight on the piano was facing himself. He was shaken to see what was in the hallway outside the door.

In the darkness of the front corridor, there seems to be a whimpering sound, and like a beast snoring and a snore, it is very strange in this horrible castle.

Is the wolf running in? still is……

The hair behind Qi Le people must be erected. He realized that there must be something there... He slowly retreated, and he was very slow and cautious, because the light source of the flashlight was facing his eyes, too bright and glaring. He is like standing on the stage of the focal length of the light. The audience hidden in the darkness looks at him with various eyes, but that is not a good-looking look.

“嘎吱—” A piece of wood that was loose after a fire was stepped on by the Qi Le people and gave a shrill protest.

[Raining clothes] The current number of remaining sensors is 0/3, and the cooling countdown is 23:59:59.

Qi Le people's pupils jerked, dangerous, dangerous ahead! After two consecutive skills reminders, Qi Leren did not want to go forward, and the next moment came the sound of the beast hunting and flying, and something landed in the place where he just stood!

Qi Le people squatted on the ground, this time avoiding the glare of the flashlight light source, he can finally see the light illuminated by the flashlight - a hound like a hound crawling out of the magma of hell, standing there, Slowly turned and looked at him. Its fur has been burned, and the black and yellow body is particularly scary under the light. It snoring and snoring, and White Sensen's teeth dribbled down the sticky reddish liquid.

Dog collar, Redmond?

Qi Le people immediately remembered the collar that had just been placed on the piano. I remembered the dog in the portrait. Is this dog...

Even if it was burned to death?

In the hound's throat, a snoring sound, like a broken bellows, Qi Le people's back neck again faint pain, he bite his teeth, try to restrain himself not to lose reason, he would rather put on a fight, although now SL skills Still cooling, but Dr. Lu is, as long as it is not seriously injured or cured.

But before that... Qi Le people tried to move out of the [favorite ration] as much as possible, and lost a past.

It moved! The hound lowered his body shape, ignored the ration, and slammed it over. The ration was not attractive to this creature that was not a living thing! Qi Le people jumped abruptly to the side, and even rolled up to avoid the attack of the hound. The wooden board under his feet collapsed and he stuck one of his feet in the wooden board.

Qi Le people looked at the ground slyly. The ground of this semi-open room was not solid. There was no cement-filled compartment under the wooden keel. After the fire, it was burnt and fragile. He moved his left foot in disbelief, and the left foot was not touched by the plank under the left foot of the board. The bottom is the first floor!

The hound snorted and rushed to him with excitement. The left foot was stuck and could not be killed. The Qi Le people looked at him and died. He was not willing to scream, and he was eager to use his right foot and force the whole person to sink. ——The right ankle is wearing a decaying wooden board, and the fragile floor under the foot makes a huge cracking sound. A small piece of ground centered on him collapses and even falls downstairs with him.