MTL - What an Audacious and Sly Servant!-Chapter 63 Never seen

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It didn't take long for Chu Kun and his shadow guard to return to the ground, but he waited for a long time, staring at waves of people, without waiting for Mei Qiandeng.

He questioned everyone who came back, furious: "What about Mei Qiandeng ?!"

The men knelt on their knees: "The prince breathed his anger, and the prince forgave him. We never saw Mei Xiaogong."

"Such a living man fights side by side with you, and now tells me that I haven't seen it? Are you blind ?!"

"At that time, the road in the martyrdom was abrupt, we were dizzy and turned, and there were demon winds in the martyrdom. The torches were blown out. It was dark and many people scattered ..." Speaking of them, they were still a little scared. The underground palace is too mysterious. The people behind them had the intention to kill them, and it is estimated that even Chu Yan has been annihilated by the army.

However, at this time, Chu Zheng didn't want to understand this matter. All his mind was only to find Mei Qiandeng. With a wave of his sleeves, he ordered everyone to go to the palace to search for Mei Qiandeng. If he couldn't find Mei Qiandeng, don't come up. He himself was going to be the first one, and was dragged by Song Ge, who had arrived. He had to move a small bench and just sit in the dock warehouse like that, waiting for days and days.

Three days later, he did not wait for Mei Qiandeng's shadow, but waited for the news from Beijing.

It was shocking news that the King of Kings rebelled.

The secret newspaper said: The emperor found the "evidence" that the king of the emperor had colluded with the Meizizhoutou Mei family. It was the king's use of the special location of the Meizizhoutou without government authority to smuggle weapons and explosives to the North Mirror in an attempt to rebel. The emperor sent troops to search Meizizhou, and surrounded the mansion's mansion. In fact, the emperor used the Mei family to frame the king of the emperor. Where is there any evidence, the emperor did not know how to actually follow the emperor's way and immediately rebelled.

"Uncle Huang is not so impatient." Chu Yan shivered and handed the secret report to Song Ge Lao.

Song Ge always wiped the wrinkles on his forehead. "His Royal Highness, it's time to set out to go back to Beijing to outsource your uncle, General Di Xiao has been waiting ten miles away."

"Are you all right?" You in the words included too many people.

Chu Yan stayed in this warehouse for three days. In addition to staring at the dark hole, he also recalled everything. From the time his father asked him to take Mei Qiandeng out of the palace and check his home temple, he thought about it slowly and carefully.

Song Ge didn't say anything, Chu Xi was the default. His Royal Highness sat on the small bench for a long time again. At twilight, the river was full of smoke and smoke, and in the distance was the smoke and returning birds. He got up and walked to the river to blow the cold wind for a while. It was so cold that it made people cold. Turn back again, and with the old Song Ge indifferent: "Let's go."

Chu Yan went back to the inn to pack things, these days they live in the original inn.

On the table in the room, there was a letter and a yellow dragon jade.

Chu Xun rushed to open the envelope and did not see the letter written by someone who was expecting. There was only a yellowed title deed, which was signed by the emperor and the Mei family about the purchase and sale of Meizi Zhoutou. Since then, Meizizhoutou is no longer a paradise, and there is no king of the earth.

Chu Xun was lost for a while, and was about to put the contract back, and suddenly found that there was a small boxy red envelope in the envelope. He hurried out and put it in his hand, very light. Open it and open it, it is a brand new copper coin, the front face is "the first year of Shun En". In the year he was born, the emperor was overjoyed and changed his name to Shun En. The opposite is "Peace in the World".

Seeing Chu Xi's absence for a long time, Song Ge probed his head to look at it, and found His Highness His Royal Highness's desolate back. He sighed and walked in. When he approached, he saw the opened red envelope and the copper coins in Chu's hand. "It seems that the small lamp is still thinking about you, and it is going to be the New Year, and even the red envelopes are prepared for you in advance."

Then, there was news that the Mei family was guilty of being a thief. Meizi Zhoutou was a sea of ​​fire before the officers and soldiers arrived. The fire burned day and night and burned everything to ashes. The fire also spread to Jingyang Mountain. As the saying goes, water and fire are intolerable, but to everyone's surprise, the pure spring water on Jingyang Mountain actually ignites when it meets fire, and the flame is colorful, unpredictable like glass. , Beautiful and unusual. When the fire extinguished, the pure Yangquan dried up, and a layer of silver-white unknown objects was laid on the uneven stones at the bottom of the spring. From a distance, it looked like the first snow was coming, showing a cold air. Some officers and soldiers touched curiously, their hands were quickly frozen, the skin on the palms stuck to the stones, and they desperately flung away, taking away a large piece of skin with blood flowing.

"Where is the Mei family?" Chu Yi asked the spy expressionlessly.

The detective replied: "The trail disappeared from the Mei family."

Chu Yan smiled bleakly, and sure enough, sure enough, she had planned it and never believed him.

Song Ge patted Chu Yi's shoulders comfortably: "The small lamp did so voluntarily, His Royal Highness does not have to blame himself. Some people will be sacrificed for the sake of the Jiangshan community. The old man has seen the skill of the Miyin master, and he did it with the King of Kings. We can't find evidence of the sale, and letting the Mei family carry the pot is the fastest and most effective way. "

There is nothing wrong with wanting to add sin. In the case of King Wang, no evidence was found, and the evidence was falsified. The emperor said that the Mei family and the King Wang colluded. Instead of arguing, the Mei family defaulted, and the family fled, which is equivalent to the legend of King Wang's intention to rebel. The King of Kings rebelled immediately, probably also knowing that Mei Da was the master, they would definitely carry it back, and the King of Kings had no way out.

At the end of the sixteenth year of Shun'en, the King of Kings rebelled against the Royal Army under Chengtian Gate. Prince Prince Zhu Xi led a fifty thousand Anxi garrison and Dijia Army to contract the King of the King's rebels, and the King of Kings lost. He was detained in Lenggong after being arrested. Adding guards, the emperor killed his party feathers and implicated thousands of people throughout the country.

After this chaos, His Royal Highness was praised countlessly. Everyone said that in the beginning, His Royal Highness and the Emperor jointly established a bureau. When the seven sons of the Mei family were admitted to the palace for reading, they already knew the conspiracy of the Mei family and the king of the emperor. On that day, the Prince returned to Beijing with his armor on his horse, and became the object of countless girl souls in the capital. No one in the DPRK and the Central Government felt that the Prince was immature and tender. Layer by layer, waves.

In the past, the narcissistic prince Chu Xi, who blew up every now and then, seemed to have stayed in the underground palace, and slept in the darkness without bounds.

The following year, the fifteenth day of the first month, the Lantern Festival.

The small mirror hurried back to Mingjue Hall and reported to Chu Yan: "His Royal Highness, you are ready. Please move your Highness."

Chu Yan put on his big cock, was much thinner, his face was still beautiful, and there was a slight sadness between the five senses. The small mirror held the lamp and led the way. Chu Yu went to the palace wall and called the small mirror: "I can go up, you can arrange it." After receiving the lantern in the small mirror, he silently went up to the tower.

There is no star or moon tonight, not a Lantern Festival. There was a signal flare in the dark sky. After a moment, from all corners of the capital, a number of kongming lanterns were raised, such as thousands of months hanging, spectacular. People in the streets of Jingcheng Street stopped and were fascinated by the beautiful scenery.

At this time, a child shouted, "Wow, it's snowing! It's snowing!"

Pieces of snowflakes fell on the ground, and bright lights lifted off. Chu Ling threw the little red lantern at his feet, leaning on the railing alone, and the cold wind blew his face, as if it had the sweetness of apples.

Chu Yan reached out and caught a snowflake. Snowflakes quickly turned into drops of water, crystal clear like tears. In my mind, the scene of getting along with Mei Qiandeng could not help but Chu Yi felt that those memories were long, growing as far as the people on the earth and the moon in the sky, and suddenly felt very short, just like snowflakes falling from the sky so quickly.

Chu Yan spit out a white mist.

Isn't she coming back ...

The endless stream of fat and water flows east. It was not acacia. Seen better than Dan Qing in the dream, secretly surprised by the birds cry.

Spring is not green, Yan Wushuang. Don't be sad for a long time. Who teaches the year-old Honglian Ye, two groans know each other.

(Original poem Jiang Xun, "The Sky and Yuanxi Have Dreams", with minor changes)

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