MTL - What is It Like To Be Summoned As a Giant?-v2 Chapter 500 big win

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  Chapter 500 Victory

Zhuxian Formation is extremely powerful, it can be said to be the treasure of Jiejiao Zhenjiao, it is not inferior to the Liangyi Mote Formation of Chanjiao, and the killing power of the four flying swords is even more powerful than Taishang Laojun's Hunyuan Yiqi Taiqing Talisman Much stronger.

   Although the Zhuxian formation is strong, it is more troublesome to wait for people to sneak in by themselves.

  Normal people would not rush into this killing formation stupidly, but once they fall into the formation, it will be difficult to distinguish things from left to right, and only the boundless sword energy will continue to consume your mana.

   Everyone in Chanjiao was ambushed and could only fight on their own. Naturally the weakest person in the formation is Daoist Taiyi, the former Golden Immortal whose body was lost by Tang Lin, so he could only make himself a lotus incarnation to use against him, with ten to seven or eight magical powers, and even more magical treasures. Lost half of it.

   Poor and white and weak in mana, he was wiped out by the sword energy within a few seconds, leaving only the soul to escape. Originally, the sword energy wanted to wipe out his soul, but in the end a ray of light shrouded Taiyi's soul, and the sword energy of the Immortal Execution Formation couldn't hurt him at all.

  I saw this clear light enveloping the primordial spirit of Daoist Taiyi and flying towards Sishui Pass.

  In Sishuiguan, Jiang Ziya saw the light on the list of gods, and thought it was Tang Lin who was killed and Yuanshen was on the list. It turned out that it was the real Taiyi's name written on it.

  After getting the list of gods, Jiang Ziya wrote Tang Lin's name on it, but he was also on the list. One of the two must die before the other can be released. Naturally, all the people in Chanjiao also filled in a name, which means that they are also on the list.

  Originally, he wanted to catch him by surprise, even if Tang Lin snatched the list of gods, it would be useless, since all the names are up, it depends on how to fight.

  Jiang Ziya immediately understood that things had changed, and hurriedly flew out of Sishuiguan on Sixiang.

   Originally, Jiang Ziya was sitting in Sishuiguan, and he was in charge of the Liangyi Mochen Formation, so as not to be stolen from the camp. In order to be able to kill Tang Lin, masters of elucidation and education rushed out. Originally, they thought that Sishuiguan was not far from Xiqi camp, and Yufeng would arrive in a short while riding the clouds. Even if Xiqi wanted to steal the camp, it would only be a blink of an eye for them to come back for help.

  Who would have thought that Tang Lin was not planning to sneak attack at all, but laying an ambush to kill them all.

  Besides Sishuiguan, the fog in the distance is heavy, and the killing spirit is condensed like clouds, covering hundreds of miles. Jiang Ziya's cultivation base is not very good, but his knowledge is extraordinary, and he knew at a glance that they were in an ambush.

  However, Jiang Ziya had nothing to do. At this time, Jiang Ziya had no ability to break through the Zhuxian formation, so he could only watch helplessly.

   After a while, there were a few more names on the list of gods, and they were the four generals of the Mo family. These four are not people in the teaching, but sent by Chaoge to help guard the generals, but they couldn't survive for a while in the Zhuxian formation.

   "It's all wrong." Jiang Ziya sighed. He thought that this war would be protracted, but whoever thought of a trap severely damaged Chanjiao.

  After the four generals of the Mo family, more and more Yuanshen fell into the list. After those court guards, Chang-eared Dingguang Immortal was next on the list.

   What Tang Lin hates the most is not Daoist Taiyi. After all, the two sides have different camps, and whatever means they use can only be regarded as their own unique tricks. But Chang Er Ding Guangxian is outrageous, it is an unforgivable crime to ruin the lives of his fellow disciples because of jealousy.

   Therefore, after Tang Lin summoned the Jade Immortal Formation, the others ignored it, and grabbing the Chang-Eared Dingguang Immortal was a blowout. The sword energy was everywhere, no matter how Chang Er Ding Guangxian struggled, the result was still the same.

   First chopped off the rabbit's legs, and then chopped off his head, and the two or five sons of Chang-eared Dingguangxian died completely.

   Next, Tang Lin continued to control the Zhuxian Formation, and let the four Taiyi Golden Immortals, Kong Xuan, Jinling Madonna, Shiji Empress, and Yu Yuan, enter the formation to kill the enemy. Needless to say, Kong Xuan was single-handedly invincible under a sage, and Tang Lin had to rely on quite shameless crowd tactics to support him until he surrendered.

  The Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit can play six spells alone without the blessing of the formation, and with the blessing of the Zhuxian formation, the dragon and tiger will not be much worse than hitting the magic whip.

   The ones who are slightly worse are Yu Yuan and Empress Shiji. These two are inferior in cultivation and magic weapons, but it is not a problem to cooperate with the Zhuxian formation to kill people.

  Realist Taiyi died in the sword qi of the formation, fearing that his grandson would die in Tang Lin's hands. The golden immortal who had thrown his apprentice down in order to survive did not survive in the end.

   Several other people also entered the list one after another. Guang Chengzi, Chi Jingzi, Cihang, Manjusri, Puxian, Daoxing Tianzun, Qingxu Dazhenjun, were all beheaded by the sword qi. The rest of Master Huanglong and Master Yuding were collected by Kong Xuan's five-color divine light, and they will be dealt with slowly when they turn around.

   So far, only Yun Zhongzi and Randeng Taoist are still struggling to support the teaching.

  Ran Deng Daoist is the deputy leader of Chanjiao, and Tang Lin expected him to be strong. But Yun Zhongzi was more comfortable than Taoist Ran Deng, which surprised Tang Lin.

  In my memory, Yun Zhongzi was Daji who gave King Zhou a sword when he was doing something wrong, in order to kill demons. If King Zhou hadn't killed himself, I'm afraid Daji would have been killed directly, and the Battle of the Conferred Gods would have been affected as well.

  From this point of view, Yun Zhongzi is a **** out of publicity, and he didn't seem to participate too much in the Battle of the Conferred Gods. When the Twelve Golden Immortals were cut off with three flowers on top, Yun Zhongzi was not there, so there was no damage at all.

  Who would have thought that Yun Zhongzi would be ambushed by Tang Lin messing up the plot of the Conferred Gods.

  Ran Deng Daoren and Yun Zhongzi are also the softshells in the urn, but Tang Lin didn't let people swarm up and kill them both.

The people who explained the teachings were already dead and caught. This battle of conferred gods was basically won by the Jiejiao, and there was only one Liangyi Mochen Formation lingering on. After cleaning up the people in the Zhuxian Formation, they can go to break the formation .

  In this case, unless the saint makes a move, it is impossible to come back.

  Now that it has stabilized, Tang Lin is going to let the Taoist Randeng and Yun Zhongzi go, and leave some seeds for the explanation, so that Yuanshi Tianzun won't want to end up making trouble. If there are still a few disciples left, the saint still has a thought, if he kills them all in one pot, he will be as unscrupulous as the two saints of the Western religion.

  If Yuanshi Tianzun wanted to kill Tang Lin regardless, the Master Tongtian might not be able to protect himself.

  Tang Lin turned around the Immortal Execution Formation, brought Taoist Ran Deng to his eyes, and said condescendingly to this person: "Ran Deng, I am Taoist Jiejiao Lihuo. I think you two have heard my name."

  Deng Daoist raised his head and saw Tang Lin's huge figure, and sighed: "When you and Taiyi were at odds, you thought you were just a small person."

   "Lengdeng, the failure of explaining the teachings is not because I am a big man from Lihuo. It is because you are talking about the number of days in the teachings, but in fact, your behavior is no different from that of ordinary people who are greedy for wealth and honor.

   "If Taiyi was a little polite back then, how could he offend me?

   "Ordinary people's pursuit of survival and wealth is no different from your pursuit of immortality. Explaining and teaching oneself to be superior to others, and trying to replace the heart of heaven with one's own heart, has today's fruit."

  If he had heard these words at another time, Taoist Ran Deng would naturally shake his head in disbelief. But now that the teaching was defeated, Tang Lin spoke from the victor's position, naturally bringing some authority.

   This is a bit like a competitive game. Mistakes in winning can be said to be tactics, and any explanation for losing is nonsense.

  Nowadays, in the battle between the two religions, Tang Lin led the Jiejiao to win, and when discussing the Tao with Taoist Ran Deng, Tang Lin won no matter what. I said how you lost, that's how you lost, if you are not convinced, you can fight again.

   Therefore, Daoist Burning Lamp can only be silent.

  Tang Lin didn't continue to train others with the victor's attitude, but asked Taoist Ran Deng, "Now the victory is over, if you surrender, I can spare your life."

   Taoist Ran Deng knew that the general situation was over, and now he was caught in the battle of Zhu Xian, and he couldn't run away if he wanted to. If he didn't want to be on the list, he could only nod in agreement.

  But at this moment, the ground suddenly shook in Zhu Xian's formation.

  Tang Lin hurriedly stabilized the formation with mana, and then told Kong Xuan and the Holy Mother of Jin Ling: "Someone broke the formation outside, please check it out."

  (end of this chapter)