MTL - What’s Wrong With Seeking Death?-Chapter 15

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On the other side, inside the homestay.

The door that the students had closed before leaving was pushed open again, and a girl in red came in poking her head in, holding a box of board games in her hand.

This board game was cut from the hands of the departing students not long ago. Before leaving, the little girl with glasses suppressed her fear and put away the box, intending to take it outside and burn it, but she happened to see it. She went over to "chat" with the other party, and exchanged a box of chocolates for this box of board games.

"You should know that using abilities on ordinary people is an illegal operation, right?" A man who followed into the B&B said coldly. It was the driver who was watching outside the hotel with her before.

"Criticism. Then why didn't you make a move just now?" The girl snorted, "Besides, I didn't do anything. I just 'bewitched' a little bit."

And if you have the guts to talk about me, why don't you talk about Yang Buqi?

The red-clothed girl thought unconvinced, she was just guiding the little girl a little bit, but she directly helped her to heal her injuries, with Yang Buqi's "healing" level, it's a ghost that she couldn't detect the problem.

But she dared to say it in her heart. Firstly, Yang Buqi is considered her boss, and he is cold by nature, they are not good enough to joke with each other; secondly, others have also followed into the house at this moment—the real master is right behind.

The girl was speechless secretly, turned her head and looked back, and saw a tall young man walking in the door. The latter has a tall and straight figure, a handsome face, a pair of amber eyes are shining brightly, and there are only faint dark circles under the eyes, showing a little tiredness.

No wonder. Counting from yesterday, he has not rested for more than ten hours.

Yang Buqi was originally investigating other affairs in other places. Halfway through the investigation, I learned that there was an emergency here, and hurried over after looking for someone to take over. It is said that several humans were trapped in the higher "domain" this time. Although the hope of surviving is slim, he still hopes to save one by one.

However, when he arrived, the situation on the scene made him completely incomprehensible.

The students were swarming out when he came over. Everyone has full beards, and their minds are quite clear—at least they can deal with his questions logically, and their mouths are still very strict. He wanted to know what happened to them in the "domain" but didn't ask .

Of course, if he really wanted to pry something, they couldn't hide it.

Yang Buqi thought that they had just escaped from a dangerous situation and couldn't stand the excitement, so he didn't bother, and let them leave after simply checking their identities. The only thing he cared about was the girl who fell into a coma—she had some scars on her body that were obviously brought out from the domain.

The injury itself is actually not that important. In the domain, there is nothing serious except death, and the wounds caused will be greatly weakened in reality, and it will be fine after two days of healing.

However, after escaping from the domain, he fell into a coma instead. This thing is a bit abnormal. Network latency is not such a late method.

Yang Buqi wanted to know more, but the master was still in a coma, and the others didn't know what to ask, so he could only leave a contact information and wait for future contact. In order to leave a deep impression on the other party, he also deliberately wiped off several wounds on the other party's body.

As for the situation in the's not urgent. They have their own way of understanding.

Yang Buqi's eyes fell on the board game brought by the girl in red, who understood the board game box and dumped everything on the table.

Behind Yang Buqi, two colleagues also followed. They came here with a total of six people this time, and the rest of them were guarding outside. On the one hand, they were looking for clues, and on the other hand, they were dealing with the hotel owner who didn't know when he would appear.

The two colleagues turned around in the hall, and one of them said, "The domain you mentioned is centered on this house?"

"That's right. But it was too late when we came, so we don't know what happened in the house." The girl in red took out the record she made earlier and handed it over, "The students are going to dispose of this box of board games. Facing it The attitude is also very unnatural. So I suspect that the abomination that spawned that domain may have something to do with it."

"Is it a game card? The driver looked at the cards on the table and frowned, "Could it be that he is hiding in the cards?" "

"It is possible. "The person next to me nodded immediately, "I have dealt with an accident before, and the abomination was hidden in the mahjong tiles. As long as someone wins the card, it is considered to be a ritual, and after playing a few rounds, people will be brought into the "domain" without knowing say, how tricky it is. "

The others thought about it for a while, and the indignation that "there is such a brazen monster" appeared on their faces. Only Yang Buqi glanced at the record book without any reaction, walked to the table again, and fiddled with the things on the table.

"Wrong." He whispered, "Not in the cards."

Colleague: ...Huh?

"That abomination is not in Kali, but here." Yang Buqi picked up the small flashlight that had rolled to the edge of the table, "Shadow of Mad Dance. This is its code name. I have read its information."

He recalled the content he had read, with a bit of thought on his face: "The Shadow of Dancing Madness, a 'chaos-class' abomination. Parasitic in the light. It was captured by the Institute of Human Heart a year ago, and then handed over to us Here. We sent three capable users above the 'Order-Torch' level to impose rules and restrain it. This box of board games is the new form it formed after being restrained by the rules...

Yang Buqi frowned: "If I remember correctly, after the restraint was completed, this thing was sent back to the Renxin Yuan for containment. Why did it appear here?"

It's useless to ask about this matter, if they knew, they wouldn't come all the way here. A colleague came over and flipped through the cards, and suddenly called out:

"Grass, isn't this Zhong Sijia? why is he here "

Others looked over and saw that he was holding a card in his hand. On the card is a horrifying image—a man lying on his back on the ground, his eyes tearing open, his expression frightened, his body covered with wounds from scratching, biting and tearing, it is too horrible to look at.

"I recognize him. He is an ability user of Renxinyuan. Qualities are stone squid, beastly tendencies. "The man quickly said, "He entered the Renxin Academy three years ago, and he is the youngest ability user there. He was promoted to Zhu in one year, quite talented. I originally said that I planned to hit the 'lamp' level this year, why suddenly..."

He looked at the man who died tragically on the card, and fell silent for a while. Yang Buqi took the card, looked at it carefully, and tapped Zhong Scarlett's body.

"See these circular traces? " he said, "this is the fractured side of the tentacle—human beings are human to the end. He would die in this form, indicating that he was out of control at the time. "

As for whether he lost control in order to resist before he died, or whether he had crossed the boundary between humans and monsters before, it cannot be determined.

But no matter what, one thing is certain—the abominations that should have been contained were left outside, and more than one vicious incident was caused, which is absolutely inseparable from Zhong Sijia.

Capable users are aliens who have stepped into the non-human realm with one foot. The more they know, the easier they are sometimes bewitched. It is not uncommon for the ability user in charge of guarding the abominable object to be lured and coaxed, and it is not unheard of before.

As for Zhong Sijia's purpose of acting like this, and the reason for his death... this needs further investigation.

"Okay, let's do it." " Yang Buqi nodded towards the person next to him. The latter immediately took out a square box from the messenger bag he carried and put it on the table.

The box looked like a router, only smaller. After being laid flat, a camera immediately popped up on the top, and it automatically rotated 360 degrees, emitting changing lights while rotating.

If you look closely at the camera, you will find that what is hidden behind the lens is not a sensor, but a trembling eyeball.

In just a few moments, the pale light filled the entire hall, and it seemed to be alive, flowing up the stairs by itself, filling the entire hotel in a blink of an eye.

In the faint and ever-changing light, translucent figures gradually emerged one after another, standing quietly like sculptures—in the hall, a group of teenagers were shivering facing the sudden appearance of the metal cabinet, only the one standing in the corner A girl with a calm expression was holding a pack of Skittles in her hand; on the other side of the hall, next to the table, the same crowd appeared again, the girl with a calm expression was standing in front of the table, pointing to two cards , is saying something to the other person.

There was also a figure on the stairs, it was the figure of the girl walking upstairs alone. At the bottom of the stairs, there was an extra elevator. The elevator door opened wide, and the girl appeared in the elevator again. There was another boy standing next to him. The former had a calm attitude, while the latter looked hesitant...

All figures are still. However, the expressions and movements are all clearly recognizable.

It was the first time for the girl in red to see such a thing, and she couldn't help pushing her fellow driver: "What is this?" so amazing! "

"The Eye of Backtracking. It is used to replay the situation in the domain. After use, the timeline in the domain will be shuffled into fragments... I heard that is the case. "The driver whispered, "It is said that it is something unique to our organization, and people have to borrow it if they want to use it." "

"Borrow? "Hearing what he said, the other person snorted unceremoniously, "I can borrow it too. This is a high-level item, and the department's calls are restricted..."

"Quiet. "Yang Buqi opened his mouth, and the man immediately silenced obediently. Yang Buqi ignored him, walked to the side on his own, and reached out to pat a figure.

What he slapped was the figure of the girl who appeared most frequently. Yang Buqi remembered her—the one who was carried out of the homestay by his companions earlier.

If I remember correctly, her companion seems to call her...Xu Tuoran.

In vain, it sounds a little sad.

It's different from being in a coma. The girl's eyes were not lost at all, and she was quite energetic. After being slapped by Yang Buqi, the originally motionless figure suddenly came to life. I saw her pointing one hand on the table, looking up at the others, and the words she said were clearly audible:

"...This is forcing everyone to split up and kill each other. "

"In this regard, I have a suggestion..."

"Appoint a person who can handle it, and take the role of 'challenger'... I can see this kind of thing since I was a child, and I am more tolerant... Just hand it over to me, which can reduce your trial and error costs ..."

"It really doesn't do me any direct good. But in the long run, it's a greater guarantee of survival... still don't get it? Since the game wants us to divide, it can be said that this outcome is beneficial to it. On the other hand, it doesn't want us to be united..."

The sound fragments from the past echoed clearly in the hall, and because of the playback effect, there was even a bit of reverberation.

Depend on.


The girl in red didn't know how others felt when they heard this, but she was shocked anyway.

No wonder this group of students passed the level almost without injury... With such a clear-headed person leading the team, as long as they don't stretch their hips too much, not to mention being taken away, at least they can play with a tailwind.

Why hasn't she met such a teammate who can control the field before!

"This child has good mental quality. "The person next to me couldn't help but say, "Has she encountered similar things before? When the sea entered the domain for the first time, it kept calling mother..."

Hai Hai was another colleague who followed up with the hotel, and couldn't help but roll his eyes when he heard this: "That's great, what are you teasing me for?" Didn't you hear what she said, she used to be able to see dirty things..."

"Lies. "

Before he could finish speaking, Yang Buqi suddenly spoke, his brows furrowed slightly.

"In this world, there are no real 'ghosts'." There is no real 'yin and yang eye' either. She is lying. "

"Prophet" - this is one of his qualities, allowing him to directly judge the authenticity of other people's language. At least for now, he hasn't lost his hand.

As for unity or something, it's just a bigger lie.

Yang Buqi frowned even tighter. He could see that Xu Tuoran's original intention of making that suggestion was not all for the "unity" she said, she had her own selfishness and purpose... And in this kind of place, at this time, what exactly does she want to do?

He looked down at the tabletop. Under the effect of the Eye of Backtracking, two translucent cards appeared on the table. He struggled to read the words on the card, but before he finished reading, he saw "Xu Tuoran" standing in front of the table suddenly started to move, walked to the center of the hall, bowed his head, and looked behind him.

Because Yang Buqi only "triggered" this figure so far, they could only see the activities of this figure. Correspondingly, they can also realize synaesthesia with "Xu Tuoran" to a certain extent—for example, now, after the other party made such an unimaginable strange action, Yang Buqi hurriedly stood beside her, Do it again.

So he also saw the weird staircase and the terrifying shadow standing on the staircase.

The shadow of mad dance... Suspicion clouded in Yang Buqi's heart.

Is this Xu Tuoran's purpose? On the surface, she asked others to take the opportunity to perform the challenge, but she was actually just to see this thing? Why? Is she a follower of Dancing Shadow? Or is she already bewitched?

From the corner of the eye, he caught a glimpse of "Xu Tuoran" raising his hand in the past, and Yang Buqi was even more startled. Could this be some kind of prayer gesture unique to followers of Dancing Shadow...

He looked in the direction of "Xu Tuoran".

He saw a raised middle finger.

Yang Buqi: …

...? ? !

Yang Buqi was dumbfounded.

He couldn't read it, but he was shocked.

The author has something to say:

Xu Tuoran: I am about to become the protagonist of the movie, but I don't realize it.

(Don't worry, it won't be a long time to watch the movie. The part that brings out the necessary information is over!)


Modification: Modified the bug of Zhong Sijia's death pose