MTL - What’s Wrong With Seeking Death?-Chapter 17

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...the murder scene.

Yang Buqi stood in the elevator, except for these four words, he didn't know how to describe what he saw.

The little fat man who wasn't human before screamed really badly. In the pitiful screams, no information was revealed yet. In desperation, he could only "trigger" the figure of Xu Tuoran beside him again.

Then he watched an elevator murder initiated by humans to non-humans.

I have to say that Xu Tuoran's movements are quite neat. With the knife in hand, there was no sound on the other side. Yang Buqi watched the other party turn into ashes, but he couldn't help being curious.

There is no doubt that the little fat man is an inhuman deliberately pretending to be human. Even he succeeded in identifying the identity of the other party only after coming into contact with the phantom left by the other party; and under the circumstances at that time, with the help of "Yuan" deliberately covering up, it would definitely be more difficult to identify.

So Xu Tuoran, how did he do it?

Driven by curiosity, Yang Buqi touched other related phantoms. After running back and forth with the elevator a few times, and finally followed Xu Tuoran to the basement, he gradually figured out the reason—

【…Isn’t it written on that event card? You cannot share what you see with other players. If you share, the last one to leave the current room will definitely suffer...]

[Only I can feel this. When I mention this to a living person, the back of my neck will feel cold... But if I say this to a ghost, I don't feel it at all...]

[This method has been tried and tested, it is super easy to use! 】

Yang Buqi: …

He didn't know how these students felt after listening to it. Anyway, after listening to it, he felt a little delicate.

A colleague next to me who came down to eat melons gave a good summary of his mood at this time. He only heard him speak sincerely: "This girl is really a talent."

Yang Buqi: …

Indeed, too talented. This kind of method of playing big self-destruction together is really impossible for ordinary people to play.

"But from Yu's point of view, this matter is too troublesome." Another person said thoughtfully, "And didn't Team Yang say that? What the girl saw was the afterimage of the shadow of the mad dance , in other words, it is the core of the 'domain'... that temper is probably not much better?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Gu Xiaoya's phantom asked almost exactly the same question. Under the watchful eyes of everyone, Xu Turan clearly showed a "suddenly enlightened" expression; at the same time, the girl in red seemed to have remembered something, and suddenly opened her record book.

"Speaking of which, the barrier in that domain did shake for ten minutes..."

Gan. Case solved.

So are you angry?

The girl in red and her fellow driver looked at each other, and they both saw a strong sense of disbelief in each other's eyes.

The voice of the colleague sounded again, perfectly summarizing their state of mind at this time:

"This girl, she's really a genius..."

"?" Yang Buqi looked over suspiciously, "Why did you change the words again?"

The colleague replied sincerely: "Because it feels like this is not something that humans can do."

Yang Buqi: "..."

He thought about it carefully, and found that it really didn't look like it.

In any case, with this foreshadowing, Yang Buqi and his group have a better understanding of a certain existence named "Xu Tuoran", and when they watch her other operations later, their tolerance is relatively higher.

At least when watching her block a female ghost in the metal cabinet and keep opening and closing the cabinet door, everyone's heads were full of question marks, but they didn't say "My God, what is this woman doing?" Well, I don't understand." This expression seems to have never seen the world.

Yang Buqi even had the mood to give a pertinent evaluation. At any rate, she was polite this time, he said.

Not only did he not give the middle finger, but he also greeted the female ghost and said thank you...

As for why say thank you?

Yang Buqi said, don't ask him. He had given up thinking.

Of course, giving up thinking is only for Xu Tuoran. On other levels, his brain is still on duty.

His remaining IQ is enough for him to successfully piece together the truth of this incident after roughly triggering all the phantoms—

Zhong Sijia, an ability user of Ren Xinyuan. He collapsed because of his father's death, and was taken advantage of by the Dancing Shadow who was in custody. Bewitched by him, he fled the monster privately. In order to feed the weak Dancing Shadow, he even did not hesitate to help it hunt and kill ordinary people. Food.

The party homicide in city A was his work, this is the second time he committed the crime, luckily someone escaped...

"My God, it's so dangerous." The girl in red followed Xu Tuoran's phantom downstairs, and said to the side, "Fortunately, these students met someone who can do anything this time. If Zhong Sijia succeeds, God knows What will happen?"

"I dare not say anything else, but what is certain is that if this is the case, Zhong Sijia will definitely not survive."

Yang Buqi looked at the phantoms in front of him, and said calmly: "The Shadow of Mad Dance didn't move Zhong Sijia at first, because Zhong Sijia didn't violate the rules, and because of the constraints, it had no reason to do it; and itself, It is in the recovery period again, and Zhong Sijia needs to find food for it."

"Assuming that Zhong Sijia's plan goes well this time, everyone involved in the 'domain' will become food for the dancing shadow. Then the replenished energy should be enough for the dancing shadow to recover enough to break some of the constraints— It doesn't need to keep Zhong Sijia anymore."

"In this way, aren't these students very powerful? They are equivalent to protecting themselves and indirectly saving many people!" The girl in red was speechless.

A H-level abomination that breaks the constraints, its destructive power cannot be summed up by doubling it!

"Indeed." Yang Buqi nodded earnestly, "They are all amazing."

Especially that Xu Tuoran... Although some of her actions are really weird, but I have to admit that the value of her actions is indeed greater than the confusion she brings.

"But I don't understand one thing." The driver hissed, "Then why did Zhong Sijia die? It stands to reason that Dancing Shadow can't kill him now, and he is needed."

"The only possibility is that he accidentally violated the rules." Yang Buqi thought for a while and said, "He has already fallen, and it is possible to lose his mind...?"

He followed several phantoms to the bathroom on the first floor, and saw Xu Tuoran standing alone in front of the blue light door, watching his companion leave.

The fragments traced back by "Eye of Retrospect" are scattered, and sometimes there are some missing plots. Just like now, obviously they came down with a few phantoms, but at this moment, the other phantoms have disappeared, and only Xu Tuoran is left.

Why hasn't she left? This thought only stayed in Yang Buqi's mind for a short moment, and was quickly dismissed.

Forget it, never mind. What this girl said is not surprising...Yang Buqi thought silently, and was about to go back to observe Zhong Sijia's situation, when suddenly Xu Turan took two steps back, turned around and rushed back to the hall quickly.

Yang Buqi:?

But in a daze, Xu Tuoran's figure disappeared in the hall and appeared on the stairs instead—this was a jump caused by the lack of a plot. In the next second, Xu Tuoran's figure appeared on the third floor again, and at the same time, a voice rang clearly in the quiet homestay:

【—I saw the black shadow on the stairs. 】


? ? ? !

Yang Buqi was taken aback.

Immediately, something exploded in his brain.

God, co-author Zhong Sijia was killed like this? !

He subconsciously ran a few steps in the direction of the stairs, just as Xu Tuoran ran down the stairs again in a panic, behind him a black shadow stretched its teeth and claws, as if it would swallow her completely in the next second.

Yang Buqi stood at the stairs with a complicated expression, disbelief written all over his face. Seeing that Xu Tuoran was going to jump down the last few steps, he instinctively stepped back immediately, trying to make room for her. However, Xu Tuoran's jumping speed was too fast, he had no time to dodge - one person and one phantom, they were about to hit each other.

Yang Buqi looked at Xu Tuoran's approaching face, and was surprised to find that the girl was still smiling—that smile was very shallow, and the curve was almost undetectable, but the twinkle in her eyes couldn't fool her. people.

Looking at the tiny flash of light, his heart suddenly stopped for a moment, and his backing movement stopped suddenly. And at the moment when the two bodies were about to touch, there was another plot jump—

Xu Tuoran's phantom disappeared out of thin air, and appeared behind Yang Buqi instead.

Yang Buqi blinked, turned his head to look, and saw Xu Tuoran's phantom turning around the corridor. The afterimage of Dancing Shadow squirmed and chased after her like a swarm of insects, Yang Buqi's heart skipped a beat, knowing that nothing would happen to her, but he followed her instinctively.

When she saw Xu Tuoran's phantom again, she had already rushed in front of the light gate. While running forward, there was still time to turn around and raised a hand solemnly.

She once again raised a **** towards the dancing shadow.

Yang Buqi stopped and watched her figure disappear into the light gate, but for some reason, his thoughts were still on the last **** she raised.

Dancing Shadow let out an angry scream, Yang Buqi blinked slowly, suddenly wanted to laugh.

"...My god." The girl in red had been holding her breath since Xu Turan rushed back upstairs, until now, Fang let out a deep breath.

"I know this girl is not simple, but this is too amazing...My God. I would be scared to death."

"Me too." The person next to her nodded equally apprehensively, "Speaking of which, what is she doing with Zhong Sijia? For revenge?"

"...No." Yang Buqi thought for a while, then shook his head lightly, "She did it to prevent future troubles."


"Zhong Sijia once said that even if they escaped, he could still find them." Yang Buqi said softly, "She took this risk to protect herself and others."

...Or, she just wanted to take this opportunity to make another big fuss?

Yang Buqi thought about it again, and was not quite sure what he thought. He looked at the light gate that was gradually disappearing in front of him, thought for a moment, and gave his own conclusion—

"Weird girl." He said, walked back to the table, and put away the retrospective eye.

"But it's okay, the heart is not bad."

the other side.

——Yang Buqi.

The business card with these three characters printed on it was neatly placed on the desk. Xu Tueran sat at the table, looked at this small piece of paper, with a bit of thought in his eyes.

At this moment, she has returned to her temporary residence—the original owner's home is out of town, and she usually lives on campus, but now she lives in a short-term rental apartment, which has a large area, good lighting, and high-end decoration, and the overall quality is quite good.

The original owner didn't have much luggage with him, so after Xu Tuoran came back, he searched everything again. However, as before, I still haven't found any clues about the "online dating partner".

This is very interesting.

If this "online dating partner" does exist, Xu Tuoran may not have concluded the connection between it and the original owner's death; but now—it's too clean.

It was as clean as if someone was deliberately erasing the traces that had been left behind.

On the contrary, Xu Tuoran became more determined in his previous guess.

The death of the original owner was probably because she voluntarily "dedicated" her heart to an unknown existence.

And that unknown existence should have a certain understanding of the original owner. That's why he—or it, thought of using Gu Chenfeng's name to get close to the original owner.

After that, the original owner died, and the role position became vacant. In order to continue the plot, an irresponsible system pulled itself into this world... It's reasonable to string it together like this. As for why the original owner was targeted by "something" outside the plot, and died because of it, Xu Tuoran has no way of knowing.

Although it is "unknown" now, she herself is quite interested in this matter. The original owner gave her a chance to live again, and it was only natural to find the truth for her, not to mention, that so-called "online dating partner" sounds very dangerous...

what is this? This is all points!

Xu Tuoran automatically equated the "online dating partner" with the "big death value promotion package" in his mind, and then began to think about how to track down that guy.

After thinking about it, his idea came to Yang Buqi.

Of course, she wouldn't be so stupid as to really regard the other party as a doctor. And judging from the behavior of the other party, he didn't intend to hide his specialness. Those inexplicable and complete wounds are ironclad evidence—he just hoped that Xu Tuoran would see his "specialness" so that he could take the initiative to contact him.

Thinking about it carefully, it probably wasn't a coincidence that he appeared outside the homestay at that time. Perhaps, he himself has something to do with "that kind of thing"...

In other words, he was an "insider".

And on this weird matter, an "industry insider" may give more information.

While thinking, Xu Tuoran saved the number left by Yang Buqi in the phone book. In my heart, I still have some entanglements in whether to contact him or not.

On the one hand, it was because she didn't know how an "industry insider" like Yang Buqi would deal with such a request for help. It's fine if you just leave it alone, Xu Turan is most afraid that if he takes any protective measures directly against him, then the gain is not worth the loss, and he may not even have the chance to die.

Moreover, what should I say if I really hit it? "Hello, I'm Xu Tuoran. I should have died of a heart attack, but when I woke up, I was alive again, and I'm looking for revenge for the mysterious person who killed me. If you are willing to help me, when I succeed in revenge, there will be a heavy burden." remuneration."

Then Xu Tuoran estimated that he would be the one targeted by the anti-fraud app.

On the other hand, it was because Xu Tuoran hadn't figured it out until now—why did he only give his business card to himself?

You can't just see yourself as the worst at the time, right?

Xu Tuoran picked up the business card on the table and looked at it, his eyes became more thoughtful.

She couldn't think of a definite answer to this question for the time being, but after a closer look, she discovered something more interesting.

The business card that Yang Buqi gave her had dark patterns on it.

It can only be seen by tilting the paper at a certain angle and facing the light. It looks like a torch dancing in the wind.

Xu Turan's heart moved, and suddenly she had an interesting idea—she spread out her notebook, took out a pencil, and quickly copied the dark pattern of the torch on the business card, carefully sketched the lines, and directly opened the mobile browser , start image search.

It's a pity that I didn't find anything decent - the mentally retarded search engine only gave a bunch of plausible pictures and some irrelevant entries.

Xu Tuoran had no choice but to close the browser. Just as he was about to put down his phone, his eyes flicked over an orange icon, and his eyes stopped suddenly.

In the next second, she opened the Taobao interface.

Then he solemnly scanned the pattern into the search bar, and clicked "Find the same style".

...The point is that she actually managed to find out.

Based on the pictures she took, Taobao locked the products of a store—their store specializes in some weird niche products, in addition to homemade badges and cultural shirts, the torch pattern is one of their original cultural shirt patterns .

It's just poor sales. Xu Tuoran clicked on it on purpose, one piece was sold a month, and the last comment was a year ago.

Xu Turan: ...

For some reason, the image of Yang Buqi as an "industry insider" in her heart suddenly dropped a lot.

She browsed the entire Taobao store again, and found that there were a lot of ordinary products, but there were also a lot of weird products that exuded a faint aura—basically they were all evil spirits, and the feeling through the screen was very shallow, so faint that it was almost nothing. .

It can be seen that there should be some real things in this store... But then again, is it really okay for "people in the industry" to put this kind of things out for public sale?

And the price is quite expensive... full of the meaning of making money.

Xu Tueran murmured in his heart, and Yang Buqi's image was implicated and dropped a little.

Xu Tuoran was only going to look at it, but when he was about to close the interface, he remembered his newly awakened "confusing" ability, and suddenly had a new idea.

She checked it several times and confirmed that the pattern used by the other party was exactly the same as the dark pattern on Yang Buqi's business card. Then she found an evil product and clicked on the customer service interface:

[Hello, I like this baby very much. Is there any other similar models? 】

The message was quickly displayed as read, and the customer service went online immediately, and recommended another "Love Wuzhu Doll" to her with a smile. Xu Tuoran clicked on it and found that it was just an ordinary commodity, without any evil spirits at all.

"..." Xu Tuoran fell into silence. After thinking for a moment, continue typing without giving up. After testing it back and forth a few times, she found something was wrong.

No matter how she asks, the other party will not answer her questions directly, but will only push some ordinary products to her without any evil spirit.

What do these mean? Those with evil spirits just don’t sell them, right?

Xu Tueran pursed her lips. She originally wanted to buy some supernatural objects to see if she could increase the death value. But it is estimated that the other party may have some internal identification method, and "outsiders" like her just don't buy it. I had no choice but to give up and continue to think about the issue of "online dating partner".

I want to start with Yang Buqi, but I have too many worries for the time being. She struggled for a while, and decided to rely on herself first.

It has been launched before, and the person who did it—or the non-human should have a certain understanding of the original owner. She simply combed through the character list given by the system again, listing all the characters in the plot that are related to the original body, trying to find clues from it.

The information is incomplete, and the characters with names and surnames that can be listed are also very limited. Xu Tuoran dug out the character list for a long time, but only a few sporadic characters were dug out.

First of all, Gu Chenfeng - Needless to say, I just met him not long ago, and I'm still jumping around in the group.

After that is the original male lead—according to his biography, he will meet the original body in his sophomore year. And the original body was still a senior sister a year older than him. In other words, it's still far away from their first meeting. God knows where this guy grows grass.

Then there is a supporting role called "Yang Yuan". He is positioned in the book as an old friend of the hero in the original text, an indifferent and handsome doctor who also knows some metaphysics, and he met the hero long before he was in college. In the later period, the original body took a fancy to the male lead, but failed to hook up. In order to attract the male protagonist's attention, he went to hook up with his friend. The result of the collusion is not written in the character design, but only mentions that "Yang Yuan" has a bad impression of the original body. From this point of view, the original owner should have failed.

But at this moment, neither "Yang Yuan" nor the hero has any intersection with the original body. Their suspicions are also low.

In the end, it was the "housekeeper" of the original owner's house—it was said to be the "housekeeper", but in fact it should be her brother. The original owner's parents adopted a boy before she was born. They thought they would not be able to give birth to a child, so they took good care of the adopted boy. However, when the original owner was born a few years later, the treatment of the adopted son naturally dropped.

And the original owner is arrogant and indulgent, and he is extremely disrespectful to this adoptive brother. He never admits that he has an older brother to the outside world. When introducing him to others, he only says that he is the "housekeeper" of his family.

In a sense, this adoptive brother has indeed assumed the role of "housekeeper". After the unexpected death of the original owner's parents, the burden fell on him. Externally, he took over the family business and took care of it conscientiously. Internally, he had to worry about the original owner's school life. Although his relationship with the original owner was not good, driven by his sense of responsibility, he still took care of the original owner as much as possible, took whatever he wanted, and even used money and power to try to repair it when she broke the big basket...

It's a pity that the original owner didn't appreciate it, and instead let himself go more and more. In the end, the patience of the adoptive brother was completely exhausted, and he was completely released.

…Um? and many more.

Xu Tuoran looked at the information about "Brother Steward" in his notes, and suddenly frowned.

From this point of view, this adoptive brother is quite suspicious, right?

At this time, the original owner's parents had passed away for a year. This time was enough for him to gain a firm foothold in the family business, and it was also enough for him to recognize the essence of the original owner's letting go of himself...

And according to the will of the original body's parents, after the original body graduates from university, part of the assets in his hands will be returned to the original body - good guy, it can be said that the motivation is complete.

Xu Tuoran immediately picked up a pen, circled the name of "Brother Butler", and then picked up his mobile phone, intending to send a message first to try it out. If this matter is really related to the other party, there will probably be some telltale signs in his words and deeds.

But she forgot that the phone book was running in the background of the phone. Yang Buqi's contact number has been completely entered, Xu Tuoran made a quick call, and accidentally dialed the phone number.

Xu Turan: ...

Hearing the beeping sound from the mobile phone, she was speechless for a moment.

But forget it, it's all over... She closed her eyes and sighed, but was not in a hurry to hang up.

The call was quickly connected.

A deep voice came from the opposite side of the phone: "Hello? Who is it?"

"Hello." Xu Tuoran said politely, "Is this Mr. Yang Buqi? I'm from the homestay today..."

"Huh? What?" The voice on the opposite side paused, "Excuse me, please wait a moment. The signal here is not good...Okay, it should be ok. What did you just say?"

Xu Tuoran raised his eyebrows, and was about to repeat, when suddenly another voice sounded from the phone:

"Yang...Yang Yuan! Come over here and take a look at this!"

Xu Turan: ...


She paused, subconsciously said: "You are Yang Yuan?"

"En." The person on the other end of the phone was silent for a while, and responded, "Yes, I am Yang Yuan. What's the matter?"

"..." Xu Tuoran paused again, and then quickly said, "Hello, we have a shop here, which is located in the business district near the subway. Are you interested..."

"Sorry, I'm not interested." The person on the other end of the phone gave a decisive reply before she finished speaking, "Sorry, but I'm still in a meeting here..."

"Okay. I'm sorry to disturb you. I wish you a happy life." Xu Tuoran said quickly, then ended the call with a slap, leaned back in the chair, and let out a deep breath.

How dangerous... She was silently speechless. Why does this male partner have two numbers? If it hadn't been for someone talking just now, she would have never imagined that Yang Buqi would be Yang Yuan.

Name, occupation, understanding of "metaphysics", and the label of "handsome"...all matched.

Xu Tuoran has no objection to the role of Yang Yuan itself. However, he and the hero in the original text have been friends for many years. Once you get in touch with him, maybe you will have an intersection with the male protagonist in advance—and it is emphasized in the "Rules for Newcomers to Time Traveling" that it is best for the book traveler not to contact him before the fateful encounter between the male and female protagonists in the original text. Judging from previous cases, there is a high probability that this will have an impact on the main emotional lines in the novel.

After it has an impact, the person who wears the book needs to repair it by himself... This kind of thing is very troublesome to think about.

Xu Tuoran shook his head, and crossed the word "Yang Yuan" in the note. After thinking about it, he wrote "Yang Buqi" next to it, and also crossed it.

Following her, she switched to the WeChat interface, and opened the chat interface with "Brother Butler".

There is not much information exchange between the original owner and the "Brother Butler". Basically, the original owner puts forward demands, such as asking for money, air tickets, or drivers, and then the "Brother Butler" responds coldly with "Yes"—as if a person who responds to every request AI.

Xu Turan thought for a while, and imitating the original owner's tone, he sent a sentence, "Are you here? Help me with something."

There was no immediate reply on the other side. Xu Turan was not in a hurry, put down his phone and got up to exercise his muscles, then went to the kitchen to get a drink.

The refrigerator door opened and closed, and Xu Tuoran's distorted figure was vaguely reflected on the convex metal door.

Xu Tuoran drank his drink, glanced at the door unconsciously, and then paused.

I saw a shadow in the reflection on the metal door.

A black, elongated shadow.

At the same time, in the homestay.

Yang Buqi stared at the phone that had been hung up for a while, and silently added a label of "harassing call" to the call just now.

Behind him, the girl in red was curiously asking her companion, "What happened just now? Who is Yang Yuan?"

"Yang Yuan is my pseudonym." Without waiting for the man to answer, Yang Buqi replied, "I use this name when interacting with normal people and dealing with ordinary affairs."

In this way, when someone calls, he can directly judge whether it is related to "normal life" or "abnormal life" just by listening to the address. Ability to quickly identify priorities.

The existence of this pseudonym is known to all the colleagues he often deals with. So just now one of them turned around and wanted to call him but found that he was on the phone, so he temporarily changed his name and called him a pseudonym. After all, most people who know Yang Buqi know "Yang Yuan", but those who only know Yang Yuan, it's better not to know Yang Buqi forever.

I have also tried sub-numbers. But for some reason, many of the people he originally only had personal relationships with eventually became work-related objects somehow, and some even became colleagues or peers, and their names were sometimes mixed together... The end result was that all the accounts he opened became job number.

But he didn't expect that the information would be leaked enough to attract fraudulent calls.

At first he thought it was Xu Turan who made the call just now, but he found that the signal was not good and he couldn't hear him, so he ran outside the door—Yang Buqi thought silently, and sighed unconsciously in his heart.

Beside him, a colleague was already arranging things on the table. He opened a heavy silver case that held Dancing Shadow's flashlight. Before containment, he deliberately used an electronic temperature gun-like instrument to sweep the flashlight.

Then I heard him say "Huh".

"Yang Buqi!" He said in amazement, "Are you sure that this abominable thing is of the H-level?"

Yang Buqi carefully recalled the information he had read, and nodded: "That's right, what's wrong?"

"Then...the data is wrong!" The man showed him the data on the instrument, "It clearly shows that there are only light levels!"

"What?" Yang Buqi frowned, leaned over to check the data, and checked it again, his brows suddenly tightened.

"Indeed, there is only light level." He pursed his lips, "but this is unreasonable. If it is not E level, it will not be bound by this level."

"Then what's going on?" The girl in red was surprised, "Could it have degenerated by itself?"

"As far as the current information is concerned, there is no such situation." Yang Buqi shook his head, "There is only one more reasonable explanation."

"Its power has been dispersed - it may be taken away by other people, or it may be distributed on its own initiative..."

"Separation?" The girl in red was puzzled, "What are you going to do?"

"...Looking for food." Yang Buqi muttered, for some reason, he suddenly thought of the girl who was carried out of the homestay by his friends.

"Oh no...Xu Tuoran?!"

at the same time.

Inside the apartment room.

Xu Tuoran looked at the black figure that suddenly appeared on the refrigerator door, calmly said "hi", and finished drinking the drink in the bottle with his head raised.

Then he said "Bye" again, threw the drink bottle into the trash can, turned around and walked into the bedroom.

From the beginning to the end, the other party was not given a chance to display themselves. hurts.

The black figure was silent for a moment, then silently blended into the corner of the room, the figure was a bit lonely. Xu Tuoran sat in front of the desk, felt it's departure, and heaved a sigh of relief.

That guy actually followed me.

She reached out and touched her heart. Her danger judgment ability came online briefly just now, and although there was a reaction, the reaction was not violent.

It can be seen from this that the other party should not be able to cause any great harm to her now - but judging from the breath, he can't do anything about it for the time being. At least you can't beat him to death.

I don't know what the other party's purpose is... Of course, she is very happy to have a death value experience pack by her side at any time, but if it is allowed to follow, it seems that it is not reassuring.

She still remembers the black shadow in the haunted house. He was weak at first, but he grew into a murderous **** boy in a blink of an eye.

At this time, the original owner's "housekeeper brother" finally replied. He asked "what's the matter" in a flat tone. Xu Turan's heart moved, and he suddenly had an idea.

She remembered her own stunt—Crazy Rabbit, confusing.

It only takes effect on the lamp and the non-human beings below the lamp, and the more non-human beings are malicious towards her, the more she can influence their sanity.

Although I don't know what a light level is at all, and whether that black shadow is a light level... But who cares, it doesn't cost money to try.

[I need to change houses. ASAP. 】Xu Tuoran made up his mind and quickly sent a sentence. This time "Brother Butler" responded quickly - he pushed someone to Xu Tuoran, asking her to communicate with that person directly. Anyway, in the end, he will pay the money.

Xu Tuoran was not polite, and sent all his needs to that person in a blink of an eye—

[I need a haunted house. The kind that really happened. The fiercer the better, not fierce enough. It’s best to be closer to my place, and it’s best to move in within these two days. The price is optional. 】

After finishing typing the requirements in a serious manner, she clicked on Taobao again.

【exist? ] She sent a message to the customer service of that store, 【Let me just say it straight. I need supernatural items, lamp-grade ones are best. Less than light level is also barely ok. Please stop pretending to be stupid. I know you guys have this stuff. I am sincerely cooperating, and I hope you will also be sincere. 】


Maybe it's because she said the right key words this time, and this time the customer service's reply is no longer full of perfunctory: [Okay, please wait a moment. 】

She sent several pictures, and then another [purchase notice]:

[Please note that the items purchased in this store cannot be returned or exchanged once they are sent out. And cannot be transferred or discarded. Once discovered, it will be permanently blocked and entered into the industry blacklist. 】

[If you find that the product is not suitable after purchase, you can contact customer service to deal with it. Processing fee is negotiable separately. 】

[Roughly these are the requirements. 】The customer service said, 【Excuse me, which one do you like? 】

Xu Tuoran casually clicked on the picture and glanced at it. After feeling the cold air rushing towards his face again, he nodded in satisfaction.

[It's almost the same. 】She replied, 【The last question, free shipping? 】

customer service:【…】

She probably didn't expect that for items with a unit price of five figures, there would be people who would care about whether or not to include postage. It took a while before she replied: [Single item is not included, kiss. 】

【Oh, I don't buy single pieces. ] Xu Tuoran immediately replied, 【I want them all. 】
