MTL - When a Master of Metaphysics Marries into a Wealthy Family-Chapter 89

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Summer heat or air-conditioning cold, although it sounds serious, is actually not very dangerous.

But from Shen Ye's tone, it seemed that something was wrong with Mo Xiaoyi's brother... Mo Xiaoyi suddenly became nervous.

Cousin Ye saw his fiancée's mood, and quickly asked, "Sister-in-law, is there something wrong?"

Seeing that the two of them were very anxious, Shen Ye shook his head and said, "It's nothing serious, I'll draw a talisman for your uncle, you can send it to him today."

As he spoke, he took out a mahogany brush and cinnabar, and drew amulets in front of everyone.

Xu Sisi often saw Shen Ye's talisman at home, but she didn't feel much. Xu Ce also saw it a few times, and his curiosity was not so strong. But Mr. Wang and Mo Xiaoyi met him for the first time, and they immediately looked at him.

Shen Ye didn't hide anything, and let them watch.

This is the first time he has drawn a talisman after his soul was completed at 1:30. His spiritual power is stronger, and the talisman paper he draws is also more powerful. And this time, in order to increase the effect of the talisman paper, he also used a spell bonus in the process of drawing the talisman.

After painting, he handed the talisman paper to Mo Xiaoyi.

Mo Xiaoyi took it respectfully and thanked in a low voice.

Shen Ye said: "You send the talisman paper back later and let your brother carry it with you. His cold will be cured tomorrow. When he recovers, let him come here and I will help him check his fate. "

Mo Xiaoyi didn't think too much, and immediately responded: "Okay."

Her brother was sick all the time when he was a child. Although he was very healthy when he grew up, the family members were still a little worried, for fear that her brother would continue to suffer from constant illness like when he was a child. If the sister-in-law of the lobby can help her brother with fortune-telling and confirm her brother's situation, she can only be happy.

Cousin Ye also thanked Shen Ye on behalf of his uncle.

Shen Ye waved his hand: "Thank you for being able to, please continue to write invitations for me."

He wanted to write the invitation himself, but there were too many guests, and it wasn't his wedding with Ye Ze, so he just dealt with it carelessly.

Mo Xiaoyi laughed, and took the pen again to sign the names of Shen Ye and Ye Ze.

When he returned to his room at night, Ye Ze suddenly asked in a low voice, "Is there something wrong with Dashi's health?"

"Big time?" Shen Ye looked at him, "Who?"

"Little Mo's brother is called Mo Dashi." Ye Ze explained, picked up Shen Ye, and carried him to the bed.

Shen Ye: "...their parents can name them freely."

Mo Dashi and Mo Xiaoyi sounded like a random name chosen by a machine.

Ye Ze smiled and shook his head: "Their mother's name is Hao Shiyi, Dashi and Xiaoyi are named after their mothers."

Shen Ye: "...Hearing you say that, it's quite romantic."

Ye Ze gently held his hand: "Dashi and I also grew up together. He often fell ill when he was young, and Amu and I even went to the hospital to accompany him to bed."

Ah Mu is Shen Shimu, they have a good relationship with each other.

Shen Ye knew that the man was worried, so he thought for a while and said, "I saw Xiao Mo's face, she is very rich, but her brother's palace is dark, that is to say, her brother will have a catastrophe this year, if he can't get over it, he will die." die."

Ye Ze frowned slightly, but remained silent.

Shen Ye hugged his waist: "Don't worry, I have a way to save his life. The specific situation will not be known until he comes tomorrow, and I will see his face."

Ye Ze looked at him tenderly: "Thank you for your hard work."

"You and I are so alien?" Shen Ye looked at him dissatisfied.

Ye Ze smiled lowly and cupped his face: "It's not that I'm out of sight, it's because I think my kid is so powerful."

Shen Ye was overjoyed by the compliment, and grabbed the man's ears with both hands: "Tell me, where did you learn the sweet talk!"

Ye Ze smiled without saying a word, leaning over to cover the child's lips.

Some things, when you have someone you love, you will learn them without a teacher.

In the past, Ye Ze was busy managing the Ye family, so he didn't understand these love affairs, but when he met Shen Ye, he understood it by himself without anyone teaching him. He just wants to give the best to the child, and he only wants to coax his baby with the best words.

After the two washed up, they hugged each other upstairs and had a pure sleep.

Shen Ye actually wanted to drive, but Ye Ze ruthlessly rejected his proposal. They did it all day and all night yesterday, and today they messed around in the car again. Even if Shen Ye can relieve the fatigue and pain, Ye Ze is still afraid that the child will not be able to bear it later.

In the end, Shen Ye only had a long good night, and fell asleep in the arms of the man.

When he got up the next day, Shen Ye was still a little aggrieved, sitting on the bed and looking at the man sadly: "Little cabbage, yellow in the field, just got married and was thrown over the wall..."

Ye Ze: "..." kinda rhymes.

He picked him up and walked to the bathroom: "It's time for the cabbage to be washed, it's so juicy, white and tender, it's ready for my husband to eat."

Shen Ye's straight legs were hung on the man's waist, and he yelled in disbelief: "Wow, uncle, you've turned bad, and you've learned to be a hooligan!"

Ye Ze kissed the tip of his nose: "Only for you."

After staying with the child for a long time, it is difficult for him to think about it.

Shen Ye's heart was beating violently, and he wrapped his arms around the man's neck: "You...why are you so sweet!"

Ye Ze smiled lowly and touched his face: "It's not as sweet as you."

His children are the sweetest in the world.

Shen Ye was flattered by the praise, and couldn't help but want to do something happy.

Ye Ze indulged him this time.

Who made the child's sleepy eyes and sweet smile make his heart flutter.

Fortunately, everyone in the family knew that they were newly married, so they must be very tired, so they had agreed a long time ago that they would not have breakfast with the family, and let the servants bring it to their yard.

After eating, it was already eleven o'clock in the morning.

They held hands and walked to the lobby of the front yard, and saw a strange young man sitting on the sofa. The other person looked very similar to Mo Xiaoyi, and he should be Mo Xiaoyi's brother, Mo Dashi.

Xu Sisi came up to meet him: "Xiao Mo's brother has been here for almost two hours, please help him to see his face." She stared at Shen Ye's red lips, then lowered her voice and said in Shen Ye's ear, "Take it easy, You have magic skills and your body can handle it, but your husband is a mortal, so it is impossible for you to really drive every night and be happy every night."

Shen Ye: "I have received your concern, but I want to solemnly tell you that my husband is not an ordinary person."

Xu Sisi: "?"

Shen Ye: "Didn't I tell you?"

Xu Sisi was categorical: "No, yes."

"Oh, my husband's physique is also very special, maybe stronger than mine." Shen Ye said nonsense.

In fact, it is not nonsense, Ye Ze was born with purple energy, he is not afraid of any Taoist priests, and can repair his soul for him, it is extraordinary at a glance.

Xu Sisi's eyes fell on Ye Ze, and then turned back, looking at him suspiciously: " lied to me?"

Shen Ye shook his head: "I never lie."

Xu Sisi recalled that Shen Ye never lied, because he didn't bother to lie.

"So it's true?" Xu Sisi was shocked, and went to look at Ye Ze again.

Apart from being particularly good-looking, with a particularly dignified temperament, and with a particularly strong aura, Mr. Ye really didn't see anything special about him.

Shen Ye: "Yes."

"Then does he know spells, draw symbols, and formations?" Xu Sisi asked repeatedly.

Shen Ye: "...I haven't taught him yet."

"Oh." Xu Si thought that even if Mr. Ye knew how to draw talismans and spells, it would be impossible to leave Mrs. Ye to become a Taoist priest, so she didn't ask any further.

Just when Xu Ce came over, he said, "Master, Young Master Mo has been waiting for you."

Ever since he became Shen Ye's apprentice, Xu Ce's knowledge has gradually increased. Not only did he stay in the Ye family, but he also became friends with Shen Shimu, the young master Shen, and now he even knows the young master of the Mo family... He and Mr. Wang Still a little dazed.

Shen Ye and Ye Ze walked over holding hands.

Mo Dashi immediately stood up and greeted with a smile: "Boss, sister-in-law."

They were young as a group, and Ye Ze was the oldest, everyone called him the boss, and Mo Dashi was no exception.

Maybe it was because of a good cold, Mo Dashi's face looked a little pale.

"Sit." Ye Ze led Shen Ye to sit on the sofa beside him, and said, "My brother, don't be so polite."

Mo Dashi nodded with a smile and sat down.

"Sister-in-law, can you help my brother take a look?" Mo Xiaoyi asked anxiously.

The Mo family has always been harmonious, and her life has been safe and smooth. She even likes the fiancé chosen by her family. She feels that she is the luckiest woman in the world. The only thing she worried about was her brother's health. When she chose to be a doctor, she also thought that if her brother fell ill one day, she could help him.

It's a pity that she later studied clinical direction, which didn't have a particularly great effect on her brother.

If Master Shen can figure out her brother's fate and confirm her brother's situation, even if her brother's fate is not good, their family can make preparations early.

What's more, she believed in her sister-in-law's ability very much, even if her brother's condition was not good, her sister-in-law would definitely be able to treat him.

Shen Ye's eyes fell on Mo Dashi's face, he looked at it for a moment, and said, "You are still two years and thirty years old, right?"

Mo Dashi was taken aback, and immediately said: "Yes."

"You have a catastrophe at the age of thirty, and your body will gradually deteriorate in the past two years, until you will have a serious illness at the age of thirty, and you will be able to live if you survive it. If you can't survive it, it will be over." Shen Ye paused, and continued, "The cold a few days ago was just the beginning, and you will definitely suffer from serious and minor illnesses in the past two years."

As his words fell, the expressions of Mo Dashi and Mo Xiaoyi changed. Mo Dashi was surprised, while Mo Xiaoyi was distressed and panicked.

Even cousin Ye looked very anxious, looked at Shen Ye nervously, and asked: "Sister-in-law, this... is this true?"

Shen Ye glanced at him, then glanced at the brothers and sisters of the Mo family: "It's true. Your uncle was born in a cloudy year and a cloudy day, with a special fate. In fact, if he hadn't been born in a wealthy family like the Mo family, he would have Hold down his horoscope, it is very likely that he died when he was a child."

Mo Xiaoyi's tears fell uncontrollably.

She is not a girl who loves to cry, but thinking that her brother may not live to be thirty, she is very sad.

Thinking about how her brother was often sent to the hospital when he was a child, where he was given injections and medicines, and suffered so much... She was even more so.

Xu Sisi and his party were also in the living room, and when they heard that Mo Dashi was in such a miserable state, they immediately felt sympathetic.

Ye Ze frowned slightly, held Shen Ye's hand, and asked in a low voice: "Is there a way to change your fate?"

Hearing this question, everyone looked at Shen Ye.

Mo Xiaoyi's eyes were even more burning, with anticipation and caution.

"Okay." Shen Ye shrugged, "After the banquet is over, I'll spend two days getting him a safety buckle, and he can just carry it with him. For these two days, he can wear the talisman paper I gave yesterday, and it can also make him Stay away from pain."

Mo Dashi's situation was special, it was the first time he had seen someone born on such a cloudy day.

But it's not a big deal, it's just that it will take a little mental energy to buckle the symbols and set up the formation safely. But now that his mind and soul are about to be completed, and Ye Ze's purple energy is conveyed, of course it is not a problem at all.

Hearing this, Mo Xiaoyi breathed a sigh of relief, grabbed Mo Dashi's wrist and said, "Brother, that's great!"

Mo Dashi nodded, looked at Shen Ye, and said solemnly, "Thank you."

Shen Ye: "You don't need to thank me, you are my husband's brother, or my cousin's brother, I must help you."

Mo Xiaoyi was very moved, and kept saying: "Sister-in-law, you are so kind...Thank you..."

Ye Ze looked deeply at Shen Ye, and kissed him in front of everyone.

Shen Ye smiled and nestled in the man's arms: "Isn't it very touching?"

Ye Ze touched his face: "Yes."

"Then kiss again." Shen Ye showed his affection as if no one was around.

The main reason was that Grandpa Ye and Grandma Shen were not present, so he wasn't shy at all when he made waves.

Ye Ze smiled lightly and kissed him again.

Everyone else was stunned by the dog food.

Just now they were seriously discussing Mo Dashi's fate, and in a blink of an eye, the two kissed each other...

Xu Sisi coughed heavily: "Pay attention to the impact."

Shen Ye glanced at her: "Oh." There was no emotion at all.

Xu Sisi: "..."

The author has something to say:

I still owe 3,000 words~ Tomorrow, I will continue to double update~

Cousin Ye still has no name... Hey...

good night babies~

I will revise the article another day~

I forgot to wish everyone a happy Christmas Eve, peace and joy~

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2019-12-2415:31:30~2019-12-2423:01:43~

Thanks to the little angels who threw mines: Xuege,? Chase? 1;

Thanks to the little angels who irrigate the nutrient solution: 15 bottles of Yunyue Ruxi; 10 bottles of Ye Xiaotian; 2 bottles of Xinxinmao; 1 bottle of Sunset Afterglow, Muyan, and Qinglianbuyu;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!