MTL - When an Alien Is Bound to a World-Saving System-Chapter 29 Mechanical Rebellion (1)

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"2d14, directly help me to apply for an end world similar to the polluted world or the viral world, let's go immediately!" said the dark-haired boy.

System 2d14: "But the host is big, only part-time tasks can be applied directly in the mission world, but the mission of the zombie world has been completed! Can't apply for part-time jobs. Why don't we go back to the town of Salvation Alliance, buy a small house with a garden, and Stay there for a few days, and then apply for it in the mission hall? "Speaking of the small garden, 2d14 began to be happy again.

Even the words 'small house with a garden' did not ease the teenager's expression, he was still wondering why Huo Li sent him a text message: ‘Do n’t return to the Salvation Alliance, Star Alliance is searching! '. Even if you look exactly like humans, as long as you take a bit of your body tissues and test, the genes of tens of thousands of organisms that are not humans can immediately reveal your identity.

Now the access to the Salvation Alliance town must be firmly controlled by the Star Alliance. Even if you only go back for 5 minutes to apply for a mission, it is very likely that there will be no return! The Salvation Alliance has almost no **** and soil. If it is really time for that kind of war, is it necessary to absorb other salvators in order to strengthen themselves against the Star Alliance?

The dark-haired boy thought for a while and asked: "How long can I stay in the mission world after the mission is determined to be completed by the main system?"

System 2d14: "The host is big! If you count from the moment you submit, you can stay here for 24 hours."

That ’s almost nowhere to go. Can we only abandon this body and the 2d14 bound on it, and then start an escape life? I just worked so hard to earn hundreds of millions of points to buy a small garden ...

The teenager didn't realize the devastating disaster in the slightest. He was still thinking about 2d14 of holiday life in his mind, and he was a little bit reluctant. When the dark-haired boy made a difficult decision in his heart:

System 2d14: "Ding, is the mission invitation from 099 accepted by the host?"


The boy answered without thinking. Huo Li is giving away charcoal in the snow this time! Xiaoyi is not very worried about the type of mission world. No matter what the world is, as long as there is organic matter on that planet, he will not fail himself; as long as the enemy is a spiritual body, he will not fail. Xiaoyi is full of confidence in this new task.

System 2d14: "Ding! Transmission channel is being established: 3, 2, 1 transmission start!"

The smiling dark-haired boy was pulled into the transmission channel. But this time the mission planet seemed extraordinarily distant. The young man sometimes traveled rapidly in the darkness, sometimes being pulled left and right. After nearly 15 minutes, the young black man who almost spit out appeared on the gobi beach of an unknown planet. .

System 2d14: "Ding! Welcome to the D-World."

The teenager looked at the surface of the sky that stretched to the sky with nothing but sand and gravel and asked with a stunned expression: "2d14, what is the forest coverage in D World?"

System 2d14: "Ding, querying ... the host is big! The vegetation coverage in D world is 0%."

Ruined! !! !!

The dark-haired boy took a deep breath, calmed his emotions and continued to ask, "What about the number of survivors worldwide?"

System 2d14: "Ding! The number of survivors is 400,000. The last days are difficult. The last days: mechanical betrayal. The entire planet is controlled by D program and the robots it manufactures. In the past 50 years, it has been a continuous process of inhabitants around the world. Slaughter! Ding! Now broadcast a system prompt: Because World D is on the edge of the galaxy and the energy consumed for transmission is huge, it is forbidden to apply for a part-time mission until the mission of this world is completed.

Great host! The landing point of this transmission should be Huo Li, the inviter of the mission, but because the distance is too long, the error is large, and the landing point is biased, so we are here. "

The dark-haired boy sighed, leaned on his knees and sat on the dry round stone grains, murmured to himself, looking at the endless beach next to him.

"How Huo Li chose the mission world! I ca n’t spread the black wire here, it's just a waste! Forget it, anyway, he has mental powers, and it won't take long to find out where I am."

Xiaoyi was sitting on the Gobi Beach, boring stones, bored and asked: "2d14, how much did I score in the last mission world? When I was at the entrance of the computer room building, I did n’t stutter Listen clearly. "

The system 2d14 was suddenly excited: "The host is big! You got a particularly high score for the last task! Now I will report the task score details for you: the task time limit is 20 years, the task person actually uses 14 days, and the task world life span is 500 years. The world ’s surviving population is 4.6 billion. The actual difficulty factor for the zombie world is raised from 10 to 944! Your contribution is 60%. So your score is:

365 × 20 ÷ 14 × 500 × 46 × 944 × 60% = 6.779927 million points! Now the host has a lot of 8.88626 million points! "

Dark-haired boy: "My contribution is 60%! The task execution time of Xu Yuncheng is more than 100 times that of mys, and the contribution is only 30% at most. Isn't it less than 100 million points? This is not good. , I also left him the key step of spreading the virus deliberately? It turned out that handing over was also a technical job ... "

System 2d14 asked strangely, "The host is big! When do you spread the virus, why don't I know?"


The dark-haired boy looked at the sky in the distance, and two helicopters appeared in the field of vision, from far to near! Xiaoyi is not stupid enough to think that the only 400,000 people on the D planet ’s last fruits still have the ability to fly helicopters, but he also fears that the networked system 2d14 will not alienate himself into black silk and hide it in the land. When Xiaoyi was about to run in the opposite direction, the boy suddenly saw a running figure in front of the helicopter, and he was inexplicably familiar. Isn't that Huo Li?

While the black-haired boy was hesitating, the one-man and two-airplanes were approaching, Xiaoyi watched running in front with a lot of scratches, blood on his clothes, and was exhausted and was about to be caught up by the drone. Eliminated Huo Li! The boy secretly alienated the part under his clothes into a strange shape, reached out and grabbed Huo Li's collar, pulled him to start running wildly!

After all, the alien body is much better than a mortal like Huo Li, and after 5 minutes, he has opened a distance of dozens of meters from the drone that pursues his life. Xiao Yi shouted in the wind:

"Huo Li! Aren't you mentally explosive? How can you not control the drone!"

Huo Li had no time to speak at this time, and directly used the consciousness to say in the mind of the young man: "The form of my abilities is more complicated. Under this condition, I really can't control the machine and the computer ..."

Dark-haired boy: "!!!!!! Then what can you do!"

Huo Li: "..." Sullenly allowed Xiaoyi to drag his collar forward.

The black-haired boy was angry: "Why are you more wasteful than me!" He said to Huo Li in his heart: Help me shield the system.

099 and 2d14 dropped instantly.

The black-haired boy paused and put Huo Li on the Gobi Desert. Turning around and leaping hard, he rushed into the air like an off-string arrow! Picked up the side wall of the drone with one hand, broke the window and broke in! The robot in the cabin raised his submachine gun and hit the teenager. Xiaoyi tried to dodge left and right in the small space, and quickly took out all the black wires from the space, and directly turned into four or five aliens, and bite at the robot soldier. !!

Three minutes later, the entire army of the robot was annihilated, but there were many casualties in the alien. Xiaoyi grabbed a grenade from the waist of the robot soldier, pulled the iron ring, and threw it to the ground, while manipulating the alien wreck into a black vine and rolling towards the adjacent helicopter! The vine shrank sharply and pulled the two planes together. The boy jumped down and landed steadily in the fierce fire exploding in the sky behind him. Xiaoyi asked loudly while walking towards Huo Li:

"How did you choose the world! There are neither organic matter nor mental body! The two of us are just waste, especially you!" The dark-haired boy pointed at Huo Li's chest.

"I ..." Huo Li never had such an embarrassing moment in his life, and he was actually rejected by his own "little boyfriend." "This morning, Star Alliance suddenly received an anonymous report. The reporter claimed that the Salvation Alliance had privately covered one of them. A highly wanted species is being hunted for the extremely dangerous species, Alien. So Star Alliance brought the Starship Guards to the Salvation Alliance for a mandatory surprise inspection. "

"Do n’t I just kill hundreds of people? All galaxies want my life. Of the hundreds of millions of planets in the galaxy, how many humans have killed more than a thousand people? At least billions, right? Dreaming of destroying the world How many human beings? Perhaps there are tens of billions, why keep staring at me! "Without the silly 2d14 listening at any time, the dark-haired boy also became silent.

"Because you're not a human!" Huo Li answered subconsciously, and then changed his face after seeing the angry look of the teenager. "I mean, because you are far more powerful than them, you have attracted the fear of Star Alliance. They even want to No one has the ability to destroy the world, and if you want to ... Well, sometimes human hostility is not because of your malice, but because of your strength. "

"It's not fair," the dark-haired boy looked at Huo Li. "If you want to die, then the speed of execution must be faster than mine."

Huo Li's eyes were complicated: "How do you know that they haven't jealous of me?" Huo Li looked at the boy, and he always buried his emotions deep in his heart, suddenly a strong desire to talk "In fact, when I was young ..."

Listening to Huo Li's words, the dark-haired boy had a tendency to recall the past and treat himself as a tree hole, and quickly switched off the topic: "You haven't said why you must choose this world?"

"Um," Huo Li's recall was interrupted at once. He adjusted his mood for a minute or two before explaining with a flat voice:

"Because the Star Alliance almost controls the entire galaxy and has great power. They can even gain control of any planet at any time. So I must find an order that has broken down and the entire planet's information has been in the hands of the destroyers. The mission world at hand. And far enough away from Alliance Town, Star Alliance will not drive a starship to inspect. Only those who meet these two conditions will be Planet D. "

"Okay!" Since it was to keep himself away from the search, then he could only recognize it. The black-haired boy said to Huo Li with a slow tone, "My black silk reserve was almost completely depleted just now, although you have no ability now, But there is always food in your space? "

Huo Li, who has been in various end-of-life mixed winds, has never worried about food problems ...

"Uh ... what is the wine?" Secretly scanned all the collections in Huo Li's space with his own energy, and embarrassedly took out the only organic substance in it: a bottle of top red wine worth hundreds of millions of coins .

"14% alcohol, dry red? Even sucrose is not included! Forget it, keep it for yourself!" The dark-haired boy gave a disapproval glance at the bottle of ‘low energy drink’.

Huo Li felt an arrow in his chest instantly! The first world with my "boyfriend" was so useless!

Huo Li quickly remedied: "Xiao Yi, wait a minute, I'll put 099 online."

"Um." The boy nodded, unknown.

System 099: "Ding! System 099 is back online!"

Huo Li: "099, go to the system mall to buy 1 million points of nutrients."

System 099: "Yes, the host, 3 points for each nutrient. Because the distance is too long, the system charges an extra 300,000 points for each transfer. You can purchase a total of 3 nutrients, which are being transferred ..."

The black-haired boy couldn't hear the words of 099, and looked forward to Huo Li's side starting to flash orange light with anticipation! The light flickered, and three tubes of green nutrition smaller than children's toothpaste were left on the ground near Huo Li's feet ...

Dark-haired boy :! !! !!

"Forget it, don't count on you." The teenager looked disappointed, then turned to look at the warm sunshine in the afternoon. "Do I have to alienate my skin to green and then open my arms for photosynthesis? So stupid! "Xiao Yi was unable to make up his mind.

Huo Li quickly helped the dark-haired boy delete the sentence that 099 is transmitting in real time, but he couldn't bear his ‘little boyfriend’ because of his incompetence and had to become a tree! So he said to 099 Shen Sheng:

"099 helped me buy that system mall limited edition top power spree!"

099 was startled: "Master, are you sure you want to spend 10 billion points to buy? In fact, you can start with a one-way first-level ability of 200,000 points. If you change your body, all the powers will be Obsolete! "

Huo Li: "Buy!"

System 099: "Ding! The purchase was successful. After deducting 10 billion points, your remaining points are 32.2959554 million, and your ranking drops to ninth."

Dark-haired boy: "What did you buy?"

Finally, Huo Li, who can finally show her ‘boyfriend ’s power’, pretended to say deeply, “Nothing. From now on, in all the time of the last days of the machine, no matter what happens, I will protect you.”

"I'm not asking you this," the dark-haired boy didn't know what the mad guy was doing, "2d14 just told me that your points ranking suddenly dropped to ninth. I just want to know what you just did that caused you to become The last of the SSS missions? "

Huo Li: "..."

Dark-haired boy: "Although the distance is long, the Salvation Alliance Forum can still land."

Huo Li: "?"

The dark-haired boy: "However, this time you don't need to personally hype, I have already made 2d14 post."

Huo Li: "!!!!!!"