MTL - When an Alien Is Bound to a World-Saving System-Chapter 30 Mechanical Rebellion (2)

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Huo Li asked with a little trembling: "You ... what have you made?"

The black-haired boy showed a bright smile, and let 2d14 open the Salvation Alliance forum in his mind, and read one by one: "I just sent a few more! I want to hear from you:

"The great surname h has spent a lot of money for the little boyfriend! Buy sky-high gifts! 》

"After the Great God Huo fell in love, the ranking plummeted to the end, has the myth of the alliance once fallen to the altar! 》

"The big brother Huo is already out of breath. Will Mengxin's little boyfriend find new love? ""

Huo Li froze instantly: "What? !!!"

The dark-haired boy was also very strange: "Hey? I didn't post this one? What else is below:

"Amazing coincidence! "Divorced cp" has made it clear? 》

"Emerging rookie 'Divorced husband' appears emotional crisis! ‘Cloud raising cat’ combination is still the league ’s first cp! "who is this? Send three posts with the same id, and even know my name? "

Huo Li quickly searched with divine knowledge, and after a moment, he was furious and said, "This Xu Yuncheng! He has been a cat for hundreds of years, and the kittens have allowed him to develop an old cat more than 300 years old! Grabbed them for us, and dared to post and curse our divorce! It's just disrespectful! Divorced husband, what name did you get! "

The black-haired boy: "Isn't this a help hype, what are you anxious about? Anyway, we are not real husbands. How could we be divorced, we were not together, right!"

Huo Li: "..." He was at ease.

Dark-haired boy: "Just now you hacked the Alliance Forum and checked Xu Yuncheng's ID? Isn't your mental strength no longer working?"

Once again, Huo Li, who said "No" to her little boyfriend, quickly explained: "My mental strength is not a problem. If there are 40 billion people in World D, I can control them in a few minutes. But now ...

It ’s like this, you can think of my brain as a signal transmission tower, and my soul power has a sensing range of about 10 kilometers. I can control all the spirit bodies in this range instantly, and use his brain as I use it. That is, using their brains to continue to radiate to the surroundings. And when I have control over a hundred people, my range of mental power will expand again.

But for electronic products, I can only use my soul power to fight them, and I cannot directly control them. But in this case of the D world, I rely on my brain alone. If its computing power is stronger than my brain power, I cannot hack the D system. "

The dark-haired boy: "That is to say, the direct reason for your mental inability is that your brain capacity is not enough?"

Huo Li: "... In fact, another way of expression can be changed. The small number of surviving people in the D world has prevented me from controlling enough human brains and machines to fight."

Dark-haired boy: "It is a pity that I am not in a world I like here, otherwise my brain capacity can match that of a country, believe it or not?"

At this time, a deep roar rescued Huo Li from this embarrassing situation of "both physically and mentally inferior to a little boyfriend." He was very grateful to see a dark drone appearing again in the distant sky, probably the companions brought by the two delayed helicopters.

Huo Li selectively forgot about the conversation just now. Pulled the dark-haired boy behind him and said, "You're waiting for me here, be careful!"

Let's just show the 10-level wind power directly and fly to the volley of a group of more than a dozen armed helicopters! In the air, several emergency stops made a sharp turn, and Kankan avoided the laser cannon's bursts of fire. He rushed into the aircraft group and used the golden power to control the two helicopters closest to him!

boom! In the blaze of fire and the huge explosion, other planes turned quickly, avoiding Huo Li's mental power range, and switched to long-range attacks! Huo Li turned around gorgeously in the sky, avoiding the fire, and manipulated the wreckage of the two helicopters to form a huge metal shield, blocking himself! At the same time, a thunderbolt appeared in the sky, splitting on a drone that attacked the most ...

The dark-haired boy stood aside, watching a fierce fight in the sky a few hundred meters away, sparks splashing! Thunder and lightning! Huo Li pulled the wind between the rain-like artillery shells, and sometimes he succeeded. The drone crashed and crashed on the Gobi Desert and burned ...

After 20 minutes, this fierce fierce battle is still going on! And some aesthetically tired teenagers covered her mouth and hit a Hatch, stretched a lazy waist, no longer controlling the movement on the battlefield. Instead, they walked to the three tubes of green nutrition on the rocky beach, sat on the floor, took a tube while resting, unpacked, and ate slowly.

System 2d14 asked weakly, "The host is big! Don't you worry about Huo Lida boss?"

The dark-haired boy: "Don't worry, even if only the dregs left after he died, I can fight it back. But if the organic matter is lost too much in the battle, it may not be the same as the current meter It looks like, but you can reduce the size of the body proportionally! The height of one meter five, one meter three, etc. is very raw material. Even if he is blown out, then I will kindly give him his left hand as raw material It can also make a slap that is exactly the same size as it is now. How cute is that, right? "

System 2d14: "Really!"

The black-haired boy: "Yeah! But, isn't his brain capacity even smaller ..." Xiao Yi was eating a creamy nutrient in a small mouth, and worried about the intelligence quotient that Huo Li might shrink with his body. Up.

In the sky a few hundred meters away, Huo Li knew nothing about his 'little boyfriend''s imaginary imagination, but was able to control the gold, wood, water, fire, earth, ice, thunder, wind, power system with ease. A power of ten in the sky! The robot in the drone sends a message to the D system with the sound of a tablet:

"The mechanical warrior 2424 mother system sent out a call for help message: A phantom human was found at the coordinates xxxxx of the XX continent. This human is extremely aggressive and has a large difference from the native humans. The potential hazard to the mechanical world is 99.9% It is a class of harmful organisms. The Robot Warrior 2424 requests the mother system to issue a third-level alert to it! And send a human cleaning team as soon as possible to eliminate him completely. "

Huo Li used the consciousness to detect this constant signal in the air, and attacked the drone group more fiercely, even ignoring the splashing shrapnel into his chest, abdomen and back, and the blood dripped from the air. On the stone of Gobi ...

Fifteen minutes later, Huo Li finally beat down the eighth aircraft of the fleet, and the situation was reversed! The remaining 7 drones could no longer form an effective siege and were suppressed by firepower. Within 3 minutes, they were all shot down by Huo Li and exploded into a pile of scorched wrecks on the Gobi Desert.

In the sunset sunset, Huo Li resisted the severe pain in his body, and with great joy on his face couldn't wait to fly to his ‘little boyfriend’.

After flying near, he saw the dark-haired boy sitting on the ground with his knees in his side, facing his direction, and his right hand seemed to be doing a gesture of covering his mouth. Huo Li was disappointed in the scene of 'Little Boyfriend' not seeing his victory and returning, but soon thought: Maybe Xiaoyi feels that the situation is too horrible and is worried that he has something to do and dare not watch it all the way?

At 20 or 30 meters, Huo Li slowed down and slowly flew towards the teenager. He deliberately untied the rags and tossed them to the ground, revealing a white shirt soaked with blood, and said :

"Xiaoyi, don't worry, I will protect you. Those gunships and mech warriors have all been wiped out by me, you ..."

The black-haired boy just squeezed the last nutrient into his mouth. Hearing Huo Li's words, he quickly turned back, swallowed the nutrient, swallowed it, and wiped his mouth secretly.

Then, pretending that nothing had happened just now, looking at Huo Li, with a concern, automatically ignored the color of his shirt. After watching him with all his hands and feet, he felt relieved: for now, there is no need to face a one-two-two Brother Huo Li, how good!

Huo Li looked at the dark-haired young man who had just eaten three tubes of nutrition completely and did not see his injury at all. The remaining affectionate comfort was caught in his throat, and he had to work hard to get to the side of the young man, pretend Inadvertently said:

"I'm back, those machines just made me slightly hurt." Wearing a blood-red white shirt dangling in front of the teenager.

If ordinary people would be shocked and distressed by this scene, but the black-haired teenager is a special shape that can only pull a bullet from his stomach without changing the color, and it is hard to have an overreaction to this minor injury.

"Come here, I'll fix it for you." The dark-haired boy tried his best to talk to his teammates who had just fought.

Huo Li was flattered, and regretted why he couldn't be heavier just now. It was too naive to show these non-lethal skin traumas in front of his 'little boyfriend'.

The black-haired boy sat on the Gobi Desert with his legs straight, pointed to his lap, and said, "Let's lie here! Just a moment."

Huo Lile lay down on the teenager's legs, looking up at the delicate profile of the teenager, expecting the black-haired teenager to take good care of himself. then……

The dark-haired boy dissimilated himself into black silk, and immediately wrapped Huo Li.

Huo Li, with his eyes full of darkness: "..." Why is it different from what he imagined?

Five minutes later, the dark-haired boy released the repaired dizzy Huo Li, and turned himself into a human again, and said to Huo Li:

"Well, it should be fixed! Can you stand up and let me see?"

Huo Li climbed up from the ground, stretched his limbs intact, and looked down at his white shirt again, but always felt strange.

Just listen to the young man saying, "Should nothing be wrong, your body tissues are very few, but there is more blood loss, and now there is no extra organic matter to supplement. So I fine-tune your entire body, so you may A little shorter than before, but not too short, as tall as me ... hey, what's this? "The black-haired boy saw the pile of rag suits discarded on the ground and walked quickly to pick them up Into the space before turning to Huo Li and saying:

"Why didn't you bring this blood-stained dress just now, it's all organic! If you just added this dress as a raw material, your height should still be one meter eight."

Huo Li, who changes one meter and seven seconds in a second: "..." Why did I just throw my clothes down to be handsome just now! Pretend to be struck by lightning!

Dark-haired boy: "Don't have a burden in the future when you fight again, even if I lack arms and legs, I can put you back together from height."

Huo Li: "Thank you?" Fortunately, just now I didn't intentionally get hurt. I thought of looking at my ‘little boyfriend’ one meter five ...

Huo Li didn't want to discuss further on his height, and quickly switched off the topic: "Just now the mechanical soldiers transmitted our location information to the mother system, we must quickly leave here."

The black-haired boy: "I'm too lazy to run ... how did you jump nearly 4,000 kilometers from the landing point and suddenly appeared behind me?"

When mentioning the conflict, Huo Li's look was a little ashamed, but he immediately straightened up: "I used the system store's teleportation symbol. Its original effect is that it can instantly move to the range that the tasker can perceive. For others Is wherever I look, and for me ... "

"For your current situation is a tool that can move 10km at a time?" The dark-haired boy understood what he meant, "Can you take someone?"

"Uh ..." Huo Li hesitated a bit. "Except people, you can take anything, as long as I can handle it."

The youngsters understood in seconds, turned into a small alien, and jumped into Huo Li's arms. After more than twenty teleportation, they completely got rid of the tracking range of the machine and appeared in a desert.

Xiao Yi jumped out of Huo Li, turned back into a human form, yawned and said: "I am so tired today. I am still in the zombie world this morning, attacking the home base of the virus system, and I will be in the D world in the afternoon. Good night, you do it yourself. "

Huo Li heard that, he quickly and intimately turned a piece of sand on the side of the dune into two semi-underground style covered earth beds that were only half a meter apart with soil-based abilities. Sleeping in it just revealed his head. Ventilation and insulation.

The black-haired boy was also quite satisfied with it, and fell into the bed and slept in the clothes, and fell into a dreamland in less than a minute. Huo Li also carefully lay in the earth bed beside the teenager, looking sideways at the teenager's sleeping face, and unknowingly followed him to sleep.

In the early morning of the next morning, Huo Li, who had been sleeping lightly, opened his eyes in the desert, and then stumbled at the verdant green Chinese cabbage--chinese cabbage that occupied his entire field of vision!

Huo Li, who just woke up, blinked hard, but the green cabbage that appeared out of nowhere did not disappear. It seemed to want to identify the authenticity. Huo Li reached out his hand and gently pinched a piece of cabbage Young leaves, put in your mouth ...