MTL - When the Empress Dresses Up As a Female Trainee-Chapter 31 Could it be that he wants to make a CP with her...

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/ Mo Baqian

In Lan Muzhou's support group, Qi Mo was beaten by Aite several times.

The relationship between CP fans and Weifans is relatively tense, and it's not just once or twice that they fight each other.

Seeing someone mentioning Qi Mo in the group, some fans were afraid that Momo was the only fan, so they couldn't help asking a question cautiously.

Looking at the phrase "Does the big brother like Mr. Mo" in the group, Qi Mo thought it was a bit funny.

Of course she likes Qi Mo.

Unexpectedly, in just a few words, the enthusiastic fans in the group gave a lot of passionate speeches.

[I knew the boss would eat our CP! 】

[555 is great, I am worried that the boss will not be willing to buy ANBOR's products when he sees Zhou Zhou and Mr. Mo filming an advertisement together! 】

[I really like buying ANBOR shoes, do you like ANBOR? 】

[If you want to buy new clothes and shoes, you must first buy ANBOR! 】

[If the sales can increase, ANBOR might sign a long-term contract with Zhou Zhou and Mr. Mo! 】

[Everyone, go and have a look, ANOBR's advertisement is on the soaring popularity list! If you swipe the topic more often, it may become a hot search! 】

[If the ad can be popularly searched, the people at ANBOR should be very happy, right? 】

【Goodbye everyone, I'm going to refresh the data. 】

[+1, ANBOR may renew the contract after being on the hot search, and it will also let other brands see the baby! 】

The group slowly died down, Qi Mo withdrew from the group, and glanced at the hot search list.

#ANBOR广告大电影# This item has climbed to the bottom of the hot search list.

The first one I clicked on was her solo video, and the commercials co-produced by the two came in the back.

She read the one-person advertisement by herself, and had to say that the shooting was really good, and she was very good at capturing and finding angles. At first glance, only experienced photographers can shoot such effects in unexpected situations.

The later editing is very good, showing all the sense of crisis and heroic coolness.

Is quite handsome.

Qi Mo stroked his chin, feeling quite satisfied.

Originally, this kind of action was quite common for her.

Maybe there is no camera in front, it was also the first time she saw herself getting on a horse, she didn't expect it to look so good.

Hmm...For the sake of the photographer ANBOR hired really did a good job, let's spend money on some products.

The title of brand ambassador generally only needs to provide the portrait authorization of the artist, participate in one or two offline activities, and only promote products at a certain stage, which is equivalent to mutual recommendation between the brand and the artist, and mutual exposure. Therefore, there is generally no fee for brand ambassadors, but they can get products directly from the brand.

This time ANBOR is cooperating with "National Idol". The Lime platform is rich and powerful. The brand is not only supported by the popularity of artists, but also the popularity of platforms and programs. Therefore, when signing the contract, there is a commercial film shooting. The two trainees each have a For a fee of one million, Qi Mo added an extra commercial, so he added clauses to the contract and doubled the fee.

The money has not arrived yet, but with the money earned from ANBOR, it is not a loss to buy some ANBOR products.

So she rummaged through the official flagship store for a while and found her favorite white daddy shoes, ranging from size 35 to size 44, 20 pairs of each size, directly ordering and paying, and told the customer service not to deliver the goods yet, waiting for her After collecting all the addresses, send it.

Then I took a screenshot and intercepted the delivery address, and posted a screenshot on Weibo with MOMO's account.

MOMO: #ANBOR广告大电影# I bought 200 pairs of my favorite style, forwarded it for a lucky draw, and gave it to fans of @全民传奇-蓝牧舟. As of yesterday, those who forwarded more than 10 Lan Muzhou-related Weibo posts on Weibo will be eligible for the lucky draw. [picture]

Lan Muzhou's fans quickly reacted, good guy, a boss is a boss, ah!

[I remember this pair of shoes is the most expensive among the new spring products...? 】

[Looked at it, a pair of 1099 under the discount [狗头]]

[It's really inhumane [狗头] I just love the inhumane appearance of the boss! 】

[Ah, ah, I love these shoes! Forward one to try European style! 】

【I want to buy this pair too, let's transfer one! If I get it, I will use the saved over 1,000 yuan to buy two ANBOR clothes! 】

[I bought a pair with my own money, and I will give another pair to my boyfriend, it's perfect [狗头]]

[MOMO is so smart, forwarding the lottery with a topic, so that if more people retweet likes and comments, it will be hotly searched [狗头]]

[Troubleshooting, I didn’t realize it even if I didn’t say it upstairs, the boss is really a boss in every aspect! 】

[Wow, I've studied and studied, I'll also do a lottery! But I can only afford one coat [crying]]

As soon as MOMO retweeted the lucky draw Weibo, fans not only forwarded it, but also some affluent fans immediately learned the routine, followed by the lucky draw Weibo with the topic, and asked to carry #ANBOR when retweeting The tag of the advertising blockbuster # has really increased the popularity of this topic a lot.

Qi Mo watched the trending searches gradually climb, quit Weibo, and retired.

Just like the second queen, in order to let the trainees get a certain rest after intense training, the program group responded to the national call for "poverty alleviation through rural tourism" and organized the trainees to go to Baiyun Mountain to experience life.

Baiyun Mountain is more than 300 kilometers away from the program recording base. It takes several hours to take a train and transfer to a car, but the combination of short-distance plane and car only takes less than one and a half hours, so the trainees are uniformly arranged to fly there.

Twenty-four trainees, plus the accompanying staff, nearly forty people.

In order to avoid inconvenient contact with other passengers on the plane, the program group directly chartered the plane.

In the past, Qi Mo never thought that people could really fly into the sky. In this world, airplanes seem to be a common thing.

She was a little excited when she thought that she was going to take a plane later, which was rare.

After passing through the VIP channel, everyone boarded a small plane together.

There were only 72 seats on this plane, and the trainees chose their seats at will. Everyone tacitly chose to sit with their teammates who were three kilometers away.

When Lan Muzhou got on the plane, he immediately let out a "tsk".

After recording Sangong yesterday, I notified them of the follow-up itinerary at night, and went out early this morning.

Time was running short, and he didn't have time to think about it. If he had known that they were flying in such a small plane...

I should ask someone to buy some airsickness medicine and bring it with me.

He found a seat with his teammates and subconsciously glanced at Qi Mo.

You will get dizzy when you play the X tank, and it must be uncomfortable to fly in such a small plane.

The people in the Vocal group waited for Qi Mo to choose a seat first, but Qi Mo was not polite and chose a seat by the window.

Then, under Lan Muzhou's slight glance that almost made his eyes go sideways, He Ruilin sat beside Qi Mo.

very good:)

Now He Ruilin took the initiative to sit beside Qi Mo.

In the past, it was Qi Mo who chased He Ruilin endlessly, but now He Ruilin also chose Qi Mo instead.

Qi Mo should be very happy.

After staring at Qi Mo for a few seconds with a heavy expression, he suddenly looked away.

It's none of his business.

He sat firmly on the seat and closed his eyes.

Sangong hadn't slept well before, and he got up very early today, so he took advantage of this time to rest for a while.

It just so happens that he sleeps better in transport.

Here, He Ruilin sat beside Qi Mo.

During the whole rehearsal process of the Sangong stage, Qi Mo could feel that He Ruilin's attitude was a little different from what he remembered, as if he would occasionally stare at her for a few seconds.

This time, he sat directly next to her.

It's really intriguing.

Is it because I have been chased by people for a long time, and I am not used to having no one around?

Qi Mo curled his lips, but it was too late.

He took the initiative to sit beside Qi Mo, but Qi Mo didn't even look at him.

He Ruilin felt a momentary loss in his heart.

Before, he was just not used to seeing Qi Mo's attitude, and occasionally inadvertently stared at Qi Mo in a daze for two seconds.

Every time he reacted, he quickly made himself focus on his career and not pay attention to Qi Mo.

But since the end of Sangong, the situation has become more and more out of control.

I always inadvertently think of Qi Mo's shining eyes, the gentle eyes of Qi Mo when he sang a duet with him on the stage, the smiling eyes of Qi Mo after he jumped from the air, and even the waist. Between thin and strong hands.

The sight is also subconsciously, it will follow that delicate face.

Like a demon.

He had never felt this way.

Soon, everyone in the program got on the plane and the cabin was closed.

Qi Mo pulled open the shutter of the window and glanced out.

It's still early in the morning, and the sky is very dark. I don't know if the sky will light up before arriving at the destination.

"Welcome everyone to ride..."

Although it is a charter flight and a small flight with a small route, there is also a set of procedures on the plane.

A polite female voice sounded very comfortable on the radio.

It was very early, and many trainees closed their eyes and took a nap, wanting to take advantage of the time on the road to rest for a while.

He Ruilin took out the steam eye mask from his shoulder bag and handed it to Qi Mo.

"It's not a long flight, but you can still take a nap."

The expression on this gentle face is still so sincere.

Qi Mo glanced at it, but didn't take it, and said: "I'm not too sleepy, you can use it yourself."

She still has to wake up and look down from the sky. She doesn't know what it will be like to look down from the sky.

As if he had expected to be rejected, He Ruilin didn't change his expression, he just said softly, "Tell me what you need."

In the past, he was only gentle with Qi Mo on the surface, but secretly with the team...

A smart person like Qi Mo might have seen through their little calculations long ago.

Thinking that Qi Mo might know all the intentions behind them, the temperature on his body suddenly dropped a lot.

If this is the case, how could Qi Mo be willing to treat him like before?

It is normal not to want to communicate with him more like now.

But when he was in Sangong, Qi Mo's eyes... didn't look fake either.

Recalling those gentle and pitiful eyes, and the young man's words without thinking, he felt palpitations.

Maybe the teenager still has some feelings for him, but he doesn't want to forgive what they did?

Perhaps, if you treat Qi Mo better from now on, there is still some possibility that Qi Mo can change his mind.

He Ruilin's mind was a little confused, but one thing became clearer and clearer—

He regretted it a little, regretted that he and his team used Qi Mo together.

Thinking about the company, his gentle and gentle face sank, and his thin lips were pursed lightly.

After gliding for a certain distance, the plane suddenly lifted into the air.

Qi Mo was looking out the window with interest, intending to see the process of flying from low to high with his own eyes, but he didn't want to, a sense of weightlessness accompanied by a strong nausea came up from his stomach.

She shut her mouth tightly and frowned tightly.

The smaller the model, the greater the vibration during liftoff. If it encounters airflow again, the bumpy feeling is simply scary.

The short-distance flights are basically very small models, and their plane this time does not even have a hundred seats, and the shaking is very serious.

The plane seemed to be shaking from side to side and pitching up and down all the time.

Qi Mo's body swayed slightly with the shaking of the fuselage, and his stomach turned upside down.

She raised her hand to cover her lips.

It's so uncomfortable, I feel like vomiting.

Why is flying so uncomfortable.

She leaned against the window, looking out of the dark window.

I saw that everything on the ground was getting farther and farther away, and almost only the lights were left emitting a little bit of fluorescence.

The picture was very beautiful, but Qi Mo didn't care to appreciate it.

Even though she tried her best to distract herself, she still couldn't get rid of the nausea.

He Ruilin soon discovered that something was wrong with Qi Mo, and subconsciously wanted to ask a question, but after realizing it, he forced himself to swallow the words back.

Qi Mo is not very willing to communicate with him now, if he speaks frequently, will it be annoying?

He glanced past Qi Mo's frowning brows, thinking that this was the first time he had seen Qi Mo like this.

After hesitating for a moment, he still took out the mint incense tube from his backpack and patted Qi Mo's arm lightly.

He said: "Are you airsick? Do you want to smell this and try?"

Qi Mo was so uncomfortable that he didn't even bother to speak, and he didn't want to open his eyes.

Out of politeness, she still glanced at the plain little cylinder in He Ruilin's hand.

"Does this work?"

"Just try it, I think it works."

After finishing speaking, He Ruilin quickly unscrewed the lid and handed it over to Qi Mo.

His eyebrows were curved, and his smile was as soft and clean as water.

However, the moment Qi Mo took the mint incense tube, he seemed to have no intention of doing so, and gently hooked Qi Mo's palm with his fingertips.

A slightly cool touch spreads across the fingertips.

Qi Mo noticed such a small gesture, but he didn't take it seriously.

They are all "men" now, and He Ruilin is the male protagonist in the storybook, and she has an official CP, so she didn't think much about it.

Putting the mint stick under her nose, she sniffed lightly.

A clear and pleasant smell, slightly irritating peppermint fragrance rushed into the nostrils, instantly refreshing most of the mind.

The overwhelming feeling in my stomach didn't improve much, but my uncomfortable mind felt a lot better.

The fuselage shook abnormally again, and Qi Mo's body trembled a few times.

She held the mint incense tube under her nose and kept sniffing, while politely saying, "Thank you."

Feeling a little more alive, she subconsciously raised the corners of her lips.

Qi Mo smiled at him.

It was as if the sun was shining, which made He Ruilin feel a little happier.

At the same time, he suddenly understood one thing.

He and Qi Mo switched positions.

Qi Mo used to follow behind him like a follower, but now he subconsciously chases after him.

It's the same as Qi Mo in the past.

It turned out that when Qi Mo saw him before, he was in such a mood.

Oh, how stupid.

He Ruilin couldn't help mocking himself.

Now is not the time to think about these things, he should work hard to make his C debut.

From the moment he boarded the plane, Lan Muzhou blinked his eyes for a long time and couldn't fall asleep.

Didn't he fall asleep easily on the vehicle?

Yawning all the time but not being able to fall asleep is a particularly frustrating thing.

He pulled off the blindfold irritably, opened his eyes, and caught a glimpse of Qi Mo with a smile on his face.

As soon as I clenched my hand, my knuckles creaked.

It must be because the apprentice who learned breaking from him played well with the trainee he didn't like, that's why he was so sullen.

After finding a reason for himself, he immediately pulled back the blindfold angrily.

The plane finally landed, and then they still had about an hour's drive.

Qi Mo wasn't very motion sick, but he was uncomfortable all the way on the plane, so Qi Mo fainted all the way in the car this time.

When she arrived at the destination, Baiyun Mountain, her face had turned a brownish color.

The means of transportation in this world are no match for her.

Never want to fly again.

She followed the team of trainees with a gloomy expression.

Chen Ke followed Qi Mo, seeing that Qi Mo was uncomfortable, and patted his back for help.

He asked cautiously: "Why is brother Qi so severely motion sick this time?"

"Maybe it's because of the severe airsickness, I haven't recovered yet."

He Ruilin followed suit, "When you go back, just buy some airsickness medicine in advance and take it."

"Things like airsickness medicine should be prepared in advance by the program crew, really."

"I'm going to talk to the program team now, and it will be there when I go back."

"They'll buy it when they get to the airport."

The members of the vocal group surrounded Qi Mo, chatting endlessly.

Wang Changyan nudged Lan Muzhou lightly, "Hey, it seems that Qi Mo is very sick from airsickness, you two have such a good relationship, why don't you care about him?"

"Who has a good relationship with him?!"

Lan Muzhou frowned suddenly, and gave Wang Changyan a fierce look.

Qi Mo didn't take him seriously, is he still rushing to care about Qi Mo?

Then he glanced at Qi Mo who was surrounded by people, and snorted disdainfully, "There are so many people who care about him, one more than me is not much, and one less than me is quite a lot."

Wang Changyan let out a "puchi" and laughed.

His brother spoke very proudly, but his tone was sour.

In desperation, he said, "Just be happy."

Of course, as long as he is happy, his own mood is the most important thing.

...but he doesn't seem so happy now either.

Baiyun Village is surrounded by mountains and rivers, with dense forests and grasses. It is the beginning of spring in April, and a little bit of green has appeared as far as the eye can see.

This place is not as noisy as a big city, and the villages are full of low bungalows. When the trainees arrived in the village, some ordinary people were already in the fields, chatting and plowing; the farmhouse was very lively, and some tourists had poured into the greenhouses in the village.

Walking on the small road in the village, the fresh air inhales the lungs, which makes people feel very comfortable.

"Hello, all the trainees. Welcome to Baiyun Village for an experience. I am the person in charge of this event and the head of Baiyun Village. You can call me Uncle Wang."

After introducing themselves, Uncle Wang, the person in charge, and the trainees took everyone around the village, and introduced their development of tourism and poverty alleviation, the experience items and special products in the village, and several interesting places nearby. sights.

In the morning, trainees can go to the greenhouse to pick. At noon, they can cook with vegetables and fruits picked by themselves, local chickens raised by villagers, wild fish and dairy products, etc., and then go for an outing on Baiyun Mountain in the afternoon.

Most of the trainees have been training all year round and have never experienced rural life, so they are still very interested in picking.

As soon as the person in charge said that it could start, he immediately started to act happily.

I took off my cotton coat and put it in the room at the door. As soon as I entered the shed, I immediately felt a rush of heat.

The temperature was at least over 20 degrees, which made the trainees who entered the greenhouse for the first time "wow".

"It's so hot, I think my fleece sweater should be replaced with half sleeves..."

"As soon as I came in, I was almost sweating."

"Hey, big devil, what kind of food do you like to eat?"

Jiang Ning took a small basket from the door and followed Qi Mo.

Qi Mo was not picky about food, nor did he have any special preferences.

Seeing the tomato seedlings on the shelf as soon as I entered the door, the red and green alternated, it was pretty.

So he raised his hand and pointed, "Just tomatoes."

"Okay." Jiang Ning walked over with a small basket, "Then let's pick some tomatoes first."

After finishing speaking, he held the small basket in one hand, grabbed a red and ripe tomato with the other, and dragged it down.

With such a pull, the tomato seedlings tied to the shelf were pulled bald at once, and the tomatoes could not be picked off.

When the villagers of Baiyun Village in the greenhouse saw Jiang Ning's movements, they hurried over, "Young man, you can't pull tomatoes like this."

Good guy, if they are all pulled like this, can they still be alive.

Jiang Ning also realized that he was reckless, a little embarrassed, scratched his head, "I'm sorry, I haven't picked tomatoes before..."

He Ruilin held the tomatoes in one hand, pinched and twisted the roots with the other, picked them off and gently put them into the small basket carried by Jiang Ning.

"Pinch it with your nails, and then you can take it off with a twist, don't pull it."

While speaking, he had already picked off two more.

"This young man is right, you can't do it by force." The villager said, and took a few more glances at this soft and delicate boy.

"Oh oh ok! I see."

Jiang Ning hung the small basket on his elbow, and began to pick it like He Ruilin.

After picking more than a dozen bright red tomatoes, He Ruilin looked at Qi Mo and said with a smile, "There are wild fish in the ditch next to it, and there are ponds in the village. You can use grass carp to make tomato fish."

"Wow, Brother Lin, can you do it?"

"According to Uncle Wang, we have to cook and eat by ourselves. Anyway, I don't know how to cook..."

"Hahaha, let's rely on Brother Lin, Brother Lin will definitely do it."

"Then I'll wait and eat!"

Few of the young boys know how to cook. If they really do their own lunch, they may blow up the kitchen directly.

Seeing that He Ruilin looked very understanding, the teammates immediately handed over the cooking task to He Ruilin.

Several people booed, but He Ruilin was not angry, but laughed with a good temper.

He nodded, "Leave it to me, just help wash the vegetables."

He Ruilin was born in a rural area, and his family is not considered wealthy, so it's no wonder that he knows more.

Qi Mo squatted aside, watching him skillfully pull out the fennel from the soil, and then cut the leeks. The action was not small. The high temperature of more than 20 degrees made some shiny sweat drip on his forehead, and his soft black hair Put a few strands on the forehead.

He is better at these, or these farm work reminded him of his childhood, so he did a lot more than others and didn't complain. Instead, he enjoyed it a little, and the corners of his lips curled up slightly.

Without those calculations, it looks surprisingly clean and harmless.

Suddenly, he raised his head and looked into Qi Mo's eyes.

The smile on his lips widened, and he said, "Jiang Mingchen and the others want to eat dumplings, do you like them?"

Qi Mo himself doesn't have any special hobbies, it's up to everyone to eat what they eat.

I wanted to say it was all right, but suddenly it occurred to me that Lan Muzhou seemed to like eating dumplings, especially dumplings with fennel and eggs, and had eaten them in the cafeteria several times. They are all clumsy, He Ruilin must be better than them.

So she nodded, "I like fennel eggs."

Turns out I like eggs with fennel.

He Ruilin silently remembered it in his heart, and said, "What a coincidence, I like it too, so I'll eat this."

With that said, he handed Qi Mo a small handful of fresh fennel.

"If you don't help me pick fennel, I won't have food for a while."

Qi Mo held a small handful of fennel.

Where has she ever done such a thing, no matter how simple it is, she can't do it.

"How do you pick it? Have you cleaned the soil?"

As expected, Qi Mo has never done housework, so he has no choice but to teach him.

He Ruilin took the opportunity to move closer to Qi Mo's side, and stretched out his hand to break off the root of a piece of fennel in Qi Mo's hand.

Then turned to look at Qi Mo, with a soft and soft voice, "That's all."

The distance between the two is extremely close, and the photography teacher is shooting from one side.

Qi Mo suddenly smiled.

He Ruilin obviously likes women, but now he deliberately approaches her like this.

Could it be that he wants to make a CP with her?