MTL - When the Empress Dresses Up As a Female Trainee-Chapter 56 That is Qi who grew up abroad...

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/ Mo Baqian

Qi Mo was surprised, "Are you allowed to... attend the event?"

"You are the only child in the family, and sooner or later the company affairs will be entrusted to you. Now that I have returned to China, I will show up occasionally and expand my network."

Mother Qi knew what Qi Mo was thinking.

Now wearing a vest and becoming a public figure, it cannot be directly exposed after all.

"This kind of event requires an invitation letter to enter. There are no unscrupulous journalists and media. Let Qingqing help you make up, put on a wig, etc., it's not a big problem."

It is true that not everyone can enter the upper class.

People who can step into the circle are mostly strict enough.

Don't say you can't see it, even if someone sees it, most of them won't say anything.

Qi Mo nodded, "Speaking of which, I won't meet Lan Muzhou at the auction, will I? I haven't told him the truth yet. I've been with him for so long. I'm afraid he might recognize me."

It is better to admit it yourself than to be exposed by others.

Just like surrendering to a crime, it will always be less serious than being arrested.

It seems that my daughter quite cares about Lan Muzhou's mood.

Qi's mother smiled and shook her head, "It's okay, Lan Muzhou has never participated in such activities, only Lan Yanshen attended."

After noon, the guests in each group began to make up and hair together.

Actors competing in the same segment share a dressing room.

Their part of the competition is in ancient costumes, and they need to wear wigs and headdresses, so they changed into heavy costumes before starting to do makeup and hair.

Pei Zeyuan is the first actor to be praised by three mentors at the same time in this season of "Actor's New Life". He is quite popular in the show and is called the group favorite by netizens. He has given a lot of shots, and some guests have also flattered him because of this.

In today's clip, he played the role of the emperor, who had already changed into the emperor's robe.

"Brother Zeyuan is too temperamental! Even in terms of height alone, he is much stronger than the emperor in their group."

Jiang Yan from Group B was flattering in the dressing room.

Pei Zeyuan is nearly 1.9 meters tall, with starry brows and sharp eyes, and slightly pursed lips. He does have a compelling temperament of a superior.

But he has a gentle personality and doesn't like to have any disputes with others.

Facing Jiang Yan's flattery, he smiled without naming names, "It is true that the height advantage makes it easy to appear imposing, but he performed very well in the previous scene, and I am also looking forward to his performance today."

Jiang Yan responded with a smile: "Brother Zeyuan is right."

However, once he finished speaking, he gently pulled the lower corner of his mouth, thinking: Oh, it's really enough to pretend.

He looked at Xia Xi, "Teacher Xia participated with him before to make up for the seat."

Xia Xi suffered from Qi Mo before, and she was disgusted when she heard Qi Mo mentioned by others.

But Qi Mo was praised by Qing Ning, she didn't say anything bad.

He only said, "Yes, I met once."

This is also enough.

Jiang Yan sneered in his heart, as a movie queen, being compared with newcomers by netizens...

I'm afraid Xia Xi hated Qi Mo to death.

For a moment, no one spoke in the dressing room.

Xia Xi drooped his eyes in silence.

Last time I lost to Qi Mo, I must not lose again this time, otherwise... I will have to be compared by netizens again.

For this competition, she is still very confident.

After all, the three members of their group have acted in ancient court dramas and have enough experience.

Especially Pei Zeyuan, who has an extraordinary bearing, is not to mention how suitable he is to play the role of the emperor.

And look at Qi Mo, a child who came out of a thatched cottage, how could he handle the demeanor of the Ninth Five Lord?

Comparing the two "emperors" is like a public execution.

She can't wait to jump to the end of the new episode immediately, and watch netizens compare Qi Mo with Pei Zeyuan, and pull Qi Mo down hard.

It also made Qi Mo feel like he was often compared.

Just as Xia Xi was thinking, the door of the dressing room was pushed open from the outside.

In the dressing room, several people turned their heads to look and were stunned.

Qi Mo walked in the front, dressed in a gorgeous royal robe, with a luxurious and graceful temperament.

Her brows and eyes were slightly raised, and her eyes swept around the room, as if looking at the world.

That kind of demeanor makes people unconsciously want to surrender.

Looking at those slightly squinted eyes, Jiang Yan actually had an urge to run away.

He took a step back unconsciously.

"Hi, I'm Pei Zeyuan."

Taking advantage of the make-up artist's distraction, Pei Zeyuan stood up from his seat and greeted him.

He doesn't have the slightest attack power when he smiles, and it's easy to make people feel good about him.

"Hello." Qi Mo greeted, and curled his lips at Xia Xi, "Hello, Teacher Xia."

Xia Xi choked up.

Others don't know that this is sarcasm for her, but she doesn't know!

Calling Qi Mo that way would only make the audience feel that Qi Mo was "polite", but for her, hearing it every time made her heart ache.

She pulled out a stiff smile, "Hello."

Why is Qi Mo, a kid in his twenties... so magnanimous? !

Even glanced over, without anger and prestige.

If you look at it more, you will feel a little scary.

She clenched her palms tightly, and her nails made white marks on her palms.

She suddenly had a bad feeling.

Qi Mo's team is probably going to win.

If she can be overwhelmed by the opposing team every episode...

That just sucks.

Xia Xi was worried all afternoon.

But what to be afraid of.

The result was not much different from what she expected.

There are six people in two groups AB, standing on the stage together with the host.

"Based on the voting results of three mentors, one acting director and three hundred audience members, the winning group is—"

"Group A! Congratulations to Qi Mo, Zhang Yiyi, and Cui Chuyu for qualifying!"

According to the "Actor's New Life" system, among the two groups, the members of the winning group can all advance.

The members of the failed group will enter the pending area.

As soon as the PK result came out, Xia Xi's expression was as if he had eaten Xiang.

The team won, and her team could buy a wave of announcements by winning.

And now that she loses, how does she market?

Praising a person who lost the game, this kind of marketing feels embarrassing to her!

The show is for a strong comeback.

What now?

Losers for two consecutive rounds.

Did she and Qi Mo hit each other?

After getting off the stage, the photography teacher was still following me.

Zhang Yiyi followed Qi Mo, chirping and praising Qi Mo's performance.

"You are so talented! You are so powerful, how can you act so naturally...?"

The more people support Qi Mo, the more uncomfortable Xia Xi feels.

It was because of Qi Mo that she was unlucky all the way.

It can't be that there was a conflict when they met for the first time, so Qing Ning deliberately made things difficult for her, right?

Such an idea popped up, and the more she thought about it, the more possible it became.

It is not uncommon for the program group to wear small shoes for the contestants.

Now even platforms like Qing Ning dare to embarrass her.

Thinking about the life she used to be flattered by everyone, she gritted her teeth.

Mr. Shi's thigh, she can't give up.

"Xiao Qi, you did a great job! Congratulations to your team for winning!" Lu Qingqing walked over to the staff next to her, and asked the staff next to her, "Do we need to make up anything later? If not, I will take Xiao Qi away."

The staff member shook his head, "There is nothing to make up."

"Okay, Xiaoqi, you change your clothes and we'll leave." Lu Qingqing said.

Qi Mo nodded, guessing that Lu's father had already told Lu Qingqing that she was going to the charity auction.

She turned her head to the other five and said, "Then I'll take a step first, and see you next time we record."

Regardless of whether it was sincerity or face-saving, several people said goodbye.

Only Xia Xi didn't care about the scene in front of him at all, and didn't even want to save face.

She snorted coldly, unwilling to even look at Qi Mo.

At that time, let the post-production cut the lens directly.

Lu Qingqing has been in the circle for a long time, and has participated in various banquets and activities with her parents since she was a child. This time, she attended the charity auction by herself. When she got to the business car, she grabbed Qi Mo's neck.

"I already know that you are going to the auction, don't worry, I have my sister to help you cover, absolutely no problem."

She opened her mouth treacherously, "As for the makeup, it's on me."

It's not easy to make it look good, but isn't it easy to make it ugly?

Even if it's not intentional, novices can easily make themselves uglier than plain makeup.

After coming out of the "Actor's New Life" program group, they went straight to Lu Qingqing's home.

An hour later, there was a burst of laughter in Lu Qingqing's room.

"Hahahahahaha my little Qi, with this appearance, no one will recognize you!"

Lu Qingqing put her hands on her hips triumphantly, very satisfied with her masterpiece.

In the mirror, Qi Mo was wearing a fiery red dress with a slightly tucked waist, making her tall and tall.

Long brown hair fell on the shoulders like waves, and a ruby ​​was dotted in the middle of the collarbone.

After Lu Qingqing's claws on the face, the shadows changed slightly, and the face shape appeared a little different; a pair of beautiful phoenix eyes were affixed with double eyelids, smudged into a big European pair; the foundation on the skin is not heavy, but the eye makeup and eyebrows Makeup is exaggerated.

Strong European and American style.

Also, living abroad for a long time, European and American styles are no problem.

With the huge difference in makeup and gender, if you don't know her well enough, it is really difficult to connect the current appearance with ERA Qi Mo.

Qi Mo went to get the makeup tools, "I'll change it a little bit."

After a while, a scar appeared from the corner of the forehead to the tip of the brow.

The beauty of the entire face was immediately destroyed.

It looks a little hideous.

"I'm going, my perfect masterpiece, you actually add a scar to it? How ugly!"

Lu Qingqing was quite dissatisfied, so she crossed Qi Mo.

Qi Mo never minded questions like "whether it looks good or not".

For the sake of her mother and the family and the country, she went out in the market, even the enemy's military camp.

What kind of life you enjoy, you have to take on what kind of responsibility.

Besides, the effect of "not good-looking" is huge.

"People who are too hypocritical, no matter what, our Qi family will not cooperate with them."

Qi Mo smiled lightly, and continued to use a cosmetic box of makeup tools to make the scar on his chin realistic.

Lu Qingqing was startled, and quickly understood what Qi Mo meant.

That's right, you need to know people clearly.

If she hadn't known Xiao Qi's identity when she was studying abroad...I'm afraid Xiao Qi wouldn't have become friends with her.

"Lan Muzhou shouldn't appear on such an occasion, right?"

To be on the safe side, Qi Mo asked again.

Lu Qingqing took the sister's hand very intimately, "Don't worry, Lan Muzhou never shows up in this kind of event, his brother Lan Yanshen is always present."

She looked at Qi Mo's face and smiled again.

"Besides, even if he comes, it's impossible for you to be recognized with this face and this outfit."

Qi Mo nodded, "Okay, I believe you."

The charity auction was held in a high-end art club.

When Qi Mo and Lu Qingqing entered the venue, the auction hadn't started immediately.

People in formal attire, either acquainted or just acquainted, gathered together in twos and threes, talking in low voices.

Some people knew Lu Qingqing well, and when they saw Lu Qingqing enter the arena, they quickly gathered over.

The woman with black and long straight smiles lightly, "Qingqing, long time no see, are you graduating soon?"

"It's not been a long time, you haven't come to several parties." The man with a shaggy hair also greeted.

Lu Qingqing raised a commercial smirk, "I'm graduating soon, I was busy with the final project a while ago, it's really been a long time."

After saying hello, the eyes of several people shifted to Qi Mo.

"Who is this…?"

The little man looked at Qi Mo's face a few times.

There was a subtle dislike in his eyes.

Men have a natural aversion to "heavy makeup", and this...

Such heavy makeup can't cover the scars, how ugly is it?

The circle has never seen or heard of any lady with such a heavy scar on her body.

It shouldn't be a kid from a rich family.

I don't understand how Lu Qingqing brought such an unappetizing person here.

"My good sister..." Lu Qingqing took Qi Mo's hand affectionately, "This is the legendary Miss Qi family."

Qi Mo took in the expressions of several people.

She raised a decent smile, pinched her throat to make her voice thinner, "Hello, I'm Cici."

Cici is her English name.

She didn't want others to think of ERA's Qi Mo, so she didn't use her Chinese name to introduce herself.

Miss Qi? !

Surprise flashed across the eyes of several people.

The Qi family is busy expanding overseas markets, so they don't make many appearances in China, and Miss Qi's family has never appeared in the public eye.

When Lu Qingqing was studying abroad, she happened to meet Ms. Qi's family, and they had a very close relationship. Everyone in this circle knew it and aroused the envy of many people—China's domestic troubles are getting more and more serious, and expanding foreign markets is an inevitable development direction, and the whole In Huaguo, the Qi family is the only one that has the foresight to dig deep into foreign markets.

The Qi family are the favorites in the circle, but it's a pity that they rarely see each other, and they rarely get to know each other.

Since it was Lu Qingqing who said that this was Miss Qi's family, there must be no mistake.

But... no one thought that Miss Qi's face would look like this!

No wonder I never showed up before.

In my heart, I commented on Miss Qi's face, but there were kind and joyful smiles on her face, and they all took the initiative to introduce themselves.

"Miss Qi, I'm Xingqian, Ning Xingqian, I didn't expect to see Miss Qi here!"

"I've heard about Ms. Qi a long time ago. It's a pleasure to meet you."

"It's an honor to know Ms. Qi..."

They thought they were hiding their snicker or disgust well.

And Qi Mo satirized slightly in his heart.

She wouldn't waste time on this kind of person.

Qi Mo doesn't talk much, even so, a small group of people are still talking to each other.

Twittering is lively.

Ever since Lan Yanshen heard the words "Miss Qi's family", his attention has never been on the few people around him.

It's hard to find out about Miss Qi's family.

Although they have their own network, contacts and methods, they can check and the other party can hide.

The momentum is equal, how can it be so easy to find Miss Qi's situation.

There is no chance for his brother to meet Miss Qi's family.

I didn't expect to meet Miss Qi's family at such a charity auction.

It was really effortless.

The auction is expected to last about an hour and a half. After the auction, there will be a charity dinner.

Now ask someone to go to the villa arranged by Qingning to pick up his brother...

The timing was just right.

After thinking for a moment, Lan Yanshen stood up and nodded to a few industry leaders he knew.

"Sorry, I'm going to make a call and talk back."

He came to a terrace, first arranged for the driver to set off, and then called Lan Muzhou.

"Hey... big brother."

Lan Muzhou's voice was limp, his articulation was not clear, as if he had just woken up.

Lan Yan frowned slightly.

It's only less than seven o'clock, why are you sleeping at this time?

"Mu Zhou, did you just wake up?"

"Well... I had a fever yesterday, and I always want to sleep after taking medicine."

Lan Muzhou explained, putting aside the matter with Qi Mo.

"Fever? Is the fever gone now? How do you feel?"

"The fever subsides during the day, but I feel drowsy occasionally."

Lan Yan was silent for two seconds, and said: "That's good, Mu Zhou, the family wants you to meet Miss Qi's family. She has lived abroad for a long time, and today she attended a charity auction. This is her first time in public. Show up... If you don't feel uncomfortable, come here and take this opportunity to get to know each other."

Miss Qi...

Oh, the Qi family.

He really has a relationship with this surname.

When Lan Muzhou heard this word, his heart ached.

But he dared not tell his elder brother directly.

He has heard about the older generation of his grandfather.

He grabbed the fluffy cushion under his buttocks with his fingers, and said lightly: "Why do we have to pay for the things of the older generation?"


Lan Yan paused for a moment, then asked, "Mu Zhou, are you in a bad mood?"

When no one asked, Lan Muzhou felt that the rejection was over.

But as soon as the eldest brother's words came out, his nasal cavity suddenly felt sour.

More than a bad mood.

He even wanted to cry.

Pulling **** the cushion with his hands, he said, "I'm fine."

Knowing that his younger brother was stubborn, Lan Yan softened his tone a little, "If you are in a bad mood or not feeling well, you must tell the truth to your elder brother, otherwise we will all be worried."

Lan Muzhou raised his head, his eyes were sore.

He was bored in the room all day, because he was afraid that Wang Changyan and the others would see that he was not in shape, and they would also care about him; he was also afraid that if he couldn't hold back, he would tell such things to his teammates.

But now, in the face of elder brother's concern, he finally couldn't hold back.

He spoke with a hoarse voice, "Brother, I broke up with Qi Mo..."

He couldn't say the word "broken love".

He believed that if he said that, his elder brother would understand.

"I'm so reckless, and I don't know why..."

"I can't even be friends in the future."

"It's really... very uncomfortable."

In the end, his voice gradually became weaker, and his sobs were buried in the conversation in the auction hall.

Lan Yan deeply guessed what happened.

From childhood to adulthood, no matter what happened to him, his younger brother was a confident, hard-working and showy person. He never liked to show weakness, and he had never seen his younger brother show such an appearance!

Now that he was sad for one person, he felt a pang of distress.

This Qi Mo actually made his brother so sad!

He said in a gentle voice: "Mu Zhou, don't be sad, brother will teach him a lesson for you."

"Don't...!" Lan Muzhou raised his voice, then lowered it quickly, "I'm afraid you will be beaten by him."

Big brother is Qi Mo's opponent.

Qi Mo is so powerful, probably no one in the world can defeat Qi Mo.

Lan Yan deeply felt that in his younger brother's heart, he was no longer comparable to Qi Mo.

…not only made his brother sad, but also destroyed the relationship between their brothers.

"and you…"

"Brother, you can ask someone to pick me up, I'll go change my mood."

Lan Muzhou stood up from the single sofa, and opened the curtains with a "swipe".

It was pitch black outside, with stars shining in the dark blue sky.

I haven't gone out for a day, so I should take a breath.

Grandfather wants to reconcile with the old man of the Qi family, if he can get close to Miss Qi's family...

The relationship with family members may be able to ease.

It's okay to be emotionally frustrated, but you can't always be like this at home.

After hanging up the phone with Lan Muzhou, Lan Yan took a deep look at the time.

There are still three minutes before the auction officially starts.

I had time to have a brief conversation with Miss Qi's family.

In the venue, Qi Mo was already surrounded by people.

Some people think that Miss Qi's family is too cold and difficult to communicate with, so they stop joining in the fun.

But more people were not afraid of embarrassment, and chatted with Qi Mo while cueing Lu Qingqing.

Lan Yanshen put the phone back into his pocket, adjusted his tie lightly, and walked towards the crowd.

When the people around Qi Mo saw Lan Yanshen, they immediately dispersed to both sides like flowing water.

The story of the older generation of these two families... Various versions have been widely circulated.

Outsiders don't know how to break up.

But back to the status of the family, they are the real match.

The woman in front of her was tall and tall, wearing an eye-catching red dress, and her wavy brown curly hair hung down softly.

You can tell just by looking at his back that he should be a good match with his brother.

Lan Yanshen nodded in his heart first, that Mu Zhou should really divert his attention.

"Miss Qi." He said in a low voice.

Qi Mo knew from the sound that the person behind him was Lan Muzhou's elder brother.

I've only met her once, so I probably won't recognize her.

So she raised a smile and turned back, "Hello."

Lan Yan was slightly taken aback.

It's not that he likes to judge people by their appearance, but that the scar on his forehead is too conspicuous.

Could it be... Miss Qi's family had something bad happen to her?

He looked away from the scar.

Except for the scars, Miss Qi's outline seemed a little familiar.

He stabilized his mind, "It's the first time we meet, I'm Lan Yanshen."

The auction passed quickly, and everyone was invited into the banquet hall next to it.

In the hall, there was a staggering of toasts.

The warm yellow light gave the goblet a beautiful halo.

Beside Qi Mo and Lu Qingqing, there were still a few people who persevered.

Ning Xingqian took a goblet from the waiter's tray and handed it to Qi Mo, "Miss Qi."

Qi Mo slightly bent his mouth and responded politely, "Thank you."

She likes to drink.

When I came to this world, except for the small glass of sake before the final night, I really never drank alcohol.

Lift the glass to your eyes and sniff lightly.

At this time, a somewhat familiar figure appeared in the crowd.

Xia Xi walked forward with a smile on her face, "I didn't expect to have the honor to meet Ms. Qi today. It's really an honor."

As she spoke, she raised her glass to signal, then looked at Lu Qingqing again, "Miss Lu."

I didn't see Xia Xi at the auction just now, so he probably came after the banquet started.

Seeing the flattering expression on her face, Qi Mo chuckled.

Just a few hours ago, Xia Xi didn't even bother to give her a look, but now she's flattering her.

It's really... a little funny.

Lu Qingqing and Qi Mo looked at each other with the same smile on their faces.

This Xiaxi is really... full of slots.

People in the entertainment industry are always more sensitive than others.

Xia Xi soon noticed that Miss Qi's family and Lu Qingqing's attitudes were subtle.

It's best to have a good relationship with Miss Qi's family, but it's a pity that Lu Qingqing is also here.

Knowing that Lu Qingqing would not give her a good face, she didn't want to come.

Mr. Shi asked her to come over...

Even if she didn't want to face Lu Qingqing, she had to come here.

The wine glasses of several people collided in the air, making a crisp sound.

Qi Mo raised his head, and the fine red wine slid down his throat, feeling relieved for a while.

In a blink of an eye, the wine glass bottomed out.

She beckoned to the waiter, intending to put the glass back on the tray.

Xia Xi took a step ahead, took the initiative to pick up the opened bottle of red wine, and helped Qi Mo pour the wine.

And just after she finished pouring the wine and said "please", her hand slipped!

She exclaimed in a low voice, "Ah!"

Qi Mo's eyes were quick, and he was about to catch the falling wine bottle in the blink of an eye.

The moment her fingertips touched the wine bottle, she paused.

With a muffled "boom", the wine bottle hit the stall, and the expensive red wine gushed out and spilled all over the floor.

"Waiter." Qi Mo raised his head and called out, looking aside.

Someone was looking at her just now.

It was also because of feeling the sight that she suddenly realized that Xia Xi was acting.

Someone wants to test her.

Qi Mo twitched the corner of his mouth.

I have to say that Xia Xi's acting skills are really good at this time.

And she...

Like a frog boiled in warm water, he was about to drown in a peaceful and beautiful life.

When Lan Muzhou came to the guild hall, the banquet had already started for a while.

He was led by the waiter all the way to the banquet hall.

Everyone knew that the youngest son of the Lan family had gone to the entertainment industry, and his face was well known.

So as soon as he entered the door, everyone nearby was shocked for a second.

Lan Yanshen is always the one who comes to participate in various activities from the Lan family, but today they can actually see Lan Muzhou? !

First Miss Qi appeared, and then the youngest son of the Lan family...

What kind of wind is blowing today?

People with a lot of thought have already thought of a deeper level.

And shallow-minded people hurried forward—

Not everyone can climb Lan Yanshen, it is not easy to meet Lan Muzhou, why don't you try hard to climb it?

In the banquet, there was also a young master whom Lan Muzhou knew.

Relying on his good looks, Xiao Shiyu got along like a fish in water among women.

He endured his aversion to Miss Qi's heavy makeup and ugly scars, and wanted to rely on his appearance to get along with Miss Qi's family, but who would have thought... He didn't even get a look.

The other party completely ignored him, which made him feel humiliated.

With such a ghostly appearance, if it wasn't for the only daughter of the Qi family, he wouldn't have looked at her more. Does he really think he is a heartthrob?

He was ashamed and annoyed, and couldn't help laughing.

Seeing Lan Muzhou approaching, Xiao Shiyu finally diverted his attention, and came to Lan Muzhou with a wine glass.

He patted Lan Muzhou with a familiar look.

"Zhou Zhou! It's been a long time since I saw you, and I've wanted to get together with you for a long time."

Lan Muzhou didn't know him very well, but he just knew him.

So I didn't get too close, so I responded casually: "Well, there is a chance to get together."

His gaze swept around the banquet hall, looking for his eldest brother.

"Besides you, there is another rare guest at this banquet."

Xiao Shiyu still hated being ignored by Miss Qi's family, and said in a mocking tone: "The other one... definitely surprises you."

He stretched out his hand and pointed towards Qi Mo.

"That's the only daughter of the Qi family who grew up abroad. She just returned to China and is right with you."