MTL - When the Little Milk Dog Decided To Break Up with Zha Shou-Chapter 30

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Thinking of the intimacy of the two, and thinking of how many people are "cute" with the CP of Qiuqiu, Wen Yuanyu's finger pulling the page trembled.

He put down his phone and reached for a cup of hot Americano on the table, but accidentally knocked over the cup. The thick black coffee liquid made a mess on the table, and even splashed a few drops of coffee on the black T-shirt.

Fortunately, the T-shirt is black, so it should not affect the shooting, but even if it affects it, so what. Love has already affected his career, but he still can't let go of Ran Qiu, nor does he want to let go of Ran Qiu.

Wen Yuanyu seemed to understand all of a sudden that many things were not what they should be, just like when Ran Qiu knew what his sister did was wrong, but he still couldn't abandon Wang Fufu.

Whether it is love or family affection, there are too many emotional factors mixed in, and it is by no means a simple matter of right and wrong that can be clearly explained. He was really wrong, that's why he accidentally lost the little milk dog who loved him the most.

The WeChat notification tone suddenly rang.

Wen Yuanyu knew where he was, and the message came from a painter introduced by his friend.

-Qiu Yuan CP's comic is ready, do you want to see it?

Wen Yuanyu replied with a single word "yes".

The picture was quickly sent over, it was a cute two-dimensional head portrait, Wen Yuanyu slowly raised the corners of his mouth, but there was some fear in his heart that he didn't want to admit.

Can he still chase Ran Qiu back?

How can I get Ran Qiu back?

What method must he use to defeat Qiu He in order to be favored and moved by Ran Qiu?

"Teacher Yuan Yu, are you ready?" the theater manager pushed open the door and asked with his head out.

"Yeah." Wen Yuanyu pinched his arm fiercely, forcing himself to wake up, he took out a tissue and wiped the messy table top indiscriminately, and he had already made up his mind.

No matter what, he had to make his part well, otherwise he would have nothing to pursue Ran Qiu. It is impossible for Ran Qiu to like a man who can't even act well.

When Wen Yuanyu went out, Ran Qiu was already waiting.

Wen Yuanyu nodded with a smile, and Ran Qiu nodded back, then looked away and continued to listen to Director Zhang's lecture.

For Ran Qiu, this scene was rather simple, it was just a fighting scene, and it would end soon. He had a date with Qiu He tonight. He fell asleep after not playing much, and he felt sorry if he didn't make up for it.

"This scene is a turning point in the relationship between the two of you." Director Zhang held the script in his hand and said, "Yuan Yu, you feel aggrieved when you accompany others to drink, but you have to do this. You really need to make money to go abroad. This kind of dilemma Emotions, have you ever had one?"

"I have, it's very uncomfortable." Wen Yuanyu said and glanced at Ran Qiu.

He had just experienced this kind of emotion. He wanted to selfishly threaten Ran Qiu to stay by his side, but he had to personally push Ran Qiu to Qiu He's side for the sake of Ran Qiu's career.

Ran Qiu looked down at the script without seeing it, and suddenly said: "I don't think this is right." He tapped the script lightly with his knuckles.

Director Zhang looked at him, "I've praised you for a few scenes, and you're starting to find fault with the script?"

Ran Qiu thought about something thoughtfully, didn't laugh or feel embarrassed, and said bluntly: "I saw the gangster asking Wen Yuanyu to drink with me, so I rushed over directly. The emotions here are too simple. This job is right for you. The person I like is very important, I can't rush to it recklessly, but I should be very hesitant and irritable, because I am afraid that my impulsiveness will cause the other party to lose their job and blame me."

Director Zhang was silent for a while, but from his eyes, he could see that he really thought what Ran Qiu said had some truth.

But the matter of changing the script should not be too arbitrary, he thought for a moment, "You can act as you said, and I will see."

"No problem." Ran Qiu said with a smile.

The actor who plays the rogue in this scene is called Xu Zhe, in his thirties, with a square face and single eyelids. He has a characteristic appearance, a standard villain face, but it is not as stylish as Qiu He, nor is he as long as Qiu He handsome.

Director Zhang pointed to Xu Zhe, and then said to Ran Qiu: "Be careful when you fight, the props are ready, when the time comes, the tables and chairs will fall down, broken glass is everywhere, be careful not to get hurt."

Ran Qiu chuckled lightly, "Don't worry, Director Zhang, it's not like you haven't acted before."

"..." Director Zhang: "Take back your pride."

The twenty-eighth scene takes one shot, action.

The lights in the bar are dim, alternating dark yellow and sea blue lights, hitting the passing guests in a cycle. The men have tattoos on their arms, and the women wear tight short-sleeved shirts that expose their navels.

Xu Zhe sat behind a small table, and next to him was Wen Yuanyu, whose legs were close together, and who didn't know how to put his hands stiffly.

One glass of wine, two glasses of wine.

Xu Zhe poured Wen Yuanyu a third glass of bourbon, "Come, come, have another glass."

Wen Yuanyu's eyes were blurred, and he pushed the wine glass that was about to flow out with his hand, "Brother, I've already had several drinks, and I really can't drink any more, can I find someone who can drink and come to accompany you?" Said Then he got up and was about to reach out to call the bar manager.

But as soon as his **** left the seat, Xu Zhe immediately slapped him on the shoulder, pushing him down heavily.

Xu Zhe winked at the younger brother next to him, and the younger brother directly brought the wine glass to Wen Yuanyu's mouth.

This is what Ran Qiu saw after entering the bar. He stopped and stood about ten meters away from them, staring at Wen Yuanyu and Xu Zhe with perfect eyes.

Amber wine flowed down the corner of Wen Yuanyu's mouth.

Xu Zhe filled another cup and brought it to Wen Yuanyu himself.

Ran Qiu's pupils dimmed, he squinted at Xu Zhe's big hand resting on Wen Yuanyu's neck, and instinctively took a step forward, thinking of something, he hesitated and stopped again.

At this time, Xu Zhe suddenly put his big hand on the back of Wen Yuanyu's. Wen Yuanyu was slightly taken aback, his expression was full of surprise, embarrassment, and fear, but he was pulled into Xu Zhe's arms in just a short moment of stupor.

When Xu Zhe hugged Wen Yuanyu, his palm slid from the back of Wen Yuanyu's hand all the way to his thigh.

Wen Yuanyu's eyes widened in an instant, there was no action of touching the legs in the script.

In the script, it's just shoulders. Wen Yuanyu tried to move his leg, and broke free from that hand, but that hand was like an octopus' tentacle, pressing tightly on his leg, and followed his leg more difficultly than iron tongs.

When filming, some old actors would improvise, but Wen Yuanyu still said his lines, "I'm not here to accompany this, let me go."

Xu Zhe chuckled twice, his face moved closer to Wen Yuanyu's profile, and his eyes shot out a lewd/slutty fierce light.

"Let me go." Wen Yuanyu's voice was higher than before.

The camera was filming not far away.

Xu Zhe pressed his hands on Wen Yuanyu's shoulders, and bent his body with his back to the camera. Just when Xu Zhe's lips were about to touch him, Wen Yuanyu completely realized that something was wrong.

Xu Zhe only needs to bend over, and there is no need to play it for real.

But the mouth with an unpleasant smell was close at hand, and Wen Yuanyu couldn't use any strength in this posture. He tried his best to turn his head to avoid this mouth, but Xu Zhe's neck was firmly fixed by Xu Zhe.

Wen Yuanyu gritted his teeth, he tasted the blood in his mouth, but he didn't feel the pain at all, so he tried his best to turn his face away.

Just when that lip touched the corner of his mouth, Wen Yuanyu suddenly felt the pressure around her disappear.

He raised his eyes suddenly, and Ran Qiu pulled Xu Zhe away, with deep and dark anger in his eyes, he swung his fist and hit Xu Zhe in the face, only heard the sound of broken glass on the table, and Xu Zhe swears.

"Who the **** told you to touch him!"

Ran Qiu pressed Xu Zhe's neck tightly with both hands, then raised his fist and punched him heavily on the other side of the face, "You dare to touch my man, but you can touch him!"


"You're crazy! Ran Qiu, you're crazy!"

It happened so suddenly, when Xu Zhe yelled "Help" for the first time, everyone didn't realize that something was wrong, until when Ran Qiu's name was called out, everyone suddenly woke up and gathered around here .

"Pull it away for Ran Qiu, don't kill anyone!" Director Zhang shouted at the top of his voice.

"Don't pull me." Ran Qiu pulled Xu Zhe's arm with one hand, and twisted it backhandedly with the other hand, only to hear Xu Zhe scream, Ran Qiu slammed it hard, and Xu Zhe fell towards the side of the booth .

There was broken glass from the fight on the booth, and when Xu Zhe fell face down, he was hitting the glass, and he cursed, his face was covered with blood.

"What a **** scum." Ran Qiu spat in Xu Zhe's direction, his chest heaved heavily, and the anger that hadn't calmed down accumulated in his chest.

Xu Zhe raised his head suddenly, and glared at Ran Qiu fiercely, but only for a second, after he met Ran Qiu's sinister gaze, he looked away without saying anything.

Amidst the voices of the crowd who couldn't tell whether it was noise or persuasion, Ran Qiu gradually calmed down, and when he turned around, he glanced at Wen Yuanyu from the corner of his eye.

Wen Yuanyu looked at him in shock.

Everyone's attention on the set was on the fight, but Wen Yuanyu noticed it, the moment Ran Qiu changed his lines, he noticed it.

The original line of the line is: Who the **** asked you to touch him, can you touch him?

The remaining line, you dare to touch my people, is not in the original line. It was added by Ran Qiu.

The whole set was in chaos, no one had ever encountered such a thing, how could a fake show be real.

Wen Yuanyu felt that the people around him seemed to be the background board, he couldn't hear anything, he couldn't see anything, all he could see was Ran Qiu who clenched his fists, it seemed that his hands were hurting.

Wen Yuanyu walked up to Ran Qiu in a few steps. His legs were fluttering, his hair was a little messy, and the first and second buttons of the black overalls were lost somewhere, revealing his thin collarbone.

Ran Qiu didn't move, but looked deeply at Wen Yuanyu.

Wen Yuanyu stood still in front of him, he heard his own heartbeat almost made his ears ring, but he couldn't help but his eyes were bright and his heart was very nervous, but he couldn't wait to ask: "Why did you do this? Do you still like me? Ran you still like me?"

Suddenly, Ran Qiu bent down and put his mouth close to Wen Yuanyu's ear, the familiar breath hit, Wen Yuanyu shuddered all over, feeling his body was hot.

"You think too highly of yourself. If I just let you go and let you **** others casually, I would be in a worse position."

Wen Yuanyu was stunned for a while, and didn't understand the meaning of the words for a moment, but his attention was immediately diverted by what he saw, and he grabbed Ran Qiu's hand, "Are you bleeding?"

Ran Qiu grabbed his wrist and pulled him away bit by bit. He suddenly realized that he couldn't just let others **** Wen Yuanyu so easily. He played with Wen Yuanyu for three years. Can play Wen Yuanyu? Where does he put him, what is he still.