MTL - When the Little Milk Dog Decided To Break Up with Zha Shou-Chapter 31

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I don't know who made the call to the police.

When everyone on the set was waiting for the police to come, Ran Qiu walked towards the bathroom, ready to treat the wound, and Wen Yuanyu followed suit, "Let me see your hand, is it serious?"

"Why is there so much blood, it's all over the ground."

"Should we still go to the hospital?"

Ran Qiu walked very fast, and Wen Yuanyu could only keep up with him by taking a step of almost one meter. He felt that Ran Qiu was in a bad mood, but now it was not like before, and he could no longer tell exactly why Ran Qiu was angry. He hesitated Said: "Xu Zhe... didn't touch me."

It's not that Ran Qiu didn't hear the voices coming from behind him one after another, but he didn't want to say anything. He was inexplicably irritable, and the evil fire in his chest was like a pile of dry sticks that had been lit, making him want to vent.

To say one more thing, he wanted to press the man behind him against the wall and vent his anger with his fists. He didn't know where this anger came from, let alone who it was caused by.

Ran Qiu pushed open the bathroom door and turned on the faucet.

The gurgling water was pouring on his **** right hand, and the cold water stimulated the wound. He never felt any pain, and now he doesn’t even feel any pain. After the blood was washed away, there was only a one-centimeter-long gash, which was faintly oozing out. With blood beads.

The blood finally stopped slowly, and he stretched out his hand and rushed under the cold water for a while, the stinging pain slowly spread up, and he suddenly realized something as if awakened.

Why did Xu Zhe, an extra, dare to sexually harass an actor with a high status and status under the eyes of so many people? Isn't this to destroy yourself and sincerely want to go to jail?

Ran Qiu gritted his teeth, he was too careless, if his father gave him the company, Ran Yiming would definitely act like crazy.

And this person is probably inserted by Ran Yiming with money. Maybe this is another scene that Ran Yiming and Wen Yuanyu jointly made. He was so impulsive...and fell into someone else's trick again.

Ran Qiu originally wanted to ask his company's lawyer to investigate Xu Zhe's details, but Ran Yiming has controlled the company for many years, and the lawyer may not be trustworthy. The only thing he can look for now is Kuang Ling.

"Can the blood stop?" Wen Yuanyu stood one meter away, wanted to step forward, but was forced by the low air pressure around Ran Qiu not to act rashly.

"Shut up." Ran Qiu clenched his fists tightly, and the blood squeezed out from the wound again.

"..." Wen Yuanyu was silent for two seconds, then tentatively took a step forward, "Let me see...why hasn't the blood stopped?"

As soon as Wen Yuanyu finished speaking, Ran Qiu suddenly raised his eyes to look at him through the mirror, and ice **** shot out of his eyes.

In an instant, Wen Yuanyu could read the vigilance and distrust of him from these eyes.

This made him feel hopeful and eager to try, instantly felt like a blow to the head, his lips moved slightly, under such sight, he gradually realized that there was something wrong with the whole thing, and his body became more and more stiff.

Ran Qiu took out a piece of paper to wipe off the water on his hands, threw the blood-stained paper towel into the trash can, strode past Wen Yuanyu, and left him hard behind him.

Wen Yuanyu raised his legs and wanted to follow, but he restrained himself abruptly. He took out his mobile phone and found the number that disgusted him, his eyes were full of darkness.

The phone rang once, and the other side connected. Wen Yuanyu pressed the release button, and said coldly: "Ran Yiming, Xu Zhe was arranged by you to join the group."

The voice on the other end of the phone was a little shrill, with inexplicable meanness, "I didn't expect that Ran Qiu would not let you go. My original idea was just to teach you a lesson, but I really didn't expect that things developed faster than I expected. Well, Ran Qiu is such an emotional person, why should he be in charge of the family business! Why should he be!"

"With his qualities, you will never be able to match them in your next life." Wen Yuanyu's voice was extremely cold, full of strong contempt, "If you hurt him, I will not let you go."

"Why are you going to not let me go?" Ran Yiming laughed loudly, "Do you have evidence? Except for you, the names of other people are not written in the contract."

"Yeah, really not." Wen Yuanyu said slowly, holding another spare mobile phone in his hand, and said word by word, "But I recorded the conversation I have with you now. This paragraph Even if the recording cannot be submitted to the court as evidence, but if it is given to your father, you know you will not get a penny."

"You can't record anymore."

"Really, then you can try."

"Wen Yuanyu!" The sound of a broken cup came from the other end of the phone, and Ran Yiming gritted his teeth and said, "Don't forget, exposing our conversation is also exposing our relationship. You are not afraid that Ran Qiu will know that you are What a sanctimonious person?"

Maybe before today, he would still hesitate about this matter, but after today, he won't, he will never want to cheat Ran Qiu again, not even the slightest thing.

Wen Yuanyu looked at himself in the mirror, and said in a deep voice: "I'll say it again, people who manage you well, if you dare to do anything, I will fight you to the death."

A quarter of an hour later, the police car stopped outside the set, and three police officers got out of the car.

Xu Zhe had injuries on his face and hands, so he didn't follow to the police station, but he insisted that all these injuries were intentionally done by Ran Qiu.

When getting in the car, when Wen Yuanyu passed by Xu Zhe, he took a deep look at him, his eyes full of danger warnings.

Xu Zhe wanted to say something, but was so frightened by this look that he fell silent. Wen Yuanyu approached him, and whispered in his ear: "I already know who ordered you. If you don't want to get anything, I advise you to be cautious." Play this game of chess."

The car drove all the way to the nearest police station. This was the first time for Wen Yuanyu in 30 years. He entered the police station because of a fight. He was not worried about being photographed and making any news.

But Ran Qiu is different. Ran Qiu's acting career has just started, and he can't allow anyone to stain him.

After arriving at the police station, Wen Yuanyu was first brought into a small room no larger than ten square meters by visual inspection.

There were two policemen sitting behind the desk. The one who took the notes was younger, and the one who asked the question was about forty years old, with a round head and a round face. His eyes behind the lens were staring at Wen Yuanyu majestically, "How can you judge whether the other party is Sexual harassment, not filming needs?"

Although Wen Yuanyu looked calm, he was anxious inside. He didn't know if Ran Qiu would admit everything with such a simple personality. He hoped not.

He took a breath, and clasped the hands under the table, "Every action script that should be there is written. We are professional actors, and we are especially cautious in this kind of scenes, and there is no possibility of mistakes."

The older policeman tapped his fingers on the table, as if trying to discern the authenticity of this sentence. After a while, he asked, "Did you know Xu Zhe before?"

"I don't know." Wen Yuanyu said with certainty.

"Oh." The policeman raised his eyelids and asked sharply, "Then do you know Ran Qiu?"

"I know." Wen Yuanyu paused, there was nothing to hide, and he couldn't hide it, "We belong to the same company."

"Is it as simple as just getting to know each other?"

Wen Yuanyu's heart tightened, he took a deep breath, and couldn't help but clenched his fists, but he just said with a flat expression on his face: "I only know him, I don't know him well."

His voice was steady and powerful, "I saw the whole process clearly. Ran Qiu pushed him to the ground as required by the script, and he accidentally hit the seat and was bloodied by broken glass. "

The policeman looked at Wen Yuanyu at the same level. He looked better in real life than on TV, especially his eyes, like the calm sea. No matter how deep the sea was, the deep affection in his eyes was very deceptive. A pair of peach eyes.

The visual impact brought by this kind of direct viewing of real people is very strong, and it is no wonder that my wife has been chasing stars for so many years.

"Do you know the consequences of lying?" the policeman asked sternly.

"I know." Wen Yuanyu replied without any hesitation, "I am willing to bear all legal responsibilities."

Five minutes later, Wen Yuanyu was waiting at the police station. The police officer called Ran Qiu in again and asked him the same question.

Ran Qiu calmly sat on the chair, explained the ins and outs of the matter clearly, deliberately avoided the fracture of Xu Zhe's wrist, and finally concluded: "I just simply taught him a lesson."

The policeman raised his eyebrows amusedly.

This is the little star that his daughter suddenly fell in love with. He was also forced by his own daughter to watch an episode of a blind date show, saying how could he climb up the thigh of the star, and that Ran Qiu was a very proud person.

A lot of people came to his police station because of their pride. The policeman looked at him carefully, and suddenly approached him, with his hands resting on the small long table, and the shadow of his body hit the table. If he was timid, he would be scared at this time. Too afraid to speak.

"Did you know that his hand was broken?"

"You don't doubt that I did it, do you?" Ran Qiu looked straight at the policeman.

Ran Qiu was not worried about admitting that he did it, and it would affect him. He wasn't afraid of this, but he just didn't want Wen Yuanyu to know that Xu Zhe's hand was broken by him, so Wen Yuanyu might pester him anyway.

The policeman squinted his eyes behind the frame slightly, and instead of answering his question, he asked forcefully, "What's your relationship with Wen Yuanyu?"

"It doesn't matter."

The policeman turned the pen in his hand, put it down suddenly, and the pen slapped on the table, "What do you mean it doesn't matter? Don't you know it?"

"How could we not know each other? Let's film together." Ran Qiu mentioned Wen Yuanyu with a look of surprise on his face, "I have nothing to do with him except filming."

After the interrogation, Ran Qiu stood in the corridor of the police station for a long time, so long that he was about to fall asleep.

At this time, a straight and well-proportioned lawyer in a well-fitting suit came over, "Mr. Ran. I am Wen Yuanyu's personal lawyer. He entrusted me to release you on bail. The procedures have been completed and you can go."

Ran Qiu followed the lawyer to the back door, and immediately saw Wen Yuanyu waiting there.

Looking at each other, Wen Yuanyu's dim eyes obviously became brighter. He smiled at Ran Qiu, walked over and politely asked the lawyer, "Lawyer Chen, is Ran Qiu okay?"

Attorney Chen nodded, showing a suspicious expression again, "It's okay. But it's strange, I thought it would be troublesome, but Xu Zhe temporarily changed his testimony, saying that he accidentally dropped his wrist."

Wen Yuanyu secretly heaved a sigh of relief.

However, Ran Qiu paused, his eyelids were lowered, and the surprise in his eyes was hidden in his eyes, which was fleeting.

He took out his mobile phone, and the message he sent to Kuang Ling also echoed.

- In order to collect material, I really have a private detective I know.

- just wait.

Ran Qiu hesitated for a while, but still didn't tell him that Xu Zhe's matter should have been resolved.

He didn't think that things were as simple as they appeared on the surface, and Xu Zhe could never be the testimony of guilty conscience. And he really wanted to know how many things Wen Yuanyu had planned with Ran Yiming behind his back these three years.

Ran Qiu thanked Kuang Ling, and clicked on Qiu He's message. He swiped down the screen for a long time before he briefly read all the messages.

He typed a few words with one hand: I'm out, it's all right.

The speed of Qiu He's reply made him think he was dazzled.

"I'm on the alley next to the police station now."

"I'm here to pick you up."

"If you are worried about being secretly photographed, there is a small door at the back, and I will drive the car through."

Ran Qiu turned off the screen, and Lawyer Chen had already left. At this time, the back door, which was behind the back door, was not even turned on, and a little bit of faint light was still coming from the corridor.

Behind the gate, only him and Wen Yuanyu stood in the cramped five-square-meter entrance.