MTL - When the Little Milk Dog Decided To Break Up with Zha Shou-Chapter 4

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"You still know to wait for me, I thought you were leaving first." Ran Qiu opened the car door and got into the co-pilot, and a small box of Daoxiangcun cakes was placed on his lap. Moved his hand all the way to Wen Yuanyu's face, "You bought it for me? You don't dislike me for eating sweet things?"

"When did I dislike it? I asked you to pay more attention to nutrition." Wen Yuanyu said helplessly, "But you have lost too much weight recently, so I told the driver to buy you a box on the way to eat more supplements." Replenish your energy."

Ran Qiu's face paled slightly, the word 'admonish' unexpectedly pleased him, but he was not so easy to dismiss.

He reached out to take the box of Daoxiangcun, and didn't rush to open it, "Do you think that I ate the things you bought for me and pretended nothing happened?"

"Nothing happened at first." Wen Yuanyu waved to the assistant Xiao Liu and the driver outside the car, "Take a taxi and go, I will drive Ran Qiu back."

The two were ordered to wave to Wen Yuanyu and Ran Qiu with a smile on their faces. The assistant Xiao Liu wanted to say a few more words of greeting, but as soon as he caught sight of Ran Qiu, he was stared at, and immediately turned around and slipped away without saying a word.

Wen Yuanyu couldn't help laughing at Xiao Liu's reaction, he stretched out his hand and tapped the back of Ran Qiu's hand, "Are you going back with me? Or do you have other plans?"

Ran Qiu reflexively held Wen Yuanyu's troubled hand, and wanted to let go with some embarrassment, but Wen Yuanyu clasped his fingers tightly.

Although he unilaterally had an unpleasant quarrel with Wen Yuanyu, but Wen Yuanyu invited him so proactively, and he was very annoying. Normally, he would not refuse, but now he is more worried about Wang Fufu's physical condition. He looked sideways at He glanced at Wen Yuanyu, "Why should I go back with you? For you?"

Wen Yuanyu said frankly: "If you want, we'll do it when we go home."

"Oh, don't you want it?"

"Of course I do, I don't want me to ask you what?"

"Then you think about it, I don't have time to **** you." Ran Qiu sent a message to Wang Fufu, "My sister is now in a manic period and is in a relationship again. I have to find her. You put me ten miles away. Just at the intersection."

After he finished speaking, he stretched out his hand to pull out the seat belt, but he didn't put it in after he squeezed it twice with his free hand. He frowned and clicked his tongue.

Wen Yuanyu leaned over and took the seat belt from him, inserted it for him, couldn't help laughing and said: "I don't look like your boyfriend at all, but I look like the driver who was scolded by the young master."

Ran Qiu frowned.

The broken hair on Wen Yuanyu's forehead touched his face, and from the corner of his eye, as long as Wen Yuanyu raised his head, his lips could stick to his neck. He smelled the aroma of the shower gel on Wen Yuanyu's body. It was the new cotton candy scent from Safeguard. Unlike the public that only women can use it, this cotton candy shower gel is neither sweet nor pungent, but There is a kind of elegant fragrance, like being in the clouds, so soft that it makes you trance.

Ran Qiuqiang restrained himself, supported Wen Yuanyu's shoulders and pulled him away by ten centimeters, and said coldly: "Are you wronged? You never thought that you lied to me, so I will have nothing Any other ideas?"

"I'm not lying to you. I just didn't say it because I didn't think it was easy to explain. I don't want you to be angry unnecessarily. Can you understand?"

Ran Qiu stared at him silently for two seconds.

Isn't it because Wen Yuanyu lied to him because of something bad? How come from Wen Yuanyu's mouth, everything turned into not wanting to make him angry, and becoming for him?

The longer he gets along with Wen Yuanyu, the more he realizes that Wen Yuanyu is like this ball of cotton candy, the skin is soft to the touch, if you don't pay attention to it, it will be soft and sweet when you eat it, but Wen Yuanyu In essence, Yu is not such a gentle and refined person, on the contrary, he is very machismo. As long as it is the thinking mode that Wen Yuanyu believes in, he will never waste his tongue and energy to compromise in order to take care of other people's feelings.

As the saying goes, if you don't reach out to hit a smiling person, he can't even directly express his dissatisfaction with this ball of cotton candy, or he is too stingy and not open-minded, which makes him very aggrieved.

But he didn't say anything, and he couldn't comfort himself. Ran Qiu unconsciously strangled the ribbon of Daoxiang Village's gift box with his fingers, narrowed his eyes and said, "Since you think you are just friends, why haven't I heard you mention him?"

"Look who I usually mention, I don't mention anyone." Wen Yuanyu turned the steering wheel, the speed of the car was neither fast nor slow, smooth and steady, "Besides, I didn't have much contact with him at first."

"But he is different from others. He looks like the type you like. He weighs more than 110 pounds, and he is obedient and thin. You must feel sorry for him."

Wen Yuanyu's hand touching the steering wheel trembled slightly, glanced sideways at him, and asked tentatively, "Where did you see it? You looked so carefully?"

Ran Qiu calmed down, his face turned a little cold.

Wen Yuanyu was driving, he really didn't want to get angry in the car, but he always felt that Wen Yuanyu was avoiding the problem intentionally or unintentionally, so he didn't even have a chance to believe it. He clenched the ribbon in his hand tightly, and his voice was deliberately lowered to hide his anger, "This is your point? Isn't the point not that you refute my words?"

Wen Yuanyu had no choice but to say: "He is indeed the type I liked before, but he is already married, can I still break up other people's marriages?"

"So he's married." Ran Qiu frowned, "Of course you wouldn't do such a thing."

But Wen Yuanyu's tone always made him feel that something was wrong, and what he said was not what he really wanted to hear. Ran Qiu asked again: "Then what if he divorces?"

Wen Yuanyu didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "Is there anyone who curses people like that?"

Ran Qiu really wanted to ask, what do you mean I curse? All his partners have cheated, and you don't know, is this my curse? But if he said that, Wen Yuanyu would know that he had eavesdropped. He sneered and asked bluntly, "Why, do you feel distressed?"

"It's all about what." Wen Yuanyu frowned slightly, "Can you understand the script with your comprehension ability?"

Ran Qiu suddenly didn't want to say anything. This time, no matter how incomprehensible he was, he could tell that Wen Yuanyu was avoiding the question. As long as Wen Yuanyu doesn't want to say it, what's the point of asking him out? What's more, can the answer that comes out of the forced question be sincere?

While waiting for the traffic light, Ran Qiu had more and more questions in his heart.

Wen Yuanyu's attitude made him really unable to believe that the two of them were 'just friends', but he also couldn't believe Wang Fufu's words. Where did Wang Fufu know about this? Who is she talking about' cheating' with? Most importantly, what does Wang Fufu want evidence for?

Ran Qiu always felt that the answer was on the verge of coming out, he had to ask Wang Fufu to clarify, but before that...

He took a hard breath, telling himself not to be anxious, not to panic, why did Wen Yuanyu panic even when he wasn't panicking? Can be a big deal. Then he said as calmly as possible: "You're right, how could you be nice to him, right? He's not as handsome as me, younger than me, and nice to you without me. Although my acting is average, I'm working hard. A femme fatale, a sick man, a sloppy uncle, why can't I act?"

Wen Yuanyu sighed: "...Baby."

"I just want to ask you one last question."

Wen Yuanyu paused, "Ask."

"What's his name?"

"Didn't you see him?"

Ran Qiu didn't want to say that he was peeping through a car that he hadn't seen yet, so he said vaguely, "I saw a shadow when I stood far away."

Wen Yuanyu made a long ending sound of 'Oh', and said with a smile: "His name is Fang Lan, you should have heard of him, but he hasn't made any works for several years."

This name is very strange, and Ran Qiu really has never heard of this person. He took out his phone and typed these two words, and Googled it. The top one was the main picture, which was a photo of Fang Lan wearing home clothes in the kitchen. Fang Lan's eyes were round, and his face was also round. The real person looks so thin, with a non-threatening and comfortable appearance. Ran Qiu exited the main picture, and looked down a few more messages. There is not a lot of information about Fang Lan, but it is basically linked to another person's name.

Ran Qiu couldn't help being a little surprised, not only because Fang Lan's married partner was of the same sex, but also because that person was a well-known comedian in the entertainment circle, named Xiao Ye.

Although Ran Qiu didn't know Fang Lan, he knew Xiao Ye, or it could be said that no one didn't know Xiao Ye, so it was Xiao Ye who cheated?

Ran Qiu turned off the phone screen, leaned on the back of the chair, closed his eyes and thought, but couldn't figure it out.

The more he faced Fang Lan's photos, the more he realized that what Wen Yuanyu liked was completely different from him. He and Fang Lan were completely different in facial features and temperament. Fang Lan seemed to be an obedient and patient person. He casually searched on Baidu, and there were photos of Fang Lan wearing an apron cooking squirrel mandarin fish, spicy bullfrog and other difficult dishes in the gallery. And he was just the opposite. If he found out that his lover was cheating, let alone let him move out to rent a house, he would at least demolish the scumbag's house first and let the scumbag come out to rent a house. As for cooking, of course he can cook, but it's just at the level of making do with food. Compared with Fang Lan's chef-like skills, it's probably hard for Wen Yuanyu to catch him.

Of course, he also has good things, he is not stupid enough to compare his own shortcomings to Fang Lan's strengths, and secretly frustrated when he can't. It's just that what he didn't understand was that since Wen Yuanyu liked Fang Lan's type, even if Fang Lan got married back then, he should have found a similar type, right? Why did Wen Yuanyu want to be with him? Could it be that because there were too many suitors, he randomly picked the most handsome one?

Along the way, Wen Yuanyu acted as if he had turned the page, talking about his acting skills in a pleasant manner, but although Ran Qiu seemed to have turned the page, he still couldn't summon up the energy to respond to Wen Yuanyu.

The scenery outside the car window flowed by quickly, and he walked through many scenery with Wen Yuanyu. Ran Qiu looked out the window, couldn't help clenching his fists, and thought hard in his heart: Wen Yuanyu, if you dare to disappoint me, I really don't want you for the rest of my life.

An hour later, the car drove to Shili Road.

Ten Mile Road is an old residential area, Ran Qiu only knows that his mother lived here all the time before marrying his father, and later this house was given to Wang Fufu. Unless Wang Fufu was in a manic or depressed period, he seldom came here, but he always kept the key to Wang Fufu's house.

Before getting out of the car, Wen Yuanyu took the initiative to kiss him, and joked: "You really don't have time to **** me? Then I'll go home and sleep."

Ran Qiu said bluntly: "I really don't have time, you should sleep well." Looking at Wen Yuanyu's confident and affectionate smile, he almost couldn't help tempting me to come and find you at night, but he held back after thinking about it. He didn't know if Wang Fufu's side could make him feel at ease, and he also felt that he should give himself some space to clear his mind. He was not a calm person in the first place, if he faced Wen Yuanyu and Wen Yuanyu's naked body every day...he would definitely not be able to think about how the relationship between the two of them should proceed.

Ran Qiu came to Wang Fufu's house full of questions.

But he didn't know until he entered the house that Wang Fufu was not waiting for him at home as promised. Not only that, he made several calls in succession but no one answered. In this mood of wanting to lose his temper but not being able to find a partner, anticipating what was going to happen but being unable to stop him, he stayed in the door for three whole days. In the past three days, except for trying to contact Wang Fufu every day, he was trying his best to restrain his energy from thinking about Wen Yuanyu.

He wanted to try to accept a life without Wen Yuanyu, although when he couldn't help it, he would still feel Wen Yuanyu never take the initiative to find him.

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