MTL - When the Little Milk Dog Decided To Break Up with Zha Shou-Chapter 5

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This morning, Ran Qiu learned the exquisite life in the entertainment industry, and spent nearly an hour cooking a nutritious breakfast with rich varieties and bright colors, and it took less than five minutes to eat it all. I took a photo, but there are no photos of him cooking on the Internet.

But the skill of cooking seems to be very simple, and it is nothing special to do it well. Ran Qiu lost interest in cooking for a while, and decided to find opportunities to enrich his personal library in the future.

Ran Qiu swiped his phone with a little regret, and logged on to Weibo as usual to see if Wang Fufu had posted anything. But he had just logged in, and before he had time to enter Wang Fufu, he saw the title on the hot search list at a glance.

The label of Xiao Ye cheating on Wang Fufu was topped in the top search, not only that, but also followed by several hot topics, all about this emotional drama.

The photos used to break the news are very unbelievable. Unlike most of the sneak shots, the background of the photo was in a private room of a hotel. Xiao Ye looked down at his mobile phone and put his arm around Wang Fufu's waist. Wang Fufu smiled brightly at the camera generously. Anyone who looks at it will think that the person taking the photo and the person being photographed must know each other and trust each other. This type of photo, unless the person involved makes it public, is difficult to fall into the hands of outsiders.

Ran Qiu's brain woke up in an instant, and he didn't even think about whether Wen Yuanyu knew about it. He randomly flipped through the address book and called Wang Fufu again, but this time it only rang twice, and Wang Fufu answered pass.

"I know what you want to say," Wang Fufu spoke quickly, sounding morbidly excited, "We are real, and I gave the photos. I can't do what you do, and I am willing to be Wen Yuanyu's." mistress."

The sarcasm in the words was too obvious, Ran Qiu's face turned cold.

He and Wen Yuanyu did not make it public, and Wang Fufu being someone else's lover is not of the same nature at all. He didn't believe that Wang Fufu didn't understand this matter. He said coldly: "Are you out of your mind? You are destroying yourself Do you know about your career?"

"No, it's not that we cheated first. I'm about to tell you that Wen Yuanyu is not as good as you think. My boyfriend has evidence of their cheating."

Ran Qiu's eyelids trembled, and his fingertips gripped the phone suddenly tightly, but he quickly realized that this was impossible, Wang Fufu was cheated by the scumbag.

This is not because he trusts Wen Yuanyu so much, but after he thinks calmly, he realizes that Wen Yuanyu will never have an affair with a married man. Let's not talk about whether Wen Yuanyu likes Fang Lan or not, but Wen Yuanyu is a very cautious person, and he focuses on his career in everything. It is impossible for him to have an improper relationship with Fang Lan before the divorce, and even be accused by others. Take pictures for evidence. "Do you believe me or a man you've known for a few days? Xiao Ye made up these to sleep with you."

As soon as Ran Qiu finished speaking, his phone vibrated, and Wang Fufu sent him a photo.

The two people in the photo are Wen Yuanyu and Fang Lan. The intimate gesture of the two made Ran Qiu's pupils shrink suddenly and his heart skipped a beat.

Ran Qiu's pause for a moment has already caught Wang Fufu keenly, "Are you surprised?"

Ran Qiu calmed down, "Why are you surprised, this photo was taken a long time ago."

He came back belatedly. In the photo, Wen Yuanyu still had the hairstyle he had a few years ago. He resisted the doubts in his heart that the two had a good time, and asked: "This is what you called evidence?"

"I said the evidence is in the hands of my boyfriend."

"Xiao Ye has no evidence at all. If he really has evidence, then why does he still use you to ask me for evidence of Wen Yuanyu's 'infidelity'? What does a man say when he wants to sleep? If you don't know, I can't know ?"

"You can't represent all men." Wang Fufu didn't know whether she didn't want to hear it, or she couldn't listen at all during the manic period. She didn't answer and asked, "I guess Wen Yuanyu didn't tell you, before Fang Lan got married, they dated for a whole year. year."

When Ran Qiu saw this old photo, he had already thought of this possibility. He lowered his eyelids and clenched his fingers into fists. If his fingers could touch the photos on the phone, he would have torn up the intimate photo of Wen Yuanyu and Fang Lan by now.

Wen Yuanyu said that he doesn't like taking pictures, so is he **** farting?

He's just not over 110 kilograms, but isn't he much more handsome than Fang Lan on camera? But what's the matter, do you have to be thin, well-behaved, and pitiful to be worthy of hugging and taking a photo with Wen Yuanyu?

Although having been in a relationship doesn't mean that the old relationship has revived, and it doesn't mean that Wen Yuanyu is having an affair with Fang Lan, but it does mean that Wen Yuanyu once again avoided the important part and skipped the ex-boyfriend part, using "just a friend" to perfunctory him. This is very much in line with Wen Yuanyu's style. At first glance, no one can point out that he and Fang Lan are not friends now, but when he thinks about whether it is cheating, he doesn't care. Anyway, no one can ask him why. That's enough. .

Ran Qiu told Wang Fufu not to rush to admit the relationship to the media. As for breaking up with the scumbag, Ran Qiu didn't say anything, because he knew Wang Fufu would not listen to him.

Ran Qiu made another call to Wen Yuanyu's personal mobile phone, but Wen Yuanyu's mobile phone was turned off. He decided to go directly to Wen Yuanyu's apartment to find him. No matter how busy he is, it's only before seven in the morning, can Wen Yuanyu still dance to the sound of chickens, or stay away all night?

Before going out, Ran Qiu received an envelope. The man who delivered the letter said it was for Wang Fufu. Ran Qiu thought it was something Wang Fufu bought online, so he didn't look at it. He took it and put it on the coffee table.

On the way to Wen Yuanyu's house, Ran Qiu kept telling himself in his heart, don't lose your temper in a hurry when you see Wen Yuanyu, and do it later if you get angry, now is not the time. Wang Fufu got involved in this muddy water, so he had to figure out Fang Lan's attitude towards this marriage. The best result is that Fang Lan still wants to maintain the marriage, and Xiao Ye denies the relationship and cheating. In this way, Wang Fufu only needs to deny it. Big things will be turned into small ones, and after that, he will send Wang Fufu to the hospital.

But he also clearly realized that the possibility of Fang Lan wanting to maintain his marriage was very slim.

Regarding this, although Fang Lan was regarded as his half-rival in love, he still felt guilty and hoped that Fang Lan could get more money from this marriage.

Wen Yuanyu lives in a one-story apartment in the city center. Ran Qiu comes here often, and he also has the code for Wen Yuanyu's door lock. As soon as he entered the entrance, he saw the bags in the trash can that he hadn't had time to throw away. There were a lot of bags inside. Soot butts.

Ran Qiu hesitated for a moment, but he still opened the garbage bag and looked. When he saw what kind of smoke was inside, he couldn't help but tremble with his fingertips.

Wen Yuanyu seldom smokes, and he is not allowed to smoke, so there is only one pack of Yuxi that he hides in the bathroom at home, but the cigarette butts in the trash can are six packs of Huangguoshu. Could it be that Wen Yuanyu brought someone else here ? In just three minutes, Ran Qiu went through all the people with whom Wen Yuanyu had a good relationship, and he never thought of any of Wen Yuanyu's friends who would smoke six yuan Huangguoshu.

Hearing the movement in the living room, he walked straight over and saw the cleaning lady who was mopping the floor.

"The little handsome guy is here?" Auntie greeted him with a smile, and pointed to the bedroom on the other side while mopping the floor, "Where is Yuanyu?"

Ran Qiu raised his foot and turned towards the bedroom. After walking a few steps, he couldn't hold back anymore. He turned around and asked with a serious face, "Who smoked the cigarettes in the trash can?"

"Ah?" The aunt was stunned for a moment and quickly realized, "Teacher Wen Yuanyu asked me yesterday for a pack of cigarettes. Where do I smoke, but there happened to be a yellow fruit tree for my husband in my pocket, so he didn't mind taking it. gone."

After getting the answer from Auntie, Ran Qiu couldn't help cursing himself in his heart, he was so out of control that he would bring someone back because of suspicion of Wen Yuanyu, not only picking up the trash bin frantically, but also asking such questions, in just a few days , It actually made him look like a human being, and a ghost didn't look like a ghost.

The relationship between him and Wen Yuanyu was already a mess, and Wang Fufu's hot search made it worse, making him unable to take care of his relationship with Wen Yuanyu for a while. But he knew in his heart that he couldn't continue in a vague way. Although Wang Fufu's "underground lover" didn't stimulate him much, he could be Wen Yuanyu's lover who couldn't be made public because of his career, but he would never Accept that Wen Yuanyu ranks anyone other than his career ahead of him.

Ran Qiu really didn't have the face to look at the cleaning aunt again, so he could only cover up the turmoil in his heart with a cold expression, he nodded, turned and walked towards the bedroom.

The clock hanging in the hallway showed that it was just past seven-thirty.

Ran Qiu didn't know if Wen Yuanyu was sleeping back into the cage. He controlled his steps and tried not to make any noise. He didn't want to wake Wen Yuanyu up, but the cigarette butts in the trash bin just now made him feel uneasy. Wen Yuanyu smoked so many cigarettes uncharacteristically, what was it that affected his emotions? It couldn't be complaining about Fang Lan's marriage... If so, would Wen Yuanyu blame him? After all, the broken marriage is also related to Wang Fufu behavior is related.

But he thought about it, even if he was scolded by Fang Lan, there was nothing wrong with him, but if Wen Yuanyu scolded him, he still couldn't accept it.

Ran Qiu stretched out his hands to press his temples, suppressing the thoughts that were getting more and more deviated in his brain. When he passed Wen Yuanyu's study, he vaguely heard voices in the bedroom in front.

"Xiao Ye will definitely deny the relationship." Wen Yuanyu's voice came from the bedroom which is a door away from the study, "Are you still going to expose that video of him?"

"Wait a minute, my housekeeper is cleaning." Wen Yuanyu in the room heard footsteps, frowned and pushed open the door, "Didn't I say that only the living room was cleaned—"

The door slammed heavily on Ran Qiu who was standing outside the door.

Ran Qiu didn't take half a step back, and let the doorknob hit his abdomen. He snorted in pain, but he had no time to take care of it. He raised his eyes to meet Wen Yuanyu's, "What video was exposed? What did you just say?" What is the video?" His heart raised his voice, and his aggressive eyes wanted to put every subtle expression of Wen Yuanyu into his eyes.

Wen Yuanyu was surprised by Ran Qiu's arrival. He said to the other side of the phone, "I'll talk about it later", and then hung up the phone, "When did you come here? Why didn't you tell me?"

Wen Yuanyu has already put on formal clothes, and the fine lines around his eyes show the traces of years of polishing in the past, mature and elegant, which makes people unable to move their eyes and miss them endlessly. But at the moment, there is a tired look, but even so, his tailor-made shirt is buttoned up to the top button, whether it is his tight chest muscles or straight back, it shows that he is not to be outdone .

"I rushed over after seeing the trending search. Auntie Cleaning said you were in the bedroom."

As usual, Ran Qiu would definitely ask back, 'I can't come here without telling you? ’, but now all his attention is on the video he just heard, “Is it your ex-boyfriend who was talking to you just now, Fang Lan?”

Wen Yuanyu looked at him noncommittal.

"You talk." Ran Qiu leaned over and pressed him against the wooden door, ice shards shot out of his eyes, "What is the video you are talking about!"

This action made Wen Yuanyu angry. He pushed Ran Qiu, his face was obviously not very good, "What else can you do besides yelling and making trouble? What is the video? It is what you think, your sister The video of sleeping with Xiao in bed."

Ran Qiu stared at him in disbelief, "Your ex-boyfriend is going to expose the video? Did you already know about it?"

The emotion of "Why didn't you tell me after you knew it" in his eyes was too obvious, like a wounded little peacock for a while, blowing its ugly feathers, but still trying to hold on.

Wen Yuanyu glanced at the open study door, walked over and closed the door, "You know what? The video? Or is the person in the video your sister?"

Ran Qiu looked like an angry little beast, looking at Wen Yuanyu cautiously.

"You're right. I did know about the video a long time ago, but I didn't know that person was your sister." Wen Yuanyu stepped forward, stood still in front of Ran Qiu, and changed his usual temper towards Ran Qiu. Indulging, said impatiently: "Your sister released the hot searched photos, it's really stupid. Originally, the video only needs to be mosaiced, and no one will know who that woman is, but who would have thought that your sister would make such a mentally ill woman?" thing!"

"Why do you say that about her?" Ran Qiu burst into anger. Although he knew about Wang Fufu's mania, he was furious when he heard Wen Yuanyu say that about his family. He reached the corner of the wall, put his palm on Wen Yuanyu's face, and sneered condescendingly, "Why are you losing your temper with me? Does hurting your ex-boyfriend make you feel bad?"

Wen Yuanyu clenched his fists, "Get out of the way."

"I won't let it go, why? Was it poked by me?"

Wen Yuanyu sarcastically said: "You are simply making trouble for no reason, is your family so unreasonable?"

"Ha, we are a family." Provoked by these words, Ran Qiu raised his head and laughed loudly, "Wang Fufu and I are indeed a family, what about you? You and Fang Lan are on the same team so soon, right? Is it a family?"

Wen Yuanyu frowned, and met Ran Qiu's gaze, "Fang Lan is my friend, shouldn't I support him? Xiao Ye is a bastard, shouldn't he be punished?"

"I didn't say that." Ran Qiu gritted his teeth, "Fang Lan is your friend, so who am I to you? It must be something important, right? This is my sister's naked... video, do you know?"

Wen Yuanyu stared into Ran Qiu's eyes calmly, "Your sister chooses to be with the scum, it's her own fault."

Ran Qiu was startled, then let go of his hand suddenly, turned his back and stopped looking at him.

What Wang Fufu did was really bad. He saw Wang Fufu hurting herself so much with his own eyes, and he was extremely angry. He wanted to question Wang Fufu countless times, why did you have to make trouble with your career, but he would think of Wang Fufu's illness again. Thinking of his mother and father, he wanted Wang Fufu to live in a closed ward because he didn't want her to discredit the family. He thought of Wang Fufu's involuntary and pitiful nature, but he really couldn't ask others to be like him, to be considerate of her because of Wang Fufu's illness.

But this person is Wen Yuanyu, even if he doesn't understand Wang Fufu, even if he blames Wang Fufu, at least for his sake, think of other ways with him, right?

Wen Yuanyu straightened his collar silently.

After a while, Ran Qiu turned his face around, the broken hair on his forehead blocked his sight, and cast a shadow on his eyelids, he opened his mouth weakly, "It's my fault, I should have sent Wang Fufu to the hospital earlier, she You don’t know anything at all. Xiao Ye lied to her about you cheating on Fang Lan first, you know her illness will make her lose consciousness, she will believe anything.”

"You can't ask Fang Lan to release the video." Ran Qiu stiffened a little, but his tone suddenly softened, "Please, Teacher Yuan Yu."

Wen Yuanyu paused for a moment with his fingertips smoothing the collar, and looked up at him, with a flash of surprise in his eyes.