MTL - When the Little Milk Dog Decided To Break Up with Zha Shou-Chapter 46

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In a blink of an eye, it was already the first anniversary of the establishment of Qiu Yuan Entertainment Company. On the big round table in the conference room, there were opened scripts of "Mirror Mirror Island".

Ran Qiu leaned back on the chair, reaching for the coffee on the table, he held the cup and took a big sip, his eyebrows were immediately wrinkled by the bitterness of the unsweetened Americano.

He has lived with Wen Yuanyu for two years, and he still can't appreciate the bitter coffee that Wen Yuanyu likes, but he has inadvertently picked up the habit of drinking it every day.

Ran Qiu's attention was briefly distracted, and he quickly returned to the movie he invested in. He looked up at the manager of the distribution department next to him, "What requirements does Mr. Wang have for the leading role in overseas distribution?"

"There is only one request, and he wants Qiu He." Cheng Zeyan, the manager of the distribution department, said simply.

Ran Qiu was holding a pen in his hand, and the tip of the pen poked on the page of the script. He raised his eyebrows thoughtfully, but said nothing.

This requirement for overseas distribution is not too much, and he can understand it very well. A year ago, "The False Life" in which Qiu He participated became a hit overseas. The box office in North America alone was worth 200 million U.S. dollars. The name of Qiu He already has considerable influence in overseas markets.

But Ran Qiu didn't express his opinion directly, he turned his head to look at the director of "Mirror Mirror Island", "Director Pang, what do you think?"

Director Pang is a young director. He is less than 40 years old this year. He is just at the age when he needs experience and is good at innovation and breakthrough.

Director Pang put down the pen he was holding in his hand, and said slowly: "I have seen all the movies that Qiu He starred in, and the leading actor in "Mirror Mirror Island" is very suitable for him. Outstanding, and has played fairly consistently over the years.”

Ran Qiu nodded expressionlessly, "So, you also think that the best candidate is Qiu He?"

"Yes, actually... I once asked the assistant director to contact Qiu He, but he didn't even read the script, so he asked a question."

Speaking of this, Director Pang paused, he looked at Ran Qiu with deep meaning in his eyes.

"What's the problem?" Ran Qiu ignored the gaze and smiled frankly.

"Qiu He said that the assistant director is not qualified to find him. After the assistant director told me about this, I made a special call to him. Qiu He was very polite to me, but he still didn't agree or refuse. , even...not even read the script. Then, then nothing. Then, I probably realized that the qualification Qiu He mentioned...should not be me." Director Pang's words are intriguing, especially when he hesitated to speak Looking at Ran Qiu intently, even the manager of the distribution department felt something, and looked at Ran Qiu again and again.

Ran Qiu glanced at the distribution manager coldly, and the frightening air forced the distribution manager to bow his head.

He knew what Dao Pang meant, and Dao Pang thought he should be a lobbyist. At the beginning, because of the popularity of the love show, public opinion made him and Qiu He's CP very popular. Many people also suspected that there was something wrong between him and Qiu He, and Director Pang probably thought so too.

Ran Qiu doesn't care what other people think, but he does care what the family thinks, he said to Pang Dao: "Go and see if there are other actors who can play, and the scope is wider. within the scope of consideration."

"Teacher Ran." Director Pang tried to persuade him.

However, Ran Qiu made a gesture that could not be questioned, blocking Dao Pang's words, "I have to think about the matter of Qiu He again, you don't need to say anything, let's go here first."

The people in the meeting room packed up their things and went out one after another. Five minutes later, only Ran Qiu and his manager Ma Xiaojiang were left in the meeting room.

Ran Qiu took out the mobile phone in his pocket, and saw that there was a new message at the top contact, he couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth slightly.

-Baby, the boiled fish and mochi you named yesterday are already on the pot. Are you done with the meeting?

Ran Qiu's eyes overflowed with a satisfied smile, and he typed a few words with one hand: I'm done, I'll be home in half an hour.

After he clicked send, he raised his eyebrows at Ma Xiaojiang, "Wen Yuanyu made Ma Xiaojiang, do you want to eat together tonight?"

Ma Xiaojiang is a straight man, and he shunned the couple who abused the dog. He curled his lips, "I'm not going, I have something wrong, I'll go find the abuse."

Ran Qiu laughed lightly when he heard this, "Whether love comes or not, I can eat more if you don't come."

Ma Xiaojiang rolled his eyes in his heart, "Talk about business."

Ma Xiaojiang said unwillingly: "What do you think about Qiu He? It's not clear. Qiu He is waiting for you to find him."

Ran Qiu put away the smile on his face, and said frankly: "I have read the script, no matter from which aspect, Qiu He is indeed the most suitable, but I have to think again."

Ran Qiu said that he needed to think again, but after thinking about it for a whole month, he still didn't come up with a result.

This month Ran Qiu was busy answering notifications, flying back and forth at home and abroad, getting together less and more with Wen Yuanyu.

After he finished filming a perfume commercial for a well-known international brand, he arrived home at nine o'clock in the evening. After opening the door and returning home, he was about to say why he didn't turn on the light when he saw Wen Yuanyu looking at it with a smile on his face behind the dim dining table. with him.

There was a bottle of sobering red wine on the dining table, and beside it were two burning white candles. The warm flames were reflected in Wen Yuanyu's eyes, like clusters of bright and scorching stars.

The fatigue in Ran Qiu's whole body was melted in this instant. He looked at Wen Yuanyu who was waiting for him at home, and he just wanted to swallow this man who tempted him into his stomach with a few mouthfuls.

The two of them didn't even bother to eat, and even the distance between the bedrooms was too far, Ran Qiu grabbed Wen Yuanyu by the back of the neck, pushed him directly onto the island platform, and vented his passion for each other on the island platform miss.

The clothes were spread messily all over the floor, Wen Yuanyu was panting lightly, he didn't even have the strength to pick it up, wasn't Ran Qiu tired, how could he come here so many really killed him.

Wen Yuanyu leaned limply on the sofa, and Ran Qiu sat next to him and massaged his waist. After the operation two years ago, Wen Yuanyu's waist, which was already not very good, was more prone to pain.

"Stop rubbing, take a rest, I'll tell you something."

Ran Qiu stopped what he was doing, looked at him sideways, with a smile in his eyes.

Seeing him smiling, Wen Yuanyu couldn't help but leaned over and licked his lips. Ran Qiu looks better now that he's getting longer, doesn't it mean that no matter how good a person is, he won't feel it after three months? But after watching it for six years, he still felt that this face made him so obsessed.

Maybe it was done just now, Wen Yuanyu's voice was still a little hoarse, "Honey, I met Director Pang today."

Ran Qiu was taken aback, but he seemed to have nothing on his face. He said casually, "Oh, have you worked together before?"

"Yeah, I didn't graduate more than ten years ago, and I didn't have much acting experience. Director Pang didn't have much directing experience at that time. We filmed a movie together."

Wen Yuanyu spoke as if chatting. The fleeting blankness in Ran Qiu's eyes just now did not escape his eyes. He has been with Ran Qiu for six years, and he is already very familiar with his little milk dog's micro expressions.

In the past six years, not only did Ran Qiu become a little calmer, and he no longer had such an obvious expression of joy, but he seemed to have completely changed himself.

In the past, he always believed that acting was just acting, and there was basically nothing that could not be filmed in order for the performance of the work to be in place.

But now Ran Qiu has to carefully select every script he accepts. Romance films with the same **** theme are absolutely prohibited, and if you can't lend a seat for the kiss scene with the opposite **** theme, then it won't work.

These Ran Qiu also pampered him, but this "Mirror Mirror Island" is a movie that Ran Qiu invested over 100 million yuan. Jiao's disappointment goes to waste.

Wen Yuanyu turned his head and stared deeply at Ran Qiu's persistent and bright eyes, suddenly felt that he should be more confident.

Six years have passed, Ran Qiu is as obsessed with his body as when they were first together, and loves him as much as when they were first together. He should give enough trust to Ran Qiu, and should also give enough trust to their relationship. The river is far from enough to insert their feelings.

That night, Wen Yuanyu found Qiu He's WeChat account that he hadn't contacted for more than ten years. out.

Unexpectedly, it was already two o'clock in the middle of the night, and Qiu He still quickly responded to the message, and the two made an appointment at noon the next day at an expensive Sichuan restaurant.

Wen Yuanyu hasn't seen Qiu He for three years, and he doesn't even look at the hot topics about Qiu He on the Internet, except for the occasional "Qiuqiu" CP topic, he will step on the trumpet, he and Qiu He There is no intersection at all.

After waking up the next day, Wen Yuanyu thought about it, and deliberately chose a shirt and trouser suit that was more suitable for him, put on a khaki windbreaker, and arrived at the Sichuan Restaurant 11 minutes early.

He was taken to the private room by the waiter, and as soon as he opened the door, he saw behind the round table wearing a black leather jacket, black sunglasses, and a black baseball cap on his head. It was all black as far as he could see, full of the police and gangster style of Hong Kong movies in the 1980s. Qiu He.

After the waiter closed the door, the two looked each other up and down in silence.

Qiu He was still the same, and Wen Yuanyu found that no matter how long it had passed, the more he looked at this person, the more he disliked him, and it didn't get any better. He calmed down and secretly comforted himself that his attitude must be as reasonable as possible.

"Where's Ran Qiu? Ran Qiu is parking the car?" Qiu He held the frame of the sunglasses with one hand, and didn't take them off. He just let the sunglasses hang down on the bridge of his nose, and the eyes half exposed behind the sunglasses looked towards the door.

"My boyfriend has an announcement to run away, and today it's just me." Wen Yuanyu smiled and sat down opposite him.

A momentary disappointment flashed across Qiu He's eyes, but he quickly looked at Wen Yuanyu again, this time he took off his sunglasses and raised his eyebrows, "You haven't had a good life these past few years, why are you still like this... no Fat. I have to ask Ran Qiu how he takes care of you."

"I'm doing well, and Ran Qiu doesn't have time to talk to you." Wen Yuanyu heard that Qiu He was sowing discord, he cursed in his heart, took the teacup casually, took a sip calmly, and slowly Putting it down, he didn't believe that Ran Qiu would contact Qiu He in private.

"What's the matter with you asking me out?" Qiu He's eyes showed a sharp knife light, and he suddenly couldn't hide his impatience.

"About the movie "Mirror Mirror Island", I want you to play the leading role." Wen Yuanyu said calmly.

Qiu He frowned, "I won't talk to you, let Ran Qiu talk to me."

Wen Yuanyu felt his temples start to twitch faintly, but he still tried his best to control himself, "If he wanted to talk to you, he would have talked to you a long time ago, and he won't talk to you."

Qiu He stared at him, "Why? You refused?"

Wen Yuanyu sneered in his heart, so what if I don't let it go? But there was a slight smile on his mouth, "He doesn't want me to be angry, so he won't come to talk to you, but I know that he thinks you are the most suitable actor for this role."

If the phrase "most suitable" came from Ran Qiu, Qiu He might be moved, but this sentence came from Wen Yuanyu's mouth, and Qiu He is not as easy to fool as Wen Yuanyu thought.

The table was slapped, and the pre-dinner tea on the table was shaken so that half a cup spilled out.

Qiu He stood up, squinting his eyes and glaring at Wen Yuanyu, "Two years ago, if you hadn't used bitter tricks to take advantage of Ran Qiu's soft heart, Ran Qiu might not have chosen you. You are a villain who will do whatever it takes to achieve your goals. !” He has held back these words for two years.

Wen Yuanyu's face became colder and colder, and he also stood up, with a fake smile: "Then you can use it too, why don't you use it? It's because you don't love Ran Qiu as much as I do."

Qiu He ruthlessly said word by word: "You are a lunatic!"

"Yes, I'm a lunatic! I love him so much that I'm crazy about it, so it's impossible for me to give him up to anyone. I advise you to give up your heart as soon as possible." Wen Yuanyu's voice was a little hoarse, he His eyes were red and bloodshot, and the fingers clasped on the table trembled uncontrollably.

Seeing his embarrassed and out-of-control appearance, Qiu He suddenly curled up his lips, and said with a half-smile, "You can control me! I don't know who won if I didn't make it to the end."

Wen Yuanyu closed his eyes and opened them again. Speaking of this, he couldn't help being angry and annoyed.

His original intention was to persuade Qiu He to participate in the performance, but he endured it and endured it. How did he develop to the end, he still deviated from his original idea.

Wen Yuanyu took a deep breath, and tried to turn the topic back, "I think you also know that your film from a year ago received a good response overseas, but if there is no other good film to follow, you will soon Forgotten by movie fans. This "Mirror Island" has a large investment, and the entire cast can't find any flaws, and..." Wen Yuanyu was lucky, and continued: "And this role is very suitable for you. If an actor can find such a good An opportunity that is almost impossible to come by.”

Qiu He just looked at Wen Yuanyu expressionlessly, as if he was thinking about something, he neither interrupted nor expressed his approval.

Wen Yuanyu's chest heaved slightly, he had said what he should say, and he didn't plan to stay any longer.

He straightened his cuffs, and just as he was holding the doorknob of the private room, Qiu He's voice sounded from behind, "Let your people come to my agent, let me remind you, my salary is very high .”

Wen Yuanyu paused for a moment, opened the door and walked out of the box without speaking.

Two days later, Qiu He was successfully signed into the crew.

Qiu He's remuneration request was surprisingly high, but Ran Qiu had no doubts about it, and readily agreed. On the one hand, this is because of the original love show, his salary came from Qiu He's salary, and he has always kept this in mind. On the other hand, it is also because this is a film about a leading man, the success or failure of the film has a crucial relationship with Qiu He, and it is reasonable for Qiu He to ask for more salary.

On the day the contract was signed, Ran Qiu returned home and let Wen Yuanyu sit on his lap, and the two of them faced each other.

Wen Yuanyu is a tall man of about 1.8 meters, and weighs more than a hundred pounds. This posture made him a little embarrassed to look into Ran Qiu's eyes, "...I'll come down, is it heavy?"

"It's not sinking, I'm an old couple, what's awkward." Ran Qiu put his arms around Wen Yuanyu's waist, looking at him with a smile in his eyes, "Did you go to find Qiu He?"

Wen Yuanyu promised Ran Qiu that he would not hide anything from him, so he replied happily: "I met him the day before yesterday."

Ran Qiu's hand slid down, "He didn't say anything nasty, did he?"

"How could you not say it? He speaks very badly." Sensing something, Wen Yuanyu grabbed the hand behind his back and led him to slide down again.

"Oh? Then how should I compensate you?" Ran Qiu's voice contained a faint smile.

Wen Yuanyu also smiled, his eyes were filled with a mist of lust, he couldn't help leaning close to Ran Qiu's ear, and said in a low voice: "Fuck me."

After finishing speaking, he hugged Ran Qiu tightly, put his lips in his mouth and kissed him deeply.

Half a month later, "Mirror Island" was officially launched.

The day before the launch, the producer invited the entire crew to a dinner.

Wen Yuanyu, who had never participated in such activities before, found Ran Qiu's stylist early in the morning, made a haircut for the first time, wore a haute couture gift to Ran Qiu from the brand, and asked to attend with Ran Qiu .

Ran Qiu knew that Wen Yuanyu was worried about Qiu He, so when Wen Yuanyu proposed to participate together, he couldn't help but smile, his bright black pupils looked into Wen Yuanyu's eyes, "I'll just I like how clingy you are, and you smell like vinegar."

Wen Yuanyu was embarrassed by what he said, so she didn't say anything.

But Ran Qiu didn't let him go, and blinked again, "My boyfriend is so handsome today, I want to hold his hand all the time, so as not to worry others."

Wen Yuanyu's ears were red, he turned his back, put his mouth on Ran Qiu's lips, and said tremblingly: "Then you must keep your word."

Ran Qiu kept his word, he dragged Wen Yuanyu's hand all the way into the restaurant.

As soon as they walked in, dozens of pairs of eyes fell on the two of them one after another, and on the hands they were holding together.

Wen Yuanyu has not acted for several years, but everyone present knows him. This man is calm and elegant, exuding an aura that cannot be ignored. His amorous peach blossom eyes are like water lilies slowly blooming, mysterious and Gentle, looking at anyone can't help but make people blush and heartbeat. And the man who was walking beside him and pulling him has shined in the entertainment industry in recent years. No one knows Ran Qiu anymore. His steps are chic and reckless, and his recognizable face attracts everyone Personal eyes, people can't help but want to look at him more, but are forced by his frosty temperament to dare not approach easily.

Ran Qiu quickly saw Qiu He in the crowd.

Qiu He was not reserved at all, his eyes were firmly fixed on Ran Qiu. In the past three years, he had been paying attention to Ran Qiu and every work of Ran Qiu. The circle grows, blooming his own light.

Ran Qiu was still as proud and handsome as he was three years ago, but when he saw Ran Qiu and Wen Yuanyu walking in holding hands, he knew he was out of luck.

It's just that he didn't expect that he knew it so early, and he didn't give up in the past three years, and he was still looking for an opportunity to get close to Ran Qiu.

Although it is a good opportunity for him in his career to take over the filming as Wen Yuanyu said, but the most important point is that he still wants to see if he has a chance.

Qiu He took a sip of wine with a champagne glass and tried hard to stabilize his emotions. He couldn't let others see the changes in his emotions.

Throughout the dinner, Ran Qiu didn't say a word to Qiu He. Qiu He's eyes were too fierce, and he couldn't respond. Since it's impossible, it's best not to have any unnecessary contact.

On the way home, Wen Yuanyu and Ran Qiu crossed their fingers and held each other. He looked at Ran Qiu intently with a pair of peach blossom eyes, "I have some good news for you."

"What good news?" Ran Qiu turned sideways and listened carefully to what he said.

"I stopped my antidepressants for a month. I didn't tell you at the beginning because I was worried that if it didn't work, I would disappoint you, but it seems, I'm really fine."

"Really!? That's really great!" Ran Qiu couldn't help leaning over to kiss his lips.

"Wait, wait a minute." Wen Yuanyu looked a little nervous, he touched his pocket with the other hand that was not held together, and took a deep breath.

Ran Qiu watched him slowly take out a small square box from his pocket.

Ran Qiu was stunned for a moment, but soon, his chest was filled with an emotion called surprise, and his chest also heaved violently in this kind of happiness.

Before Wen Yuanyu could say that sentence that he didn't know how long he had rehearsed, Ran Qiu had already bit his lips, frantically occupying and devouring every corner of his lips and teeth.

When Wen Yuanyu was panting from the kiss, he shivered and opened the small square box, and he held the ring that he had ordered a month ago in his fingertips.

Ran Qiu saw Wen Yuanyu's tension and anticipation in these eyes that fascinated him, as well as Wen Yuanyu's determination and affection.

He heard Wen Yuanyu ask him solemnly: "Ran Qiu, I love you, will you marry me?"

Ran Qiu didn't even hesitate at all, he leaned over and hugged Wen Yuanyu tightly, and gave him an extremely positive answer with his actions.

The author has something to say: Please accept the collection column in advance, and the next book will be opened—

"The King of Bad Movies Attacks the King of the Box Office [Crossing Books]"


Tang Ying wears books.

Transmigrated into a rich and heartthrob novel, became the cannon fodder of the same name, the king of bad movies with disaster-level acting skills.

Before he had time to read the contents of the book, he was pushed to the scene of a large-scale variety show.

According to the requirements of the program group, he must first find a fairy who sells flowers, give him a kiss, and get clues.

Tang Ying:?

Well, he reluctantly accepted.

After patrolling around, he finally locked on the man wandering around in the corner strangely.

He took the man's hand, and the expected result was to leave a gentleman's kiss on the back of the other's hand, but he didn't want to be self-defeating and steal the other's first kiss.

Chi Tianjing who lost her first kiss: "..."

Tang Ying, who was forced to open business: "Immortal, I want to kiss again."

The corner of Chi Tianjing's mouth twitched: "You don't have to."

It wasn't until Tang Ying saw an old man who was over half a century old, wearing a fairy tale costume and holding flowers not far away, that he realized that he had taken advantage of the mistake.

That night, Tang Ying quickly read the entire book, calm on the surface and cracked in his heart: How can you still write that cannon fodder must die in such a peaceful age!

At the same time, hot searches exploded.




Tang Ying: "..." Damn, he accidentally forcibly kissed the villain in the book!

Tang Ying thought that he would start a way to survive by fighting wits and courage with the villain boss in the future, but why every time the boss saw him... secret red ears.

Upright and honest Yan Gong Gong X cool and abstinent actor Shou

Read The Duke's Passion