MTL - When the Little Milk Dog Decided To Break Up with Zha Shou-Chapter 6

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Ran Qiu is not a soft-spoken person. His way of fighting has always been to quarrel when he has something to say. It is both unskilled and awkward.

Wen Yuanyu sighed inaudibly, "Let's think about it, your sister is really troublesome."

Ran Qiu thought he agreed, so he didn't refute. He stepped forward and grabbed Wen Yuanyu's hand, rubbing it vigorously in his own palm, but staring at the phone, desperately hinting that Wen Yuanyu should tell Fang Lan first. .

Wen Yuanyu had no choice but to take out the phone with his other hand, typed a few words on the phone, he glanced at Ran Qiu lightly, "Your sister must have admitted the relationship, she is very sick. "

"I told her, you're almost done, she's just stupid, and didn't mean it." Ran Qiu curled his lips a little hurt, Wen Yuanyu had never said that about Wang Fufu before, he thought the other party could understand Of course, it's okay for Wen Yuanyu not to understand his sister's illness, but when he thought that Wen Yuanyu had run on his sister so many times because of Fang Lan, it still made him unhappy.

After Wen Yuanyu finished sending the message, he pushed Wen Yuanyu against the door all at once, biting his lips as if venting his anger for the quarrel just now.

Wen Yuanyu silently accepted the pain on his lips, and he heard Ran Qiu say in his ear awkwardly and stubbornly: "Wen Yuanyu, I hate you so much, and I really like you."

Wen Yuanyu didn't respond, he put his mobile phone into his pocket, and put his arms around Ran Qiu's neck, with unfathomable emotions in his deep pupils.

The gnawing kiss gradually turned into a deep wet kiss. Wen Yuanyu unscrewed the bedroom door with his backhand, kissed Ran Qiu reflexively, and led him all the way to the bedside in the bedroom.

After exercising, the two fell asleep briefly again. When Ran Qiu woke up, he was a little hungry.

He looked at Wen Yuanyu, whose back was facing him on the bed, and lightly touched his favorite eyes with his fingers. The fine eyelashes trembled impatiently as if someone was touching them.

Ran Qiu read the detailed explanation of sleeping postures on the Internet, it said that one side turned their backs to the other side because they wanted more free space, so did Wen Yuanyu think that he was too controlling and clingy?

Ran Qiu snorted dissatisfiedly, and was about to pull Wen Yuanyu, whose back was facing him, over, when the mobile phone on the bedside table suddenly rang.

Ran Qiu thought it was his mobile phone, and was about to reach out to get it, when he suddenly caught a glimpse of the message from [Fang Lan] on Wen Yuanyu's mobile phone.

He hesitated for a moment, but still resisted touching it.

...Fang Lan should have received Wen Yuanyu's message, right? What can they usually talk about between their exes?

Ran Qiu has no experience in this area. Once they break up, he belongs to the category of deleting friends, blacklisting, and never getting in touch with each other. He even pretends not to see each other when they meet by chance.

But Wen Yuanyu can always say hello with a smile on his face, Ran Qiu asked him if he didn't feel embarrassed, but Wen Yuanyu said at that time, wouldn't it be more embarrassing to pretend he didn't see it.

No matter what Wen Yuanyu thinks, he is not the same person as him. Maybe for Wen Yuanyu, old loves can also be friends, and they all need mutual help.

Two minutes later, the phone beeped again.

Ran Qiu took the phone and was about to wake Wen Yuanyu up, when the text messages of 'ding' rang out one after another, it was Fang Lan's call, Ran Qiu was startled, and he pressed the answer reflexively.

Fang Lan's voice was gentler than what he overheard last time, "Yuan Yu, I saw your message, and I exposed the video."

Ran Qiu's breath trembled suddenly, and his mind went blank for an instant.

The video...has been exposed?

Ran Qiu looked at Wen Yuanyu in a daze, he didn't hear a word of what Fang Lan said again, Wen Yuanyu had already been awakened by the noise.

"Baby, who is it?" Wen Yuanyu murmured, turned over, opened his eyes and saw Ran Qiu holding his mobile phone in his hand, he frowned, "What are you doing! "

"I... my sister's video was exposed." Ran Qiu's lips moved slightly. He was so shocked by the video that there was no sound in his throat when he opened his mouth.

He didn't bother to explain or refute, but quickly took his own mobile phone and directly posted on Weibo.

The Internet information is cloudy and cloudy, changing rapidly. In this short morning, public opinion has fermented in several directions.

Xiao Ye denied his relationship with Wang Fufu, alluding to Wang Fufu's use of his traffic and using him to grab the topic. But not long after Xiao Ye's statement was released, the "unknown person" had released a video of Xiao Ye sleeping with the actress through screenshots.

In the video, the actress was mosaiced, but some sharp-eyed people analyzed it clearly, and it was Wang Fufu who killed the actress.

At this point in time, the screenshots of this video were exposed, and Wang Fufu was really hard to clean up. Not only the melon eaters, but even Xiao Ye and Wang Fufu's fans couldn't argue with the affair.

Ran Qiu called Wang Fufu, but the line was busy. He could see that Wang Fufu's agency was desperately but futilely removing hot searches, but the development of the situation was not so easy to stop.

Wen Yuanyu said a few words to the phone, got out of bed, put the phone in the pocket of his trousers, and his expression became serious, "Ran Qiu, are you sensible enough to answer my phone?"

"I didn't answer your call on purpose." Ran Qiu explained in a trance. In the middle of speaking, he suddenly remembered something belatedly. What Fang Lan said on the phone was that he had seen Wen Yuanyu's message, and then exposed it. Already... Is that what he meant? He raised his eyes and looked at Wen Yuanyu blankly. What message did Wen Yuanyu send to Fang Lan? Did he promise Fang Lan to wait for a while?

The question in Ran Qiu's heart got stuck in his throat when he met Wen Yuanyu's bottomless gaze. Maybe he shouldn't doubt Wen Yuanyu, but isn't that what Fang Lan meant? Besides, Wen Yuanyu has changed a lot since Fang Lan appeared.

Wen Yuanyu seldom got angry before, but he scolded him several times because of Fang Lan. Wen Yuanyu cared so much about his relationship with Fang Lan, could he really believe that Wen Yuanyu stopped Fang Lan from releasing the video?

Ran Qiu thought about how to ask the most appropriate question, but there was no better way, he could only use the simplest language, and said bluntly: " did you tell Fang Lan?"

"What do you say?" Wen Yuanyu took the shirt on the stool at the end of the bed, buttoned it up one by one, and glanced at Ran Qiu calmly as he passed by.

Ran Qiu subconsciously grabbed his wrist, trying to find out something from his expression, "Didn't you promise me to tell him not to play the video first? What did you say?"

"What else can I say, that's what I said." Wen Yuanyu said in a deep voice.

Ran Qiu stared at Wen Yuanyu's eyes tightly. As always, he couldn't capture the emotion he wanted in these eyes.

Wen Yuanyu wasn't flustered, and he didn't look like he was lying, but Ran Qiu was too familiar with him, and he knew that the more indifferent he was on the surface, the more authentic his words would be.

"show me."


Ran Qiu's numb heart faintly regained consciousness, and there was a little pain. He was begging in his heart, but the words he said on the surface were a little aggressive, "This is very important to me, can you show me? Is it hard for you? "

Wen Yuanyu was startled, and the brows frowned slightly, "You doubt me?"

Wen Yuanyu's "You doubt me" pierced the last layer of window paper between the two of them. Ran Qiu realized that no matter how many times he persuaded himself, he still couldn't trust Wen Yuanyu wholeheartedly. Facts have proved that Wen Yuanyu has deceived him too many times. Whether it's the relationship between Wen Yuanyu and Fang Lan, whether it's who Wen Yuanyu goes to see in the middle of the night, or those sweet words that he can't tell the truth from, in front of the **** truth, he is deceiving himself and others.

Wen Yuanyu looked at the hand hooking his wrist, and broke free with a light struggle, "Since you doubt me, why are you still in love with me?"

Ran Qiu's heart felt as if it was being tightened instantly, and the sharp increase in pain forced him to take a deep breath. There was no emotion in his eyes, "Fang Lan said that it was exposed after reading your information, shouldn't I doubt you?" ? Do you dare to say that you have never deceived me?"

"I told you many things in detail." Wen Yuanyu said calmly, "So, are you going to lose your temper with me again? I still have things to deal with, and I don't want to quarrel with you."

Ran Qiu chuckled, but in fact he didn't have the energy to quarrel with Wen Yuanyu at all, he said with an empty expression: "Do you have anything to deal with, are you the one who cheated, were you the one who got married, or are you divorced?" It's you?"

Ran Qiu endured it, but he still couldn't hold it back, and threw out the problem that lay between the two of them again, "You didn't tell your ex-boyfriend at all, no, you did, you said that you supported his exposure videotape, right?"

Ran Qiu realized that at this moment, he still hoped that Wen Yuanyu could deny him and show him the phone to prove that he was a villain. Even if he scolded him for not trusting him enough or lost his temper at him, he would be willing to bear it.

He never thought that he was such an insecure person, but with Wen Yuanyu, he found that he would never get enough.

Just when Ran Qiu thought that Wen Yuanyu would not answer him, Wen Yuanyu suddenly said cruelly: "Yes, I support him in exposing the video."

After speaking, he pushed open the door, and before going out, Wen Yuanyu picked up the water glass on the bedside table and drank two sips of water.

Ran Qiu's eyes widened in disbelief, watching him casually as if admitting something unimportant.

"Your sister should take good care of her illness. When she recovers, there are many other ways to become an actress—"

Wen Yuanyu's unfinished words were locked outside with the sound of Ran Qiu closing the door.

This was the first time he hadn't listened to Wen Yuanyu's words. In the past, how could he be willing to miss every word Wen Yuanyu said.

Ran Qiu clenched his fists tightly, and hammered heavily on the head of the bed as if venting his anger. This blow exhausted all his strength, and because of the lack of strength, his arm dropped down slowly in frustration, disappointment.

This man who let him invade/possess him a few hours ago brought him an unparalleled sense of satisfaction, and he vowed to do his best and love him for the rest of his life. Even though he had the idea of ​​retreating several times, he also built up and supported himself the confidence to go on several times, but Wen Yuanyu's choice this time directly gave him a blow in the head, completely overturning the deepest belief in his heart. Wen Yuanyu's trust and the confidence that allowed him to go on suddenly collapsed at this moment, shattered into powder, nothing left.

Even if Wen Yuanyu didn't do anything, he wouldn't be so disappointed, but at this moment, Wen Yuanyu chose to help Fang Lan, stood beside Fang Lan, and chose to hurt his most important family members.

Perhaps Wen Yuanyu's choice was not because of the old relationship, but because he chose the party of justice, the 'victim' of the marriage. It seemed that there was nothing wrong with Wen Yuanyu's doing so, but he still couldn't help shouting in his heart: But you are not me boyfriend?

Perhaps this is the legendary, "understandable but simply unacceptable".

Ran Qiu never thought that at this moment, he would receive a text message from Kuang Ling asking him to meet.

These days, one thing happened after another, he had long forgotten about Kuang Ling, and the note papers that Kuang Ling gave him had been obediently kept in the pants he changed out of. It has never been taken out by him.

Before he had time to wonder how his son Kuang Ling had his contact information, Kuang Ling mentioned the trending search, saying that there was a great chance of turning things around.

Ran Qiu wasn't in the mood to go to the appointment, but he didn't expect Kuang Ling to know so much, even the fact that Wang Fufu was his sister. Could it be that Kuang Ling investigated him behind his back?

When Ran Qiu left the bedroom, Wen Yuanyu was no longer at home. When he thought that Wen Yuanyu was going to bow to his ex-boyfriend's marriage, he felt a chill in his heart, and cold sweat ran down his arms into his heart. He couldn't tell how angry he was, but at this moment, he suddenly felt that this love affair was too **** up, it was really meaningless.

He reluctantly tidied himself up in front of the mirror, pulled himself together, and forced himself to cheer up a little. He couldn't show a embarrassed posture at this juncture.

Kuang Ling asked him to meet at a bar.

Ran Qiu originally thought that a screenwriter like Kuang Ling, who looked noble, would choose a clean bar even if he was invited to a bar. However, as soon as he stepped in, he heard death heavy metal played on the bar. He likes death heavy metal very much, but now he is in a complicated mood, and he is unable to appreciate this rebellious and secondary music. Instead, his brain is buzzing from the noise It hurts. The strong smell of perfume in the room made him want to turn around and go out, but thinking that Kuang Ling's father is a famous director, Kuang Ling must have more information than him, so he resisted the urge to go in.

Kuang Ling sat abruptly in a booth in the corner.

Among the scantily clad, avant-garde, or at least fashionable young bodies/bodies, Kuang Ling was wearing a pair of two-breasted slippers and a comfortable and loose cotton T-shirt without any style at all, which seemed in keeping with the atmosphere of the entire bar out of place.

Kuang Ling propped his chin with one hand, and held the wine glass in the other thoughtfully. He didn't know how much he had drunk first, as if his mind was in another world that extraordinary people could understand.

As soon as Ran Qiu came over, Kuang Ling said surprisingly, "Can you die for Wen Yuanyu?"

"What? Are we close enough to talk about this?" Ran Qiu sat across from him, thinking that Kuang Ling might investigate his affairs, his face turned sour, he picked up the glass and poured a glass of wine, and poured it on On Kuang Ling's wrist, "You wake me up."

Kuang Ling didn't wipe the wine on his wrist, he looked at Ran Qiu's eyes full of hostility, Ran Qiu's eyes didn't have obvious double eyelids, only the tails of the eyes were slightly raised, it could be seen that the eyes were double, This is a very expressive eye shape. Although Ran Qiu looks like he's going to explode now, those piercing eyes are also persistent and bright. It's hard for him to believe that a person with such a temperament would do such a thing, Kuang Ling asked tentatively : "Did you really push the male lead of "A Farewell to Heaven" because of Wen Yuanyu?"

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