MTL - Who Moved My Mountain-Chapter 2 Over 100 million people

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The wind blows outside the shacks is even more fierce. Qin Wentao and his entourage are kneeling on the ground. They seem to be unable to move under anything. They can't help but raise an indescribable awe.

"哗啦啦..." The iron piece covered in the simple work shed finally resisted the erosion of the wind, violently shakes it, and made a terrifying loud noise, which was swept up by the wind and flew up into the sky, disappearing in an instant. It’s gone, only the dark sky is exposed.

"Qin manager, fast, go quickly." Qian Daming squeezed a few words from his teeth and reached out to pull Qin Wentao. He grew tall and tall, and he weighed two hundred pounds. He would not easily be blown away by the wind. .

Qin Wentao now disregards the manager’s shelf. He took the hand of Qian Daming, and the two slowly moved toward the door. When they touched the doorknob, the workers suddenly shouted in horror: Above, above..."

Qin Wentao had not had time to look up, and the voice of the woman just came from her ear. "Destroy my Danqiu Mountain, still want to escape?"

Once again, everyone was soft on the knees, and they slammed into the ground. For the first time, they could lie to themselves and they heard the mistake. This time, I heard again. In the summer, everyone was so scared that they were pale and sweaty.

Yunrong came over and saw this scene. Twenty young and powerful big men smashed into the ground, and they were scared. They shrank like a donkey in the corner of the house. The scene could not bear to look straight.

Who is it before Yunrong? There is such a courage, I think that even if it is a human race, at least it is a witch who has the courage to move her Danqiu Mountain. I did not expect to have a glance at it. It turned out to be an ordinary human race.

She couldn't help but frown, her fingertips moved, and more than twenty people in the corner of the wall suddenly settled, motionless.

Qin Wentao suddenly found out that Qian Daming grabbed his hand and let it loose. He slammed down and turned his head and saw that all the people around him maintained their horrified expression and did not move.

Qin Wentao trembled all over the body. The materialistic education of more than ten years was violently shocked. He almost climbed to the door with the instinct and crawled, but he had not climbed two meters before, and there was a piece not far away. Black, with a golden horn.

He looked up incredulously, only to see a woman wearing a black and gorgeous costume, long hair and waist in the ink, standing in front of her eyes, finally could not help but be soft, fell to the ground, shouted, "Ghost!" I fainted.

Before Qin Wentao passed out, the only thought in his mind was that it was so beautiful, it must not be human!

Yunrong: "..." She hasn't done anything yet, how did she faint? The human race is really a generation that is not as good as a generation.

Not only is she timid, but her eyes are not good. It is really unrecognizable to recognize her ghosts as ghosts.

This also wants to give these people a lesson, this person is dizzy, but she has not asked what she wants to ask.

Yunrong walked on the edge of Qin Wentao. This human race was finally fainted. When she was asleep, it was also the person who gave orders and ruined Danqiu Mountain. It should be the leader of these people.

Her fingertips smacked on Qin Wentao's forehead, and Qin Wentao slowly opened his eyes, but there was no look in his eyes, and he looked straight ahead.

"Who made you move me to Danqiu Mountain?" Yunrong's exquisite lips moved and did not look at Qin Wentao.

The mistyness in Qin Wentao’s mind is like making a messy dream. The voice of Yunrong is introduced into his ear. He screamed and said, “It’s our general.”

"Lu Zong?" Yunrong Xindao's name is really strange, and said: "Take me to see him."

Although Qin Wentao is not conscious, but as an excellent employee of the Lu's group, Lu Henian's dedication, it has always been arrogant, even the boss of a small company has nodded to him.

As soon as I heard Yunrong, I subconsciously raised my chin and said with pride: "We always want to see the land?"

Yunrong listened to this words with interest. She did not doubt that Qin Wentao was pretending to be a pretense. She had already banned this person. He can only tell the truth and can't tell lies.

Such a proud expression, is this land always a powerful human race?

Yunrong’s heart sank, although the human race was fragile, but there were also a few powerful ones. For example, after that, he shot Jinwu on his own, but it was the demon king prince! She does not have full control over such a human race.

Thinking this way, Yunrong asked: "How can I see him?"

Qin Wentao frowned and thought for a long time: "That is at least 100 million!"

"The family is over 100 million?" Yunrong didn't understand what it meant. Isn't this a powerful technique?

Yunrong suddenly became angry, ruining her shelter, and killing the creatures on Danqiu Mountain. Now the human race is really arrogant, even threatening her?

Even if this Lu’s technique is so powerful, it’s not here now, even if she can’t clean up the general manager, can’t she pick up these hands-on races?

When the Terran did not appear, Yunrong did not fear anyone. Looking at Qin Wentao’s face with a flat face, she snorted and immediately rose to the air, her hands raised, and the simple work shed was like a few blocks. The toy lodge, which was suddenly split, was smashed by a gust of wind and flew directly to a few tens of meters away.

It is not enough to ruin the simple work shed. Yunrong’s eyes are not far away from more than a dozen excavators and large trucks. The fingertips are counted in midair, and these big guys weighing several tens of tons are also rolling down the foot of the mountain. Go, disappear in sight for a few seconds.

In a short while, there was a dull bang, apparently already fragmented.

After finishing these things, Yunrong’s face was full of anger, and a smile appeared. This smile came out. In an instant, the dark clouds shrouded in the hills of Danqiu disappeared, the breeze in the mountains, the sound of rustling between the leaves, it was like It is singing in joy.

This smile is actually a bit more beautiful than the sunset not far away.

Yunrong took a deep breath and stood at the top of Danqiu Mountain. With open arms, the whole mountain suddenly floated up with countless green highlights, gathering into a green light band and pouring into her body.

When the light disappears, the plants on Danqiu Mountain seem to have just been watered, and they are more lush and green. The leaves are full of healthy luster, as if they are dripping green juice.

Even more than a dozen large trees dug up by the excavator were re-adjusted, and the roots were firmly plunged into the soil, stretching the branches and leaves.

Looking at the grass and trees of Danqiu Mountain, the anger of Yunrong’s heart finally dissipated, and the man who squinted at not far away and huddled in the open air, she paused. .

So easily let go, she is not reconciled, but the human race is fragile, if she is shot, I am afraid that these people will be dead, thinking for a while, Yunrong only laughed, his hand painted a circle in the void.


"According to the villagers near Danqiu Mountain, about 16:30 this afternoon, there was a huge sound from the south side of Danqiu Mountain. We also learned from the Meteorological Bureau that at the same time, on the meteorological satellite, there was a huge formation near Danqiu Mountain. Cloud system, I am afraid there is a small range of heavy rain, this station speculated that the huge sound may be related to the wet air on the eve of the rainstorm, the mountain collapse caused by loose soil. At present, the reporters have followed the forest firefighters who went to explore to the destination."

"Let's connect the reporters in front."

At 6 o'clock in the evening, the local city of Haitai is reporting the local news of the maritime market. The host spoke, and the camera was turned to the foot of the Danqiu Mountain. At the roadside, more than a dozen excavators fell in the mud and on the iron car. The pits are so good that they look much better than the scrap cars of the car scrap factory.

Not far from the excavator, there are also hollow bricks and iron tiles that are built into simple sheds. A whole piece of iron tile has been severely deformed, as if it had been pinched by an invisible hand.

"Hello everyone, I am an expatriate reporter from the Haitian TV station. Everyone can see that there are large excavators and large trucks scattered around me. These big guys add up to tens of tons of weight. It seems that Danqiu Mountain Serious landslides have indeed occurred. We have learned that a construction team that has developed Danqiu Mountain is currently under construction. At present, there are no construction workers. The rescue team is ready to go into the mountains to search..."

The report of the female reporter has not finished yet. The rescue team who went up the mountain search has already sent a call, "I found the missing person and found the missing person..."

The medical team and the reporter who had not followed up had a shock, and quickly rushed to the place where the voice was sent. They had not taken two steps, and they heard the rescue team shouting with a loudspeaker. "Who brought the clothes quilt Bring some up!"

Everyone who is trying to climb the mountain has a glimpse. I have heard that I have to drink and drink oxygen. I have never heard of clothes and quilts. What is the relationship between the clothes in the summer and the wet clothes? Is the clothes finally important?

Qin Wentao and his party were not far from the foot of the mountain. The medical team did not spit out and saw the camouflage uniform of the rescue team.

"What's wrong? Why don't you have first aid?" The doctor carrying the stretcher panted and looked at the rescue team standing in a row. "Isn't it going to be a life?" I heard that there are more than twenty people in the construction team. An accident? The doctors were awkward and almost ran to the front.

"No one is out of life." One of the rescuers looked strange, and the eyes looked around. Looking at it carefully, there was a slight embarrassment. "We have checked, the vital signs are normal, just..."

"Life is normal. People are alive, nothing is a problem!" The doctors breathed a sigh of relief and slowed down and walked forward. The rescuers tried to stop and let a road open.

The medical team who had just breathed a sigh of relief suddenly fell to the ground, because behind the rescue team, twenty big men were like chickens in the chicken cage, tightly squeezed together, a little on the ground, there are Kneeling, exaggerated, like the middle and the evil.

The key point is that these big men are not even wearing underwear, and the birds in the bird's nest are clearly visible.

Medical team: "..."

The construction team who was finally woken up, opened his eyes: "..."

The author has something to say: This novel goes smoothly from 2018 to 2019 hahahaha (shameless!), little cute, happy new year duck~~