MTL - Who Told Him To Cultivate Immortality!-Chapter 76 run for your life!

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  Chapter 76 Escape!

  In the headquarters of the Immortal Cult, the ancient bronze cauldron is filled with Yinyin white air, and the consciousness of the casual cultivators of the magic way is in the cauldron.

  The fairy eyes opened, projecting a light curtain, and rankings flowed on the light curtain.

  The leader and deputy leader are watching the excellent performance of the top few people.

   "Look, this guy from Kunlun City is not bad. Before killing someone, he recites the mantra of rebirth, which is quite ritualistic."

"I heard that he used to be a monk in the temple. He advocated killing to become a Buddha. He secretly killed many people. After the abbot found out, he wanted to kill him with a stick. Seeing that the matter was exposed, he smashed the Buddha statue and ran away early. He came to our Immortal Sect , to see if Immortal Immortal supports his claim."

   "The little guy from Quhe County also has a lot of ideas. He kills each other, controls the child to kill the father, controls the grandson to kill the grandfather, and turns people into puppets after death."

   "Oh, this is interesting, the load-bearing wall was smashed, the building collapsed, and many people were killed."

  The two enthusiastically commented on the top-ranked cultivators. If they can be ranked in the forefront, they are all ruthless people, and they have a high probability of being promoted to the top when they grow up in the future.

   "What about the three little guys who performed well in the first two levels?"

   The two rolled on the light curtain for a long time before they found Lu Yang and the other three, and found that they were discussing whether to go to the brothel.

  The deputy leader was very dissatisfied with the ranking of the three: "So far behind, shouldn't it be an undercover agent of the right way, and won't do bad things?"

The leader shook his head with experience: "You can't think like this. I think this man named Lu Yang is a very thoughtful person. He should have a blockbuster plan. You must know that you don't have to wait for the day and night to do bad things. Long-term planning is the way to go. choice."

   The two saw that Lu Yang was quiet, so they moved the light curtain to the top to see what bad things the first place had done.

"The first one is a poisoner. He pours the poison into the well, and he dies like a street. He also poisons the cows, drives the cows crazy, crashes into the street, and kills many people. Very good, very good, the poison should be That's how it works."

   "What a strange way to buy a large store and then fire all the shop assistants."

   "The following one is similar to him. After the store is sold, the clerk is asked to work overtime without being paid? Is this considered a bad thing?"

  The deputy leader felt that he seemed to be behind the times.

  Suddenly, an extremely tyrannical soul descended from the sky, broke through the various formations set up by the headquarters, and went straight to the ancient bronze cauldron that was filled with the atmosphere of chaos!

   The ancient bronze tripod seemed unable to withstand such a brutal impact, and a small crack appeared on the surface!

   "Not good, my tripod!" The leader shouted.

  The ancient bronze tripod is called Shanhe Ding, which can accommodate everything. It is the magic weapon of his life that he spent half his life cultivating, and it is only a thin line away from the fairy treasure!

   "It's the divine soul descending, and there is a right way to discover this place!" The leader couldn't believe it, what happened, how could he be discovered by the right way in the blink of an eye? !

   "This aura... is Yunzhi of Daoist sect?!" The leader felt the familiar aura, and thought of some terrible past events, sending chills down his spine.

  The deputy leader showed a fierce look on his face, and took out his weapon to kill her: "Yunzhi? It's just a disciple of Wendaozong, and there is only one person on the left and right. Let's call everyone and rush forward. Can't we take her down?"

  Yunzhi seldom makes a move, and her reputation in the Central Continent is not obvious. One suzerain, eight elders, and even Dai Bufan of Wendao Sect are much more famous than her.

   But her lack of fame does not mean she is not strong enough. Anyone who has seen her make a move feels that her practice cognition has been subverted!

   It just so happens that the leader has seen the scene where Yunzhi took action, picking up the stars and taking the moon, turning Yin and Yang upside down, and suppressing powerful enemies at will. He really felt that his three thousand years of Taoism had been cultivated on dogs.

  The leader kicked the deputy leader, is this the time to desperately say: "You have never seen her attack, you don't know that she is terrible, listen to me, run quickly, even the immortal immortals can't save you if you run too late!"

  He was able to become the leader of the Immortal Sect not only because he is the most devout to the Immortal Immortal and has the highest cultivation level, but more importantly, he is cautious enough to know when to fight for his life, when to run for his life, and when to accept his fate.

  Fighting Yun Zhi head-on, that's not called desperate, that's called resignation!

  The leader made a series of ancient mysterious imprints on Shanhe Ding to prevent Yunzhi from rushing out.

  The deputy leader has never seen the leader lose his composure like this. He also realized the seriousness of the problem, sent a voice transmission to all the high-level officials, issued a death order, and ran away quickly to the alternate headquarters.

  The Immortal Cult has formulated detailed filing and escape routes for the sneak attack of the Righteous Way, and has also conducted many drills. The senior management is quite familiar with this set.

  In the blink of an eye, the top executives of Immortal Sect fled without a trace.

  The leader used the supernatural powers of three heads and six arms, and made a mark with two hands, continued to strengthen the seal of Shanhe Ding, and returned the consciousness of other people in Shanhe Ding to its original position with four hands.

  There are more and more cracks in Shanhe Ding, and the speed of sealing cannot keep up with the speed of cracks appearing.

   Seeing that everyone escaped successfully, the leader breathed a sigh of relief, cut off the connection with Shanheding, and spit out a mouthful of blood, which was the backlash from the natal magic weapon.

  His breath fell rapidly, and his face was as white as paper.

   The teacher couldn't take care of so much, so he turned around and ran away!


  The mountains and rivers shattered, and the entire headquarters was shaken by the explosion.

  Yunzhi walked out of the mountain and river cauldron with an expressionless face, like a Valkyrie in ancient legends, sacred and inviolable!

  She leaned down, wiped the blood essence left by the leader with her fingertips, and counted it, a cold light flashed in her eyes.

   "In that direction."

  A fiery white light condensed in her hands, like a brilliant sky thunder that wiped out all evil.

  Bai Guangtian thunder flew towards the leader with a whoosh, the leader didn't expect to be discovered by Yunzhi even like this, he wanted to dodge but was too late, a **** flower was stabbed on his shoulder.

   "The golden cicada escapes its shell!" The leader also has a lot of life-saving moves.

  When Yunzhi caught up, only the remnant body of the leader remained.


  The leader staggered back to the alternate headquarters, stuffed life-continuing elixir into his mouth without any money, forcibly cut off the connection with Shanheding, and performed the golden cicada's secret method of shelling. After two rounds of blows, he could not recover without hundreds of years of meditation.

   It’s okay to say these things, the most important thing is Shanhe Ding!

   That is the treasure tripod refined with the power of the whole religion, and the consumption of natural materials and earth treasures can catch up with the tax revenue of the Great Xia Dynasty for ten years!

   Such a treasure fell into Daozong's hands!

   "How do you feel?" The vice-leader asked concerned. He was terrified when he saw Yunzhi make a move just now. If he had to do it himself, he would have died a long time ago, which meant that the leader is capable and still alive.

   "I can't die." The leader also had lingering fears, "Fortunately, we have a plan and prepared a hiding place in advance to isolate the cause and effect, and Yunzhi can't find it. Otherwise, the four major demon sects should be changed to the three major demon sects."

   "The mountain and river tripod is broken, let's end the third test like this, let's see who is the number one now."

  The fairy eye cast a light curtain, with a name impressively written on it.

  First place, Lu Yang.


  (end of this chapter)