MTL - Why Did You Summon Me?-Chapter 40 .Moved ... moved?

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In general, Bai Yi's trip can be described as a lot of gains, but there is still a problem. High-value materials and consumables are taken a lot, but there is not much cash. Most of these consumables are used by soldiers. Miya ca n’t use it. The power is equal to the endless white and also not used. If it is sold, there is no channel and it is very inconvenient ... so the funding gap he is facing has not been alleviated much.

"That's right, this little Nizi of Le's family didn't bring a lot of money when they went out ..." Bai Yi secretly slandered, and this sentence immediately summoned the vomits of other void walkers:

"I hope you are not so good, is n’t it? Wendy aunt is also your junior. People are not malicious to you. As a result, you stole other people's supplies, and even stole the underwear, but now I still say In this case..."

Don't use this kind of misleading statement! Why can an accidental accident be described by you as such? I didn't mean to steal her useless pieces of cloth! Bai Yilou exclaimed himself.

Just chatting with the Void Walkers, and the sky was bright, and Xiao Miya woke up with a humming sound in her mouth, first rubbing her dim sleepy eyes, did not Noticed that the shoulder straps of the nightdress had fallen down aside, exposing the sweet and mellow snow-white shoulders, but just a pleasant smile toward Bai who had been sitting by the window, said softly: "Good morning, Mr. Hope. "

After all, she finally took the hammerhead shark puppet she had been holding in her arms, and reluctantly placed the puppet next to the pillow, and then she fell off her nightdress in front of Bai Yi and put on white again. Then you lifted the right leg high, pulled the white stockings from the bare feet little by little to the roots of the thighs, wrapped the straight and round legs tightly, and then went out to fight. Come back with a plate of clean water to wash your face and brush your teeth, and finally tie the two ponytails with two white ribbons. From the previously sleepy little lazy cat back to the cute and lovely Xiao Miya.

Bai Yi is naturally a bit embarrassed during the whole process. Don't go overboard, it is not convenient to enjoy the moving scene of beautiful girls changing clothes like other gentlemen ...

Xiao Miya was too unprepared for him ...

"So, I hope Mr. I will go to class first." Neatly packed Miya arms holding a few books, ready to leave.

"Wait a minute." Bai Yi quickly stopped her, and passed the box of cat paw biscuits into her hand last night. "Take it to the classroom to eat."

"Scared ~ I almost forgot." Miya spit out her tongue slightly, reached out and took it over. As soon as she touched the box with her hand, a suspicious look suddenly appeared on her face, and she whispered: " Huh? How hot? "

"I got a simple heating method inside, should this kind of thing be more delicious?" Bai Yi said, which he drew when he was bored last night.

"Mr. Hope is really wonderful!" Mia said quickly and happily, forcing her little face to pinch Bai Yi's rough rattan chest with a small face, only to be happy. Went out to class.

After her figure disappeared into the field of vision, some people said to Bai Yi, "Little Mia is so cute, I hope your Excellency is too happy, and I also want to be Mia Yaya!"

"It's not the time to say these things, it's time to do business." Bai Yi said, walked quickly back to Miya's crib, reached out and took the hammerhead shark puppet, with Miya still on it. Body temperature and fragrance.

"Yesterday's pseudo-adventure gave me some inspiration. I want to try to solidify the secretary on this puppet, and I have the right materials at hand." Bai Yi explained his thoughts to the void walkers, "In this way, as long as Mia brings the thing with her, we can go to her."

"It's a good idea, but I'll correct you a mistake." The wizard followed, "The name of the mystery is six roads and five rounds. Golgala, not a pseudo-advent."

It turned out that you were right in this direction? So where did the name come from? I know your naming level and taste quite well. Such a cool name is nothing like you can think of it yourself, my dear teacher! Bai also secretly said in his heart.

"This really protects Miya's security, but is it too wasteful?" The alchemist asked again.

"There is nothing to waste." Bai Yi replied affirmatively. "Material is only valuable if it is used. The material stored in the warehouse is meaningless, and I am not a hamster."

"No, no, I'm not talking about this waste." The alchemist quickly corrected: "I mean, it's too wasteful to spend these expensive materials just to cure the mystery on a puppet, so you should look for it A piece of armor or something? "

"Muppet is the most suitable choice at present." Bai Yi looked down at the shy hammerhead shark puppet in his hand. "This thing is very portable, Miya likes it too, and it won't cause others too much. Pay more attention. What's more important is that the cured mysticism will lose my continuous power supply, it is just a little consciousness to carry me, and it is almost impossible to drive the armor again. "

"So in addition to the forgiveness of the dawn goddess, I will solidify more magic on the puppet. These magics require an experienced user who can cope with various critical situations." Bai Yi continued, meanwhile, Reached out and peeled off the snow-white belly of the Hammerhead Shark Puppet, ready to work inside.

This is his general idea. He turned the hammerhead shark puppet into a super sturdy magic prop, and then equipped this prop with a void walker that can exert its power. In this case, he is not afraid that Xiao Miya will not use it.

"Do you want to make this puppet into an artifact? You can't see that you really like this stuff?" The Lich Walker asked a little funny.

"Like? It's hard to say." Bai Yimo rubbed the soft fur on the puppet and replied earnestly: "I have always had a strange and unfounded illusion. I always think that this puppet can determine our destiny. It looks like ... well ... it should be just an illusion. "

While talking, he used his magic power to extract all the fighting spirits and fighting spirits from the fighting spirit crystals, condensed into a sticky energy mass in front of him, and then moved Beamon's bone marrow and white dragon blood. They all poured into this mass of energy, using magic to guide them little by little to merge with each other into the paint needed to draw the circle.

In the end, he guided the group of paints very carefully with magic power, and drawn into a fine but tiny magic array inside the puppet. These magic arrays are related to each other and together form a group of extremely complex Magic array. Bai also has reasons to believe that no one in this world can understand the usefulness of this magic array except the Voidwalker.

After stitching the puppet's belly, and then drying and softening it with magic, the hammerhead shark puppet returned to the previous fluffy and soft look. No one would think of a common one. Such a subtle content can be hidden in the fluffy puppet.

After the work was completed, Bai Yiyi thought that all the precious materials that had been brought into the stomach of this stuff, could not help but sigh with emotion: "I'm afraid this is the most expensive puppet in the world, right?" Inject a little consciousness into the magic circle in the puppet's body, let the mystery work, and then open up and ask the void walkers: "Well, does anyone want to try it?"

"Let me come!" A volunteer voice said immediately, this is the 29th mover of Void, code-named engineer, "I am the most scientific conscious and experimental spirit among you, please let me test."

"Okay, I believe in your professionalism." Bai Yi said, giving control of that consciousness to the engineer, and soon saw the hammerhead shark puppet, who was quietly lying on the table, motionless, suddenly twisted After twisting, and fanning the table with his tail, he seemed to want to turn over, but because these parts of the fins are particularly stubby for cuteness, so he tossed for a long time and could only jump like a dead fish. Two times.

"The ability to move is not very strong ... This is also no way. Fortunately, it looks like there are no other abnormalities. It seems to be successful. Well, engineer, you can come back." Bai Yi said as he stretched out his hand Want to get back the puppet.

But who knows, the hammerhead shark puppet, which was like a dead fish, suddenly became as flexible as a loach, and moved quickly aside, avoiding Bai Yi's hand, and then heard the engineer in Consciously said: "Please wait a bit, this kind of stability test should be patient."

It is reasonable to say, but maintaining this state will continue to consume the energy in the magic circle, and we have no more materials to make a new copy. For the sake of economy, come back first. Bai Yi led the engineer's kindness, and reached out to catch the puppet again. As a result, the puppet turned over again and escaped.

"Hopefully, such a test must be durable enough, please be sure to let me stay here until tomorrow morning!" The engineer continued with a righteous voice.

Hiss ~ It seems something is wrong? Bai Yi also thought carefully that Mia loves this thing so much that she will kiss her when she returns, and hug and sleep all night ... This guy, will it not be ...

Thinking of this, he immediately indiscriminately hit the puppet's belly with a hammer, forcibly retracting his consciousness, and after a while, he heard a series of loud wailings from the engineer: "Ahhh! Damn it! Little Mia's dear! Little Mia's uncle! Little Mia's arms! Give it back to me soon! "

This bastard! It really was the idea!