MTL - Why Did You Summon Me?-Chapter 41 .Sorry

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Well, first of all, congratulations to another new member of the Void Gentlemen Alliance being exposed. Although there are five Ventura gentleman names, are there actually five? Looking back, it turned out that the other four people were there to comfort the engineer and say something "It doesn't matter, we can wait for the next opportunity ..."

Sorry, as long as I am still there is no chance for you! Bai also proudly said that he was wearing the navy blue cape sewn for him by Miya and was going to walk around. Honestly, the craft of this cape was actually not very good, and the material was also the cheapest cloth. After all, Others made the leftovers of the curtains, and it looked very awkward and funny with his militia armor. Walking on the road inevitably attracted a lot of strange eyes, but Bai also did not care about it, and still regarded it as a Po likes it.

He didn't just wander around during this trip, but tried to see if he could find an errand in this college. His future money would definitely be more and more, and the poor excuses like yesterday can also deceive Mi. Ya once, so he needed a legitimate source of income to help cover it up.

But a soul armor can really do more than Miya, especially elite colleges such as Xiansai College, the number of soul armor is really not small, and there is no shortage of powerful men, his intermediate strength There is no advantage in appearance.

It is a good idea to go to the college's alchemy workshop to sell some special recipes. Although this kind of selling eggs and hens is a bit stupid, but there is no better option, isn't it?

So he thought about it, walking towards the main teaching area of ​​Xiansai College. The architectural layout of the college showed a ring shape, including classrooms, driving ranges, and workshops. Arranged on such an endless belt, in the middle of the ring, it is a small park full of beautiful flowers and trees, a small pond, and even promenades and huts. A place to rest.

But there are not many students in this park, but more soul spirits? At the beginning, Bai Yi was still a little surprised why there were so many soul armors in this kind of place, but immediately after thinking about it, he immediately understood that normal soul armors do not have the same distance limit as soul armors like him. They must keep a certain amount. Distance to maintain their own existence, it is no wonder that the branches of the building group are all circular, so as long as the soul armor stays in Yuanxin Park, students can do anything convenient; and once there are special circumstances, soul armor can also Quickly passed.

This layout that takes into account both aesthetics and practicality and convenience is really exquisite, so Bai Yi also planned to take a look at it, just to see how the normal soul souls pass away the boring time.

Alas, lying on the lawn and basking in the sun? Sitting by the lake? Reading an old book over and over again? How many people got together to talk about the heroic deeds of that year? Birds and cats? Bai also looked at the poor guys and almost thought that he had walked into the seniors' park.

No wonder that the boring arena is full of seats. No wonder that even the Void Walker will be attracted by the earth ’s culture. The cultural development of this world can be described with horror. It's almost rusty.

So when they found Bai Yi's weird costume approaching from a distance, they all cast doubtful glances at him, as if they had discovered something alien, and kept staring at him.

"They should be curious why I can come here without the company of Soul Armor?" Bai Ye said a little funny, casually looking for a bench to sit down, and sure enough, someone soon came to talk. ——A soul armor with legendary strength, looks a little quaint and old, giving Bai a familiar feeling.

"I'm sorry, can you chat?" The soul armor asked politely, not paying attention to Bai Yi's shabby armor and awkward cloak. After all, he was a strong man, not as superficial as those students.

But why should you apologize first? Bai is also a bit weird, but he was polite and asked him to sit down on the other side of the bench and said, "Is there anything I can do for you?"

"I'm sorry, I'm a little curious about Your Excellency ..." The soul eater continued with an apology as an opening remark, "Why can you come here without someone accompanied by the soul lord?"

"Because my strength is very weak, it will not cause any burden to the soul armor, and my soul armor is excellent, so my range of activity is slightly larger." Bai Yi said proudly.

In fact, Mia also proudly said something similar to her classmates earlier, "This is what I hope Mr. Hope bought for me in the south of the city ... Yeah, Mr. Hope's range of activities is very wide Far, it should be because he is strong and gentle, isn't it great to meet Mr. Hope ... "

Her words have naturally won the unanimous envy of the classmates, just like the old soul soul envy Bai Yi, they are such a pair of proud combination.

"Sorry, your combination is really enviable, but my soul armor is also very good and my soul is very strong. I thought I could only wait for him in the corridor." The old soul armor continued.

Alas ... with the strength of a student, a legendary soul armor can maintain such a large range of activities. It seems that his soul armor is really not easy. Bai Yi thought to himself, in fact, such a distance limitation is not entirely determined by the difference in strength between the two sides. Sometimes, if some talented people are different, or if there is a close relationship between the two, the distance will also be because of these invisibility. Contact is increased.

So many people will summon their dead relatives, friends, and even their spouses into soul armor. This will not only allow them to regain a new life, they already have enough understanding and tacit understanding with each other, and at the same time they can increase the distance limit. A good idea.

It ’s good to be far away. Otherwise, it ’s troublesome for two people to eat, sleep and go to the toilet. But then again, since your range of activity is not small, why not apologize first? what? How many words did you say after just chatting? Bai also had some helpless thoughts.

"Sorry, this is probably my habit, in fact they all call me sorry Mr." said the old soul soul a bit embarrassed, changed the topic again and asked: "I remember seeing at the previous appraisal meeting Your Excellency, your performance at that time was amazing. Was it a very powerful magician? "

Alas, it's no wonder that this guy is familiar, isn't this the one who tried to show his nirvana and fell down flat?

"It's me, my name is hope." Bai Yi first introduced himself briefly, and then looked down at the position of this guy's knee, there are some traces of repair, so he asked again: "Are you all right? ? "

"I'm sorry to make you laugh." I'm sorry Mr. first made an iconic apology, and said a bit helplessly: "The history of this armor is indeed too long. I have asked many blacksmiths to help with it, but the effect has not been good. .. and my soul armor is not particularly rich, so I have to bear it for a while. "

"This way ..." Bai Yixin still had some sympathy for this guy, so he consciously asked the artisan walker: "If I only help people repair armor, is it against our agreement? "

The artisan gave the answer after some thought: "If it is just repairing, not recasting or refitting, it is not against our agreement." He probably also knew that his persistence caused trouble to Bai, here it is Slightly compromised.

"Okay, then I'll help him, this guy is not easy." Bai Yi responded, and said to the sorry Mr. in reality: "I studied forging and repairing for a while because of my interest in my life. If you can trust me, you can find tools and materials, and I will try to help you. "

Sorry for a moment. Apparently, he didn't quite understand why a magician would be interested in blacksmiths, but he didn't ask much questions, so he replied with the mentality of trying, "Sorry, thank you first Now, I'll check it out. "

After all, he just limped to find the tools. After a while, he really came back with a wooden box? When the box was opened, there really were things like hammers and rivets.

"Sorry, this is borrowed from the maintenance workers of the college. Could you see if it works? If not enough, I'll look for it again." I'm sorry Mr. said.

This guy is not bad, and there is no legendary smelly shelf, but it is necessary to bring sorry in every sentence, it makes people cry and laugh! Bai Yi slandered silently, motioned him to sit down on the bench, and briefly examined his knees with his mental strength, and used magic to remove all the rivets nailed by the blacksmith, and then removed from the toolbox. He picked up several pieces of iron and measured the size against his knee.

Then, his fingers suddenly sprayed a high-temperature blue flame, and the selected iron piece was accurately cut into the desired shape, and it was put on the area of ​​the opponent's knee which became fragile due to aging metal. Blue flames spurted out the iron plates.

Finally, he took the hammer and matched the magic to make the final knocks and adjustments. Then he said to Mr. Sorry, "Okay, I think you should now be able to show your nirvana smoothly."