MTL - Why Did You Summon Me?-v2 Chapter 513 .Super rare gift package

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A mage's armor faced the demon surging like a solitary wave, and it seemed so lonely like a duckweed in the storm.

No one would appreciate this suicidal heroism. The army was disheartened and the defense line was on the verge of collapse. Except for the Doberman Hound, who continued to growl with hissing and exhausting, let the soldiers pick up their weapons to stabilize the defense line. Yu Li's mage has begun to consider how to survive after the city breaks.

At that moment, the mage's armor under the city wall suddenly moved. He looked indifferently at the demons coming up, raised a right hand, and whispered in his mouth, "The ants should be returned to the dust." The open hand was grasped into a fist.

After all, the black flame suddenly appeared from the surrounding air, lighting a black wall of fire in the path of the demon.

At the moment when this black wall of fire appeared, the abyss lord who was observing in the back of the Demon Army suddenly felt a terrible throbbing spread from the heart to the whole body. It had never seen such a black flame. This was not a demon. It ’s not like human ’s. Although it does n’t know what it is, the instinctual response made it issue a wise command for the whole army to retreat.

However, the demons are not good at even formations. It is impossible for them to make prohibitions. In the face of the black flames in front, some small demons also know that the skin is thick and thick. Hiding behind, and some of the larger ones flung up in spite of it, intending to use the flesh to test the power of this black flame.

Just as the Demon Walker described his fellows with low IQs: "Those low-level guys often forget the instinct to perceive danger."

Then a thrilling scene appeared, and all those demons who were aggressive and hit the black wall of fire disappeared in an instant?

The demons instantly realized that something was wrong. They rushed to the front and stopped quickly. They wanted to be far away from the black flame of the evil gate. At this time, they did not have any formation at all, let alone the pace. However, the latter rushed up regardless of it, and couldn't stop at all. Under the chaos, only the demons rushed into the black wall of fire like moths fluttering fire.

It wasn't until this big ticket that the demon was missing a little more than half, the piglet in this state of excitement was slightly relieved, and some guys with a little brain realized that something was wrong, and began to choke with devil words.

Probably shouting: "What an evil! How dark! How filthy!" Is it a common line from church members?

But the mage's armor obviously didn't want to let go of these guys who invaded his country so easily. He put out a finger casually, and stroked the devil's array like a stroke of air.

The black flame that was burning in place suddenly seemed to have life. It spontaneously surged towards the demons. At the same time, more black flames appeared from other directions, forming a huge circle, and gathered toward the middle. past.

The previously unstoppable demonic army disappeared silently as the circle of fire gradually closed. After the circle of fire received the smallest and eventually disappeared, the fragile situation was instantly reversed. This disappeared without a trace, and it never seemed to happen in general?

This is an absolutely thrilling scene, even if the defenders can't help but feel terrified and shudder after seeing this scene.

"This enemy is all annihilated, and the crisis is lifted? What terrible existence is under that armor? How did you really defeat a whole army of demons with your own power?" A mage roared immediately.

"As far as I know, with such a powerful presence of a one-man army, only our Majesty should be right. Where did this guy come from? Is he really just a country liar?"

"Do any of you know exactly what happened? What exactly is this magic? Why did the demons disappear out of thin air? Is there any unknown space magic?"

The mages of the rest of the city after the robbery suddenly quarreled. The mysterious reinforcement of the mysterious reinforcements made his mother forget the joy of celebrating this great victory.

"No! It's not disappearing!" Doton suddenly calmed down on the city head. "They were wiped out instantly, and there wasn't even ashes left, but the process was too fast and I couldn't see any more!"

"What is that black flame? Why did I just tremble when I looked at it from afar?" A mage colleague asked quickly.

"Where is the Prophet you say sacred? I have never heard of any magic that can create this black flame."

"I don't know." Doton the Hound shook his head. "I was just suddenly grateful that I was polite at first and didn't offend him."

"I feel endless darkness and evil in that black flame. This guy who pretends to be a prophet, is he really not an enemy?" Another mage began to question.

A mage cried in sorrow and distress, as if she had just been separated from her lover, "If he is really so strong, why not shoot earlier?" Then he looked down and looked down. Gu the young male body held in his arms, his face was full of perseverance and attachment

"A mage shouldn't seem to ask such a question." Duoton immediately justified the rescuer he had moved in and re-inquired: "Do you believe the fallacies of the countrymen?"

The mage shook his head quickly, denying Yagu that there was not too much entanglement on this issue, and at the same time everyone was a little farther away from the mage holding the corpse, and he had previously wiped his hands secretly

The ancient Rosser era did not have a church, an organization that can hold public opinion, and did not establish the universal value of later generations. This led to people in this era not having the distinctive concepts of righteousness and evil and the openness of their minds. The degree is even higher than later generations, and the position judgment is relatively objective, and there will not be any kind of strength to judge the good and evil of others.

Perhaps because of this, many of the magics that have been classified as forbidden arts in the future will develop and continue in this era. And this loose environment is naturally more favored by those literati, and it will give rise to the so-called Guro. There are also reasons for this feeling.

The body of the mage's armor, that is, Bai Yi naturally understands these tunes, so there will be no scruples when shooting. Since the magic that he is most accustomed to is not suitable for the current scene after losing the book of submission to the realm of the universe, he uses More powerful void powers to solve the problem!

Anyway, there is no church in this era, and the world does not know what the power of the void is. Is this not what you want? You ca n’t run an angel to punish him for this evil heresy?

After promising himself in a vague way, Bai Yi has been patiently waiting for the opponent's abyss lord to appear, until the guy with a full body of purple guys appears. He was startled, and quickly recalled some memories. The surprise changed instantly For joy, almost rushed to the front.

It's just a pity that back-to-back memories have delayed some time, so that the guy purple killed some of his own people.

According to the life experience of the well-known demon walker, the official name of that guy should be called the Terrorblade, which is an extremely rare variant of the devil. They are made from the fairly common median demon blade. The figure is closer to humans, but the power is stronger, and the intelligence has also been greatly improved. At the same time, it also has some talents that cannot be copied, such as the ability to previously create a reflection and a bigger and heavier transformation skill. These are the talents of this rare demon, which cannot be duplicated by other methods.

Because I do n’t know why this demon mutates, the blade of terror is extremely rare in the demon hometown of the endless abyss. However, once it appears, its weird talents and its good body need only a little time to grow proficient, Then you can have the power of the lord level, and gain a place in the dangerous environment of the endless abyss.

What's even more exciting for Bai is that after a period of time, this kind of horror blade will grow an organ called Xinyuan Magic Horn, which is an extremely rare and extremely powerful material, because of which Contains the essence of the power of horror blades, which can be used to create many powerful weapons and equipment, such as the abyss horn that can command the demon. If you use the horn of the abyss to build it, it will have a more powerful effect.

Or directly use it as a magic gem to make a staff. The magic power contained in it has the highest bonus to various magic and dark magic; or do nothing and use it directly as an item. As long as you can resist the erosion of its power, you can get all the power of a terrorist blade!

Therefore, how can a material that is comparable to artifact level appear in front of Bai Yi? According to his knowledge, in the long history of mankind, the magical horns of the heart abyss have only appeared three times, and each occurrence was accompanied by a series of terrible **** rains and rains, but in the end it always fell unknown. This thing is completely rare and out of print. What a loli version of the little Mia card is much more precious!

You know, no matter whether it was a demon or a lich, I really wanted to get a magical horn of the abyss for my own use. As a result, I couldn't achieve it until the exile of the void. Now, this gift package is really placed. In front of Bai Yi.

As for the horror blade in front of you, is there a Demon Horn of Abyss? He didn't worry about this. What kind of horrible sword are you?