MTL - Why Did You Summon Me?-v2 Chapter 514 This is the correct user experience

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After Bai also took the shot and cleared all the irrelevant demons in one breath, the biggest goal of this trip, the Terrorblade Blade Gift Pack has disappeared into the rift of the plane as a result, and it has been easily alienated into this, and in various evil forces His Majesty's horrific blade grew up, it was far more alert and cunning than ordinary demons. After seeing the cruel and brutal methods on the opposite side, his strength was incalculable, and he immediately chose to leave his army and escaped alone. .

However, it has made a fatal mistake. In the face of Bai Yi, who understands the rules of space and has a small section of proprietary space rules, he wants to use the spatial structure of plane fractures to escape. Bai Yi directly cut off the connection with the endless abyss early, completely blocked its retreat, and then docked it with a small space under his full control, turning the crack into a small space portal to set up this deadly trap.

The horrifying blade of panic did not expect someone to be so insidious, turning the rift of the plane into a life-threatening trap, and just pierced into it.

Then I heard a scream of wailing faintly in the fissure that could not transmit the sound at all. The terror blade trapped in the fissure completely turned into a lamb to be slaughtered without resistance, and the surging power was completely useless. When it came out, it was compressed by Bai Yi, and it was crushed into a mess.

In fact, if it chooses to fight with Bai Yi outside, it can at least resist it, and it won't die so badly

Bai Yi calmly walked over, stretched his hand into the crevice for a while, and finally took out a **** demon horn.

"Is this the heart of the abyss? Is this the first time I saw the real thing?" Bai Yi erased the remaining meat foam and tried it out with a little mental force, and felt a huge demon force inside. Even if this power is directly used without processing, it can instantly raise the strength of an ordinary person to the peak of immortality.

However, among these evil powers, a consciousness is still quietly hidden. If nothing unexpected happens, it should be that the horrifying blade actively gave up ** and hid the consciousness into the magic horns of the abyss, as long as the consciousness can be preserved, Behind the scenes can be revived by means of rebirth and other means.

This method of concealing consciousness is extremely ingenious and very concealed. It is easy to meet people who do not know how to do it. In fact, almost all the magical horns of the abyss that have appeared in human history have experienced various accidents. The owner of the magic horn will always be controlled by this well-hidden consciousness, and become a substitute for the terror blade. It will be a mischief everywhere, until it is thoroughly purified by the church together with the evil power, and it will become a residue with the magic horn. .

Therefore, although this thing is powerful and rare, it must not be used rashly. Even ordinary people start with it, it is a disaster. The key is that this consciousness hidden in the evil power is completely integrated with the evil power. It is extremely difficult to remove. If you want to use the evil power in it, you will not be able to completely remove it, or it will not be used at all, but how many people can resist the temptation of this powerful force?

But this time, this horror blade is facing Bai Yi who is very familiar with this method. After receiving the knowledge of Demon Walker, he knows what these cunning guys can do and knows how to deal with it, so he doesn't Say more, extend your consciousness directly into the magical horns of the abyss, and do the same thing as those idiots trying to control the power of the magic horns.

Hum ~ The idiot who seeks for power hides in the magic horns and sneers. He immediately mobilizes and invades the consciousness extended to Bai Yi. As long as the other party's consciousness is not strong enough, he can control the other party's consciousness instantly; even the other party His consciousness is relatively strong, and he can do nothing for a while. He can also use it to erode the soul of the opponent when he uses the magic horn power until it is completely in control. At that time, he can be reborn.

However, this terror blade has completely picked the opponent. Although its consciousness has been extended, it tries to erode the opponent and successfully occupy a place. It seems that it has completed the counter-kill? Haven't waited for it to be happy, but suddenly realized that this part of the consciousness that they had occupied seemed only a small part?

It doesn't matter, as long as it can be hidden in the opponent's consciousness, and then slowly eroded, it will be a good terror blade, but its wishful thinking has just been completed, but it was found that the previous consciousness was absent from the mind. Yuan Demon Horn, its consciousness was too late to react, and was drawn out along with it, temporarily separated from the evil power it had accumulated.

"You can step on the same trap twice, this IQ can even become the Lord of the Abyss." A grand and empty voice sounded abruptly in the consciousness of the blade of terror.

"What? What the **** happened? Where am I?" The terrified sharp blade in his heart suddenly asked a question of philosophical connotation.

Bai Yi didn't want to answer its questions, but directly used all the consciousness in this armor, just like Taishan crushed the consciousness of the blade of terror, and a series of screams came from the depth of his consciousness a moment later. The screams disappeared, and the consciousness of the terror blade was thoroughly crushed into powder.

But the part of the soul it used to carry the consciousness was kept intact. This part of the soul carried the consciousness and poured into Bai Yi's soul. Now it has become a blank soul without consciousness, like A formatted blank USB flash drive in general.

This is a new method developed by the Lich after the last time he dealt with the soul of the Hokuriku strong. Because the soul is still in the opponent's body, forcibly erasing the consciousness will cause the soul to be broken together and become a party. Not very useful pieces.

It's like smashing a glass bottle with a sledgehammer. Smashing it out of thin air will surely break it into a place, and you won't be able to fight it together. If the bottle is shattered, although the bottle will still break, it will still maintain the original complete shape after being broken.

This is the fact that after the advent of the Lich, Bai Yi found that both his soul and consciousness are extremely tough. The soul erosion and conscious interference caused by the fusion of two souls are very difficult for ordinary people. For him, But it is not a threat enough, so he can speak of his soul as clay wrapped in a bottle, using a new routine designed by the Lich.

After all, this is a powerful soul that forcibly develops a pure land in a terrible place such as the void, and its strength is not attributable to common sense, and only he can play this incredible pattern in this world.

"The Lich's brain is still big. I thought it was just a delusion of it before. I couldn't encounter the stupid voluntarily sending my soul to me, but I did not expect that this method really worked." Bai Yi observed The extra part of the blank soul in his consciousness said secretly.

I was just thinking about getting a rare Fractal Horn of Heart Abyss. I didn't think that this gift package was so generous. After sending a lot of evil power, I also included a blank soul with it, although the strength and capacity compared to that from The soul of the Hokuriku strong is a little worse, but after all, it is an unexpected gain. After returning to the correct time, he can let more followers come, or let other followers have more Strong power.

"Since they are so generous, are there any more gains?" Bai Yi muttered in a low voice, and stretched his hands into the cracks of the plane. After the internal small space was compressed by him to the limit, probably one The handbag was the size of which was filled with the dreaded minced meat of the horrible blade **, which was clearly such a disgusting space, but his hands were agitated inside.

This scene made the soldiers and mages on the city wall who had been observing the battle very puzzled. This powerful and mysterious mage solved the enemy's demon legion as soon as he shot, and they were shocked to heaven for a while. His Majesty arrived, but unfortunately let go of the abyss lord who threatened him the most. If he could kill that guy, would the victory tonight be added to it?

The mysterious mage also seemed to be very sorry about it. He was unwilling to put his hand into the crevice of the plane. It seemed that he wanted to grab the abyss lord who had run away with his bare hands? Doton and other mages would like to remind him to give up this meaningless move, and the goal that entered the crevice is definitely not captured, and it is dangerous to stretch out his hand to catch it?

It was just because of the thunder means he had previously shown, and the mystery built up for him by Doton's jealousy that no one dared to come forward to talk.

After a while, all the people saw Bai Yi withdrew his hand, but they couldn't see that Bai Yi had a slimy eye in his palm and looked at the unusually disgusting eyes.

"This seems to be the eye of Scarlett, right? How dare you come up naked without ice?" He muttered secretly.

This so-called Eye of Scarlett is a kind of demon eye called Scardie Ice Demon. This is also a very rare alienated demon. It is weird from ordinary eyeballs. Its eyeballs are also a very precious material. , Which contains a very strong frost magic, which can make the holder's attack with a frozen effect, it is a natural magic prop.

Unfortunately, this thing is not very useful for Bai, but it can be used for Xiao Miya. Anyway, she is also good at water ice magic, which can provide a very high bonus.

"Generally speaking, the harvest is good? After so long to come back, I finally have the user experience that I should have in space and time." Bai Yi thought about it and was very satisfied.