MTL - Why Did You Summon Me?-v2 Chapter 516 .parting

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When Bai Yi had a simple negotiation with Captain Eguis, Xiao Miya also had a simple negotiation with her little friend in the next room. Because of the too many wounded, Lulu's parents are still helping with the military camp. The wounded soldiers did not return in time, and there were only Lulu and Mia in the room. .

At this time, Luluwang's eyes towards Miya were a bit complicated, with surprise, curiosity, longing, and a trace of complaints, and Miya probably knew what the feelings of her friends were, and immediately decided to start the pot, "It's me Dad, tell me not to reveal my identity as a mage "

"So am I a country girl, and become a friend of a noble mage master?" Lulu asked hesitantly, looking inferior.

Mia hurried over, hugged Lulu gently, and whispered in her ear, "you are my friend anyway", and took out a kitten from the storage bag. The puppet, shoved into Lulu's hands, and continued, "I will leave for a while, if you are willing to accept my friend, leave it with me"

Lulu picked up the kitten puppet. This thing doesn't look very new, or even a bit old. It is not as good as a hammerhead shark puppet in terms of materials or sewing methods, and naturally there is no furry back. The back and snow-white belly are rather humble.

"I did it myself," Miya explained, explaining that the kitten puppet was actually the kitten purse she used to save money, and she had a lot of money behind her, so you do n’t need to save money so carefully. It was no longer necessary, but she was not willing to throw it, but she did it herself. With the help of Atti and others, she sewed the purse into a puppet and kept it with her.

Compared to the hammerhead shark puppet that has quietly evolved into a terrifying killer, this kitten puppet is too ordinary and ordinary, and has no unique features. It is just cute, but Miya is the same. Cherish it very much, it seems that it is because of the good memories of his childhood?

After clearing the origin of the kitten puppet, Lulu was also a little moved, knowing that this thing was very valuable to Mia, so he quickly asked, "Can we meet again in the future?"

"If it is full of hope, I think it's okay?" Miya replied ambiguously and said, she took the initiative to slap Lulu's face, and at that moment, Bai Yi's came from the next room. call.

Mia finally smiled at Lulu and turned and left. Although she didn't say too much, just before she came over, Bai Yi had probably told her the succession plan. They were about to go to the imperial city. I've seen the emperor, but it would be very difficult to see Lulu again after that?

After all, Miya is a high-ranking mage, the most beloved of the next emperor and the future incumbent emperor, and Lulu, who is only a small village aunt, has a gulf-like identity, not to mention white. As a princess, I don't agree with her too much contact with Lulu. The previous ones are probably the limits of tolerance.

Seeing the little daughter returned to the room with sorrow, Bai Yi said with relief: "After all, we are passers-by of this era."

"Yes, I understand," Miya whispered, and then asked a little unwillingly: "You said that Lulu would later become the emperor's wife, then."

"That's why I don't want you to have too much contact." Bai Ye said reluctantly, and then recalled a little, then said: "And certainly not now, I vaguely remember that she became a princess very late, then Her parents have become the nation's premier medicinal drug dealer, so she has the opportunity to meet your emperor and grandpa. "

"Oh," Mia whispered, her mood was a little complicated. By that time, she should have left this era, right? Being able to avoid some embarrassing scenes also meant that it was difficult for her to meet Lulu again.

"Okay, adjust your mood, pack up, dress up, and we should see your emperor and grandpa soon." Bai Yi continued.

The reason why he previously hinted at the Book of Submission of All Realms and deliberately created a suspicion for himself is to allow the current emperor to summon himself as soon as possible, otherwise he will be a rural **** stick of unknown origin, even if he shows extraordinary power outside the city , But there is no way to be called so soon, after all, the emperor is very busy.

After deliberately revealing the flaws, based on his understanding of the magician, with his extremely self-confident and even arrogant mentality, he would definitely not worry about it so much, and he would definitely face him. Then he would combine the tricks of the deceiver with tricks and tricks. Come out a set of lies to fool the emperor, shouldn't it be a problem? It ’s just that this lie needs to be very careful. Do n’t look at the magician being fooled by Mia and Artie in his old age, but he was willing to be fooled. In fact, he knew it well, not to mention It is now in its prime, the wise and powerful emperor, there must be a considerable risk of cheating.

This is definitely a severe test of the tricks of the deceiver.

Soon, in the evening of this day, Captain Eguis returned and returned. He still came alone, and he did not even wear the mage's armor. Instead, he changed into a rather expensive dress and dressed up. He had to appear in front of Bai Yi like an emissary.

Does this guy have such an iron head? Do n’t you really fear me? Bai Yi looked at Captain Eguis with a calm and calm face, and couldn't help feeling a little puzzled. In theory, the emperor sent him back so quickly. He must have noticed something wrong, and it turned out to be the same. Come here carelessly? Really afraid of death?

Captain Eguis seemed to have guessed Bai Yi's thoughts, and before he asked, he took the initiative to explain: "Your Majesty said that a strong man who dared to go to the palace to meet him would not act on such a role as me of."

Alas, the old guy in his youth was really frank, Bai Yi slandered, this is called the little Mia who has been dressed up. At this time, the little guy has changed to the kind that Russell often uses. The robe was just full of all kinds of jewellery and gemstones on his head, and it looked pearly and precious for a while, and the captain Eguis couldn't help but be frightened, and said half-jokingly: "Your daughter looks It really looks like a princess. "

She was just okay, Bai Yifu slandered a word, but did not speak, but motioned Xiao Miya to put her arms on, and the two of them walked out of the hotel together. They saw a whole group of guard mages standing upright outside. They were like guards of honor. Standing on both sides of the road, a horse-drawn carriage was guarded in the middle, and there was no set of horses, which attracted the surrounding passersby to stop and watch, some curious and surprised whispered.

The old guy in his youth has always been full in this respect. Even if he is suspected to be the culprit, he has arranged a rather high-level pomp, but it is surprising that the hound Doton is also among them. ? Seems to be a guest too? However, such a battle was a bit severe for the young Doton, who seemed quite tense and didn't even dare to breathe to relieve it.

"He performed well last night, and successfully pulled in your help to lift the crisis in the city of high mountains. His Majesty also plans to see him by the way." Captain Eguis explained.

Perhaps there is also a consideration of Doton as a party in this? Bai also didn't say much. He maintained that arrogant look and got into the carriage, and Duoton followed nervously, sitting opposite him, looking down at his toes, not knowing what to think in his mind What, obviously there is a picturesque little Mia across from it, but I dare not look up.

After all the guests got on the carriage, the carriage did not start, but the mages who had previously served as the ceremonial staff team were scattered into an array and began to perform a large range of space transfer magic. This is actually the predecessor of the long-range teleportation array of the later wizard association The rudiment is that the later generations saved manpower with various materials and more delicate arrangements. However, this era is limited by resource issues. There is no way to spread the transport array more conveniently than the aircraft high-speed rail like the later generations, and the emperor can use those. Rare resources can enjoy a fixed teleportation array, other idlers, etc., still have to cast their own, or set up a living human teleportation array like this.

After receiving the news of the siege of the Alpine City, Captain Eguis came over to see it, and was sent away by the Alpine City's mage. Although it was a little troublesome, the benefits were very compelling. The show was full, and the crowd of onlookers screamed with excitement.

Lulu was also among them. She was holding her kitten puppet sent by Mia tightly in her hand, and stood by the bed watching her friend leave in such an unimaginable way, somehow sad.

Mia is more heartless and heartless. She will be immersed in the excitement of meeting the emperor grandfather when she is young. She even rebelliously wonders whether she should defy Bai Yi once and tell the emperor the situation secretly. grandfather? Otherwise, letting yourself get along with the emperor and grandfather as a stranger, and telling lies that are not good at it will not only make her feel very uncomfortable, but also easily expose her feet, causing more trouble and problems.

But after all, she didn't dare to make such a decision. When she was still tangled and hesitant, the transmission was over. The carriage without a horse came to the outside of the imperial city. Several guard mages on horses came around and gave the carriage Put on two batches of tall horses, hurriedly headed towards the imperial palace which seemed rather simple in the future.