MTL - Why Did You Summon Me?-v2 Chapter 515 .Simple and straightforward requirements

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Tonight, Takayama City is bound to have two legends.

One is a mysterious strong man who claims to be a prophet. He stood up in times of crisis, turned the tide, lightly wiped out the invincible enemies, saved the city of mountains and rivers from the fire and fire; the other was called the purple elf by people here. Beautiful girl, she walks lightly and even beautifully, rescues the wounded everywhere, and has helped countless people in need.

It was not until the day was about to dawn that Xiao Miya, who did not know that she had been given a new title, dragged her tired body, returned Lulu to the hotel with the same faltering steps, and settled Lulu simply. Later, Mia returned to her room, watching Bai Yi who was waiting for her, barely extruding a listless smile, and then she straightened into Bai Yi's arms, muttering in a low voice: "Daddy Mia is so tired "It's just like that, I snuggled and slept in Bai Yihuai."

Bai Yi didn't say anything, he just touched her head lightly, lifted her tender body, carefully put it back on the bed, took off the high heels on her feet, and put the black stockings on her legs little by little Take it off slowly, and then remove the belts, headwear and other jewelry, wipe her face with a hot towel, and finally wrap her into a silkworm baby with a blanket before whispering, "Good night, Miya. "

After that, Bai Yi went out and walked around alone, probably knowing what happened last night. The little guy did not sit idle after following the instructions and using the Super Artifact Hammerhead Shark Puppet to completely destroy the demons in the city, but East Going west, here to help save people, there to help fight the fire, so busy working all night, until it was too tired after dawn, and then returned to the hotel to rest.

It didn't surprise him that Xiao Miya would do it this way. This little guy has loved helping others since he was a kid, but Lulu's performance has made him a little bit of experience. Can he still stick with his peers? According to his guess, after seeing such a stimulating scene last night, this ordinary little aunt should be so frightened or even mentally disturbed? Nothing but crying can't do anything, right? The results were surprisingly good? I ca n’t help but feel that she is a woman whom my teacher can admire.

In order to let Miya, who had been busy all night, take a good rest, Bai Yi declined the first visit of Hound Doden. This guy actually didn't close his eyes all night. After winning the battle, he has been busy cleaning up the battlefield and other chores. , Finally managed to get out, and hurried to come to find Bai Yi, should you want to thank? In the end, I ate behind closed doors, which was a bit pitiful.

Until noon, Legion Lawrence, Captain Fern, and Hound Doden visited with the rest of the mage legions, considering that this was already the highest specification lineup in Alpine City, Bai Yi put on a pair. Reluctantly, they were met in the lobby on the first floor of the hotel.

It ’s just that the scene is inevitably cold and awkward. Regardless of whether it is a high-ranking army commander or an ordinary mage, when facing Bai Yishi, he can't help but think of his terrible picture of instantly killing the demon legion last night. They were kind and respectful, and the eyes of Xiang Baiyi were full of the awe of the effect he was trying to create.

Bai Yi himself will not speak at will. After all, he plays a mysterious and powerful role with the title of prophet. This type is always silent and jealous, and he does not take the initiative to speak, and other people are afraid to open it. Topics, scenes seem a little awkward, only compliments and praises that have little nutrition.

When the atmosphere was similar, Bai Yi said, "I want to meet your Majesty, and I can solve his problems."

After all, his fingers drew a box in the air very casually, as if it was implying something, others did not quite understand the meaning, but the look of the head of the legion Lawrence suddenly changed.

With only such a sentence left, Bai Yi turned upstairs. He turned a deaf ear to the invitations to dinner and talks offered by the other party. He didn't care about their thoughts and difficulties, so he went back to his room to see his young. The daughter's lovely sleeping face went.

As a result, these high-level empires who are high above the sky and high above the sky usually face such high-profile attitudes with high toes and high toes, but they dare not even breed resentment, and even dare not talk about it. After leaving the hotel distantly, Only then did the discussion begin.

"This Prophet is really weird? But his strength is unquestionable. Just sitting there, the sense of oppression that made me almost choked me."

"I feel the same way, but I don't know why, I always think he is not a bad guy, and even give me the illusion of speaking well?"

"That's natural, otherwise I won't wait for the centurion to make a request at will, and promise to help, right? As far as I know, such a mysterious and powerful figure is very arrogant, this prophet is quite kind. Good kind. "

"But why does he claim to be a prophet? Such an extraordinary strength, coupled with the title of such a rural **** stick, is a bit unintelligible."

Compared to the casualness and relaxation of these ordinary mages, the expressions of Legionnaire Lawrence and Captain Fein are more dignified, especially the words said by the other party seem to be just a very ordinary request, and also in the authority of Lawrence Within the scope, wanting to take a guy from unknown sources to face saint is by no means as simple as imagined, especially in the current situation, it is even more difficult for him.

As the highest military commander of the Alpine City, Lawrence knew more or less what, although not so clear, but also knew that the emperor's troubles were related to the Book of Submission of All Realms. This must be a shocking event, and it is still in absolute secrecy. The state, the prophet was able to learn about this top secret, and even hinted at the Book of Surrender of All Realms, which is very abnormal. If he is not a true prophet, then it must be related to this matter. If the strength of the other party is not taken into account, He might order a detention on the spot.

"Is it difficult to do?" The captain on the side asked in a low voice, he knew a little less than the regimental commander. He only knew why the emperor was bothering about things, and he didn't know the book of subjection to the world.

"You know, since the news of His Majesty's anxiety over something has spread, there have been some rumors spreading everywhere, and many people want to touch the fish in troubled waters, take the opportunity to approach His Majesty, and the number of suspicious characters around the Imperial City has increased. In this case, let this horrible guy meet his Majesty, I really dare not take such a risk, but if I refuse his request directly, I am worried that it will cause trouble. "The chief of the army murmured.

At this time, a relative went quickly and reported to him: "Captain Egues of the Guards Corps is here and is waiting for you in the lobby."

Hearing this news, the head of the regiment suddenly showed a happy look. At this time, it was too stupid to talk about dumping this hot potato to the Guardian Mage, so he hurried back to the barracks and saw this once Captain who has had a side with Bai.

In the afternoon, Captain Eguis, who had figured out the situation, went to the hotel and found Bai Yi.

When he came over, Xiao Miya was awake, and now she was chatting with Lulu in the next room. Should she be explaining what happened last night? Bai also had no intention of eavesdropping. Instead, Captain Eguis entered the room with generosity. He was kind to his ancestor of his eldest daughter and would not treat the others as indifferently.

Before coming here, Eguis was repeatedly told by the legion leader, Lawrence, that this person was extremely powerful and very suspicious. Be careful, but he still refused to bring people together, and insisted on coming alone, showing courage.

"I didn't expect to meet again so soon." Captain Egues said with a playful smile on his face, and said, "More unexpectedly, your strength will be so powerful that the whole Alpine Legion will be trembling for it. When I met, I didn't even notice it. "

"I didn't intend to intervene in the world, but my eyes saw a terrible future." Bai Yishen replied without too much explanation, but directly asked: "Take me to see your Majesty."

"I will inform His Majesty of the situation, but who he wants to see, no one can decide." Captain Egues replied earnestly, and at the same time carefully looked at Bai Yi with some kind of eyes on the prisoner, adding: I would advise Your Majesty to refuse, and it would be very dangerous for a powerful figure like you to go to the capital. "

"Trust me, I'm the only person in the world who won't hurt him." Bai Yi also answered seriously.

In this way, Captain Eguis left, and there was not much conversation between the two, and there were no meaningless inquiries. As the captain said, this judgment must be passed to the emperor.

So he returned to the emperor's capital as quickly as possible, and reported the matter to the emperor who was in a daze in the study.

"Bring him over," the emperor replied almost without thinking.

"But Your Majesty, this person is likely to be the culprit." Captain Egues replied with some concern. "And according to the report from the Alpine Legion, his strength is far beyond the scope of common sense."

"I know." The emperor said calmly, "Because he is likely to be the guy who subscribes to the Book of Submission of Wanjie, I have to meet him in person. Such enemies naturally need me to face them."

Seeing that the emperor had already made a decision, Captain Egues could only sigh, knowing that it was useless to say more, but he was still relatively optimistic: Maybe he was a true prophet? Maybe I learned about it through other channels?

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