MTL - Why Did You Summon Me?-v2 Chapter 524 . Bad news?

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The apprentices who were still taunted before became suddenly respectful and humble. This change has impacted other mages even more than the tea juggling before, because they did not see Bai Yi exerting his means or forcibly. Show strength to suppress this apprentice, just let him look at the tea in the cup, and he instantly became personal? When will changing one's mind be so easy?

Several mages looked down at the tea cups in their hands and found nothing strange, so they focused on the apprentice and wanted to know what he saw. .

"I saw this world!" The apprentice said with a little excitement, and then told everyone about his previous experience in an impassioned tone. In the past few minutes, he felt like he was incarnation of a god. Looking down at this world, the line of sight starts from the garden at the foot and gradually rises, gradually covering the entire empire, even the entire plane, until it transcends the plane, and sees the entire world composed of large and small planes.

If it is simply described in the way of the earth, it is a series of ever-expanding perspective shots that gradually expand from the earth to the solar system, the galaxy, and the universe, thereby showing the smallness of humankind and the grandeur of the universe. This method is used in science and education films and science fiction films. It ’s a common sight here, and it ’s nothing to Earth people, but for the ancient Rosses of this era, especially for apprentices who have n’t established enough knowledge about the world, the sensory impact it brings ca n’t be overstated. strong.

"I feel the magnificence of the world and my own smallness. Please allow me to apologize for my self-respect." The apprentice bowed to Bai Yi again, and then obediently returned to his seat and stopped talking. He closed his eyes silently, quietly recollecting the previous visual impact.

"Illusion?" The apprentice's teacher, the respected Master Anel, whispered.

"It's just a little trick," Bai also admitted calmly.

Illusion has been invented in the ancient Rosser era, and it has accumulated a certain amount, but it is naturally much rougher than later generations, and the method of application is relatively simple. The key is that some mages have gingerened their ideas and their ideas are old. The reason is that I sneer at illusions, thinking that this is the way to go, and that it is difficult to reach the halls of elegance, such a view occupies the mainstream in the academic circle.

Such an out-of-the-ordinary trick should not have entered such a high-level and high-level seminar, so when everyone heard that Bai Yi had performed an illusion in front of an apprentice, some people inevitably whispered.

In the end, however, Master Anel disagreed, helping Bai Yi to argue: "There is no right or wrong in strength and skill itself. The key lies in the way it is used. His Royal Highness used illusions and taught me a very delicate method. The stubborn disciples are far better than the rebuke of speech. "

"Moreover, I can't see any sequelae of illusion in this child, and his thinking and spirit are quite stable." Master Anel continued.

Illusions in this era are not clever. In many cases, they must rely on mental shock and other methods to interfere with the thinking of the other party to work. The sequelae and flaws are quite obvious. They are not as sophisticated as the illusions developed by the deceiver. Not so flexible.

Like the illusion performed by Bai Yi just now, it is actually the latest illusion developed jointly by nightmare and merchants after the false advent of the deceiver, which was named real dreamland by him. This illusion completely gives up mental interference and other means. Instead, with the tricks of the nightmare and the psychological perception of the merchants, they go to great lengths to create the most authentic sensory experience, which can be regarded as a new development direction of illusion.

It's just that the original intention of this illusion development was to allow business school students to better sell their products, such as hand-crafted works acquired from several silver coins from the Artisan College, and then find an injustice and show him a section of himself wearing this This kind of hand training armor or the cool and heroic posture that swept through the thousands of troops after taking the hands of training weapons made Fat Sheep willingly take out dozens of gold coins to buy this kind of waste.

This kind of trick that is basically equivalent to scams is very common in business schools. Because there is a painter who likes to dig into the air to work as a consultant, and various laws and regulations ca n’t control them, other college students are often shy, and even Families also have to rack their brains for the high tuition fees. Only business school students get richer, and the tuition is nothing, and there is even spare money to draw cards for entertainment.

Or to return to the topic, after the apprentice has been smoothed with the latest sharp illusion, there will no longer be any discordant notes in the field. The method of dialogue of the masters is even more convincing, and the atmosphere he wants to create can be realized.

The following is a relatively boring and boring academic discussion session, but because everyone is meeting for the first time today, Bai also did not think of any substantive problems that can be solved, but simply throws out the topics that he wants. Regarding time; one is about the ascension law, and then just added some guidance for the mages to discuss on their own, a bit of academic research in university.

And these two novel topics are undoubtedly full of temptation to the mages, no matter how unpredictable but irresistible time; or the large-scale plane channel matrix that has never been seen before, the mages have generated strong curiosity Even if Bai does n’t speak much anymore, he just concentrates on playing with Xiao Mia. The enthusiastic masters will discuss and research on their own.

However, this complex subject is obviously not a matter of discussing the results in a few words. When it is time for a meal, Bai Yi interrupts the discussion and hopes that everyone will go home and study for a while. Discuss together.

The mages agreed that they left after choosing a subject to be studied next. According to Bai Yi's preliminary estimate, there are obviously more people who choose the time subject than those who choose the ascension law. This is more interesting. It's more esoteric and obscure. It's better that the Ascension Circle has better results. As a result, these guys have chosen a more difficult direction?

"Well, we have to work harder to get home as soon as possible." Bai Yi patted Miya's head and signaled that she should go.

As a result, Mia shook her head, shook off his hand, and said in a begging tone, "Wu Hope, I want to see Lulu?"

"This thing" Bai Yi also felt a little bit embarrassed for a while. Although Lulu's identity in the future is similar to that of the two, but now she is a small village aunt, which is a bit difficult to handle, not to say that Bai is too much. Class consciousness, but this society has such a clear distinction between superior and inferior because of its limitations.

At that time Mia may still use Lulu as a sister, but Lulu dare to be this sister?

"Don't worry, Lulu isn't such a person." Miya quickly took Bai Yi's arm and continued to begged.

This little guy, isn't he trying to get away with academic research? There was a sudden thought in Bai Yi's heart, and when he was about to say something, a guard attendant suddenly ran to him, handed an envelope, and said sharply, "His Royal Highness, the border is urgent!"

"What ?!" Bai Yi was startled, took the envelope quickly, and froze as he was about to open it, and asked, "Wait a second, why not give me?"

Alas, this faint jun, because the artists arrived, so he handed these things to me? What about the courage and courage that led the team to assault Cunningham? Has it all disappeared?

"Uh, Your Majesty already knows it, he asked me to pass it on," Wei Wei whispered, "Your Majesty, please make a decision before you talk to him." The Guard said, as if afraid of Bai Yi suddenly Fa Biao burned himself and turned away.

Bai Yi helplessly turned on the emergency power. After consulting it, he couldn't help but make a frowning motion, whispering and Miya said: "Several border towns have been attacked by demons."

"That" Miya suddenly expressed a worried expression.

Bai Yiyi nodded helplessly and said heavily: "The small town we have stayed in before has also been attacked. At present, the specific casualty statistics have not yet come out. The border garrison has begun to organize forces to search and rescue and clear the enemy."

Suddenly, Mia had lost her soul and sat down. Bai Yi quickly grabbed her by the arm and forced her to stand. She continued, "Calm down, there is a good chance that she won't be in trouble. There is also a place for her in history, and such incidents of demons attacking border towns often occur in history, and she can survive it, and this time should be no exception. "

"But haven't you said that our intervention might have an impact on history? Wouldn't it?" Xiao Miya stood reluctantly and asked in a crying voice.

啧 That's why I object to you running into contact with her! And why did you never think of my warning when you mixed the orange gas in the orange before? Bai Yi was slandered in his heart, but looking at the little guy in front of his eyes, tears twitched in his eyes, and his little nose drew, just like a pitiful look like you taught me to cry to you, he thought It's hard to say the words.

"In short, calm down first." Bai Yi said, casting a calming magic by hand, forcibly controlling Miya's emotions, and then continued: "For the better, she is likely to stay in now Takayama City, because her parents have been dealing with the containment of the wounded, but that is a time-consuming task, often waiting for the wounded to stabilize, we only separated for two weeks, they should not have time to pull back to return. "